| =pod |
| |
| =head1 NAME |
| |
| build.info - Building information files |
| |
| =head1 SYNOPSIS |
| |
| B<IF[>0|1B<]> |
| |
| B<ELSIF[>0|1B<]> |
| |
| B<ELSE> |
| |
| B<ENDIF> |
| |
| B<SUBDIRS=> I<dir> ... |
| |
| B<PROGRAMS=> I<name> ... |
| |
| B<LIBS=> I<name> ... |
| |
| B<MODULES=> I<name> ... |
| |
| B<SCRIPTS=> I<name> ... |
| |
| B<DEPEND[>I<items>B<]=> I<otheritem> ... |
| |
| B<GENERATE[>I<item>B<]=> I<generator> I<generator-args> ... |
| |
| B<SOURCE[>I<item>B<]=> I<file> ... |
| |
| B<SHARED_SOURCE[>I<item>B<]=> I<file> ... |
| |
| B<DEFINE[>I<items>B<]=> I<name>[B<=>I<value>] ... |
| |
| B<INCLUDE[>I<items>B<]=> I<dir> ... |
| |
| B<$>I<VARIABLE>B<=>I<value> |
| |
| =head1 DESCRIPTION |
| |
| OpenSSL's build system revolves around three questions: |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item What to build for? |
| |
| This is about choice of platform (combination of hardware, operating |
| system, and toolchain). |
| |
| =item What to build? |
| |
| This is about having all the information on what needs to be built and |
| from what. |
| |
| =item How to build it? |
| |
| This is about build file generation. |
| |
| =back |
| |
| This document is all about the second item, "What to build?", and most |
| of all, how to specify that information. |
| |
| For some terms used in this document, please see the L</GLOSSARY> at |
| the end. |
| |
| =head2 F<build.info> files |
| |
| F<build.info> files are meta data files for OpenSSL's built file |
| generators, and are used to specify exactly what end product files |
| (programs, libraries, modules or scripts) are to be produced, and from |
| what sources. |
| |
| Intermediate files, such as object files, are seldom referred to at |
| all. They sometimes can be, if there's a need, but this should happen |
| very rarely, and support for that sort of thing is added on as-needed |
| basis. |
| |
| Any time a directory or file is expected in a statement value, Unix |
| syntax must be used, which means that the slash C</> must be used as |
| the directory separator. |
| |
| =head2 General syntax |
| |
| =head3 Comments |
| |
| Comments are any line that start with a hash sign (C<#>). The hash |
| sign may be preceded by any number of horizontal spaces. |
| |
| =head3 Filenames |
| |
| F<build.info> files are platform agnostic. This means that there is |
| some information in them that is representative rather than specific. |
| |
| This is particularly visible with end product names, they work more |
| like a tag than as the actual filename that's going to be produced. |
| This is because different platforms have different decorations on |
| different types of files. |
| |
| For example, if we say that we want to produce a program C<foo>, it |
| would look like this: |
| |
| PROGRAM=foo |
| |
| However, the program filename may end up being just C<foo> (typical |
| for Unix), or C<foo.exe> (typical for Windows), or even C<BLAH$FOO.EXE> |
| (possible on VMS, depending on policy). |
| |
| These platform specific decorations are not the concern of |
| F<build.info> files. The build file generators are responsible for |
| transforming these platform agnostic names to their platform specific |
| counterparts. |
| |
| =head3 Statements |
| |
| With the exception of variables and conditions, the general statement |
| syntax is one of: |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item B<I<KEYWORD>> B<=> I<value> ... |
| |
| =item B<I<KEYWORD>[>I<items>B<]> B<=> I<value> ... |
| |
| =back |
| |
| Every B<I<KEYWORD>> represents some particular type of information. |
| |
| The first form (sometimes called "plain statement") is used to specify |
| information on what end products need to be built, for example: |
| |
| PROGRAMS=foo bar |
| LIBS=libpoly libcookie |
| MODULES=awesome-plugin |
| SCRIPTS=tool1 tool2 |
| SUBDIRS=dir1 dir2 |
| |
| This says that we want to build programs C<foo> and C<bar>, the |
| libraries C<libpoly> and C<libcookie>, an awesome plugin module |
| C<awesome-plugin>, a couple of scripts C<tool1> and C<tool2>, and |
