blob: fa9a132d90fb14846990e4485fc7518b762afc5d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2012-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# ====================================================================
# Written by Andy Polyakov <> for the OpenSSL
# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
# details see
# ====================================================================
# [Endian-neutral] AES for C64x+.
# Even though SPLOOPs are scheduled for 13 cycles, and thus expected
# performance is ~8.5 cycles per byte processed with 128-bit key,
# measured performance turned to be ~10 cycles per byte. Discrepancy
# must be caused by limitations of L1D memory banking(*), see SPRU871
# TI publication for further details. If any consolation it's still
# ~20% faster than TI's linear assembly module anyway... Compared to
# aes_core.c compiled with cl6x 6.0 with -mv6400+ -o2 options this
# code is 3.75x faster and almost 3x smaller (tables included).
# (*) This means that there might be subtle correlation between data
# and timing and one can wonder if it can be ... attacked:-(
# On the other hand this also means that *if* one chooses to
# implement *4* T-tables variant [instead of 1 T-table as in
# this implementation, or in addition to], then one ought to
# *interleave* them. Even though it complicates addressing,
# references to interleaved tables would be guaranteed not to
# clash. I reckon that it should be possible to break 8 cycles
# per byte "barrier," i.e. improve by ~20%, naturally at the
# cost of 8x increased pressure on L1D. 8x because you'd have
# to interleave both Te and Td tables...
$output = pop and open STDOUT,">$output";
.asg 0,__TI_EABI__
.if __TI_EABI__
.asg AES_encrypt,_AES_encrypt
.asg AES_decrypt,_AES_decrypt
.asg AES_set_encrypt_key,_AES_set_encrypt_key
.asg AES_set_decrypt_key,_AES_set_decrypt_key
.asg AES_ctr32_encrypt,_AES_ctr32_encrypt
.asg B3,RA
.asg A4,INP
.asg B4,OUT
.asg A6,KEY
.asg A4,RET
.asg B15,SP
.eval 24,EXT0
.eval 16,EXT1
.eval 8,EXT2
.eval 0,EXT3
.eval 8,TBL1
.eval 16,TBL2
.eval 24,TBL3
.eval 24-EXT0,EXT0
.eval 24-EXT1,EXT1
.eval 24-EXT2,EXT2
.eval 24-EXT3,EXT3
.eval 32-TBL1,TBL1
.eval 32-TBL2,TBL2
.eval 32-TBL3,TBL3
.global _AES_encrypt
MVK 1,B2
.if __TI_EABI__
[B2] LDNDW *INP++,A9:A8 ; load input
|| MVKL \$PCR_OFFSET(AES_Te,__encrypt),$TEA
|| ADDKPC __encrypt,B0
[B2] LDNDW *INP++,B9:B8
|| MVKH \$PCR_OFFSET(AES_Te,__encrypt),$TEA
[B2] LDNDW *INP++,A9:A8 ; load input
|| MVKL (AES_Te-__encrypt),$TEA
|| ADDKPC __encrypt,B0
[B2] LDNDW *INP++,B9:B8
|| MVKH (AES_Te-__encrypt),$TEA
LDW *$KPA++[2],$Te0[0] ; zero round key
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$Te0[1]
|| MVK 60,A0
|| ADD B0,$TEA,$TEA ; AES_Te
LDW *KEY[A0],B0 ; rounds
|| MVK 1024,A0 ; sizeof(AES_Te)
LDW *$KPA++[2],$Te0[2]
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$Te0[3]
MV A9,$s[0]
|| MV A8,$s[1]
|| MV B9,$s[2]
|| MV B8,$s[3]
MV A8,$s[0]
|| MV A9,$s[1]
|| MV B8,$s[2]
|| MV B9,$s[3]
XOR $Te0[0],$s[0],$s[0]
|| XOR $Te0[1],$s[1],$s[1]
|| LDW *$KPA++[2],$K[0] ; 1st round key
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$K[1]
SUB B0,2,B0
|| LDW *$KPA++[2],$K[2]
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$K[3]
EXTU $s[1],EXT1,24,$Te1[1]
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT3,24,$Te3[0]
LDW *${TEB}[$Te1[1]],$Te1[1] ; Te1[s1>>8], t0
|| LDW *${TEA}[$Te3[0]],$Te3[0] ; Te3[s0>>24], t1
|| XOR $s[2],$Te0[2],$s[2] ; modulo-scheduled
|| XOR $s[3],$Te0[3],$s[3] ; modulo-scheduled
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT3,24,$Te3[1]
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT1,24,$Te1[0]
LDW *${TEB}[$Te3[1]],$Te3[1] ; Te3[s1>>24], t2
|| LDW *${TEA}[$Te1[0]],$Te1[0] ; Te1[s0>>8], t3
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT2,24,$Te2[2]
