blob: c318ad272ce86827d5b4572ae6d957aa2b5e3166 [file] [log] [blame]
* php windows fixes:
. zip_close: close za->zp before rename, reopen on error
* fix distcheck (3 tests fail, I don't understand why)
* add functions to:
. set compression method for new/changed entry
. set last modification time for entry
. read/set comment for file/archive
. read/set EAs
. parse/create some EAs?
. read/set ASCII file flag
* document that zip_source_free must not be called after
zip_{add,replace} was successful.
* do not compress if storing is smaller
------------------------------------------------ API ideas
int zip_set_archive_comment(struct zip *archive, const char *data, int len);
int zip_set_file_comment(struct zip *archive, int idx,
const char *data, int len);
struct zip *zip_open_encrypted(const char *path, int flags,
const char *password, int *errorp);
void zip_set_default_password(struct zip *archive, const char *password);
struct zip_file *zip_fopen_encrypted(struct zip *archive,
const char *fname, int flags,
const char *password);
struct zip_file *zip_fopen_index_encrypted(struct zip *archive,
int index, int flags,
const char *password);
int zip_set_encryption(struct zip *archive, int idx, int method,
const char *password);
void zip_set_archive_encryption(struct zip *archive, int encryption_method,
const char *password);
struct zip_source *zip_source_writable(struct zip *archive);
zip_source_write(struct zip_source *, const void *data, size_t len);
zip_source_printf(struct zip_source *, const char *fmt, ...);
/* maybe
zip_source_vprintf(struct zip_source *, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
------------------------------------------------ others
* regression tests (duplicate file names, unchange, .{200})
* zip_commit
* zip_replace_zip: allow rewinding
* API for (file and archive) comments
* API for extracting and setting extra fields
* zipcmp: add option for file content comparison
* support for zip64 (large file)
* append to files (for self-extracting files)
* add custom compression function support
* zip_replace_zip: remember compression method, recompress if different speced
* close even if error...
* update-zip (instead of close, reopen)
* support for old compression methods?????
------------------------------------------------ regression tests
* (add, replace)
add to empty zip
add to existing zip
add w/ existing file name [E]
replace ok
replace w/ illegal index [E]
replace w/ deleted name [E]
unchange added/replaced file
* (close)
copy zip file
open copy
rename, delete, replace, add w/ new name, add w/ deleted name
zipcmp copy expected
remove copy
* (delete)
* (error_get)
* (error_get_sys_type)
* (error_to_str)
* (file_error_get)
* (file_strerror)
* (fopen_index)
illegal index
* (get_name)
* (get_num_files)
* (rename)
* (replace)
* (source_buffer)
* (source_file)
* (source_filep)
* (source_free)
* (source_function)
* (source_zip)
* (stat)
* (stat_index)
* (strerror)
* (unchange)
* (unchange_all)