| The Microsoft World. |
| |
| The good news, to build SSLeay for the Microsft World |
| |
| Windows 3.1 DLL's |
| perl Configure VC-WIN16 |
| nmake -f ms\w31dll.mak |
| |
| Windows NT/95 DLL's |
| perl Configure VC-WIN32 |
| nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak |
| |
| Now the bad news |
| All builds were done using Microsofts Visual C++ 1.52c and [45].x. |
| If you are a borland person, you are probably going to have to help me |
| finish the stuff in util/pl/BC*pl |
| |
| All builds were made under Windows NT - this means long filenames, so |
| you may have problems under Windows 3.1 but probably not under 95. |
| |
| Because file pointers don't work in DLL's under Windows 3.1 (well at |
| least stdin/stdout don't and I don't like having to differentiate |
| between these and other file pointers), I now use the BIO file-pointer |
| module, which needs to be linked into your application. You can either |
| use the memory buffer BIO for IO, or compile bss_file.c into your |
| application, it is in the apps directory and is just a copy of |
| crypto/buffer/bss_file.c with #define APPS_WIN16 added. |
| I have not yet automated the makefile to automatically copy it into 'out' |
| for a win 3.1 build.... |
| |
| All callbacks passed into SSLeay for Windows 3.1 need to be of type |
| _far _loadds. |
| |
| I don't support building with the pascal calling convention. |
| |
| The DLL and static builds are large memory model. |
| |
| To build static libraries for NT/95 or win 3.1 |
| |
| perl util/mk1mf.pl VC-WIN32 > mf-stat.nt |
| perl util/mk1mf.pl VC-WIN16 > mf-stat.w31 |
| for DLL's |
| perl util/mk1mf.pl dll VC-WIN32 > mf-dll.nt |
| perl util/mk1mf.pl dll VC-WIN16 > mf-dll.w31 |
| |
| Again you will notice that if you dont have perl, you cannot do this. |
| |
| Now the next importaint issue. Running Configure! |
| I have small assember code files for critical big number library operation |
| in crypto/bn/asm. There is, asm code, object files and uuencode |
| object files. They are |
| x86nt32.asm - 32bit flat memory model assember - suitable Win32 |
| x86w16.asm - 16bit assember - used in the msdos build. |
| x86w32.asm - 32bit assember, win 3.1 segments, used for win16 build. |
| |
| If you feel compelled to build the 16bit maths routines in the windows 3.1 |
| build, |
| perl Configure VC-W31-16 |
| perl util/mk1mf.pl dll VC-W31-16 > mf-dll.w31 |
| |
| If you hate assember and don't want anything to do with it, |
| perl util/mk1mf.pl no-asm VC-WIN16 > mf-dll.w31 |
| will work for any of the makefile generations. |
| |
| There are more options to mk1mf.pl but these all leave the temporary |
| files in 'tmp' and the output files in 'out' by default. |
| |
| The NT build is done for console mode. |
| |
| The Windows 3.1 version of SSLeay uses quickwin, the interface is ugly |
| but it is better than nothing. If you want ugly, try doing anything |
| that involves getting a password. I decided to be ugly instead of |
| echoing characters. For Windows 3.1 I would just sugest using the |
| msdos version of the ssleay application for command line work. |
| The QuickWin build is primarily for testing. |
| |
| For both NT and Windows 3.1, I have not written the code so that |
| s_client, s_server can take input from the keyboard. You can happily |
| start applications up in separate windows, watch them handshake, and then sit |
| there for-ever. I have not had the time to get this working, and I've |
| been able to test things from a unix box to the NT box :-). |
| Try running ssleay s_server on the windows box |
| (with either -cert ../apps/server.pem -www) |
| and run ssleay s_time from another window. |
| This often stuffs up on Windows 3.1, but I'm not worried since this is |
| probably a problem with my demo applications, not the libraries. |
| |
| After a build of one of the version of microsoft SSLeay, |
| 'cd ms' and then run 'test'. This should check everything out and |
| even does a trial run of generating certificates. |
| 'test.bat' requires that perl be install, you be in the ms directory |
| (not the test directory, thats for unix so stay out :-) and that the |
| build output directory be ../out |
| |
| On a last note, you will probably get division by zero errors and |
| stuff after a build. This is due to your own inability to follow |
| instructions :-). |
| |
| The reasons for the problem is probably one of the following. |
| |
| 1) You did not run Configure. This is critical for windows 3.1 when |
| using assember. The values in crypto/bn/bn.h must match the |
| ones requred for the assember code. (remember that if you |
| edit crypto/bn/bn.h by hand, it will be clobered the next time |
| you run Configure by the contents of crypto/bn/bn.org). |
| SSLeay version -o will list the compile options. |
| For VC-WIN32 you need bn(64,32) or bn(32,32) |
| For VC-W31-32/VC-WIN16 you need bn(32,32) |
| For VC-W31-16 you need bn(32,16) or bn(16,16) |
| For VC-MSDOS you need bn(32,16) or bn(16,16). |
| |
| The first number will be 2 times bigger than the second if |
| BN_LLONG is defined in bn.h and the size of the second number |
| depends on the 'bits' defined at the start of bn.h. Have a |
| look, it's all reasonably clear. |
| If you want to start messing with 8 bit builds and things like |
| that, build without the assember by re-generating a makefile |
| via 'perl util/mk1mf.pl no-asm'. |
| 2) You tried to build under MS-DOS or Windows 3.1 using the /G3 |
| option. Don't. It is buggy (thats why you just got that |
| error) and unless you want to work out which optimising flag |
| to turn off, I'm not going to help you :-). I also noticed |
| that code often ran slower when compiled with /G3. |
| 3) Under NT/95, malloc goes stupid. You are probably linking with |
| the wrong library, there are problems if you mix the threaded |
| and non-threaded libraries (due to the DLL being staticly |
| linked with one and the applicaion using another. |
| |
| Well hopefully thats most of the MS issues handled, see you in ssl-users :-). |
| |
| eric 30-Aug-1996 |
| |
| SSLeay 0.6.5 |
| For Windows 95/NT, add CRYPTO_malloc_init() to your program before any |
| calls to the SSLeay libraries. This function will insert callbacks so that |
| the SSLeay libraries will use the same malloc(), free() and realloc() as |
| your application so 'problem 3)' mentioned above will go away. |
| |
| There is now DES assember for Windows NT/95. The file is |
| crypto/des/asm/win32.asm and replaces crypto/des/des_enc.c in the build. |
| |
| There is also Blowfish assember for Windows NT/95. The file is |
| crypto/bf/asm/win32.asm and replaces crypto/bf/bf_enc.c in the build. |
| |
| eric 25-Jun-1997 |
| |