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT2,24,$Te2[3]
LDW *${TEA}[$Te2[2]],$Te2[2] ; Te2[s2>>16], t0
|| LDW *${TEB}[$Te2[3]],$Te2[3] ; Te2[s3>>16], t1
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT3,24,$Te3[3]
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT1,24,$Te1[2]
LDW *${TEB}[$Te3[3]],$Te3[3] ; Te3[s3>>24], t0
|| LDW *${TEA}[$Te1[2]],$Te1[2] ; Te1[s2>>8], t1
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT2,24,$Te2[0]
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT2,24,$Te2[1]
LDW *${TEA}[$Te2[0]],$Te2[0] ; Te2[s0>>16], t2
|| LDW *${TEB}[$Te2[1]],$Te2[1] ; Te2[s1>>16], t3
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT1,24,$Te1[3]
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT3,24,$Te3[2]
LDW *${TEB}[$Te1[3]],$Te1[3] ; Te1[s3>>8], t2
|| LDW *${TEA}[$Te3[2]],$Te3[2] ; Te3[s2>>24], t3
|| ROTL $Te1[1],TBL1,$Te3[0] ; t0
|| ROTL $Te3[0],TBL3,$Te1[1] ; t1
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT0,24,$Te0[0]
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT0,24,$Te0[1]
LDW *${TEA}[$Te0[0]],$Te0[0] ; Te0[s0], t0
|| LDW *${TEB}[$Te0[1]],$Te0[1] ; Te0[s1], t1
|| ROTL $Te3[1],TBL3,$Te1[0] ; t2
|| ROTL $Te1[0],TBL1,$Te3[1] ; t3
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT0,24,$Te0[2]
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT0,24,$Te0[3]
LDW *${TEA}[$Te0[2]],$Te0[2] ; Te0[s2], t2
|| LDW *${TEB}[$Te0[3]],$Te0[3] ; Te0[s3], t3
|| ROTL $Te2[2],TBL2,$Te2[2] ; t0
|| ROTL $Te2[3],TBL2,$Te2[3] ; t1
|| XOR $K[0],$Te3[0],$s[0]
|| XOR $K[1],$Te1[1],$s[1]
ROTL $Te3[3],TBL3,$Te1[2] ; t0
|| ROTL $Te1[2],TBL1,$Te3[3] ; t1
|| XOR $K[2],$Te1[0],$s[2]
|| XOR $K[3],$Te3[1],$s[3]
|| LDW *$KPA++[2],$K[0] ; next round key
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$K[1]
ROTL $Te2[0],TBL2,$Te2[0] ; t2
|| ROTL $Te2[1],TBL2,$Te2[1] ; t3
|| XOR $s[0],$Te2[2],$s[0]
|| XOR $s[1],$Te2[3],$s[1]
|| LDW *$KPA++[2],$K[2]
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$K[3]
ROTL $Te1[3],TBL1,$Te3[2] ; t2
|| ROTL $Te3[2],TBL3,$Te1[3] ; t3
|| XOR $s[0],$Te1[2],$s[0]
|| XOR $s[1],$Te3[3],$s[1]
XOR $s[2],$Te2[0],$s[2]
|| XOR $s[3],$Te2[1],$s[3]
|| XOR $s[0],$Te0[0],$s[0]
|| XOR $s[1],$Te0[1],$s[1]
|| XOR.L $s[2],$Te3[2],$s[2]
|| XOR.L $s[3],$Te1[3],$s[3]
ADD.D ${TEA},A0,${TEA} ; point to Te4
|| ADD.D ${TEB},A0,${TEB}
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT1,24,$Te1[1]
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT3,24,$Te3[0]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te1[1]],$Te1[1] ; Te1[s1>>8], t0
|| LDBU *${TEA}[$Te3[0]],$Te3[0] ; Te3[s0>>24], t1
|| XOR $s[2],$Te0[2],$s[2] ; modulo-scheduled
|| XOR $s[3],$Te0[3],$s[3] ; modulo-scheduled
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT0,24,$Te0[0]
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT0,24,$Te0[1]
LDBU *${TEA}[$Te0[0]],$Te0[0] ; Te0[s0], t0
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te0[1]],$Te0[1] ; Te0[s1], t1
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT3,24,$Te3[3]
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT1,24,$Te1[2]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te3[3]],$Te3[3] ; Te3[s3>>24], t0
|| LDBU *${TEA}[$Te1[2]],$Te1[2] ; Te1[s2>>8], t1
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT2,24,$Te2[2]
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT2,24,$Te2[3]
LDBU *${TEA}[$Te2[2]],$Te2[2] ; Te2[s2>>16], t0
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te2[3]],$Te2[3] ; Te2[s3>>16], t1
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT3,24,$Te3[1]
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT1,24,$Te1[0]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te3[1]],$Te3[1] ; Te3[s1>>24], t2
|| LDBU *${TEA}[$Te1[0]],$Te1[0] ; Te1[s0>>8], t3
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT1,24,$Te1[3]
