blob: 405a4c55b9edb8eeeb1e677fcf2101b5cc105edf [file] [log] [blame]
API Plans
* struct zip *zip_open_encrypted(const char *path, int flags, const char *password, int *errorp);
* int zip_set_encryption(struct zip *archive, zip_uint64_t idx, zip_uint16_t method, const char *password);
* void zip_set_archive_encryption(struct zip *archive, zip_uint16_t method, const char *password);
For example for adding extractors for self-extracting zip archives.
* zip_set_archive_prefix(struct zip *za, const zip_uint8_t *data, zip_uint64_t length);
* const zip_uint8_t *zip_get_archive_prefix(struct zip *za, zip_uint64_t *lengthp);
Progress Callback
Register callback; will be called from zip_close() after each file has been processed.
typedef void (*zip_progress_callback_t)(double);
void zip_register_progress_callback(zip_t *, zip_progress_callback_t);
API Issues
! D zip_get_archive_comment has int *lenp argument. Cleaner would be zip_uint32_t *.
rename and fix. which other functions for naming consistency?
! D rename remaining zip_XXX_{file,archive}_* to zip_{file,archive}_XXX_*?
* compression/crypt implementations: how to set error code on failure
* compression/crypt error messages a la ZIP_ER_ZLIB (no detailed info passing)
* check arguments for every entry point into libzip
* function to copy file from one archive to another
* set O_CLOEXEC flag after fopen and mkstemp
* Windows specific I/O source (to be written by a Windows expert)
* I/O methods
* support streaming output (creating new archive to e.g. stdout)
* add functions to:
. read/set ASCII file flag? (wiz: more general options?)
* zip_commit (to finish changes without closing archive)
* add custom compression function support
* zip_fseek
* zip_source_zip: allow rewinding
* zipcmp: add option for file content comparison
* zipcmp: compare bit flags if paranoid
* zipcmp: compare external attributes/opsys if paranoid
* zipcmp: compare last_mod if paranoid (or with separate flag?)
* consistency
. for stored files, test compressed = uncompressed
. data descriptor
. local headers come before central dir
- support for old compression methods?????
* support InfoZIP encryption header extension
* embed stripped down old zlib for torrentzip
! ensure that nentries is small enough not to cause overflow (size_t for entry, uint64 for CD on disk)
* Xcode 32bit build uses 64bit config.h
* fix OpenSUSE i686 regression failures
* fix open_filename_duplicate_consistency.test to fail
* split zip archive torrentzip state from user requested torrentzip state
* check for limits imposed by format (central dir size, file size, extra fields, ...)
* _zip_u2d_time: handle localtime(3) failure
* POSIX: zip_open: check whether file can be created and fail if not
* fix inconsistent usage of valid flags (not checked in many places)
* cdr == NULL -> ER_NOENT vs. idx > cdir->nentry -> ER_INVAL inconsistent (still there?)
* torrentzip broken on NetBSD/amd64 6.99
* torrentzip: check behaviour of files with empty name (size 0; file size > 0)
* move compat refs from zipint.h to own file, and include that in zipint.h and src
* get rid of zip_get_{compression,encryption}_implementation
* use zip_*int*_t internally
* clean up lint(1) warnings?
Test Case Issues
* add test case for ZIP_CM_DEFAULT -> stored (edge cases)
* add test case to change values for newly added files (name, compression method, comment, mtime, . . .)
* replace Text::Diff with own implementation
* use zipcmp -p?
* zip_open file less than EOCDLEN bytes long
* test calls against old API
* run regression tests also from CMake framework
* rename file to dir/ and vice versa (fails)
* fix comment test to be newline insensitive
* check if provides ideas for new tests
* (add, replace)
add to empty zip
add to existing zip
add w/ existing file name [E]
replace ok
replace w/ illegal index [E]
replace w/ deleted name [E]
unchange added/replaced file
* (close)
copy zip file
open copy
rename, delete, replace, add w/ new name, add w/ deleted name
zipcmp copy expected
remove copy
* (error_get)
* (error_get_sys_type)
* (error_to_str)
* (extra_fields)
* (file_error_get)
* (file_strerror)
* (replace)
* (source_buffer)
* (source_file)
* (source_filep)
* (source_free)
* (source_function)
* (source_zip)
* (strerror)
* (unchange)
* (unchange_all)
* open(ZIP_RDONLY)
* I/O abstraction layer
* read two zip entries interleaved
I/O Methods
One major headache for libzip portability (especially to Windows) is
I/O, i.e. reading and writing from the file system. Also, there
have been requests to open zip archives from a memory buffer. To
address these issues, we'll introduce an I/O abstraction layer.
We'll reuse zip_source, since it already provides support for
the reading part, adding high level abstraction of the additional
operations needed. This way, newly written zip_sources can be used
both for adding files into an archive as well as for accessing archives
Specifically, we'll add these commands:
Prepare for writing. The written data will replace all
original data. The file position is reset to 0. (On POSIX
systems, this will create a temporary file and open it for
Write bytes of data, a la fwrite(3) (does not need to know
anything about the zip archive structure).
