blob: 01c5d0834bd23b35cda87cb683940a70b0846a32 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/trace_processor/containers/bit_vector.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/build_config.h"
#include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/public/compiler.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace_processor/serialization.pbzero.h"
#include <immintrin.h>
namespace perfetto::trace_processor {
namespace {
// This function implements the PDEP instruction in x64 as a loop.
// See for details on what PDEP does.
// Unfortunately, as we're emulating this in software, it scales with the number
// of set bits in |mask| rather than being a constant time instruction:
// therefore, this should be avoided where real instructions are available.
PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE uint64_t PdepSlow(uint64_t word, uint64_t mask) {
if (word == 0 || mask == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max())
return word;
// This algorithm is for calculating PDEP was found to be the fastest "simple"
// one among those tested when writing this function.
uint64_t result = 0;
for (uint64_t bb = 1; mask; bb += bb) {
if (word & bb) {
// MSVC doesn't like -mask so work around this by doing 0 - mask.
result |= mask & (0ull - mask);
mask &= mask - 1;
return result;
// See |PdepSlow| for information on PDEP.
PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE uint64_t Pdep(uint64_t word, uint64_t mask) {
return _pdep_u64(word, mask);
return PdepSlow(word, mask);
// This function implements the PEXT instruction in x64 as a loop.
// See for details on what PEXT does.
// Unfortunately, as we're emulating this in software, it scales with the number
// of set bits in |mask| rather than being a constant time instruction:
// therefore, this should be avoided where real instructions are available.
PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE uint64_t PextSlow(uint64_t word, uint64_t mask) {
if (word == 0 || mask == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max())
return word;
// This algorithm is for calculating PEXT was found to be the fastest "simple"
// one among those tested when writing this function.
uint64_t result = 0;
for (uint64_t bb = 1; mask; bb += bb) {
// MSVC doesn't like -mask so work around this by doing 0 - mask.
if (word & mask & (0ull - mask)) {
result |= bb;
mask &= mask - 1;
return result;
// See |PextSlow| for information on PEXT.
PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE uint64_t Pext(uint64_t word, uint64_t mask) {
return _pext_u64(word, mask);
return PextSlow(word, mask);
// This function implements the tzcnt instruction.
// See for details on what tzcnt does.
PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE uint32_t Tzcnt(uint64_t value) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(_tzcnt_u64(value));
#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
return value ? static_cast<uint32_t>(__builtin_ctzll(value)) : 64u;
unsigned long out;
return _BitScanForward64(&out, value) ? static_cast<uint32_t>(out) : 64u;
} // namespace
BitVector::BitVector() = default;
BitVector::BitVector(std::initializer_list<bool> init) {
for (bool x : init) {
if (x) {
} else {
BitVector::BitVector(uint32_t count, bool value) {
Resize(count, value);
BitVector::BitVector(std::vector<uint64_t> words,
std::vector<uint32_t> counts,
uint32_t size)
: size_(size), counts_(std::move(counts)), words_(std::move(words)) {
PERFETTO_CHECK(words_.size() % Block::kWords == 0);
void BitVector::Resize(uint32_t new_size, bool filler) {
uint32_t old_size = size_;
if (new_size == old_size)
// Empty bitvectors should be memory efficient so we don't keep any data
// around in the bitvector.
if (new_size == 0) {
size_ = 0;
// Compute the address of the new last bit in the bitvector.
Address last_addr = IndexToAddress(new_size - 1);
auto old_blocks_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(counts_.size());
uint32_t new_blocks_size = last_addr.block_idx + 1;
// Resize the block and count vectors to have the correct number of entries.
words_.resize(Block::kWords * new_blocks_size);
if (new_size > old_size) {
if (filler) {
// If the new space should be filled with ones, then set all the bits
// between the address of the old size and the new last address.
const Address& start = IndexToAddress(old_size);
Set(start, last_addr);
// We then need to update the counts vector to match the changes we
// made to the blocks.
// We start by adding the bits we set in the first block to the
// cummulative count before the range we changed.
Address end_of_block = {start.block_idx,
{Block::kWords - 1, BitWord::kBits - 1}};
uint32_t count_in_block_after_end =
AddressToIndex(end_of_block) - AddressToIndex(start) + 1;
uint32_t set_count = CountSetBits() + count_in_block_after_end;
for (uint32_t i = start.block_idx + 1; i <= last_addr.block_idx; ++i) {
// Set the count to the cummulative count so far.
counts_[i] = set_count;
// Add a full block of set bits to the count.
set_count += Block::kBits;
} else {
// If the newly added bits are false, we just need to update the
// counts vector with the current size of the bitvector for all
// the newly added blocks.
if (new_blocks_size > old_blocks_size) {
uint32_t count = CountSetBits();
for (uint32_t i = old_blocks_size; i < new_blocks_size; ++i) {
counts_[i] = count;
} else {
// Throw away all the bits after the new last bit. We do this to make
// future lookup, append and resize operations not have to worrying about
// trailing garbage bits in the last block.