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT3,24,$Te3[2]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te1[3]],$Te1[3] ; Te1[s3>>8], t2
|| LDBU *${TEA}[$Te3[2]],$Te3[2] ; Te3[s2>>24], t3
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT0,24,$Te0[2]
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT0,24,$Te0[3]
LDBU *${TEA}[$Te0[2]],$Te0[2] ; Te0[s2], t2
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te0[3]],$Te0[3] ; Te0[s3], t3
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT2,24,$Te2[0]
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT2,24,$Te2[1]
LDBU *${TEA}[$Te2[0]],$Te2[0] ; Te2[s0>>16], t2
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te2[1]],$Te2[1] ; Te2[s1>>16], t3
PACK2 $Te0[0],$Te1[1],$Te0[0]
|| PACK2 $Te0[1],$Te1[2],$Te0[1]
PACK2 $Te2[2],$Te3[3],$Te2[2]
|| PACK2 $Te2[3],$Te3[0],$Te2[3]
PACKL4 $Te0[0],$Te2[2],$Te0[0]
|| PACKL4 $Te0[1],$Te2[3],$Te0[1]
XOR $K[0],$Te0[0],$Te0[0] ; s[0]
|| XOR $K[1],$Te0[1],$Te0[1] ; s[1]
PACK2 $Te0[2],$Te1[3],$Te0[2]
|| PACK2 $Te0[3],$Te1[0],$Te0[3]
PACK2 $Te2[0],$Te3[1],$Te2[0]
|| PACK2 $Te2[1],$Te3[2],$Te2[1]
PACKL4 $Te0[2],$Te2[0],$Te0[2]
|| PACKL4 $Te0[3],$Te2[1],$Te0[3]
XOR $K[2],$Te0[2],$Te0[2] ; s[2]
|| XOR $K[3],$Te0[3],$Te0[3] ; s[3]
MV $Te0[0],A9
|| MV $Te0[1],A8
MV $Te0[2],B9
|| MV $Te0[3],B8
|| [B2] STNDW A9:A8,*OUT++
[B2] STNDW B9:B8,*OUT++
PACK2 $Te1[1],$Te0[0],$Te1[1]
|| PACK2 $Te1[2],$Te0[1],$Te1[2]
PACK2 $Te3[3],$Te2[2],$Te3[3]
|| PACK2 $Te3[0],$Te2[3],$Te3[0]
PACKL4 $Te3[3],$Te1[1],$Te1[1]
|| PACKL4 $Te3[0],$Te1[2],$Te1[2]
XOR $K[0],$Te1[1],$Te1[1] ; s[0]
|| XOR $K[1],$Te1[2],$Te1[2] ; s[1]
PACK2 $Te1[3],$Te0[2],$Te1[3]
|| PACK2 $Te1[0],$Te0[3],$Te1[0]
PACK2 $Te3[1],$Te2[0],$Te3[1]
|| PACK2 $Te3[2],$Te2[1],$Te3[2]
PACKL4 $Te3[1],$Te1[3],$Te1[3]
|| PACKL4 $Te3[2],$Te1[0],$Te1[0]
XOR $K[2],$Te1[3],$Te1[3] ; s[2]
|| XOR $K[3],$Te1[0],$Te1[0] ; s[3]
MV $Te1[1],A8
|| MV $Te1[2],A9
MV $Te1[3],B8
|| MV $Te1[0],B9
|| [B2] STNDW A9:A8,*OUT++
[B2] STNDW B9:B8,*OUT++
.global _AES_decrypt
MVK 1,B2
.if __TI_EABI__
[B2] LDNDW *INP++,A9:A8 ; load input
|| MVKL \$PCR_OFFSET(AES_Td,__decrypt),$TEA
|| ADDKPC __decrypt,B0
[B2] LDNDW *INP++,B9:B8
|| MVKH \$PCR_OFFSET(AES_Td,__decrypt),$TEA
[B2] LDNDW *INP++,A9:A8 ; load input
|| MVKL (AES_Td-__decrypt),$TEA
|| ADDKPC __decrypt,B0
[B2] LDNDW *INP++,B9:B8
|| MVKH (AES_Td-__decrypt),$TEA
LDW *$KPA++[2],$Td0[0] ; zero round key
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$Td0[1]
|| MVK 60,A0
|| ADD B0,$TEA,$TEA ; AES_Td
LDW *KEY[A0],B0 ; rounds
|| MVK 1024,A0 ; sizeof(AES_Td)
LDW *$KPA++[2],$Td0[2]
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$Td0[3]
MV A9,$s[0]
|| MV A8,$s[1]
|| MV B9,$s[2]
|| MV B8,$s[3]
MV A8,$s[0]
|| MV A9,$s[1]
|| MV B8,$s[2]
|| MV B9,$s[3]
XOR $Td0[0],$s[0],$s[0]
|| XOR $Td0[1],$s[1],$s[1]
|| LDW *$KPA++[2],$K[0] ; 1st round key
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$K[1]
SUB B0,2,B0
|| LDW *$KPA++[2],$K[2]
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$K[3]
EXTU $s[1],EXT3,24,$Td3[1]
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT1,24,$Td1[0]
LDW *${TEB}[$Td3[1]],$Td3[1] ; Td3[s1>>24], t0
|| LDW *${TEA}[$Td1[0]],$Td1[0] ; Td1[s0>>8], t1
|| XOR $s[2],$Td0[2],$s[2] ; modulo-scheduled
|| XOR $s[3],$Td0[3],$s[3] ; modulo-scheduled
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT1,24,$Td1[1]
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT3,24,$Td3[0]
LDW *${TEB}[$Td1[1]],$Td1[1] ; Td1[s1>>8], t2
|| LDW *${TEA}[$Td3[0]],$Td3[0] ; Td3[s0>>24], t3
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT2,24,$Td2[2]
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT2,24,$Td2[3]
LDW *${TEA}[$Td2[2]],$Td2[2] ; Td2[s2>>16], t0
|| LDW *${TEB}[$Td2[3]],$Td2[3] ; Td2[s3>>16], t1
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT1,24,$Td1[3]