| finally that there are more F<build.info> files in subdirectories |
| C<dir1> and C<dir2>. |
| |
| The second form (sometimes called "indexed statement") is used to |
| specify further details for existing items, for example: |
| |
| SOURCE[foo]=foo.c details.c |
| DEPEND[foo]=libcookie |
| |
| This says that the program C<foo> is built from the source files |
| F<foo.c> and F<details.c>, and that it depends on the library |
| C<libcookie> (in other words, the library will be included when |
| linking that program together). |
| |
| Multiple space separated items are allowed too: |
| |
| SOURCE[foo]=foo.c |
| SOURCE[details]=details.c |
| DEPEND[foo details]=libcookie |
| |
| For any indexed statement for which the items haven't been specified |
| through any plain statement, or where the items exists but the indexed |
| statement does not apply, the value is simply ignored by the build |
| file generators. |
| |
| =head3 Statement attributes |
| |
| Some statements can have attributes added to them, to allow for |
| variations on how they are treated. |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item B<I<KEYWORD>{> I<attrib> | I<attrib>B<=>I<attrib-value> [,...]B<}> |
| B<=> I<value> ... |
| |
| =item B<I<KEYWORD>[>I<items>B<]{> I<attrib> | I<attrib>B<=>I<attrib-value> |
| [,...]B<}> B<=> I<value> ... |
| |
| =back |
| |
| Attributes are passed as they are to the build file generators, and |
| the exact interpretation of those attributes is entirely up to them |
| (see L</Known attributes> below for details). |
| |
| A current example: |
| |
| LIBS{noinst,has_main}=libtestutil.a |
| |
| This says that the static library C<libtestutil.a> should not be |
| installed (C<noinst>), and that it includes an object file that has |
| the C<main> symbol (C<has_main>). Most platforms don't need to know |
| the latter, but there are some where the program linker will not look |
| for C<main> in libraries unless it's explicitly told so, so this is |
| way to tell the build file generator to emit the necessary command |
| options to make that happen. |
| |
| Attributes are accumulated globally. This means that a library could |
| be given like this in different places: |
| |
| # Location 1 |
| LIBS=libwhatever |
| |
| # Location 2 |
| LIBS{noinst}=libwhatever |
| |
| # Location 3 |
| LIBS{has_main}=libwhatever |
| |
| The end result is that the library C<libwhatever> will have the |
| attributes C<noinst> and C<has_main> attached to it. |
| |
| =head3 Quoting and tokens |
| |
| Statement values are normally split into a list of tokens, separated |
| by spaces. |
| |
| To avoid having a value split up into several tokens, they may be |
| quoted with double (C<">) or single (C<'>) quotes. |
| |
| For example: |
| |
| PROGRAMS=foo "space cadet" bar |
| |
| This says that we sant to build three programs, C<foo>, C<space cadet> |
| and C<bar>. |
| |
| =head3 Conditionals |
| |
| F<build.info> files include a very simple condition system, involving |
| the following keywords: |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item B<IF[>0|1B<]> |
| |
| =item B<ELSIF[>0|1B<]> |
| |
| =item B<ELSE> |
| |
| =item B<ENDIF> |
| |
| =back |
| |
| This works like any condition system with similar syntax, and the |
| condition value in B<IF> and B<ELSIF> can really be any literal value |
| that perl can interpret as true or false. |
| |
| Conditional statements are nesting. |
| |
| In itself, this is not very powerful, but together with L</Perl nuggets>, |
| it can be. |
| |
| =head3 Variables |
| |
| F<build.info> handles simple variables. They are defined by |
| assignment: |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item B<$>I<NAME> B<=> I<value> |
| |
| =back |
| |
| These variables can then be used as part of any statement value or |
| indexed statement item. This should be used with some care, as |
| I<variables are expanded into their values before the value they are |
| part of is tokenized>. |
| |
| I<Variable assignment values are not tokenized.> |