// Actually update the size.
size_ = new_size;
BitVector BitVector::Copy() const {
return {words_, counts_, size_};
void BitVector::Not() {
if (size_ == 0) {
for (uint64_t& word : words_) {
// Make sure to reset the last block's trailing bits to zero to preserve the
// invariant of BitVector.
Address last_addr = IndexToAddress(size_ - 1);
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < counts_.size(); ++i) {
counts_[i] = kBitsInBlock * i - counts_[i];
void BitVector::Or(const BitVector& sec) {
PERFETTO_CHECK(size_ == sec.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < words_.size(); ++i) {
UpdateCounts(words_, counts_);
void BitVector::And(const BitVector& sec) {
Resize(std::min(size_, sec.size_));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < words_.size(); ++i) {
UpdateCounts(words_, counts_);
void BitVector::UpdateSetBits(const BitVector& update) {
if (update.CountSetBits() == 0 || CountSetBits() == 0) {
*this = BitVector();
PERFETTO_DCHECK(update.size() <= CountSetBits());
// Get the start and end ptrs for the current bitvector.
// Safe because of the static_assert above.
uint64_t* ptr =;
const uint64_t* ptr_end = ptr + WordCount(size());
// Get the start and end ptrs for the update bitvector.
// Safe because of the static_assert above.
const uint64_t* update_ptr =;
const uint64_t* update_ptr_end = update_ptr + WordCount(update.size());
// |update_unused_bits| contains |unused_bits_count| bits at the bottom
// which indicates how the next |unused_bits_count| set bits in |this|
// should be changed. This is necessary because word boundaries in |this| will
// almost always *not* match the word boundaries in |update|.
uint64_t update_unused_bits = 0;
uint8_t unused_bits_count = 0;
// The basic premise of this loop is, for each word in |this| we find
// enough bits from |update| to cover every set bit in the word. We then use
// the PDEP x64 instruction (or equivalent instructions/software emulation) to
// update the word and store it back in |this|.
for (; ptr != ptr_end; ++ptr) {
uint64_t current = *ptr;
// If the current value is all zeros, there's nothing to update.
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(current == 0))
auto popcount = static_cast<uint8_t>(PERFETTO_POPCOUNT(current));
PERFETTO_DCHECK(popcount >= 1);
// Check if we have enough unused bits from the previous iteration - if so,
// we don't need to read anything from |update|.
uint64_t update_for_current = update_unused_bits;
if (unused_bits_count >= popcount) {
// We have enough bits so just do the accounting to not reuse these bits
// for the future.
unused_bits_count -= popcount;
update_unused_bits = popcount == 64 ? 0 : update_unused_bits >> popcount;
} else {
// We don't have enough bits so we need to read the next word of bits from
// |current|.
uint64_t next_update = update_ptr == update_ptr_end ? 0 : *update_ptr++;
// Bitwise or |64 - unused_bits_count| bits from the bottom of
// |next_update| to the top of |update_for_current|. Only |popcount| bits
// will actually be used by PDEP but masking off the unused bits takes
// *more* instructions than not doing anything.
update_for_current |= next_update << unused_bits_count;
// PDEP will use |popcount| bits from update: this means it will use
// |unused_bits_count| from |update_for_current| and |popcount -
// unused_bits_count| from |next_update|
uint8_t used_next_bits = popcount - unused_bits_count;
// Shift off any bits which will be used by current and store the
// remainder for use in the next iteration.
update_unused_bits =
used_next_bits == 64 ? 0 : next_update >> used_next_bits;
unused_bits_count = 64 - used_next_bits;
// We should never end up with more than 64 bits available.
PERFETTO_CHECK(unused_bits_count <= 64);
// PDEP precisely captures the notion of "updating set bits" for a single
// word.
*ptr = Pdep(update_for_current, current);
// We shouldn't have any non-zero unused bits and we should have consumed the
// whole |update| bitvector. Note that we cannot really say anything about
// |unused_bits_count| because it's possible for the above algorithm to use
// some bits which are "past the end" of |update|; as long as these bits are
// zero, it meets the pre-condition of this function.
PERFETTO_DCHECK(update_unused_bits == 0);
PERFETTO_DCHECK(update_ptr == update_ptr_end);
UpdateCounts(words_, counts_);
// After the loop, we should have precisely the same number of bits
// set as |update|.
PERFETTO_DCHECK(update.CountSetBits() == CountSetBits());
void BitVector::SelectBits(const BitVector& mask_bv) {
// Verify the precondition on the function: the algorithm relies on this
// being the case.
PERFETTO_DCHECK(size() <= mask_bv.size());
// Get the set bits in the mask up to the end of |this|: this will precisely
// equal the number of bits in |this| at the end of this function.
uint32_t set_bits_in_mask = mask_bv.CountSetBits(size());
const uint64_t* cur_word =;
const uint64_t* end_word = + WordCount(size());
const uint64_t* cur_mask =;
// Used to track the number of bits already set (i.e. by a previous loop
// iteration) in |out_word|.
uint32_t out_word_bits = 0;
uint64_t* out_word =;
for (; cur_word != end_word; ++cur_word, ++cur_mask) {
// Loop invariant: we should always have out_word and out_word_bits set
// such that there is room for at least one more bit.
