blob: ced7404be3ac90974b9cabd3615e92109c62e577 [file] [log] [blame]
// See file LICENSE for more information.
library impl.ecc.ecc_fp;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:pointycastle/api.dart';
import 'package:pointycastle/ecc/ecc_base.dart'
hide ECFieldElementBase, ECPointBase, ECCurveBase;
import 'package:pointycastle/ecc/ecc_base.dart' as ecc;
import 'package:pointycastle/src/utils.dart' as utils;
/// return index of lowest 1-bit in x, x < 2^31 */
int _lbit(BigInt x) {
// Implementation borrowed from bignum.BigIntegerDartvm.
if (x == return -1;
var r = 0;
while ((x & BigInt.from(0xffffffff)) == {
x >>= 32;
r += 32;
if ((x & BigInt.from(0xffff)) == {
x >>= 16;
r += 16;
if ((x & BigInt.from(0xff)) == {
x >>= 8;
r += 8;
if ((x & BigInt.from(0xf)) == {
x >>= 4;
r += 4;
if ((x & BigInt.from(3)) == {
x >>= 2;
r += 2;
if ((x & == ++r;
return r;
bool _testBit(BigInt i, int n) {
return i & ( << n) !=;
class ECFieldElement extends ecc.ECFieldElementBase {
final BigInt? q;
final BigInt? x;
ECFieldElement(this.q, this.x) {
if (x! >= q!) {
throw ArgumentError('Value x must be smaller than q');
String get fieldName => 'Fp';
int get fieldSize => q!.bitLength;
BigInt? toBigInteger() => x;
ECFieldElement operator +(ECFieldElement b) =>
ECFieldElement(q, (x! + b.toBigInteger()!) % q!);
ECFieldElement operator -(ECFieldElement b) =>
ECFieldElement(q, (x! - b.toBigInteger()!) % q!);
ECFieldElement operator *(ECFieldElement b) =>
ECFieldElement(q, (x! * b.toBigInteger()!) % q!);
ECFieldElement operator /(ECFieldElement b) =>
ECFieldElement(q, (x! * b.toBigInteger()!.modInverse(q!)) % q!);
ECFieldElement operator -() => ECFieldElement(q, -x! % q!);
ECFieldElement invert() => ECFieldElement(q, x!.modInverse(q!));
ECFieldElement square() => ECFieldElement(q, x!.modPow(BigInt.two, q!));
// D.1.4 91
/// return a sqrt root - the routine verifies that the calculation
/// returns the right value - if none exists it returns null.
ECFieldElement? sqrt() {
if (!_testBit(q!, 0)) {
throw UnimplementedError('Not implemented yet');
// p % 4 == 3
if (_testBit(q!, 1)) {
// z = g^(u+1) + p, p = 4u + 3
var z = ECFieldElement(q, x!.modPow((q! >> 2) +, q!));
return z.square() == this ? z : null;
// p % 4 == 1
var qMinusOne = q! -;
var legendreExponent = qMinusOne >> 1;
if (x!.modPow(legendreExponent, q!) != {
return null;
var u = qMinusOne >> 2;
var k = (u << 1) +;
var Q = x!;
var fourQ = (Q >> 2) % q!;
BigInt U, V;
var rand = SecureRandom();
do {
BigInt? P;
do {
P = rand.nextBigInteger(q!.bitLength);
} while ((P >= q!) ||
(((P * P) - fourQ).modPow(legendreExponent, q!) != qMinusOne));
var result = _lucasSequence(q!, P, Q, k);
U = result[0];
V = result[1];
if (((V * V) % q!) == fourQ) {
// Integer division by 2, mod q
if (_testBit(V, 0)) {
V = V + q!;
V = (V >> 1);
//assert V.multiply(V).mod(q).equals(x);
return ECFieldElement(q, V);
} while ((U == || (U == qMinusOne));
return null;
List<BigInt> _lucasSequence(BigInt p, BigInt P, BigInt Q, BigInt k) {
var n = k.bitLength;
var s = _lbit(k);
var uh =;
var vl = BigInt.two;
var vh = P;
var ql =;
var qh =;
for (var j = n - 1; j >= (s + 1); j--) {
ql = (ql * qh) % p;
if (_testBit(k, j)) {
qh = (ql * Q) % p;
uh = (uh * vh) % p;
vl = ((vh * vl) - (P * ql)) % p;
vh = ((vh * vh) - (qh << 1)) % p;
} else {
qh = ql;
uh = ((uh * vl) - ql) % p;
