| =pod |
| |
| =head1 NAME |
| |
| SSL_read - read bytes from a TLS/SSL connection. |
| |
| =head1 SYNOPSIS |
| |
| #include <openssl/ssl.h> |
| |
| int SSL_read(SSL *ssl, void *buf, int num); |
| |
| =head1 DESCRIPTION |
| |
| SSL_read() tries to read B<num> bytes from the specified B<ssl> into the |
| buffer B<buf>. |
| |
| =head1 NOTES |
| |
| If necessary, SSL_read() will negotiate a TLS/SSL session, if |
| not already explicitly performed by L<SSL_connect(3)> or |
| L<SSL_accept(3)>. If the |
| peer requests a re-negotiation, it will be performed transparently during |
| the SSL_read() operation. The behaviour of SSL_read() depends on the |
| underlying BIO. |
| |
| For the transparent negotiation to succeed, the B<ssl> must have been |
| initialized to client or server mode. This is being done by calling |
| L<SSL_set_connect_state(3)> or SSL_set_accept_state() |
| before the first call to an SSL_read() or L<SSL_write(3)> |
| function. |
| |
| SSL_read() works based on the SSL/TLS records. The data are received in |
| records (with a maximum record size of 16kB for SSLv3/TLSv1). Only when a |
| record has been completely received, it can be processed (decryption and |
| check of integrity). Therefore data that was not retrieved at the last |
| call of SSL_read() can still be buffered inside the SSL layer and will be |
| retrieved on the next call to SSL_read(). If B<num> is higher than the |
| number of bytes buffered, SSL_read() will return with the bytes buffered. |
| If no more bytes are in the buffer, SSL_read() will trigger the processing |
| of the next record. Only when the record has been received and processed |
| completely, SSL_read() will return reporting success. At most the contents |
| of the record will be returned. As the size of an SSL/TLS record may exceed |
| the maximum packet size of the underlying transport (e.g. TCP), it may |
| be necessary to read several packets from the transport layer before the |
| record is complete and SSL_read() can succeed. |
| |
| If the underlying BIO is B<blocking>, SSL_read() will only return, once the |
| read operation has been finished or an error occurred, except when a |
| renegotiation take place, in which case a SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ may occur. |
| This behaviour can be controlled with the SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY flag of the |
| L<SSL_CTX_set_mode(3)> call. |
| |
| If the underlying BIO is B<non-blocking>, SSL_read() will also return |
| when the underlying BIO could not satisfy the needs of SSL_read() |
| to continue the operation. In this case a call to |
| L<SSL_get_error(3)> with the |
| return value of SSL_read() will yield B<SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ> or |
| B<SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE>. As at any time a re-negotiation is possible, a |
| call to SSL_read() can also cause write operations! The calling process |
| then must repeat the call after taking appropriate action to satisfy the |
| needs of SSL_read(). The action depends on the underlying BIO. When using a |
| non-blocking socket, nothing is to be done, but select() can be used to check |
| for the required condition. When using a buffering BIO, like a BIO pair, data |
| must be written into or retrieved out of the BIO before being able to continue. |
| |
| L<SSL_pending(3)> can be used to find out whether there |
| are buffered bytes available for immediate retrieval. In this case |
| SSL_read() can be called without blocking or actually receiving new |
| data from the underlying socket. |
| |
| =head1 WARNING |
| |
| When an SSL_read() operation has to be repeated because of |
| B<SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ> or B<SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE>, it must be repeated |
| with the same arguments. |
| |
| =head1 RETURN VALUES |
| |
| The following return values can occur: |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item E<gt>0 |
| |
| The read operation was successful; the return value is the number of |
| bytes actually read from the TLS/SSL connection. |
| |
| =item Z<>0 |
| |
| The read operation was not successful. The reason may either be a clean |
| shutdown due to a "close notify" alert sent by the peer (in which case |
| the SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN flag in the ssl shutdown state is set |
| (see L<SSL_shutdown(3)>, |
| L<SSL_set_shutdown(3)>). It is also possible, that |
| the peer simply shut down the underlying transport and the shutdown is |
| incomplete. Call SSL_get_error() with the return value B<ret> to find out, |
| whether an error occurred or the connection was shut down cleanly |
| |
| =item E<lt>0 |
| |
| The read operation was not successful, because either an error occurred |
| or action must be taken by the calling process. Call SSL_get_error() with the |
| return value B<ret> to find out the reason. |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =head1 SEE ALSO |
| |
| L<SSL_get_error(3)>, L<SSL_write(3)>, |
| L<SSL_CTX_set_mode(3)>, L<SSL_CTX_new(3)>, |
| L<SSL_connect(3)>, L<SSL_accept(3)> |
| L<SSL_set_connect_state(3)>, |
| L<SSL_pending(3)>, |
| L<SSL_shutdown(3)>, L<SSL_set_shutdown(3)>, |
| L<ssl(3)>, L<bio(3)> |
| |
| =cut |