blob: 18deec5028905d226f0d641ca08987029d6fd4b8 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef T_SHA_H
#define T_SHA_H
#if !defined(P)
#ifdef __STDC__
#define P(x) x
#define P(x) ()
#ifdef OPENSSL
#define OPENSSL_SHA 1
# include <tomcrypt.h>
# ifdef SHA1
# define TOMCRYPT_SHA 1
# endif
/* The SHA (shs) implementation in CryptoLib 1.x breaks when Update
* is called multiple times, so we still use our own code.
* Uncomment below if you think your copy of CryptoLib is fixed. */
/*#define CRYPTOLIB_SHA 1*/
#ifdef GCRYPT
# define GCRYPT_SHA 1
#ifdef MBEDTLS
# define MBEDTLS_SHA 1
#include <openssl/sha.h>
typedef SHA_CTX SHA1_CTX;
#define SHA1Init SHA1_Init
#define SHA1Update SHA1_Update
#define SHA1Final SHA1_Final
#define SHA512Init SHA512_Init
#define SHA512Update SHA512_Update
#define SHA512Final SHA512_Final
#elif defined(TOMCRYPT_SHA)
/* mycrypt.h already included above */
typedef hash_state SHA1_CTX;
#define SHA1Init sha1_init
#define SHA1Update sha1_process
#define SHA1Final(D,C) sha1_done(C,D)
#elif defined(GCRYPT_SHA)
#include "gcrypt.h"
typedef gcry_md_hd_t SHA1_CTX;
#define SHA1Init SHA1Init_gcry
#define SHA1Update SHA1Update_gcry
#define SHA1Final SHA1Final_gcry
typedef gcry_md_hd_t SHA512_CTX;
#define SHA512Init SHA512Init_gcry
#define SHA512Update SHA512Update_gcry
#define SHA512Final SHA512Final_gcry
void SHA1Init_gcry(SHA1_CTX * ctx);
void SHA1Update_gcry(SHA1_CTX * ctx, const void *data, unsigned int len);
void SHA1Final_gcry(unsigned char digest[20], SHA1_CTX * ctx);
void SHA512Init_gcry(SHA512_CTX * ctx);
void SHA512Update_gcry(SHA512_CTX * ctx, const void *data, unsigned int len);
void SHA512Final_gcry(unsigned char digest[64], SHA512_CTX * ctx);
#elif defined(MBEDTLS_SHA)
#include <mbedtls/md.h>
typedef mbedtls_md_context_t SHA1_CTX;
#define SHA1Init SHA1Init_mbed
#define SHA1Update SHA1Update_mbed
#define SHA1Final SHA1Final_mbed
typedef mbedtls_md_context_t SHA512_CTX;
#define SHA512Init SHA512Init_mbed
#define SHA512Update SHA512Update_mbed
#define SHA512Final SHA512Final_mbed
void SHA1Init_mbed(SHA1_CTX * ctx);
void SHA1Update_mbed(SHA1_CTX * ctx, const void *data, unsigned int len);
void SHA1Final_mbed(unsigned char digest[20], SHA1_CTX * ctx);
void SHA512Init_mbed(SHA512_CTX * ctx);
void SHA512Update_mbed(SHA512_CTX * ctx, const void *data, unsigned int len);
void SHA512Final_mbed(unsigned char digest[64], SHA512_CTX * ctx);
#elif defined(CRYPTOLIB_SHA)
#include "libcrypt.h"
typedef SHS_CTX SHA1_CTX;
#define SHA1Init shsInit
#define SHA1Update shsUpdate
#define SHA1Final shsFinalBytes
void shsFinalBytes P((unsigned char digest[20], SHS_CTX* context));
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef struct {
uint32 state[5];
uint32 count[2];
unsigned char buffer[64];
void SHA1Init P((SHA1_CTX* context));
void SHA1Update P((SHA1_CTX* context, const unsigned char* data, unsigned int len));
void SHA1Final P((unsigned char digest[20], SHA1_CTX* context));
#endif /* !OPENSSL && !CRYPTOLIB */
#endif /* T_SHA_H */