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT3,24,$Td3[2]
LDW *${TEB}[$Td1[3]],$Td1[3] ; Td1[s3>>8], t0
|| LDW *${TEA}[$Td3[2]],$Td3[2] ; Td3[s2>>24], t1
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT2,24,$Td2[0]
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT2,24,$Td2[1]
LDW *${TEA}[$Td2[0]],$Td2[0] ; Td2[s0>>16], t2
|| LDW *${TEB}[$Td2[1]],$Td2[1] ; Td2[s1>>16], t3
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT3,24,$Td3[3]
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT1,24,$Td1[2]
LDW *${TEB}[$Td3[3]],$Td3[3] ; Td3[s3>>24], t2
|| LDW *${TEA}[$Td1[2]],$Td1[2] ; Td1[s2>>8], t3
|| ROTL $Td3[1],TBL3,$Td1[0] ; t0
|| ROTL $Td1[0],TBL1,$Td3[1] ; t1
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT0,24,$Td0[0]
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT0,24,$Td0[1]
LDW *${TEA}[$Td0[0]],$Td0[0] ; Td0[s0], t0
|| LDW *${TEB}[$Td0[1]],$Td0[1] ; Td0[s1], t1
|| ROTL $Td1[1],TBL1,$Td3[0] ; t2
|| ROTL $Td3[0],TBL3,$Td1[1] ; t3
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT0,24,$Td0[2]
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT0,24,$Td0[3]
LDW *${TEA}[$Td0[2]],$Td0[2] ; Td0[s2], t2
|| LDW *${TEB}[$Td0[3]],$Td0[3] ; Td0[s3], t3
|| ROTL $Td2[2],TBL2,$Td2[2] ; t0
|| ROTL $Td2[3],TBL2,$Td2[3] ; t1
|| XOR $K[0],$Td1[0],$s[0]
|| XOR $K[1],$Td3[1],$s[1]
ROTL $Td1[3],TBL1,$Td3[2] ; t0
|| ROTL $Td3[2],TBL3,$Td1[3] ; t1
|| XOR $K[2],$Td3[0],$s[2]
|| XOR $K[3],$Td1[1],$s[3]
|| LDW *$KPA++[2],$K[0] ; next round key
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$K[1]
ROTL $Td2[0],TBL2,$Td2[0] ; t2
|| ROTL $Td2[1],TBL2,$Td2[1] ; t3
|| XOR $s[0],$Td2[2],$s[0]
|| XOR $s[1],$Td2[3],$s[1]
|| LDW *$KPA++[2],$K[2]
|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$K[3]
ROTL $Td3[3],TBL3,$Td1[2] ; t2
|| ROTL $Td1[2],TBL1,$Td3[3] ; t3
|| XOR $s[0],$Td3[2],$s[0]
|| XOR $s[1],$Td1[3],$s[1]
XOR $s[2],$Td2[0],$s[2]
|| XOR $s[3],$Td2[1],$s[3]
|| XOR $s[0],$Td0[0],$s[0]
|| XOR $s[1],$Td0[1],$s[1]
|| XOR.L $s[2],$Td1[2],$s[2]
|| XOR.L $s[3],$Td3[3],$s[3]
ADD.D ${TEA},A0,${TEA} ; point to Td4
|| ADD.D ${TEB},A0,${TEB}
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT3,24,$Td3[1]
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT1,24,$Td1[0]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Td3[1]],$Td3[1] ; Td3[s1>>24], t0
|| LDBU *${TEA}[$Td1[0]],$Td1[0] ; Td1[s0>>8], t1
|| XOR $s[2],$Td0[2],$s[2] ; modulo-scheduled
|| XOR $s[3],$Td0[3],$s[3] ; modulo-scheduled
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT0,24,$Td0[0]
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT0,24,$Td0[1]
LDBU *${TEA}[$Td0[0]],$Td0[0] ; Td0[s0], t0
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Td0[1]],$Td0[1] ; Td0[s1], t1
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT2,24,$Td2[2]
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT2,24,$Td2[3]
LDBU *${TEA}[$Td2[2]],$Td2[2] ; Td2[s2>>16], t0
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Td2[3]],$Td2[3] ; Td2[s3>>16], t1
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT1,24,$Td1[3]
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT3,24,$Td3[2]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Td1[3]],$Td1[3] ; Td1[s3>>8], t0
|| LDBU *${TEA}[$Td3[2]],$Td3[2] ; Td3[s2>>24], t1
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT1,24,$Td1[1]
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT3,24,$Td3[0]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Td1[1]],$Td1[1] ; Td1[s1>>8], t2
|| LDBU *${TEA}[$Td3[0]],$Td3[0] ; Td3[s0>>24], t3
|| EXTU $s[0],EXT2,24,$Td2[0]
|| EXTU $s[1],EXT2,24,$Td2[1]
LDBU *${TEA}[$Td2[0]],$Td2[0] ; Td2[s0>>16], t2
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Td2[1]],$Td2[1] ; Td2[s1>>16], t3
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT3,24,$Td3[3]