| |
| =head2 Scope |
| |
| Most of the statement values are accumulated globally from all the |
| F<build.info> files that are digested. There are two exceptions, |
| F<build.info> variables and B<SUBDIRS> statement, for which the scope |
| is the F<build.info> file they are in. |
| |
| =head2 Perl nuggets |
| |
| Whenever a F<build.info> file is read, it is passed through the Perl |
| template processor L<OpenSSL::Template>, which is a small extension of |
| L<Text::Template>. |
| |
| Perl nuggets are anything between C<{-> and C<-}>, and whatever the |
| result from such a nugget is, that value will replace the nugget in |
| text form. This is useful to get dynamically generated F<build.info> |
| statements, and is most often seen used together with the B<IF> and |
| B<ELSIF> conditional statements. |
| |
| For example: |
| |
| IF[{- $disabled{something} -}] |
| # do whatever's needed when "something" is disabled |
| ELSIF[{- $somethingelse eq 'blah' -}] |
| # do whatever's needed to satisfy this condition |
| ELSE |
| # fallback |
| |
| Normal Perl scope applies, so it's possible to have an initial perl |
| nugget that sets diverse global variables that are used in later |
| nuggets. Each nugget is a Perl block of its own, so B<my> definitions |
| are only in scope within the same nugget, while B<our> definitions are |
| in scope within the whole F<build.info> file. |
| |
| =head1 REFERENCE |
| |
| =head2 Conditionals |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item B<IF[>0|1B<]> |
| |
| If the condition is true (represented as C<1> here), everything |
| between this B<IF> and the next corresponding B<ELSIF> or B<ELSE> |
| applies, and the rest until the corresponding B<ENDIF> is skipped |
| over. |
| |
| If the condition is false (represented as C<0> here), everything |
| from this B<IF> is skipped over until the next corresponding B<ELSIF> |
| or B<ELSE>, at which point processing continues. |
| |
| =item B<ELSE> |
| |
| If F<build.info> statements have been skipped over to this point since |
| the corresponding B<IF> or B<ELSIF>, F<build.info> processing starts |
| again following this line. |
| |
| =item B<ELSIF[>0|1B<]> |
| |
| This is B<ELSE> and B<IF> combined. |
| |
| =item B<ENDIF> |
| |
| Marks the end of a conditional. |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =head2 Plain statements |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item B<SUBDIRS=> I<dir> ... |
| |
| This instructs the F<build.info> reader to also read the F<build.info> |
| file in every specified directory. All directories should be given |
| relative to the location of the current F<build.info> file. |
| |
| =item B<PROGRAMS=> I<name> ... |
| |
| Collects names of programs that should be built. |
| |
| B<PROGRAMS> statements may have attributes, which apply to all the |
| programs given in such a statement. For example: |
| |
| PROGRAMS=foo |
| PROGRAMS{noinst}=bar |
| |
| With those two lines, the program C<foo> will not have the attribute |
| C<noinst>, while the program C<bar> will. |
| |
| =item B<LIBS=> I<name> ... |
| |
| Collects names of libraries that should be built. |
| |
| The normal case is that libraries are built in both static and shared |
| form. However, if a name ends with C<.a>, only the static form will |
| be produced. |
| |
| Similarly, libraries may be referred in indexed statements as just the |
| plain name, or the name including the ending C<.a>. If given without |
| the ending C<.a>, any form available will be used, but if given with |
| the ending C<.a>, the static library form is used unconditionally. |
| |
| B<LIBS> statements may have attributes, which apply to all the |
| libraries given in such a statement. For example: |
| |
| LIBS=libfoo |
| LIBS{noinst}=libbar |
| |
| With those two lines, the library C<libfoo> will not have the |
| attribute C<noinst>, while the library C<libbar> will. |
| |
| =item B<MODULES=> I<name> |
| |
| Collects names of dynamically loadable modules that should be built. |
| |