vh = ((vh * vl) - (P * ql)) % p;
vl = ((vl * vl) - (ql << 1)) % p;
ql = (ql * qh) % p;
qh = (ql * Q) % p;
uh = ((uh * vl) - ql) % p;
vl = ((vh * vl) - (P * ql)) % p;
ql = (ql * qh) % p;
for (var j = 1; j <= s; j++) {
uh = (uh * vl) % p;
vl = ((vl * vl) - (ql << 1)) % p;
ql = (ql * ql) % p;
return [uh, vl];
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ECFieldElement) {
return (q == other.q) && (x == other.x);
return false;
int get hashCode => q.hashCode ^ x.hashCode;
/// Elliptic curve points over Fp
class ECPoint extends ecc.ECPointBase {
/// Create a point that encodes with or without point compression.
/// @param curve the curve to use
/// @param x affine x co-ordinate
/// @param y affine y co-ordinate
/// @param withCompression if true encode with point compression
ECPoint(ECCurve curve, ECFieldElement? x, ECFieldElement? y,
[bool withCompression = false])
: super(curve, x, y, withCompression, _wNafMultiplier) {
if ((x != null && y == null) || (x == null && y != null)) {
throw ArgumentError('Exactly one of the field elements is null');
/// return the field element encoded with point compression. (S 4.3.6)
Uint8List getEncoded([bool compressed = true]) {
if (isInfinity) {
return Uint8List.fromList([1]);
var qLength = x!.byteLength;
if (compressed) {
int pc;
if (_testBit(y!.toBigInteger()!, 0)) {
pc = 0x03;
} else {
pc = 0x02;
var X = _x9IntegerToBytes(x!.toBigInteger(), qLength);
var po = Uint8List(X.length + 1);
po[0] = pc.toInt();
po.setAll(1, X);
return po;
} else {
var X = _x9IntegerToBytes(x!.toBigInteger(), qLength);
var Y = _x9IntegerToBytes(y!.toBigInteger(), qLength);
var po = Uint8List(X.length + Y.length + 1);
po[0] = 0x04;
po.setAll(1, X);
po.setAll(X.length + 1, Y);
return po;
// B.3 pg 62
ECPoint? operator +(ECPoint? b) {
if (isInfinity) {
return b;
if (b!.isInfinity) {
return this;
// Check if b = this or b = -this
if (x == b.x) {
if (y == b.y) {
// this = b, i.e. this must be doubled
return twice();
// this = -b, i.e. the result is the point at infinity
return curve.infinity as ECPoint?;
var gamma = (b.y! - y!) / (b.x! - x!);
var x3 = (gamma.square() - x!) - b.x!;
var y3 = (gamma * (x! - x3)) - y!;
return ECPoint(curve as ECCurve, x3 as ECFieldElement?,
y3 as ECFieldElement?, isCompressed);
// B.3 pg 62
ECPoint? twice() {
if (isInfinity) {
// Twice identity element (point at infinity) is identity
return this;
if (y!.toBigInteger() == {
// if y1 == 0, then (x1, y1) == (x1, -y1)
// and hence this = -this and thus 2(x1, y1) == infinity
return curve.infinity as ECPoint?;
var two = curve.fromBigInteger(BigInt.two);
var three = curve.fromBigInteger(BigInt.from(3));
var gamma = ((x!.square() * three) + curve.a!) / (y! * two);
var x3 = gamma.square() - (x! * two);
var y3 = (gamma * (x! - x3)) - y!;
return ECPoint(curve as ECCurve, x3 as ECFieldElement?,
y3 as ECFieldElement?, isCompressed);
// D.3.2 pg 102 (see Note:)
ECPoint? operator -(ECPoint b) {
if (b.isInfinity) {
return this;
// Add -b
return this + (-b);
ECPoint operator -() {
return ECPoint(curve as ECCurve, x as ECFieldElement?,
-y! as ECFieldElement?, isCompressed);
/// Elliptic curve over Fp
class ECCurve extends ecc.ECCurveBase {
final BigInt? q;
ECPoint? _infinity;
ECCurve(this.q, BigInt? a, BigInt? b) : super(a, b) {
_infinity = ECPoint(this, null, null);
int get fieldSize => q!.bitLength;
