| # Do a makedepend, only leave out the standard headers |
| # Written by Ben Laurie <ben@algroup.co.uk> 19 Jan 1999 |
| if [ "$1" = "-MD" ]; then |
| if [ "$MAKEDEPEND" = "" ]; then MAKEDEPEND=makedepend; fi |
| cp Makefile Makefile.save |
| # fake the presence of Kerberos |
| if expr "$MAKEDEPEND" : '.*cc' > /dev/null; then |
| if [ "$1" != "--" ]; then args="$args $1"; fi |
| sed -e '/^# DO NOT DELETE.*/,$d' < Makefile > Makefile.tmp |
| echo '# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.' >> Makefile.tmp |
| ${MAKEDEPEND} -Werror -D OPENSSL_DOING_MAKEDEPEND -M $args >> Makefile.tmp || exit 1 |
| ${PERL} $TOP/util/clean-depend.pl < Makefile.tmp > Makefile.new |
| ${PERL} $TOP/util/clean-depend.pl < Makefile > Makefile.new |
| # unfake the presence of Kerberos |