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Copyright (c) 2002, Dr Brian Gladman < >, Worcester, UK.
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Issue Date: 24/01/2003
This file contains the definitions required to use AES and Rijndael in C.
#ifndef _AES_H
#define _AES_H
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"
#if 0
/* If a table pointer is needed in the AES context, include the define */
/* #define AES_TABLE_PTR */
#include "config.h"
typedef zip_uint8_t aes_08t;
typedef zip_uint32_t aes_32t;
/* This BLOCK_SIZE is in BYTES. It can have the values 16, 24, 32 or */
/* undefined for use with aescrypt.c and aeskey.c, or 16, 20, 24, 28, */
/* 32 or undefined for use with aescrypp.c and aeskeypp.c. When the */
/* BLOCK_SIZE is left undefined a version that provides a dynamically */
/* variable block size is produced but this is MUCH slower. */
#define BLOCK_SIZE 16
/* key schedule length (in 32-bit words) */
#if !defined(BLOCK_SIZE)
#define KS_LENGTH 128
#define KS_LENGTH (4 * BLOCK_SIZE)
typedef unsigned int aes_fret; /* type for function return value */
#define aes_bad 0 /* bad function return value */
#define aes_good 1 /* good function return value */
#ifndef AES_DLL /* implement normal or DLL functions */
#define aes_rval aes_fret
#define aes_rval aes_fret __declspec(dllexport) _stdcall
typedef struct /* the AES context for encryption */
{ aes_32t k_sch[KS_LENGTH]; /* the encryption key schedule */
aes_32t n_rnd; /* the number of cipher rounds */
aes_32t n_blk; /* the number of bytes in the state */
#if defined(AES_TABLE_PTR) /* where global variables are not */
void *t_ptr; /* available this pointer is used */
#endif /* to point to the fixed tables */
} aes_ctx;
/* The block length (blen) is input in bytes when it is in the range */
/* 16 <= blen <= 32 or in bits when in the range 128 <= blen <= 256 */
/* Only 16 bytes (128 bits) is legal for AES but the files aescrypt.c */
/* and aeskey.c provide support for 16, 24 and 32 byte (128, 192 and */
/* 256 bit) blocks while aescrypp.c and aeskeypp.c provide support for */
/* 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 byte (128, 160, 192, 224 and 256 bit) blocks. */
/* The value aes_good is returned if the requested block size is legal, */
/* otherwise aes_bad is returned. */
#if !defined(BLOCK_SIZE)
INTERNAL aes_rval aes_set_block_size(unsigned int blen, aes_ctx cx[1]);
/* The key length (klen) is input in bytes when it is in the range */
/* 16 <= klen <= 32 or in bits when in the range 128 <= klen <= 256 */
/* The files aescrypt.c and aeskey.c provide support for 16, 24 and */
/* 32 byte (128, 192 and 256 bit) keys while aescrypp.c and aeskeypp.c */
/* provide support for 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 byte (128, 160, 192, 224 */
/* and 256 bit) keys. The value aes_good is returned if the requested */
/* key size is legal, otherwise aes_bad is returned. */
INTERNAL aes_rval aes_set_encrypt_key(const unsigned char in_key[],
unsigned int klen, aes_ctx cx[1]);
INTERNAL aes_rval aes_encrypt_block(const unsigned char in_blk[],
unsigned char out_blk[], const aes_ctx cx[1]);
INTERNAL aes_rval aes_set_decrypt_key(const unsigned char in_key[],
unsigned int klen, aes_ctx cx[1]);
INTERNAL aes_rval aes_decrypt_block(const unsigned char in_blk[],
unsigned char out_blk[], const aes_ctx cx[1]);
#if defined(__cplusplus)