PERFETTO_DCHECK(out_word_bits < 64);
// The crux of this function: efficient parallel extract all bits in |this|
// which correspond to set bit positions in |this|.
uint64_t ext = Pext(*cur_word, *cur_mask);
// If there are no bits in |out_word| from a previous iteration, set it to
// |ext|. Otherwise, concat the newly added bits to the top of the existing
// bits.
*out_word = out_word_bits == 0 ? ext : *out_word | (ext << out_word_bits);
// Update the number of bits used in |out_word| by adding the number of set
// bit positions in |mask|.
auto popcount = static_cast<uint32_t>(PERFETTO_POPCOUNT(*cur_mask));
out_word_bits += popcount;
// The below is a branch-free way to increment |out_word| pointer when we've
// packed 64 bits into it.
bool spillover = out_word_bits > 64;
out_word += out_word_bits >= 64;
out_word_bits %= 64;
// If there was any "spillover" bits (i.e. bits which did not fit in the
// previous word), add them into the new out_word. Important: we *must* not
// change out_word if there was no spillover as |out_word| could be pointing
// to |data + 1| which needs to be preserved for the next loop iteration.
if (spillover) {
*out_word = ext >> (popcount - out_word_bits);
// Loop post-condition: we must have written as many words as is required
// to store |set_bits_in_mask|.
PERFETTO_DCHECK(static_cast<uint32_t>(out_word - <=
// Resize the BitVector to equal to the number of elements in the mask we
// calculated at the start of the loop.
// Fix up the counts to match the new values. The Resize above should ensure
// that a) the counts vector is correctly sized, b) the bits after
// |set_bits_in_mask| are cleared (allowing this count algortihm to be
// accurate).
UpdateCounts(words_, counts_);
BitVector BitVector::FromSortedIndexVector(
const std::vector<int64_t>& indices) {
// The rest of the algorithm depends on |indices| being non empty.
if (indices.empty()) {
return {};
// We are creating the smallest BitVector that can have all of the values
// from |indices| set. As we assume that |indices| is sorted, the size would
// be the last element + 1 and the last bit of the final BitVector will be
// set.
auto size = static_cast<uint32_t>(indices.back() + 1);
uint32_t block_count = BlockCount(size);
std::vector<uint64_t> words(block_count * Block::kWords);
for (const int64_t i : indices) {
auto word_idx = static_cast<uint32_t>(i / kBitsInWord);
auto in_word_idx = static_cast<uint32_t>(i % kBitsInWord);
std::vector<uint32_t> counts(block_count);
UpdateCounts(words, counts);
return {words, counts, size};
BitVector BitVector::IntersectRange(uint32_t range_start,
uint32_t range_end) const {
// We should skip all bits until the index of first set bit bigger than
// |range_start|.
uint32_t end_idx = std::min(range_end, size());
if (range_start >= end_idx)
return {};
Builder builder(end_idx, range_start);
uint32_t front_bits = builder.BitsUntilWordBoundaryOrFull();
uint32_t cur_index = range_start;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < front_bits; ++i, ++cur_index) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(cur_index == end_idx || cur_index % BitWord::kBits == 0);
uint32_t cur_words = cur_index / BitWord::kBits;
uint32_t full_words = builder.BitsInCompleteWordsUntilFull() / BitWord::kBits;
uint32_t total_full_words = cur_words + full_words;
for (; cur_words < total_full_words; ++cur_words) {
uint32_t last_bits = builder.BitsUntilFull();
cur_index += full_words * BitWord::kBits;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < last_bits; ++i, ++cur_index) {
return std::move(builder).Build();
std::vector<uint32_t> BitVector::GetSetBitIndices() const {
uint32_t set_bits = CountSetBits();
if (set_bits == 0) {
return {};
std::vector<uint32_t> res(set_bits);
// After measuring we discovered that not doing `push_back` creates a tangible
// performance improvement due to compiler unrolling the inner loop.
uint32_t res_idx = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size_; i += BitWord::kBits) {
for (uint64_t word = words_[i / BitWord::kBits]; word; word &= word - 1) {
res[res_idx++] = i + Tzcnt(word);
return res;
void BitVector::Serialize(
protos::pbzero::SerializedColumn::BitVector* msg) const {
if (!counts_.empty()) {
msg->set_counts(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
sizeof(uint32_t) * counts_.size());
if (!words_.empty()) {
msg->set_words(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
sizeof(uint64_t) * words_.size());
// Deserialize BitVector from proto.
void BitVector::Deserialize(
const protos::pbzero::SerializedColumn::BitVector::Decoder& bv_msg) {
size_ = bv_msg.size();
if (bv_msg.has_counts()) {
static_cast<size_t>(bv_msg.counts().size / sizeof(uint32_t)));
memcpy(, bv_msg.counts().data, bv_msg.counts().size);
} else {
if (bv_msg.has_words()) {
words_.resize(static_cast<size_t>(bv_msg.words().size / sizeof(uint64_t)));
memcpy(, bv_msg.words().data, bv_msg.words().size);
} else {
} // namespace perfetto::trace_processor