blob: 8baf094d77b4dbc6e9f26924be2e022980abc046 [file] [log] [blame]
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Check that required commands are in the PATH.
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
set CHECK_CMD=cmake.exe
call :check_installed
set CHECK_CMD=msbuild.exe
call :check_installed
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Parse command-line arguments.
rem %1: Command ("build" or "clean")
rem %2: Generator (e.g. "Visual Studio 12" for VS2013)
rem %3: Platform toolset (e.g. "v120_xp" for VS2013 toolset for Windows XP)
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if "%1"=="clean" (
echo Cleaning
if exist zlib\installed rmdir /s /q zlib\installed
if errorlevel 1 goto exit_failure
if exist zlib\build rmdir /s /q zlib\build
if errorlevel 1 goto exit_failure
if exist ..\build rmdir /s /q ..\build
if errorlevel 1 goto exit_failure
if exist ..\regress\ del ..\regress\
if errorlevel 1 goto exit_failure
if exist ..\regress\ del ..\regress\
if errorlevel 1 goto exit_failure
echo Done
exit /b 0
) else if "%1"=="build" (
) else if "%1"=="build+test" (
) else (
echo Invalid command "%1"
exit /b 1
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem If we're running tests, we'll also need a Perl interpreter.
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if "%LIBZIP_RUN_TESTS%"=="true" (
set CHECK_CMD=perl.exe
set CHECK_DESC=a Perl interpreter (to run tests)
call :check_installed
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Configure and build zlib.
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
pushd zlib
for /f %%p in (".\installed") do set ZLIB_INSTALL_PATH=%%~fp
echo zlib will be "installed" to %ZLIB_INSTALL_PATH%
if not exist build (
mkdir build
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
cd build
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
echo Configuring zlib
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
echo Building zlib
msbuild /P:Configuration=Debug INSTALL.vcxproj
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
msbuild /P:Configuration=Release INSTALL.vcxproj
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem regress/CMakeLists.txt thinks the Perl script to run a test is called
rem runtest, but on Windows we have to explicitly start the Perl interpreter
rem because cmd.exe doesn't do "shebang".
rem Fix this up before configuring libzip.
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if "%LIBZIP_RUN_TESTS%"=="true" (
echo Fixing up runtest script for Windows
pushd ..\regress
rem Get the full path to the Perl interpreter, with backslashes replaced by
rem forward slashes.
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%a in (`where perl.exe`) do set PERL_PATH=%%a
echo Path to Perl interpreter is !PERL_PATH!
rem Fix up the CMakeLists.txt file.
perl -p -e "s|\$\{CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR\}/runtest|!PERL_PATH! \$\{CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR\}/runtest|;" CMakeLists.txt > CMakeLists.fixed.txt
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
rename CMakeLists.txt CMakeLists.orig.txt
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
rename CMakeLists.fixed.txt CMakeLists.txt
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Prepare the build directory and run CMake to configure the project.
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
pushd ..
if not exist build (
echo Creating build directory
mkdir build
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
cd build
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
call :revert_cmakelists
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Build libzip.
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
msbuild /P:Configuration=Debug ALL_BUILD.vcxproj
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
msbuild /P:Configuration=Release ALL_BUILD.vcxproj
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Copy DLLs so zipcmp/zipmerge can run.
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Copying DLLs
copy zlib\installed\bin\zlibd.dll ..\build\src\Debug
if errorlevel 1 goto exit_failure
copy zlib\installed\bin\zlib.dll ..\build\src\Release
if errorlevel 1 goto exit_failure
copy ..\build\lib\Release\zip.dll ..\build\src\Release
if errorlevel 1 goto exit_failure
copy ..\build\lib\Debug\zip.dll ..\build\src\Debug
if errorlevel 1 goto exit_failure
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Run the tests, if required.
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if "%LIBZIP_RUN_TESTS%"=="true" (
echo Copying libraries for tests
pushd ..\build\regress
copy ..\..\vstudio\zlib\installed\bin\zlib.dll .
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
copy ..\lib\Release\zip.dll .
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
copy Release\*.exe .
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
echo Extracting test files
if not exist ..\..\regress\ ziptool ..\..\regress\ cat 0 > ..\..\regress\
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
if not exist ..\..\regress\ ziptool ..\..\regress\ cat 0 > ..\..\regress\
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
echo Generating runtest script
for /f %%p in ("..\..\regress") do set ABS_SRCDIR=%%~fp
perl -p -e "s/@[s]rcdir@/..\\..\\regress/g;s/@[a]bs_srcdir@/!ABS_SRCDIR!/g;s|../../src/zipcmp|..\\..\\src\\Release\\zipcmp|g;" ..\..\regress\ > runtest
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
echo Running tests
if errorlevel 1 popd & goto exit_failure
goto :EOF
where %CHECK_CMD% > nul 2>&1
if "%errorlevel%"=="9009" (
echo This build script requires where.exe. If running on Windows XP or
echo earlier, this can be found in the Windows Resource Kit.
exit /b 1
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Please make sure that %CHECK_DESC% is installed and in your PATH.
exit /b 1
goto :EOF
if exist ..\regress\CMakeLists.orig.txt (
del ..\regress\CMakeLists.txt
rename ..\regress\CMakeLists.orig.txt CMakeLists.txt
goto :EOF
call :revert_cmakelists
echo Build failed.
exit /b 1