---------------------------------- | |
Heres a few comments about building OpenSSL in Windows environments. Most | |
of this is tested on Win32 but it may also work in Win 3.1 with some | |
modification. | |
You need Perl for Win32. Unless you will build on Cygwin, you will need | |
ActiveState Perl, available from | |
For Cygwin users, there's more info in the Cygwin section. | |
and one of the following C compilers: | |
* Visual C++ | |
* Borland C | |
* GNU C (Mingw32 or Cygwin) | |
If you want to compile in the assembly language routines with Visual C++ then | |
you will need an assembler. This is worth doing because it will result in | |
faster code: for example it will typically result in a 2 times speedup in the | |
RSA routines. Currently the following assemblers are supported: | |
* Microsoft MASM (aka "ml") | |
* Free Netwide Assembler NASM. | |
MASM was at one point distributed with VC++. It is now distributed with some | |
Microsoft DDKs, for example the Windows NT 4.0 DDK and the Windows 98 DDK. If | |
you do not have either of these DDKs then you can just download the binaries | |
for the Windows 98 DDK and extract and rename the two files XXXXXml.exe and | |
XXXXXml.err, to ml.exe and ml.err and install somewhere on your PATH. Both | |
DDKs can be downloaded from the Microsoft developers site | |
NASM is freely available. Version 0.98 was used during testing: other versions | |
may also work. It is available from many places, see for example: | | | |
The NASM binary nasmw.exe needs to be installed anywhere on your PATH. | |
If you are compiling from a tarball or a CVS snapshot then the Win32 files | |
may well be not up to date. This may mean that some "tweaking" is required to | |
get it all to work. See the trouble shooting section later on for if (when?) | |
it goes wrong. | |
Visual C++ | |
---------- | |
Firstly you should run Configure: | |
> perl Configure VC-WIN32 | |
Next you need to build the Makefiles and optionally the assembly language | |
files: | |
- If you are using MASM then run: | |
> ms\do_masm | |
- If you are using NASM then run: | |
> ms\do_nasm | |
- If you don't want to use the assembly language files at all then run: | |
> ms\do_ms | |
If you get errors about things not having numbers assigned then check the | |
troubleshooting section: you probably won't be able to compile it as it | |
stands. | |
Then from the VC++ environment at a prompt do: | |
> nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak | |
If all is well it should compile and you will have some DLLs and executables | |
in out32dll. If you want to try the tests then do: | |
> cd out32dll | |
> ..\ms\test | |
Tweaks: | |
There are various changes you can make to the Win32 compile environment. By | |
default the library is not compiled with debugging symbols. If you add 'debug' | |
to the lines in the do_* batch file then debugging symbols will be | |
compiled in. | |
The default Win32 environment is to leave out any Windows NT specific | |
features. | |
If you want to enable the NT specific features of OpenSSL (currently only the | |
logging BIO) follow the instructions above but call the batch file do_nt.bat | |
instead of do_ms.bat. | |
You can also build a static version of the library using the Makefile | |
ms\nt.mak | |
Borland C++ builder 3 and 4 | |
--------------------------- | |
* Setup PATH. First must be GNU make then bcb4/bin | |
* Run ms\bcb4.bat | |
* Run make: | |
> make -f bcb.mak | |
GNU C (Mingw32) | |
--------------- | |
To build OpenSSL, you need the Mingw32 package and GNU make. | |
* Compiler installation: | |
Mingw32 is available from < | |
gnu-win32/mingw32/gcc-2.95.2/gcc-2.95.2-msvcrt.exe>. Extract it | |
to a directory such as C:\gcc-2.95.2 and add c:\gcc-2.95.2\bin to | |
the PATH environment variable in "System Properties"; or edit and | |
run C:\gcc-2.95.2\mingw32.bat to set the PATH. | |
* Compile OpenSSL: | |
> ms\mingw32 | |
This will create the library and binaries in out. In case any problems | |
occur, try | |
> ms\mingw32 no-asm | |
instead. | |
libcrypto.a and libssl.a are the static libraries. To use the DLLs, | |
link with libeay32.a and libssl32.a instead. | |
See troubleshooting if you get error messages about functions not having | |
a number assigned. | |
* You can now try the tests: | |
> cd out | |
> ..\ms\test | |
GNU C (Cygwin) | |
-------------- | |
Cygwin provides a bash shell and GNU tools environment running on | |
NT 4.0, Windows 9x and Windows 2000. Consequently, a make of OpenSSL | |
with Cygwin is closer to a GNU bash environment such as Linux rather | |
than other W32 makes that are based on a single makefile approach. | |
Cygwin implements Posix/Unix calls through cygwin1.dll, and is | |
contrasted to Mingw32 which links dynamically to msvcrt.dll or | |
