| !include x64.nsh |
| InstallDir c:\@INST_DIR@ |
| |
| SetCompressor bzip2 |
| |
| Page directory |
| Page instfiles |
| |
| UninstPage uninstConfirm |
| UninstPage instfiles |
| |
| Section "@CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME@ SDK for @INST_PLATFORM@ (required)" |
| !ifdef WIN64 |
| ${If} ${RunningX64} |
| ${DisableX64FSRedirection} |
| ${Endif} |
| !endif |
| SectionIn RO |
| !ifdef GCC |
| IfFileExists $SYSDIR/libturbojpeg.dll exists 0 |
| !else |
| IfFileExists $SYSDIR/turbojpeg.dll exists 0 |
| !endif |
| goto notexists |
| exists: |
| !ifdef GCC |
| MessageBox MB_OK "An existing version of the @CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME@ SDK for @INST_PLATFORM@ is already installed. Please uninstall it first." |
| !else |
| MessageBox MB_OK "An existing version of the @CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME@ SDK for @INST_PLATFORM@ or the TurboJPEG SDK is already installed. Please uninstall it first." |
| !endif |
| quit |
| |
| notexists: |
| SetOutPath $SYSDIR |
| !ifdef GCC |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\libturbojpeg.dll" |
| !else |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\${BUILDDIR}turbojpeg.dll" |
| !endif |
| SetOutPath $INSTDIR\bin |
| !ifdef GCC |
| File "/oname=libjpeg-@DLL_VERSION@.dll" "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\sharedlib\libjpeg-*.dll" |
| !else |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\sharedlib\${BUILDDIR}jpeg@DLL_VERSION@.dll" |
| !endif |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\sharedlib\cjpeg.exe" |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\sharedlib\djpeg.exe" |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\sharedlib\jpegtran.exe" |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\jpgtest.exe" |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\rdjpgcom.exe" |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\wrjpgcom.exe" |
| SetOutPath $INSTDIR\lib |
| !ifdef GCC |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\libturbojpeg.dll.a" |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\libturbojpeg.a" |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\sharedlib\libjpeg.dll.a" |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\libjpeg.a" |
| !else |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\${BUILDDIR}turbojpeg.lib" |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\${BUILDDIR}turbojpeg-static.lib" |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\sharedlib\${BUILDDIR}jpeg.lib" |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\${BUILDDIR}jpeg-static.lib" |
| !endif |
| SetOutPath $INSTDIR\include |
| File "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@\jconfig.h" |
| File "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@\jerror.h" |
| File "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@\jmorecfg.h" |
| File "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@\jpeglib.h" |
| File "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@\turbojpeg.h" |
| SetOutPath $INSTDIR\doc |
| File "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@\README-turbo.txt" |
| File "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@\libjpeg.txt" |
| File "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@\LGPL.txt" |
| File "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@\usage.txt" |
| |
| WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\@INST_DIR@ @VERSION@" "Install_Dir" "$INSTDIR" |
| |
| WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\@INST_DIR@ @VERSION@" "DisplayName" "@CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME@ SDK v@VERSION@ for @INST_PLATFORM@" |
| WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\@INST_DIR@ @VERSION@" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\uninstall_@VERSION@.exe"' |
| WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\@INST_DIR@ @VERSION@" "NoModify" 1 |
| WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\@INST_DIR@ @VERSION@" "NoRepair" 1 |
| WriteUninstaller "uninstall_@VERSION@.exe" |
| SectionEnd |
| |
| Section "Uninstall" |
| !ifdef WIN64 |
| ${If} ${RunningX64} |
| ${DisableX64FSRedirection} |
| ${Endif} |
| !endif |
| |
| SetShellVarContext all |
| |
| DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\@INST_DIR@ @VERSION@" |
| |
| !ifdef GCC |
| Delete $INSTDIR\bin\libjpeg-@DLL_VERSION@.dll |
| Delete $SYSDIR\libturbojpeg.dll |
| Delete $INSTDIR\lib\libturbojpeg.dll.a" |
| Delete $INSTDIR\lib\libturbojpeg.a" |
| Delete $INSTDIR\lib\libjpeg.dll.a" |
| Delete $INSTDIR\lib\libjpeg.a" |
| !else |
| Delete $INSTDIR\bin\jpeg@DLL_VERSION@.dll |
| Delete $SYSDIR\turbojpeg.dll |
| Delete $INSTDIR\lib\jpeg.lib |
| Delete $INSTDIR\lib\jpeg-static.lib |
| Delete $INSTDIR\lib\turbojpeg.lib |
| Delete $INSTDIR\lib\turbojpeg-static.lib |
| !endif |
| Delete $INSTDIR\bin\cjpeg.exe |
| Delete $INSTDIR\bin\djpeg.exe |
| Delete $INSTDIR\bin\jpegtran.exe |
| Delete $INSTDIR\bin\jpgtest.exe |
| Delete $INSTDIR\bin\rdjpgcom.exe |
| Delete $INSTDIR\bin\wrjpgcom.exe |
| Delete $INSTDIR\include\jconfig.h" |
| Delete $INSTDIR\include\jerror.h" |
| Delete $INSTDIR\include\jmorecfg.h" |
| Delete $INSTDIR\include\jpeglib.h" |
| Delete $INSTDIR\include\turbojpeg.h" |
| Delete $INSTDIR\uninstall_@VERSION@.exe |
| Delete $INSTDIR\doc\README |
| Delete $INSTDIR\doc\README-turbo.txt |
| Delete $INSTDIR\doc\libjpeg.txt |
| Delete $INSTDIR\doc\LGPL.txt |
| Delete $INSTDIR\doc\LICENSE.txt |
| Delete $INSTDIR\doc\usage.txt |
| |
| RMDir "$INSTDIR\include" |
| RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib" |
| RMDir "$INSTDIR\doc" |
| RMDir "$INSTDIR\bin" |
| RMDir "$INSTDIR" |
| |
| SectionEnd |