ECPoint? get infinity => _infinity;
ECFieldElement fromBigInteger(BigInt? x) => ECFieldElement(q, x);
ECPoint createPoint(BigInt x, BigInt y, [bool withCompression = false]) =>
ECPoint(this, fromBigInteger(x), fromBigInteger(y), withCompression);
ECPoint decompressPoint(int yTilde, BigInt x1) {
var x = fromBigInteger(x1);
var alpha = (x * ((x * x) + (a as ECFieldElement))) + (b as ECFieldElement);
var beta = alpha.sqrt();
// if we can't find a sqrt we haven't got a point on the
// curve - run!
if (beta == null) {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid point compression');
var betaValue = beta.toBigInteger()!;
var bit0 = _testBit(betaValue, 0) ? 1 : 0;
if (bit0 != yTilde) {
// Use the other root
beta = fromBigInteger(q! - betaValue);
return ECPoint(this, x, beta, true);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ECCurve) {
return q == other.q && a == other.a && b == other.b;
return false;
int get hashCode => a.hashCode ^ b.hashCode ^ q.hashCode;
/// Class holding precomputation data for the WNAF (Window Non-Adjacent Form)
/// algorithm.
class _WNafPreCompInfo implements PreCompInfo {
/// Array holding the precomputed [ECPoint]s used for the Window NAF multiplication.
List<ECPoint>? preComp;
/// Holds an [ECPoint] representing twice(this). Used for the Window NAF multiplication.
ECPoint? twiceP;
/// Function implementing the WNAF (Window Non-Adjacent Form) multiplication algorithm. Multiplies [p]] by an integer [k] using
/// the Window NAF method.
ecc.ECPointBase? _wNafMultiplier(
ecc.ECPointBase p, BigInt? k, PreCompInfo? preCompInfo) {
// Ignore empty PreCompInfo or PreCompInfo of incorrect type
_WNafPreCompInfo wnafPreCompInfo;
if (preCompInfo is! _WNafPreCompInfo) {
wnafPreCompInfo = _WNafPreCompInfo();
} else {
wnafPreCompInfo = preCompInfo;
// floor(log2(k))
var m = k!.bitLength;
// width of the Window NAF
int width;
// Required length of precomputation array
int reqPreCompLen;
// Determine optimal width and corresponding length of precomputation
// array based on literature values
if (m < 13) {
width = 2;
reqPreCompLen = 1;
} else {
if (m < 41) {
width = 3;
reqPreCompLen = 2;
} else {
if (m < 121) {
width = 4;
reqPreCompLen = 4;
} else {
if (m < 337) {
width = 5;
reqPreCompLen = 8;
} else {
if (m < 897) {
width = 6;
reqPreCompLen = 16;
} else {
if (m < 2305) {
width = 7;
reqPreCompLen = 32;
} else {
width = 8;
reqPreCompLen = 127;
// The length of the precomputation array
var preCompLen = 1;
List<ECPoint?>? preComp = wnafPreCompInfo.preComp;
var twiceP = wnafPreCompInfo.twiceP;
// Check if the precomputed ECPoints already exist
if (preComp == null) {
// Precomputation must be performed from scratch, create an empty
// precomputation array of desired length
preComp = List<ECPoint>.filled(1, p as ECPoint);
} else {
// Take the already precomputed ECPoints to start with
preCompLen = preComp.length;
twiceP ??= p.twice() as ECPoint?;
if (preCompLen < reqPreCompLen) {
// Precomputation array must be made bigger, copy existing preComp
// array into the larger preComp array
var oldPreComp = preComp as List<ECPoint>;
preComp = List<ECPoint?>.filled(reqPreCompLen, null, growable: false);
preComp.setAll(0, oldPreComp);
for (var i = preCompLen; i < reqPreCompLen; i++) {
// Compute the ECPoints for the precomputation array.