crtdll.dll. | |
To build OpenSSL using Cygwin: | |
* Install Cygwin (see | |
* Install Perl and ensure it is in the path (recent Cygwin perl | |
(version 5.6.1-2 of the latter has been reported to work) or | |
ActivePerl) | |
* Run the Cygwin bash shell | |
* $ tar zxvf openssl-x.x.x.tar.gz | |
$ cd openssl-x.x.x | |
$ ./config | |
[...] | |
$ make | |
[...] | |
$ make test | |
$ make install | |
This will create a default install in /usr/local/ssl. | |
Cygwin Notes: | |
"make test" and normal file operations may fail in directories | |
mounted as text (i.e. mount -t c:\somewhere /home) due to Cygwin | |
stripping of carriage returns. To avoid this ensure that a binary | |
mount is used, e.g. mount -b c:\somewhere /home. | |
As of version 1.1.1 Cygwin is relatively unstable in its handling | |
of cr/lf issues. These make procedures succeeded with versions 1.1 and | |
the snapshot 20000524 (Slow!). | |
"bc" is not provided in the Cygwin distribution. This causes a | |
non-fatal error in "make test" but is otherwise harmless. If | |
desired, GNU bc can be built with Cygwin without change. | |
Installation | |
------------ | |
If you used the Cygwin procedure above, you have already installed and | |
can skip this section. For all other procedures, there's currently no real | |
installation procedure for Win32. There are, however, some suggestions: | |
- do nothing. The include files are found in the inc32/ subdirectory, | |
all binaries are found in out32dll/ or out32/ depending if you built | |
dynamic or static libraries. | |
- do as is written in INSTALL.Win32 that comes with modssl: | |
$ md c:\openssl | |
$ md c:\openssl\bin | |
$ md c:\openssl\lib | |
$ md c:\openssl\include | |
$ md c:\openssl\include\openssl | |
$ copy /b inc32\* c:\openssl\include\openssl | |
$ copy /b out32dll\ssleay32.lib c:\openssl\lib | |
$ copy /b out32dll\libeay32.lib c:\openssl\lib | |
$ copy /b out32dll\ssleay32.dll c:\openssl\bin | |
$ copy /b out32dll\libeay32.dll c:\openssl\bin | |
$ copy /b out32dll\openssl.exe c:\openssl\bin | |
Of course, you can choose another device than c:. C: is used here | |
because that's usually the first (and often only) harddisk device. | |
Note: in the modssl INSTALL.Win32, p: is used rather than c:. | |
Troubleshooting | |
--------------- | |
Since the Win32 build is only occasionally tested it may not always compile | |
cleanly. If you get an error about functions not having numbers assigned | |
when you run ms\do_ms then this means the Win32 ordinal files are not up to | |
date. You can do: | |
> perl util\ crypto ssl update | |
then ms\do_XXX should not give a warning any more. However the numbers that | |
get assigned by this technique may not match those that eventually get | |
assigned in the CVS tree: so anything linked against this version of the | |
library may need to be recompiled. | |
If you get errors about unresolved symbols there are several possible | |
causes. | |
If this happens when the DLL is being linked and you have disabled some | |
ciphers then it is possible the DEF file generator hasn't removed all | |
the disabled symbols: the easiest solution is to edit the DEF files manually | |
to delete them. The DEF files are ms\libeay32.def ms\ssleay32.def. | |
Another cause is if you missed or ignored the errors about missing numbers | |
mentioned above. | |
If you get warnings in the code then the compilation will halt. | |
The default Makefile for Win32 halts whenever any warnings occur. Since VC++ | |
has its own ideas about warnings which don't always match up to other | |
environments this can happen. The best fix is to edit the file with the | |
warning in and fix it. Alternatively you can turn off the halt on warnings by | |
editing the CFLAG line in the Makefile and deleting the /WX option. | |
You might get compilation errors. Again you will have to fix these or report | |
them. | |
One final comment about compiling applications linked to the OpenSSL library. | |
If you don't use the multithreaded DLL runtime library (/MD option) your | |
program will almost certainly crash because malloc gets confused -- the | |
OpenSSL DLLs are statically linked to one version, the application must | |
not use a different one. You might be able to work around such problems | |
by adding CRYPTO_malloc_init() to your program before any calls to the | |
OpenSSL libraries: This tells the OpenSSL libraries to use the same | |
malloc(), free() and realloc() as the application. However there are many | |
standard library functions used by OpenSSL that call malloc() internally | |
(e.g. fopen()), and OpenSSL cannot change these; so in general you cannot | |
rely on CRYPTO_malloc_init() solving your problem, and you should | |
consistently use the multithreaded library. |