| B<MODULES> statements may have attributes, which apply to all the |
| modules given in such a statement. For example: |
| |
| MODULES=foo |
| MODULES{noinst}=bar |
| |
| With those two lines, the module C<foo> will not have the attribute |
| C<noinst>, while the module C<bar> will. |
| |
| =item B<SCRIPTS=> I<name> |
| |
| Collects names of scripts that should be built, or that just exist. |
| That is how they differ from programs, as programs are always expected |
| to be compiled from multiple sources. |
| |
| B<SCRIPTS> statements may have attributes, which apply to all the |
| scripts given in such a statement. For example: |
| |
| SCRIPTS=foo |
| SCRIPTS{noinst}=bar |
| |
| With those two lines, the script C<foo> will not have the attribute |
| C<noinst>, while the script C<bar> will. |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =head2 Indexed statements |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item B<DEPEND[>I<items>B<]> B<=> I<file> ... |
| |
| Collects dependencies, where I<items> depend on the given I<file>s. |
| |
| As a special case, the I<items> may be empty, for which the build file |
| generators should make the whole build depend on the given I<file>s, |
| rather than the specific I<items>. |
| |
| The I<items> may be any program, library, module, script, or any |
| filename used as a value anywhere. |
| |
| B<DEPEND> statements may have attributes, which apply to each |
| individual dependency in such a statement. For example: |
| |
| DEPEND[libfoo.a]=libmandatory.a |
| DEPEND[libfoo.a]{weak}=libbar.a libcookie.a |
| |
| With those statements, the dependency between C<libfoo.a> and |
| C<libmandatory.a> is strong, while the dependency between C<libfoo.a> |
| and C<libbar.a> and C<libcookie.a> is weak. See the description of |
| B<weak> in L</Known attributes> for more information. |
| |
| =item B<GENERATE[>I<item>B<]> B<=> I<generator> I<generator-arg> ... |
| |
| This specifies that the I<item> is generated using the I<generator> |
| with the I<generator-arg>s as arguments, plus the name of the output |
| file as last argument. |
| |
| For I<generator>s where this is applicable, any B<INCLUDE> statement |
| for the same I<item> will be given to the I<generator> as its |
| inclusion directories. Likewise, any B<DEPEND> statement for the same |
| I<item> will be given to the I<generator> as an extra file or module |
| to load, where this is applicable. |
| |
| The build file generators must be able to recognise the I<generator>. |
| Currently, they at least recognise files ending in C<.pl>, and will |
| execute them to generate the I<item>, and files ending in C<.in>, |
| which will be used as input for L<OpenSSL::Template> to generate |
| I<item> (in other words, we use the exact same style of |
| L</Perl nuggets> mechanism that is used to read F<build.info> files). |
| |
| =item B<SOURCE[>I<item>B<]> B<=> I<file> ... |
| |
| Collects filenames that will be used as source files for I<item>. |
| |
| The I<item> must be a singular item, and may be any program, library, |
| module or script given with B<PROGRAMS>, B<LIBS>, B<MODULES> and |
| |
| Static libraries may be sources. In that case, its object files are |
| used directly when building I<item> instead of relying on library |
| dependency and symbol resolution (through B<DEPEND> statements). |
| |
| =item B<SHARED_SOURCE[>I<item>B<]> B<=> I<file> ... |
| |
| Collects filenames that will be used as source files for I<item>. |
| |
| The I<item> must be a singular item, and may be any library or module |
| given with B<LIBS> or B<MODULES>. For libraries, the given filenames |
| are only used for their shared form, so if the item is a library name |
| ending with C<.a>, the filenames will be ignored. |
| |
| =item B<DEFINE[>I<items>B<]> B<=> I<name>[B<=>I<value>] ... |
| |
| Collects I<name> / I<value> pairs (or just I<name> with no defined |
| value if no I<value> is given) associated with I<items>. |
| |
| The build file generators will decide what to do with them. For |