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT1,24,$Td1[2]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Td3[3]],$Td3[3] ; Td3[s3>>24], t2
|| LDBU *${TEA}[$Td1[2]],$Td1[2] ; Td1[s2>>8], t3
|| EXTU $s[2],EXT0,24,$Td0[2]
|| EXTU $s[3],EXT0,24,$Td0[3]
LDBU *${TEA}[$Td0[2]],$Td0[2] ; Td0[s2], t2
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Td0[3]],$Td0[3] ; Td0[s3], t3
PACK2 $Td0[0],$Td1[3],$Td0[0]
|| PACK2 $Td0[1],$Td1[0],$Td0[1]
PACK2 $Td2[2],$Td3[1],$Td2[2]
|| PACK2 $Td2[3],$Td3[2],$Td2[3]
PACKL4 $Td0[0],$Td2[2],$Td0[0]
|| PACKL4 $Td0[1],$Td2[3],$Td0[1]
XOR $K[0],$Td0[0],$Td0[0] ; s[0]
|| XOR $K[1],$Td0[1],$Td0[1] ; s[1]
PACK2 $Td0[2],$Td1[1],$Td0[2]
|| PACK2 $Td0[3],$Td1[2],$Td0[3]
PACK2 $Td2[0],$Td3[3],$Td2[0]
|| PACK2 $Td2[1],$Td3[0],$Td2[1]
PACKL4 $Td0[2],$Td2[0],$Td0[2]
|| PACKL4 $Td0[3],$Td2[1],$Td0[3]
XOR $K[2],$Td0[2],$Td0[2] ; s[2]
|| XOR $K[3],$Td0[3],$Td0[3] ; s[3]
MV $Td0[0],A9
|| MV $Td0[1],A8
MV $Td0[2],B9
|| MV $Td0[3],B8
|| [B2] STNDW A9:A8,*OUT++
[B2] STNDW B9:B8,*OUT++
PACK2 $Td1[3],$Td0[0],$Td1[3]
|| PACK2 $Td1[0],$Td0[1],$Td1[0]
PACK2 $Td3[1],$Td2[2],$Td3[1]
|| PACK2 $Td3[2],$Td2[3],$Td3[2]
PACKL4 $Td3[1],$Td1[3],$Td1[3]
|| PACKL4 $Td3[2],$Td1[0],$Td1[0]
XOR $K[0],$Td1[3],$Td1[3] ; s[0]
|| XOR $K[1],$Td1[0],$Td1[0] ; s[1]
PACK2 $Td1[1],$Td0[2],$Td1[1]
|| PACK2 $Td1[2],$Td0[3],$Td1[2]
PACK2 $Td3[3],$Td2[0],$Td3[3]
|| PACK2 $Td3[0],$Td2[1],$Td3[0]
PACKL4 $Td3[3],$Td1[1],$Td1[1]
|| PACKL4 $Td3[0],$Td1[2],$Td1[2]
XOR $K[2],$Td1[1],$Td1[1] ; s[2]
|| XOR $K[3],$Td1[2],$Td1[2] ; s[3]
MV $Td1[3],A8
|| MV $Td1[0],A9
MV $Td1[1],B8
|| MV $Td1[2],B9
|| [B2] STNDW A9:A8,*OUT++
[B2] STNDW B9:B8,*OUT++
my @K=(@K,@s); # extended key
my @Te4=map("B$_",(16..19));
my @Kx9=@Te0; # used in AES_set_decrypt_key
my @KxB=@Te1;
my @KxD=@Te2;
my @KxE=@Te3;
.global _AES_set_encrypt_key
|| SHRU BITS,5,BITS ; 128-192-256 -> 4-6-8
|| MV KEY,A1
[!A0] B RA
||[!A0] MVK -1,RET
||[!A0] MVK 1,A1 ; only one B RA
[!A1] B RA
||[!A1] MVK -1,RET
||[!A1] MVK 0,A0
|| MVK 0,B0
|| MVK 0,A1
[A0] LDNDW *INP++,A9:A8
|| [A0] CMPEQ 4,BITS,B0
|| [A0] CMPLT 3,BITS,A1
[B0] B key128?
|| [A1] LDNDW *INP++,B9:B8
|| [A0] CMPEQ 6,BITS,B0
|| [A0] CMPLT 5,BITS,A1
[B0] B key192?
|| [A1] LDNDW *INP++,B17:B16
|| [A0] CMPEQ 8,BITS,B0
|| [A0] CMPLT 7,BITS,A1
[B0] B key256?
|| [A1] LDNDW *INP++,B19:B18
.if __TI_EABI__
|| [A0] ADD 4,KEY,$KPB
|| [A0] MVKL \$PCR_OFFSET(AES_Te4,__set_encrypt_key),$TEA
|| [A0] ADDKPC __set_encrypt_key,B6
[A0] MVKH \$PCR_OFFSET(AES_Te4,__set_encrypt_key),$TEA
[A0] ADD B6,$TEA,$TEA ; AES_Te4
|| [A0] ADD 4,KEY,$KPB
|| [A0] MVKL (AES_Te4-__set_encrypt_key),$TEA
|| [A0] ADDKPC __set_encrypt_key,B6
[A0] MVKH (AES_Te4-__set_encrypt_key),$TEA
[A0] ADD B6,$TEA,$TEA ; AES_Te4
|| MVK -2,RET ; unknown bit length
|| MVK 0,B0 ; redundant
MV A9,$K[0]
|| MV A8,$K[1]
|| MV B9,$Te4[2]
|| MV B8,$K[3]
MV A8,$K[0]
|| MV A9,$K[1]
|| MV B8,$Te4[2]
|| MV B9,$K[3]
MVK 256,A0
|| MVK 9,B0
|| ADD $TEA,A0,A30 ; rcon
LDW *A30++[1],A31 ; rcon[i]
|| MV $Te4[2],$K[2]
|| EXTU $K[3],EXT1,24,$Te4[0]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[0]],$Te4[0]
|| MV $K[3],A0
|| EXTU $K[3],EXT2,24,$Te4[1]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[1]],$Te4[1]
|| EXTU A0,EXT3,24,A0
|| EXTU $K[3],EXT0,24,$Te4[3]
LDBU *${TEA}[A0],$Te4[3]
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[3]],A0
LDBU *${TEA}[A0],A0
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[3]],$Te4[3]
STW $K[0],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[1],*$KPB++[2]
STW $K[2],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[3],*$KPB++[2]
XOR A31,$K[0],$K[0] ; ^=rcon[i]
PACK2 $Te4[0],$Te4[1],$Te4[1]
PACK2 $Te4[3],A0,$Te4[3]
PACKL4 $Te4[1],$Te4[3],$Te4[3]
PACK2 $Te4[1],$Te4[0],$Te4[1]
PACK2 $Te4[3],A0,$Te4[3]
PACKL4 $Te4[3],$Te4[1],$Te4[3]
XOR $Te4[3],$K[0],$Te4[0] ; K[0]
XOR $Te4[0],$K[1],$K[1] ; K[1]
