blob: e1586d1d97ec151a27d098c6642698a43917d2af [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Cosmin Truta.
# Use, modification and distribution are subject
# to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# See the accompanying file LICENSE_BSL_1_0.txt
# or visit
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
test -f "$BASH_SOURCE" ||
echo >&2 "warning: this module requires Bash version 3 or newer"
test "${#BASH_SOURCE[@]}" -gt 1 ||
echo >&2 "warning: this module should be sourced from a Bash script"
# Reset the locale to avoid surprises from locale-dependent commands.
export LC_ALL=C
export LANG=C
# Reset CDPATH to avoid surprises from the "cd" command.
export CDPATH=""
# Initialize the global constants CI_SCRIPT_{NAME,DIR} and CI_TOPLEVEL_DIR.
CI_SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename -- "$0")"
CI_SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd)"
CI_TOPLEVEL_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../.." && pwd)"
# Initialize the global constants CI_{HOST,TARGET}_{SYSTEM,MACHINE}.
CI_SYSTEM_NAME="${CI_SYSTEM_NAME:-"$(uname -s)"}"
function ci_info {
printf >&2 "%s: %s\\n" "$CI_SCRIPT_NAME" "$*"
function ci_warn {
printf >&2 "%s: warning: %s\\n" "$CI_SCRIPT_NAME" "$*"
function ci_err {
printf >&2 "%s: error: %s\\n" "$CI_SCRIPT_NAME" "$*"
exit 2
function ci_err_internal {
printf >&2 "%s: internal error: %s\\n" "$CI_SCRIPT_NAME" "$*"
printf >&2 "ABORTED\\n"
# Exit with the conventional SIGABRT code.
exit 134
function ci_assert {
# Use the "test" built-in command instead of the "[[ ]]" syntax,
# to ensure the a-priori expansion of all assertion arguments.
# (Consistently, both "ci_assert" and "test" have a command-like behavior.)
test "$@" || ci_err_internal "failed:" test "$@"
function ci_spawn {
printf >&2 "%s: executing:" "$CI_SCRIPT_NAME"
printf >&2 " %q" "$@"
printf >&2 "\\n"
# Ensure that the initialization is correct.
ci_assert "$CI_TOPLEVEL_DIR/ci/lib/" -ef "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"
ci_assert "$CI_SCRIPT_DIR/$CI_SCRIPT_NAME" -ef "$0"
ci_assert -n "$CI_SYSTEM_NAME" -a -n "$CI_MACHINE_NAME"