| #!/usr/local/bin/perl |
| #!/usr/local/bin/perl
| $prog="bf586.pl";
| # base code is in microsft
| # op dest, source
| # format.
| #
| if ( ($ARGV[0] eq "elf"))
| { require "x86unix.pl"; }
| elsif ( ($ARGV[0] eq "a.out"))
| { $aout=1; require "x86unix.pl"; }
| elsif ( ($ARGV[0] eq "sol"))
| { $sol=1; require "x86unix.pl"; }
| elsif ( ($ARGV[0] eq "cpp"))
| { $cpp=1; require "x86unix.pl"; }
| elsif ( ($ARGV[0] eq "win32"))
| { require "x86ms.pl"; }
| else
| {
| print STDERR <<"EOF";
| Pick one target type from
| elf - linux, FreeBSD etc
| a.out - old linux
| sol - x86 solaris
| cpp - format so x86unix.cpp can be used
| win32 - Windows 95/Windows NT
| exit(1);
| }
| &comment("Don't even think of reading this code");
| &comment("It was automatically generated by $prog");
| &comment("Which is a perl program used to generate the x86 assember for");
| &comment("any of elf, a.out, Win32, or Solaris");
| &comment("It can be found in SSLeay 0.7.0+");
| &comment("eric <eay\@cryptsoft.com>");
| &comment("");
| &file("bfx86xxxx");
| $BF_ROUNDS=16;
| $BF_OFF=($BF_ROUNDS+2)*4;
| $L="ecx";
| $R="edx";
| $P="edi";
| $tot="esi";
| $tmp1="eax";
| $tmp2="ebx";
| $tmp3="ebp";
| &des_encrypt("BF_encrypt");
| &file_end();
| sub des_encrypt
| {
| local($name)=@_;
| &function_begin($name,3,"");
| &comment("");
| &comment("Load the 2 words");
| &mov("eax",&wparam(0));
| &mov($L,&DWP(0,"eax","",0));
| &mov($R,&DWP(4,"eax","",0));
| &comment("");
| &comment("P pointer, s and enc flag");
| &mov($P,&wparam(1));
| &xor( $tmp1, $tmp1);
| &xor( $tmp2, $tmp2);
| # encrypting part
| &mov("ebp",&wparam(2)); # get encrypt flag
| &cmp("ebp","0");
| &je(&label("start_decrypt"));
| &xor($L,&DWP(0,$P,"",0));
| for ($i=0; $i<$BF_ROUNDS; $i+=2)
| {
| &comment("");
| &comment("Round $i");
| &BF_ENCRYPT($i+1,$R,$L,$P,$tot,$tmp1,$tmp2,$tmp3);
| &comment("");
| &comment("Round ".sprintf("%d",$i+1));
| &BF_ENCRYPT($i+2,$L,$R,$P,$tot,$tmp1,$tmp2,$tmp3);
| }
| &xor($R,&DWP(($BF_ROUNDS+1)*4,$P,"",0));
| &mov("eax",&wparam(0));
| &mov(&DWP(0,"eax","",0),$R);
| &mov(&DWP(4,"eax","",0),$L);
| &function_end_A($name);
| &set_label("start_decrypt");
| &xor($L,&DWP(($BF_ROUNDS+1)*4,$P,"",0));
| for ($i=$BF_ROUNDS; $i>0; $i-=2)
| {
| &comment("");
| &comment("Round $i");
| &BF_ENCRYPT($i,$R,$L,$P,$tot,$tmp1,$tmp2,$tmp3);
| &comment("");
| &comment("Round ".sprintf("%d",$i-1));
| &BF_ENCRYPT($i-1,$L,$R,$P,$tot,$tmp1,$tmp2,$tmp3);
| }
| &xor($R,&DWP(0,$P,"",0));
| &mov("eax",&wparam(0));
| &mov(&DWP(0,"eax","",0),$R);
| &mov(&DWP(4,"eax","",0),$L);
| &function_end_A($name);
| &function_end_B($name);
| }
| {
| local($i,$L,$R,$P,$tot,$tmp1,$tmp2,$tmp3)=@_;
| &rotr( $R, 16);
| &mov( $tot, &DWP(&n2a($i*4),$P,"",0));
| &movb( &LB($tmp1), &HB($R));
| &movb( &LB($tmp2), &LB($R));
| &rotr( $R, 16);
| &xor( $L, $tot);
| &mov( $tot, &DWP(&n2a($BF_OFF+0x0000),$P,$tmp1,4));
| &mov( $tmp3, &DWP(&n2a($BF_OFF+0x0400),$P,$tmp2,4));
| &movb( &LB($tmp1), &HB($R));
| &movb( &LB($tmp2), &LB($R));
| &add( $tot, $tmp3);
| &mov( $tmp1, &DWP(&n2a($BF_OFF+0x0800),$P,$tmp1,4)); # delay
| &xor( $tot, $tmp1);
| &mov( $tmp3, &DWP(&n2a($BF_OFF+0x0C00),$P,$tmp2,4));
| &add( $tot, $tmp3);
| &xor( $tmp1, $tmp1);
| &xor( $L, $tot);
| # delay
| }
| sub n2a
| {
| sprintf("%d",$_[0]);
| }