Used after all data has been written successfully. (On
POSIX systems, this will replace the original file with
the temporary file, adapting permissions etc.)
Zip archive is empty. Is responsible for removing file, if
Used to reset the zip archive to the previous state (e.g.
because writing failed) to restore original data if possible;
return an error otherwise. (On POSIX systems, this will
delete the temporary file.)
Set position for next read or write, a la fseek(3).
Report current position, a la ftell(3).
Query which commands are supported for this stream. If a
file cannot be written to, this will report ZIP_SOURCE_BEGIN_WRITE
as not supported, even if the source type would support
write. (This is used in zip_open to set global flags like
We'll provide a zip_open variant that takes a zip_source argument
used for reading/writing archives. Using an enhanced version of
zip_source_buffer, this can be used to read zip archives from memory.
zip_open itself will create a source from the file using a
port-specific default implementation (POSIX vs. Windows vs. ...).
Once the details are finalized, we'll ask for volunteers for writing
a Windows specific implementation.
zip_source_XXX -> [I]
[I] -> OPEN -> [R]
[R] -> (SEEK|TELL|READ|STAT)* -> [R]
[R] -> CLOSE -> [I]
[I] -> BEGIN_WRITE -> [W]
[W] -> (SEEK|TELL|WRITE)* -> [W]
[IR] -> REMOVE -> [X]
[I] -> STAT -> [I]
(no state change in case of error)
* -> ERROR -> \1
* -> SUPPORTS -> \1
* -> FREE
zip_source_XXX -> [-,-]
[-,y] -> OPEN -> [R,y]
[R,y] -> (SEEK|TELL|READ|STAT)* -> [R,y]
[R,y] -> CLOSE -> [-,y]
[x,-] -> BEGIN_WRITE -> [x,W]
[x,y] -> REMOVE -> [-,-]
[x,y] -> STAT -> [x,y]
[x,y] -> ERROR -> [x,y]
[x,y] -> SUPPORTS -> [x,y]
[x,y] -> FREE
- document: zip_source_write: length can't be > ZIP_INT64_MAX
- document: ZIP_SOURCE_CLOSE implementation can't return error
- check for INT_MAX, UINT_MAX
plan for merge:
after merge:
- direct reference to source and from upper layer are equivalent: only close/free if all are gone.
- only allow multiple upper layers for sources that support seek
- cache supported state in struct zip_source and check in _zip_source_call before calling
D re-implement fix for OS X sandboxing (zip_archive_set_tempdir).
- find out FSEEK_MAX/FTELL_MAX and use it
- adapt man pages
- document ZIP_RDONLY
- keep error codes in man pages in sync
- document ZIP_SOURCE_GET_ARGS(type, data, len, error) ((len) < sizeof(type) ? zip_error_set((error), ZIP_ER_INVAL, 0), NULL : (type *)(data))
- document new functions
** zip_error_t *zip_get_error(zip_t *);
** int zip_error_code_zip(const zip_error_t *);
** int zip_error_code_system(const zip_error_t *);
** void zip_error_fini(zip_error_t *);
** void zip_error_init(zip_error_t *);
** void zip_error_set(zip_error_t *, int, int);
** const char *zip_error_strerror(zip_error_t *);
** int zip_error_system_type(const zip_error_t *);
** zip_int64_t zip_error_to_data(const zip_error_t *, void *, zip_uint64_t);
** zip_error_t *zip_file_get_error(zip_file_t *);
** zip_t *zip_open_from_source(zip_source_t *, int, zip_error_t *);
** zip_source_t *zip_source_buffer_create(const void *, zip_uint64_t, int, zip_error_t *);
** int zip_source_close(zip_source_t *);
** zip_error_t *zip_source_error(zip_source_t *src);
** zip_source_t *zip_source_file_create(const char *, zip_uint64_t, zip_int64_t, zip_error_t *);
** zip_source_t *zip_source_filep_create(FILE *, zip_uint64_t, zip_int64_t, zip_error_t *);
** zip_source_t *zip_source_function_create(zip_source_callback, void *, zip_error_t *);
** int zip_source_is_deleted(zip_source_t *);
** void zip_source_keep(zip_source_t *);
** zip_int64_t zip_source_make_command_bitmap(zip_source_cmd_t, ...);
** int zip_source_open(zip_source_t *);
** zip_int64_t zip_source_read(zip_source_t *, void *, zip_uint64_t);
** int zip_source_stat(zip_source_t *, zip_stat_t *);
- document deprecations
** int zip_error_get_sys_type(int); /* use zip_error_system_type */
** void zip_error_get(zip_t *, int *, int *); /* use zip_get_error, zip_error_code_zip / zip_error_code_system */
** void zip_file_error_get(zip_file_t *, int *, int *); /* use zip_file_get_error, zip_error_code_zip / zip_error_code_system */