// The values 1, 3, 5, ..., 2^(width-1)-1 times p are
// computed
preComp[i] = twiceP! + (preComp[i - 1]);
// Compute the Window NAF of the desired width
var wnaf = _windowNaf(width, k);
var l = wnaf.length;
// Apply the Window NAF to p using the precomputed ECPoint values.
var q = p.curve.infinity;
for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
q = q!.twice();
if (wnaf[i] != 0) {
if (wnaf[i]! > 0) {
q = q! + preComp[(wnaf[i]! - 1) ~/ 2];
} else {
// wnaf[i] < 0
q = q! - preComp[(-wnaf[i]! - 1) ~/ 2]!;
// Set PreCompInfo in ECPoint, such that it is available for next
// multiplication.
wnafPreCompInfo.preComp = => e as ECPoint).toList();
wnafPreCompInfo.twiceP = twiceP;
p.preCompInfo = wnafPreCompInfo;
return q;
/// Computes the Window NAF (non-adjacent Form) of an integer.
/// @param width The width <code>w</code> of the Window NAF. The width is
/// defined as the minimal number <code>w</code>, such that for any
/// <code>w</code> consecutive digits in the resulting representation, at
/// most one is non-zero.
/// @param k The integer of which the Window NAF is computed.
/// @return The Window NAF of the given width, such that the following holds:
/// <code>k = &sum;<sub>i=0</sub><sup>l-1</sup> k<sub>i</sub>2<sup>i</sup>
/// </code>, where the <code>k<sub>i</sub></code> denote the elements of the
/// returned <code>byte[]</code>.
List<int?> _windowNaf(int width, BigInt k) {
// The window NAF is at most 1 element longer than the binary
// representation of the integer k. byte can be used instead of short or
// int unless the window width is larger than 8. For larger width use
// short or int. However, a width of more than 8 is not efficient for
// m = log2(q) smaller than 2305 Bits. Note: Values for m larger than
// 1000 Bits are currently not used in practice.
var wnaf = List<int?>.filled(k.bitLength + 1, null, growable: false);
// 2^width as short and BigInt
var pow2wB = (1 << width);
var pow2wBI = BigInt.from(pow2wB);
var i = 0;
// The actual length of the WNAF
var length = 0;
// while k >= 1
while (k.sign > 0) {
// if k is odd
if (_testBit(k, 0)) {
// k mod 2^width
var remainder = k % pow2wBI;
// if remainder > 2^(width - 1) - 1
if (_testBit(remainder, width - 1)) {
wnaf[i] = remainder.toInt() - pow2wB;
} else {
wnaf[i] = remainder.toInt();
// convert to 'Java byte'
wnaf[i] = wnaf[i]! % 0x100;
if ((wnaf[i]! & 0x80) != 0) {
wnaf[i] = wnaf[i]! - 256;
// wnaf[i] is now in [-2^(width-1), 2^(width-1)-1]
k = k - BigInt.from(wnaf[i]!);
length = i;
} else {
wnaf[i] = 0;
// k = k/2
k = k >> 1;
// Reduce the WNAF array to its actual length
var wnafShort = List<int?>.filled(length, null, growable: false);
wnafShort.setAll(0, wnaf.sublist(0, length));
return wnafShort;
Uint8List _x9IntegerToBytes(BigInt? s, int qLength) {
var bytes = Uint8List.fromList(utils.encodeBigInt(s));
if (qLength < bytes.length) {
return bytes.sublist(bytes.length - qLength);
} else if (qLength > bytes.length) {
return Uint8List(qLength)..setAll(qLength - bytes.length, bytes);
return bytes;