Removing "Filing an issue" from CONTRIBUTING

Removing "Filing an issue" section from because it is duplicated in which everyone should see when filing bugs and can/does get our of sync with the actual template.
diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/
index 3b4bd41..40a1f05 100644
--- a/.github/
+++ b/.github/
@@ -8,26 +8,8 @@
-## Filing an issue
-Please run the commands below in your and include it in the issue:
-1. sw_vers -productVersion
-2. ios-deploy -V
-3. xcodebuild -version
-4. xcode-select --print-path
-5. gcc --version
-6. lldb --version
-Also include **command line arguments** you used for ios-deploy.
-Don't forget to check out the [El Capitan]( section of the [README]( before filing that issue!
 ## Sending a Pull Request
 Please **create a topic branch** for your issue before submitting your pull request. You will be asked to re-submit if your pull request contains unrelated commits.
-Please elaborate regarding the problem the pull request is supposed to solve, and perhaps also link to any relevant issues the pull request is trying to fix.
\ No newline at end of file
+Please elaborate regarding the problem the pull request is supposed to solve, and perhaps also link to any relevant issues the pull request is trying to fix.