blob: 9856f46c639742b66b6a624a1a2fc848440bd21a [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "cstr.h"
#define EXPFACTOR 2 /* Minimum expansion factor */
#define MINSIZE 4 /* Absolute minimum - one word */
static char cstr_empty_string[] = { '\0' };
static cstr_allocator * default_alloc = NULL;
* It is assumed, for efficiency, that it is okay to pass more arguments
* to a function than are called for, as long as the required arguments
* are in proper form. If extra arguments to malloc() and free() cause
* problems, define PEDANTIC_ARGS below.
static void * Cmalloc(int n, void * heap) { return malloc(n); }
static void Cfree(void * p, void * heap) { free(p); }
static cstr_allocator malloc_allocator = { Cmalloc, Cfree, NULL };
static cstr_allocator malloc_allocator = { malloc, free, NULL };
_TYPE( void )
cstr_set_allocator(cstr_allocator * alloc)
default_alloc = alloc;
_TYPE( cstr * )
cstr_new_alloc(cstr_allocator * alloc)
cstr * str;
if(alloc == NULL) {
if(default_alloc == NULL) {
default_alloc = &malloc_allocator;
alloc = default_alloc;
str = (cstr *) (*alloc->alloc)(sizeof(cstr), alloc->heap);
if(str) {
str->data = cstr_empty_string;
str->length = str->cap = 0;
str->ref = 1;
str->allocator = alloc;
return str;
_TYPE( cstr * )
return cstr_new_alloc(NULL);
_TYPE( cstr * )
cstr_dup_alloc(const cstr * str, cstr_allocator * alloc)
cstr * nstr = cstr_new_alloc(alloc);
cstr_setn(nstr, str->data, str->length);
return nstr;
_TYPE( cstr * )
cstr_dup(const cstr * str)
return cstr_dup_alloc(str, NULL);
_TYPE( cstr * )
cstr_create(const char * s)
return cstr_createn(s, strlen(s));
_TYPE( cstr * )
cstr_createn(const char * s, int len)
cstr * str = cstr_new();
if(str) {
cstr_setn(str, s, len);
return str;
_TYPE( void )
cstr_use(cstr * str)
_TYPE( void )
cstr_clear_free(cstr * str)
if(--str->ref == 0) {
if(str->cap > 0) {
memset(str->data, 0, str->cap);
(*str->allocator->free)(str->data, str->allocator->heap);
(*str->allocator->free)(str, str->allocator->heap);
_TYPE( void )
cstr_free(cstr * str)
if(--str->ref == 0) {
if(str->cap > 0)
(*str->allocator->free)(str->data, str->allocator->heap);
(*str->allocator->free)(str, str->allocator->heap);
_TYPE( void )
cstr_empty(cstr * str)
if(str->cap > 0)
(*str->allocator->free)(str->data, str->allocator->heap);
str->data = cstr_empty_string;
str->length = str->cap = 0;
static int
cstr_alloc(cstr * str, int len)
char * t;
if(len > str->cap) {
if(len < EXPFACTOR * str->cap)
len = EXPFACTOR * str->cap;
if(len < MINSIZE)
len = MINSIZE;
t = (char *) (*str->allocator->alloc)(len * sizeof(char),
if(t) {
if(str->data) {
t[str->length] = 0;
if(str->cap > 0) {
if(str->length > 0)
memcpy(t, str->data, str->length);
str->data = t;
str->cap = len;
return 1;
return -1;
return 0;
_TYPE( int )
cstr_copy(cstr * dst, const cstr * src)
return cstr_setn(dst, src->data, src->length);
_TYPE( int )
cstr_set(cstr * str, const char * s)
return cstr_setn(str, s, strlen(s));
_TYPE( int )
cstr_setn(cstr * str, const char * s, int len)
if(cstr_alloc(str, len + 1) < 0)
return -1;
str->data[len] = 0;
if(s != NULL && len > 0)
memmove(str->data, s, len);
str->length = len;
return 1;
_TYPE( int )
cstr_set_length(cstr * str, int len)
if(len < str->length) {
str->data[len] = 0;
str->length = len;
return 1;
else if(len > str->length) {
if(cstr_alloc(str, len + 1) < 0)
return -1;
memset(str->data + str->length, 0, len - str->length + 1);
str->length = len;
return 1;
return 0;
_TYPE( int )
cstr_append(cstr * str, const char * s)
return cstr_appendn(str, s, strlen(s));
_TYPE( int )
cstr_appendn(cstr * str, const char * s, int len)
if(cstr_alloc(str, str->length + len + 1) < 0)
return -1;
memcpy(str->data + str->length, s, len);
str->length += len;
str->data[str->length] = 0;
return 1;
_TYPE( int )
cstr_append_str(cstr * dst, const cstr * src)
return cstr_appendn(dst, src->data, src->length);