MV $Te4[0],$K[0]
|| XOR $K[1],$K[2],$Te4[2] ; K[2]
XOR $Te4[2],$K[3],$K[3] ; K[3]
MV $Te4[2],$K[2]
|| STW $K[0],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[1],*$KPB++[2]
STW $K[2],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[3],*$KPB++[2]
MVK 10,B0 ; rounds
STW B0,*++${KPB}[15]
MV A9,$K[0]
|| MV A8,$K[1]
|| MV B9,$K[2]
|| MV B8,$K[3]
MV B17,$Te4[2]
|| MV B16,$K[5]
MV A8,$K[0]
|| MV A9,$K[1]
|| MV B8,$K[2]
|| MV B9,$K[3]
MV B16,$Te4[2]
|| MV B17,$K[5]
MVK 256,A0
|| MVK 6,B0
|| ADD $TEA,A0,A30 ; rcon
LDW *A30++[1],A31 ; rcon[i]
|| MV $Te4[2],$K[4]
|| EXTU $K[5],EXT1,24,$Te4[0]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[0]],$Te4[0]
|| MV $K[5],A0
|| EXTU $K[5],EXT2,24,$Te4[1]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[1]],$Te4[1]
|| EXTU A0,EXT3,24,A0
|| EXTU $K[5],EXT0,24,$Te4[3]
LDBU *${TEA}[A0],$Te4[3]
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[3]],A0
LDBU *${TEA}[A0],A0
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[3]],$Te4[3]
STW $K[0],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[1],*$KPB++[2]
STW $K[2],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[3],*$KPB++[2]
STW $K[4],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[5],*$KPB++[2]
XOR A31,$K[0],$K[0] ; ^=rcon[i]
PACK2 $Te4[0],$Te4[1],$Te4[1]
|| PACK2 $Te4[3],A0,$Te4[3]
PACKL4 $Te4[1],$Te4[3],$Te4[3]
PACK2 $Te4[1],$Te4[0],$Te4[1]
|| PACK2 $Te4[3],A0,$Te4[3]
PACKL4 $Te4[3],$Te4[1],$Te4[3]
BDEC loop192?,B0
|| XOR $Te4[3],$K[0],$Te4[0] ; K[0]
XOR $Te4[0],$K[1],$K[1] ; K[1]
MV $Te4[0],$K[0]
|| XOR $K[1],$K[2],$Te4[2] ; K[2]
XOR $Te4[2],$K[3],$K[3] ; K[3]
MV $Te4[2],$K[2]
|| XOR $K[3],$K[4],$Te4[2] ; K[4]
XOR $Te4[2],$K[5],$K[5] ; K[5]
STW $K[0],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[1],*$KPB++[2]
STW $K[2],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[3],*$KPB++[2]
MVK 12,B0 ; rounds
STW B0,*++${KPB}[7]
MV A9,$K[0]
|| MV A8,$K[1]
|| MV B9,$K[2]
|| MV B8,$K[3]
MV B17,$K[4]
|| MV B16,$K[5]
|| MV B19,$Te4[2]
|| MV B18,$K[7]
MV A8,$K[0]
|| MV A9,$K[1]
|| MV B8,$K[2]
|| MV B9,$K[3]
MV B16,$K[4]
|| MV B17,$K[5]
|| MV B18,$Te4[2]
|| MV B19,$K[7]
MVK 256,A0
|| MVK 6,B0
|| ADD $TEA,A0,A30 ; rcon
LDW *A30++[1],A31 ; rcon[i]
|| MV $Te4[2],$K[6]
|| EXTU $K[7],EXT1,24,$Te4[0]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[0]],$Te4[0]
|| MV $K[7],A0
|| EXTU $K[7],EXT2,24,$Te4[1]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[1]],$Te4[1]
|| EXTU A0,EXT3,24,A0
|| EXTU $K[7],EXT0,24,$Te4[3]
LDBU *${TEA}[A0],$Te4[3]
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[3]],A0
LDBU *${TEA}[A0],A0
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[3]],$Te4[3]
STW $K[0],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[1],*$KPB++[2]
STW $K[2],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[3],*$KPB++[2]
STW $K[4],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[5],*$KPB++[2]
STW $K[6],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[7],*$KPB++[2]
|| XOR A31,$K[0],$K[0] ; ^=rcon[i]
PACK2 $Te4[0],$Te4[1],$Te4[1]
|| PACK2 $Te4[3],A0,$Te4[3]
PACKL4 $Te4[1],$Te4[3],$Te4[3]
||[!B0] B done256?
PACK2 $Te4[1],$Te4[0],$Te4[1]
|| PACK2 $Te4[3],A0,$Te4[3]
PACKL4 $Te4[3],$Te4[1],$Te4[3]
||[!B0] B done256?
XOR $Te4[3],$K[0],$Te4[0] ; K[0]
XOR $Te4[0],$K[1],$K[1] ; K[1]
MV $Te4[0],$K[0]
|| XOR $K[1],$K[2],$Te4[2] ; K[2]
XOR $Te4[2],$K[3],$K[3] ; K[3]
MV $Te4[2],$K[2]
|| [B0] EXTU $K[3],EXT0,24,$Te4[0]
|| [B0] SUB B0,1,B0
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[0]],$Te4[0]
|| MV $K[3],A0
|| EXTU $K[3],EXT1,24,$Te4[1]
LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[1]],$Te4[1]
|| EXTU A0,EXT2,24,A0
|| EXTU $K[3],EXT3,24,$Te4[3]
LDBU *${TEA}[A0],$Te4[3]
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[3]],A0
PACK2 $Te4[0],$Te4[1],$Te4[1]
PACK2 $Te4[3],A0,$Te4[3]
|| B loop256?
