blob: fdae6bbf5754b167e4625f96158e884e631ef769 [file] [log] [blame]
library node_preamble;
final _minified = r"""var dartNodePreambleSelf="undefined"!=typeof global?global:window,self=Object.create(dartNodePreambleSelf);if(self.scheduleImmediate="undefined"!=typeof setImmediate?function(e){setImmediate(e)}:function(e){setTimeout(e,0)},self.require=require,self.exports=exports,"undefined"!=typeof process)self.process=process;if("undefined"!=typeof __dirname)self.__dirname=__dirname;if("undefined"!=typeof __filename)self.__filename=__filename;if("undefined"!=typeof Buffer)self.Buffer=Buffer;var dartNodeIsActuallyNode=!dartNodePreambleSelf.window;try{if("undefined"!=typeof WorkerGlobalScope&&dartNodePreambleSelf instanceof WorkerGlobalScope)dartNodeIsActuallyNode=!1;if("undefined"!=typeof process&&process.versions&&process.versions.hasOwnProperty("electron")&&process.versions.hasOwnProperty("node"))dartNodeIsActuallyNode=!0}catch(e){}if(dartNodeIsActuallyNode){var url=("undefined"!=typeof __webpack_require__?__non_webpack_require__:require)("url");Object.defineProperty(self,"location",{value:{get href(){if(url.pathToFileURL)return url.pathToFileURL(process.cwd()).href+"/";else return"file://"+function(){var e=process.cwd();if("win32"!=process.platform)return e;else return"/"+e.replace(/\\/g,"/")}()+"/"}}}),function(){function e(){try{throw new Error}catch(n){var e=n.stack,r=new RegExp("^ *at [^(]*\\((.*):[0-9]*:[0-9]*\\)$","mg"),o=null;do{var t=r.exec(e);if(null!=t)o=t}while(null!=t);return o[1]}}var r=null;Object.defineProperty(self,"document",{value:{get currentScript(){if(null==r)r={src:e()};return r}}})}(),self.dartDeferredLibraryLoader=function(e,r,o){try{load(e),r()}catch(e){o(e)}}}""";
final _normal = r"""
// make sure to keep this as 'var'
// we don't want block scoping
var dartNodePreambleSelf = typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : window;
var self = Object.create(dartNodePreambleSelf);
self.scheduleImmediate = typeof setImmediate !== "undefined"
? function (cb) {
: function(cb) {
setTimeout(cb, 0);
// CommonJS globals.
self.require = require;
self.exports = exports;
// Node.js specific exports, check to see if they exist & or polyfilled
if (typeof process !== "undefined") {
self.process = process;
if (typeof __dirname !== "undefined") {
self.__dirname = __dirname;
if (typeof __filename !== "undefined") {
self.__filename = __filename;
if (typeof Buffer !== "undefined") {
self.Buffer = Buffer;
// if we're running in a browser, Dart supports most of this out of box
// make sure we only run these in Node.js environment
var dartNodeIsActuallyNode = !dartNodePreambleSelf.window
try {
// Check if we're in a Web Worker instead.
if ("undefined" !== typeof WorkerGlobalScope && dartNodePreambleSelf instanceof WorkerGlobalScope) {
dartNodeIsActuallyNode = false;
// Check if we're in Electron, with Node.js integration, and override if true.
if ("undefined" !== typeof process && process.versions && process.versions.hasOwnProperty('electron') && process.versions.hasOwnProperty('node')) {
dartNodeIsActuallyNode = true;
} catch(e) {}
if (dartNodeIsActuallyNode) {
// This line is to:
// 1) Prevent Webpack from bundling.
// 2) In Webpack on Node.js, make sure we're using the native Node.js require, which is available via __non_webpack_require__
var url = ("undefined" !== typeof __webpack_require__ ? __non_webpack_require__ : require)("url");
// Setting `self.location=` in Electron throws a `TypeError`, so we define it
// as a property instead to be safe.
Object.defineProperty(self, "location", {
value: {
get href() {
if (url.pathToFileURL) {
return url.pathToFileURL(process.cwd()).href + "/";
} else {
// This isn't really a correct transformation, but it's the best we have
// for versions of Node <10.12.0 which introduced `url.pathToFileURL()`.
// For example, it will fail for paths that contain characters that need
// to be escaped in URLs.
return "file://" + (function() {
var cwd = process.cwd();
if (process.platform != "win32") return cwd;
return "/" + cwd.replace(/\\/g, "/");
})() + "/"
(function() {
function computeCurrentScript() {
try {
throw new Error();
} catch(e) {
var stack = e.stack;
var re = new RegExp("^ *at [^(]*\\((.*):[0-9]*:[0-9]*\\)$", "mg");
var lastMatch = null;
do {
var match = re.exec(stack);
if (match != null) lastMatch = match;
} while (match != null);
return lastMatch[1];
// Setting `self.document=` isn't known to throw an error anywhere like
// `self.location=` does on Electron, but it's better to be future-proof
// just in case..
var cachedCurrentScript = null;
Object.defineProperty(self, "document", {
value: {
get currentScript() {
if (cachedCurrentScript == null) {
cachedCurrentScript = {src: computeCurrentScript()};
return cachedCurrentScript;
self.dartDeferredLibraryLoader = function(uri, successCallback, errorCallback) {
try {
} catch (error) {
/// Returns the text of the preamble.
/// If [minified] is true, returns the minified version rather than the
/// human-readable version.
String getPreamble({bool minified: false, List<String> additionalGlobals: const []}) =>
(minified ? _minified : _normal) +
( => "self.$global=$global;").join());