| example, these pairs should become C macro definitions whenever a |
| C<.c> file is built into an object file. |
| |
| =item B<INCLUDE[>I<items>B<]> B<=> I<dir> ... |
| |
| Collects inclusion directories that will be used when building the |
| I<items> components (object files and whatever else). This is used at |
| the discretion of the build file generators. |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =head2 Known attributes |
| |
| Note: this will never be a complete list of attributes. |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item B<noinst> |
| |
| This is used to specify that the end products this is set for should |
| not be installed, that they are only internal. This is applicable on |
| internal static libraries, or on test programs. |
| |
| =item B<misc> |
| |
| This is used with B<SCRIPTS>, to specify that some scripts should be |
| installed in the "misc" directory rather than the normal program |
| directory. |
| |
| =item B<engine> |
| |
| This is used with B<MODULES>, to specify what modules are engines and |
| should be installed in the engines directory instead of the modules |
| directory. |
| |
| =item B<weak> |
| |
| This is used with B<DEPEND> where libraries are involved, to specify |
| that the dependency between two libraries is weak and is only there to |
| infer order. |
| |
| Without this attribute, a dependency between two libraries, expressed |
| like this, means that if C<libfoo.a> appears in a linking command |
| line, so will C<libmandatory.a>: |
| |
| DEPEND[libfoo.a]=libmandatory.a |
| |
| With this attribute, a dependency between two libraries, expressed |
| like this, means that if I<both> C<libfoo.a> and C<libmandatory.a> |
| appear in a linking command line (because of recursive dependencies |
| through other libraries), they will be ordered in such a way that this |
| dependency is maintained: |
| |
| DEPEND[libfoo.a]{weak}=libfoo.a libcookie.a |
| |
| This is useful in complex dependency trees where two libraries can be |
| used as alternatives for each other. In this example, C<lib1.a> and |
| C<lib2.a> have alternative implementations of the same thing, and |
| C<libmandatory.a> has unresolved references to that same thing, and is |
| therefore depending on either of them, but not both at the same time: |
| |
| DEPEND[program1]=libmandatory.a lib1.a |
| DEPEND[program2]=libmandatory.a lib2.a |
| DEPEND[libmandatory]{weak}=lib1.a lib2.a |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =head1 GLOSSARY |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item "build file" |
| |
| This is any platform specific file that describes the complete build, |
| with platform specific commands. On Unix, this is typically |
| F<Makefile>; on VMS, this is typically F<descrip.mms>. |
| |
| =item "build file generator" |
| |
| Perl code that generates build files, given configuration data and |
| data collected from F<build.info> files. |
| |
| =item "plain statement" |
| |
| Any F<build.info> statement of the form B<I<KEYWORD>>=I<values>, with |
| the exception of conditional statements and variable assignments. |
| |
| =item "indexed statement" |
| |
| Any F<build.info> statement of the form B<I<KEYWORD>[>I<items>B<]=>I<values>, |
| with the exception of conditional statements. |
| |
| =item "intermediate file" |
| |
| Any file that's an intermediate between a source file and an end |
| product. |
| |
| =item "end product" |
| |
| Any file that is mentioned in the B<PROGRAMS>, B<LIBS>, B<MODULES> or |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =head1 SEE ALSO |
| |
| For OpenSSL::Template documentation, |
| C<perldoc -o man util/perl/OpenSSL/Template.pm> |
| |
| L<Text::Temlate|https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::Template> |
| |
| =head1 COPYRIGHT |
| |
| Copyright 2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this |
| file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy in the file |
| LICENSE in the source distribution or at |
| L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>. |
| |
| =cut |