PACKL4 $Te4[1],$Te4[3],$Te4[3]
LDBU *${TEA}[A0],A0
|| LDBU *${TEB}[$Te4[3]],$Te4[3]
PACK2 $Te4[1],$Te4[0],$Te4[1]
PACK2 $Te4[3],A0,$Te4[3]
|| B loop256?
PACKL4 $Te4[3],$Te4[1],$Te4[3]
XOR $Te4[3],$K[4],$Te4[0] ; K[4]
XOR $Te4[0],$K[5],$K[5] ; K[5]
MV $Te4[0],$K[4]
|| XOR $K[5],$K[6],$Te4[2] ; K[6]
XOR $Te4[2],$K[7],$K[7] ; K[7]
STW $K[0],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[1],*$KPB++[2]
STW $K[2],*$KPA++[2]
|| STW $K[3],*$KPB++[2]
MVK 14,B0 ; rounds
STW B0,*--${KPB}[1]
.global _AES_set_decrypt_key
B __set_encrypt_key ; guarantee local call
MV KEY,B30 ; B30 is not modified
MV RA, B31 ; B31 is not modified
ADDKPC ret?,RA,2
ret?: ; B0 holds rounds or zero
[!B0] BNOP B31 ; return if zero
[B0] SHL B0,4,A0 ; offset to last round key
[B0] SHRU B0,1,B1
[B0] SUB B1,1,B1
[B0] MVK 0x0000001B,B3 ; AES polynomial
[B0] MVKH 0x07000000,B3
SPLOOPD 9 ; flip round keys
|| MV B30,$KPA
|| ADD B30,A0,$KPB
|| MVK 16,A0 ; sizeof(round key)
LDW *${KPA}[0],A16
|| LDW *${KPB}[0],B16
LDW *${KPA}[1],A17
|| LDW *${KPB}[1],B17
LDW *${KPA}[2],A18
|| LDW *${KPB}[2],B18
LDW *${KPA}[3],A19
|| LDW *${KPB}[3],B19
STW B16,*${KPA}[-4]
|| STW A16,*${KPB}[4]
STW B17,*${KPA}[-3]
|| STW A17,*${KPB}[5]
STW B18,*${KPA}[-2]
|| STW A18,*${KPB}[6]
STW B19,*${KPA}[-1]
|| STW A19,*${KPB}[7]
SUB B0,1,B0 ; skip last round
|| ADD B30,A0,$KPA ; skip first round
|| ADD B30,A0,$KPB
LDW *${KPA}[0],$K[0]
|| LDW *${KPB}[1],$K[1]
LDW *${KPA}[2],$K[2]
|| LDW *${KPB}[3],$K[3]
MVK 0x00000909,A24
|| MVK 0x00000B0B,B24
MVKH 0x09090000,A24
|| MVKH 0x0B0B0000,B24
|| SUB B0,1,B0
GMPY4 $K[0],A24,$Kx9[0] ; ·0x09
|| GMPY4 $K[1],A24,$Kx9[1]
|| MVK 0x00000D0D,A25
|| MVK 0x00000E0E,B25
GMPY4 $K[2],A24,$Kx9[2]
|| GMPY4 $K[3],A24,$Kx9[3]
|| MVKH 0x0D0D0000,A25
|| MVKH 0x0E0E0000,B25
GMPY4 $K[0],B24,$KxB[0] ; ·0x0B
|| GMPY4 $K[1],B24,$KxB[1]
GMPY4 $K[2],B24,$KxB[2]
|| GMPY4 $K[3],B24,$KxB[3]
SPLOOP 11 ; InvMixColumns
GMPY4 $K[0],A25,$KxD[0] ; ·0x0D
|| GMPY4 $K[1],A25,$KxD[1]
|| SWAP2 $Kx9[0],$Kx9[0] ; rotate by 16
|| SWAP2 $Kx9[1],$Kx9[1]
|| MV $K[0],$s[0] ; this or DINT
|| MV $K[1],$s[1]
|| [B0] LDW *${KPA}[4],$K[0]
|| [B0] LDW *${KPB}[5],$K[1]
GMPY4 $K[2],A25,$KxD[2]
|| GMPY4 $K[3],A25,$KxD[3]
|| SWAP2 $Kx9[2],$Kx9[2]
|| SWAP2 $Kx9[3],$Kx9[3]
|| MV $K[2],$s[2]
|| MV $K[3],$s[3]
|| [B0] LDW *${KPA}[6],$K[2]
|| [B0] LDW *${KPB}[7],$K[3]
GMPY4 $s[0],B25,$KxE[0] ; ·0x0E
|| GMPY4 $s[1],B25,$KxE[1]
|| XOR $Kx9[0],$KxB[0],$KxB[0]
|| XOR $Kx9[1],$KxB[1],$KxB[1]
GMPY4 $s[2],B25,$KxE[2]
|| GMPY4 $s[3],B25,$KxE[3]
|| XOR $Kx9[2],$KxB[2],$KxB[2]
|| XOR $Kx9[3],$KxB[3],$KxB[3]
ROTL $KxB[0],TBL3,$KxB[0]
|| ROTL $KxB[1],TBL3,$KxB[1]
|| SWAP2 $KxD[0],$KxD[0] ; rotate by 16
|| SWAP2 $KxD[1],$KxD[1]
ROTL $KxB[2],TBL3,$KxB[2]
|| ROTL $KxB[3],TBL3,$KxB[3]
|| SWAP2 $KxD[2],$KxD[2]
|| SWAP2 $KxD[3],$KxD[3]
XOR $KxE[0],$KxD[0],$KxE[0]
|| XOR $KxE[1],$KxD[1],$KxE[1]
|| [B0] GMPY4 $K[0],A24,$Kx9[0] ; ·0x09
|| [B0] GMPY4 $K[1],A24,$Kx9[1]
XOR $KxE[2],$KxD[2],$KxE[2]
|| XOR $KxE[3],$KxD[3],$KxE[3]
|| [B0] GMPY4 $K[2],A24,$Kx9[2]
|| [B0] GMPY4 $K[3],A24,$Kx9[3]
XOR $KxB[0],$KxE[0],$KxE[0]
|| XOR $KxB[1],$KxE[1],$KxE[1]
|| [B0] GMPY4 $K[0],B24,$KxB[0] ; ·0x0B
|| [B0] GMPY4 $K[1],B24,$KxB[1]
XOR $KxB[2],$KxE[2],$KxE[2]
|| XOR $KxB[3],$KxE[3],$KxE[3]
|| [B0] GMPY4 $K[2],B24,$KxB[2]
|| [B0] GMPY4 $K[3],B24,$KxB[3]
|| STW $KxE[0],*${KPA}[-4]
|| STW $KxE[1],*${KPB}[-3]
STW $KxE[2],*${KPA}[-2]
|| STW $KxE[3],*${KPB}[-1]
|| [B0] SUB B0,1,B0
BNOP B31,3
MVC B30,GFPGFR ; restore GFPGFR(*)
