blob: 5a796d82c3639d581d04f88e65d00699631fe550 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'shared_stdin.dart';
/// A high-level abstraction around using and managing processes on the system.
abstract class ProcessManager {
/// Terminates the global `stdin` listener, making future listens impossible.
/// This method should be invoked only at the _end_ of a program's execution.
static Future<Null> terminateStdIn() async {
await sharedStdIn.terminate();
/// Create a new instance of [ProcessManager] for the current platform.
/// May manually specify whether the current platform [isWindows], otherwise
/// this is derived from the Dart runtime (i.e. [io.Platform.isWindows]).
factory ProcessManager({
Stream<List<int>> stdin,
io.IOSink stdout,
io.IOSink stderr,
bool isWindows,
}) {
stdin ??= sharedStdIn;
stdout ??= io.stdout;
stderr ??= io.stderr;
isWindows ??= io.Platform.isWindows;
if (isWindows) {
return new _WindowsProcessManager(stdin, stdout, stderr);
return new _UnixProcessManager(stdin, stdout, stderr);
final Stream<List<int>> _stdin;
final io.IOSink _stdout;
final io.IOSink _stderr;
const ProcessManager._(this._stdin, this._stdout, this._stderr);
/// Spawns a process by invoking [executable] with [arguments].
/// This is _similar_ to [io.Process.start], but all standard input and output
/// is forwarded/routed between the process and the host, similar to how a
/// shell script works.
/// Returns a future that completes with a handle to the spawned process.
Future<io.Process> spawn(
String executable,
Iterable<String> arguments,
) async {
final process = io.Process.start(executable, arguments.toList());
return new _ForwardingSpawn(await process, _stdin, _stdout, _stderr);
/// Spawns a process by invoking [executable] with [arguments].
/// This is _similar_ to [io.Process.start], but `stdout` and `stderr` is
/// forwarded/routed between the process and host, similar to how a shell
/// script works.
/// Returns a future that completes with a handle to the spawned process.
Future<io.Process> spawnBackground(
String executable,
Iterable<String> arguments,
) async {
final process = io.Process.start(executable, arguments.toList());
return new _ForwardingSpawn(
await process,
const Stream.empty(),
/// Spawns a process by invoking [executable] with [arguments].
/// This is _identical to [io.Process.start] (no forwarding of I/O).
/// Returns a future that completes with a handle to the spawned process.
Future<io.Process> spawnDetached(
String executable,
Iterable<String> arguments,
) async {
return io.Process.start(executable, arguments.toList());
/// A process instance created and managed through [ProcessManager].
/// Unlike one created directly by [io.Process.start] or [], a
/// spawned process works more like executing a command in a shell script.
class Spawn implements io.Process {
final io.Process _delegate;
Spawn._(this._delegate) {
_delegate.exitCode.then((_) => _onClosed());
void _onClosed() {}
bool kill([io.ProcessSignal signal = io.ProcessSignal.SIGTERM]) =>
Future<int> get exitCode => _delegate.exitCode;
int get pid =>;
Stream<List<int>> get stderr => _delegate.stderr;
io.IOSink get stdin => _delegate.stdin;
Stream<List<int>> get stdout => _delegate.stdout;
/// Forwards `stdin`/`stdout`/`stderr` to/from the host.
class _ForwardingSpawn extends Spawn {
final StreamSubscription _stdInSub;
final StreamSubscription _stdOutSub;
final StreamSubscription _stdErrSub;
final StreamController<List<int>> _stdOut;
final StreamController<List<int>> _stdErr;
factory _ForwardingSpawn(
io.Process delegate,
Stream<List<int>> stdin,
io.IOSink stdout,
io.IOSink stderr,
) {
final stdoutSelf = new StreamController<List<int>>();
final stderrSelf = new StreamController<List<int>>();
final stdInSub = stdin.listen(delegate.stdin.add);
final stdOutSub = delegate.stdout.listen((event) {
final stdErrSub = delegate.stderr.listen((event) {
return new _ForwardingSpawn._delegate(
io.Process delegate,
: super._(delegate);
void _onClosed() {
Stream<List<int>> get stdout =>;
Stream<List<int>> get stderr =>;
class _UnixProcessManager extends ProcessManager {
const _UnixProcessManager(
Stream<List<int>> stdin,
io.IOSink stdout,
io.IOSink stderr,
: super._(
class _WindowsProcessManager extends ProcessManager {
const _WindowsProcessManager(
Stream<List<int>> stdin,
io.IOSink stdout,
io.IOSink stderr,
: super._(