blob: bc1872ea7e2ec691ea7c6fcf18b8e48e56f192a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {ErrorDetails} from '../base/logging';
import {getCurrentChannel} from '../common/channels';
import {VERSION} from '../gen/perfetto_version';
import {globals} from './globals';
import {Router} from './router';
type TraceCategories = 'Trace Actions'|'Record Trace'|'User Actions';
const ANALYTICS_ID = 'G-BD89KT2P3C';
const PAGE_TITLE = 'no-page-title';
function isValidUrl(s: string) {
let url;
try {
url = new URL(s);
} catch (_) {
return false;
return url.protocol === 'http:' || url.protocol === 'https:';
function getReferrerOverride(): string|undefined {
const route = Router.parseUrl(window.location.href);
const referrer = route.args.referrer;
if (referrer) {
return referrer;
} else {
return undefined;
// Get the referrer from either:
// - If present: the referrer argument if present
// - document.referrer
function getReferrer(): string {
const referrer = getReferrerOverride();
if (referrer) {
if (isValidUrl(referrer)) {
return referrer;
} else {
// Unclear if GA discards non-URL referrers. Lets try faking
// a URL to test.
const name = referrer.replaceAll('_', '-');
return `https://${name}`;
} else {
return document.referrer.split('?')[0];
export function initAnalytics() {
// Only initialize logging on the official site and on localhost (to catch
// analytics bugs when testing locally).
// Skip analytics is the fragment has "testing=1", this is used by UI tests.
// Skip analytics in embeddedMode since iFrames do not have the same access to
// local storage.
if ((window.location.origin.startsWith('http://localhost:') ||
window.location.origin.endsWith('')) &&
!globals.testing && !globals.embeddedMode) {
return new AnalyticsImpl();
return new NullAnalytics();
const gtagGlobals = window as {} as {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
dataLayer: any[];
gtag: (command: string, event: string|Date, args?: {}) => void;
export interface Analytics {
initialize(): void;
updatePath(_: string): void;
logEvent(category: TraceCategories|null, event: string): void;
logError(err: ErrorDetails): void;
isEnabled(): boolean;
export class NullAnalytics implements Analytics {
initialize() {}
updatePath(_: string) {}
logEvent(_category: TraceCategories|null, _event: string) {}
logError(_err: ErrorDetails) {}
isEnabled(): boolean {
return false;
class AnalyticsImpl implements Analytics {
private initialized_ = false;
constructor() {
// The code below is taken from the official Google Analytics docs [1] and
// adapted to TypeScript. We have it here rather than as an inline script
// in index.html (as suggested by GA's docs) because inline scripts don't
// play nicely with the CSP policy, at least in Firefox (Firefox doesn't
// support all CSP 3 features we use).
// [1] .
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
gtagGlobals.dataLayer = gtagGlobals.dataLayer || [];
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function gtagFunction(..._: any[]) {
// This needs to be a function and not a lambda. |arguments| behaves
// slightly differently in a lambda and breaks GA.
gtagGlobals.gtag = gtagFunction;
gtagGlobals.gtag('js', new Date());
// This is callled only after the script that sets isInternalUser loads.
// It is fine to call updatePath() and log*() functions before initialize().
// The gtag() function internally enqueues all requests into |dataLayer|.
initialize() {
if (this.initialized_) return;
this.initialized_ = true;
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '' + ANALYTICS_ID;
script.defer = true;
const route = window.location.href;
`GA initialized. route=${route}`,
// GA's recommendation for SPAs is to disable automatic page views and
// manually send page_view events. See:
gtagGlobals.gtag('config', ANALYTICS_ID, {
allow_google_signals: false,
anonymize_ip: true,
page_location: route,
// Referrer as a URL including query string override.
page_referrer: getReferrer(),
send_page_view: false,
page_title: PAGE_TITLE,
perfetto_is_internal_user: globals.isInternalUser ? '1' : '0',
perfetto_version: VERSION,
// Release channel (canary, stable, autopush)
perfetto_channel: getCurrentChannel(),
// Referrer *if overridden* via the query string else empty string.
perfetto_referrer_override: getReferrerOverride() ?? '',
updatePath(path: string) {
'event', 'page_view', {page_path: path, page_title: PAGE_TITLE});
logEvent(category: TraceCategories|null, event: string) {
gtagGlobals.gtag('event', event, {event_category: category});
logError(err: ErrorDetails) {
let stack = '';
for (const entry of err.stack) {
const shortLocation = entry.location.replace('frontend_bundle.js', '$');
stack += `${}(${shortLocation}),`;
// Strip trailing ',' (works also for empty strings without extra checks).
stack = stack.substring(0, stack.length - 1);
gtagGlobals.gtag('event', 'exception', {
description: err.message,
error_type: err.errType,
// As per GA4 all field are restrictred to 100 chars.
// page_title is the only one restricted to 1000 chars and we use that for
// the full crash report.
page_location: `http://crash?/${encodeURI(stack)}`,
isEnabled(): boolean {
return true;