blob: 2f4ff2b00624f6b557ce709baa7147a1e2522650 [file] [log] [blame]
=head1 NAME
RAND_egd - query entropy gathering daemon
#include <openssl/rand.h>
int RAND_egd(const char *path);
RAND_egd() queries the entropy gathering daemon EGD on socket B<path>.
EGD is available from (C<perl
Makefile.PL; make; make install> to install). It is run as B<egd>
I<path>, where I<path> is an absolute path designating a socket. When
RAND_egd() is called with that path as an argument, it tries to read
random bytes that EGD has collected.
RAND_egd() returns the number of bytes read from the daemon on
success, and -1 if the connection failed or the daemon did not return
enough data to fully seed the PRNG.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<rand(3)|rand(3)>, L<RAND_add(3)|RAND_add(3)>, L<RAND_cleanup(3)|RAND_cleanup(3)>
=head1 HISTORY
RAND_egd() is available since OpenSSL 0.9.5.