| ERR_put_error, ERR_add_error_data - record an error |
| void ERR_put_error(int lib, int func, int reason, const char *file, |
| void ERR_add_error_data(int num, ...); |
| ERR_put_error() adds an error code to the thread's error queue. It |
| signals that the error of reason code B<reason> occurred in function |
| B<func> of library B<lib>, in line number B<line> of B<file>. |
| This function is usually called by a macro. |
| ERR_add_error_data() associates the concatenation of its B<num> string |
| arguments with the error code added last. |
| L<ERR_load_strings(3)|ERR_load_strings(3)> can be used to register |
| error strings so that the application can a generate human-readable |
| error messages for the error code. |
| ERR_put_error() and ERR_add_error_data() return |
| L<err(3)|err(3)>, L<ERR_load_strings(3)|ERR_load_strings(3)> |
| ERR_put_error() is available in all versions of SSLeay and OpenSSL. |
| ERR_add_error_data() was added in SSLeay 0.9.0. |