blob: 0853893cd78ddf24266924a1730e5cd9e1c9473a [file] [log] [blame]
batch = 1 # do not use stdin
total_timeout = 8 # prevent, e.g., infinite polling due to error
trusted = trusted.crt
newkey = new.key
newkeypass =
cmd = ir
out_trusted = root.crt
#certout = test.cert.pem
policies = certificatePolicies
#policy_oids =
#policy_oids_critical = 1
#verbosity = 7
############################# server configurations
[Mock] # the built-in OpenSSL CMP mock server
no_check_time = 1
server_host = # localhost
# server_port = 0 means that the port is determined by the server
server_port = 0
server_tls = $server_port
server_cert = server.crt
server = $server_host:$server_port
server_path = pkix/
path = $server_path
ca_dn = /O=openssl_cmp
recipient = $ca_dn
server_dn = /O=openssl_cmp
expect_sender = $server_dn
subject = "/C=AU/ST=Some-State/O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd/CN=leaf"
newkey = signer.key
out_trusted = signer_root.crt
kur_port = $server_port
pbm_port = $server_port
pbm_ref =
pbm_secret = pass:test
cert = signer.crt
key = signer.p12
keypass = pass:12345
ignore_keyusage = 0
column = 0
sleep = 0
############################# aspects
msg_timeout = 5
total_timeout =
# reset any TLS options to default:
tls_used =
tls_cert =
tls_key =
tls_keypass =
tls_trusted =
tls_host =
server =
tls_used =
tls_cert =
tls_key =
tls_keypass =
tls_trusted =
tls_host =
ref =
secret =
cert =
key =
keypass =
extracerts =
digest =
unprotected_requests =
#expect_sender =
srvcert =
trusted =
untrusted =
#unprotected_errors =
extracertsout =
cmd =
certout =
cacertsout =
infotype =
oldcert =
revreason =
geninfo =
cmd =
newkey =
newkeypass =
#subject =
issuer =
days =
reqexts =
sans =
san_nodefault = 0
#popo =
implicit_confirm = 0
disable_confirm = 0
certout =
out_trusted =
oldcert =
csr =
############################# extra cert template contents
certificatePolicies = "critical, @pkiPolicy"
policyIdentifier =
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
#basicConstraints = critical, CA:TRUE
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature # keyAgreement, keyEncipherment, nonRepudiation
extendedKeyUsage = critical, clientAuth # serverAuth, codeSigning
#crlDistributionPoints = URI:http:
#authorityInfoAccess = URI:http:
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.0 = localhost
IP.0 =
IP.1 =
URI.0 =
subjectAltName = @alt_names_3
DNS.0 = localhost
DNS.1 =
DNS.2 =
DNS__3 =