# (*) Even though ABI doesn't specify GFPGFR as non-volatile, there
# are code samples out there that *assume* its default value.
my ($inp,$out,$blocks,$key,$ivp)=("A4","B4","A6","B6","A8");
.global _AES_ctr32_encrypt
LDNDW *${ivp}[0],A31:A30 ; load counter value
|| MV $blocks,A2 ; reassign $blocks
|| DMV RA,$key,B27:B26 ; reassign RA and $key
LDNDW *${ivp}[1],B31:B30
|| MVK 0,B2 ; don't let __encrypt load input
|| MVK 0,A1 ; and postpone writing output
SWAP2 B31,B31 ; keep least significant 32 bits
SWAP4 B31,B31 ; in host byte order
[A2] BNOP __encrypt
|| [A1] XOR A29,A9,A9 ; input^Ek(counter)
|| [A1] XOR A28,A8,A8
|| [A2] LDNDW *INP++,A29:A28 ; load input
[!A2] BNOP B27 ; return
|| [A1] XOR B29,B9,B9
|| [A1] XOR B28,B8,B8
|| [A2] LDNDW *INP++,B29:B28
[A1] STNDW A9:A8,*OUT++ ; save output
|| [A2] DMV A31,A30,A9:A8 ; pass counter value to __encrypt
[A1] STNDW B9:B8,*OUT++
|| [A2] DMV B31,B30,B9:B8
|| [A2] ADD B30,1,B30 ; counter++
[A1] STNDW A9:A8,*OUT++ ; save output
|| [A2] DMV A31,A30,A9:A8
|| [A2] SWAP2 B31,B0
|| [A2] ADD B31,1,B31 ; counter++
[A1] STNDW B9:B8,*OUT++
|| [A2] MV B30,B8
|| [A2] SWAP4 B0,B9
[A2] ADDKPC ctr32_loop?,RA ; return to ctr32_loop?
|| [A2] MV B26,KEY ; pass $key
|| [A2] SUB A2,1,A2 ; $blocks--
||[!A1] MVK 1,A1
# Tables are kept in endian-neutral manner
.if __TI_EABI__
.sect ".text:aes_asm.const"
.sect ".const:aes_asm"
.align 128
.byte 0xc6,0x63,0x63,0xa5, 0xf8,0x7c,0x7c,0x84
.byte 0xee,0x77,0x77,0x99, 0xf6,0x7b,0x7b,0x8d
.byte 0xff,0xf2,0xf2,0x0d, 0xd6,0x6b,0x6b,0xbd
.byte 0xde,0x6f,0x6f,0xb1, 0x91,0xc5,0xc5,0x54
.byte 0x60,0x30,0x30,0x50, 0x02,0x01,0x01,0x03
.byte 0xce,0x67,0x67,0xa9, 0x56,0x2b,0x2b,0x7d
.byte 0xe7,0xfe,0xfe,0x19, 0xb5,0xd7,0xd7,0x62
.byte 0x4d,0xab,0xab,0xe6, 0xec,0x76,0x76,0x9a
.byte 0x8f,0xca,0xca,0x45, 0x1f,0x82,0x82,0x9d
.byte 0x89,0xc9,0xc9,0x40, 0xfa,0x7d,0x7d,0x87
.byte 0xef,0xfa,0xfa,0x15, 0xb2,0x59,0x59,0xeb
.byte 0x8e,0x47,0x47,0xc9, 0xfb,0xf0,0xf0,0x0b
.byte 0x41,0xad,0xad,0xec, 0xb3,0xd4,0xd4,0x67
.byte 0x5f,0xa2,0xa2,0xfd, 0x45,0xaf,0xaf,0xea
.byte 0x23,0x9c,0x9c,0xbf, 0x53,0xa4,0xa4,0xf7
.byte 0xe4,0x72,0x72,0x96, 0x9b,0xc0,0xc0,0x5b
.byte 0x75,0xb7,0xb7,0xc2, 0xe1,0xfd,0xfd,0x1c
.byte 0x3d,0x93,0x93,0xae, 0x4c,0x26,0x26,0x6a
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close STDOUT or die "error closing STDOUT: $!";