blob: 2fd468e5f6a5c6ca0c2ec9ef64995ea835fe62d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {BigintMath} from './bigint_math';
import {Brand} from './brand';
import {assertTrue} from './logging';
// The |time| type represents trace time in the same units and domain as trace
// processor (i.e. typically boot time in nanoseconds, but most of the UI should
// be completely agnostic to this).
export type time = Brand<bigint, 'time'>;
// The |duration| type is used to represent the duration of time between two
// |time|s. The domain is irrelevant because a duration is relative.
export type duration = bigint;
// The conversion factor for converting between different time units.
const TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC = 1e9;
export class Time {
// Negative time is never found in a trace - so -1 is commonly used as a flag
// to represent a value is undefined or unset, without having to use a
// nullable or union type.
static readonly INVALID = Time.fromRaw(-1n);
// The min and max possible values, considering times cannot be negative.
static readonly MIN = Time.fromRaw(0n);
static readonly MAX = Time.fromRaw(BigintMath.INT64_MAX);
static readonly ZERO = Time.fromRaw(0n);
// Cast a bigint to a |time|. Supports potentially |undefined| values.
// I.e. it performs the following conversions:
// - `bigint` -> `time`
// - `bigint|undefined` -> `time|undefined`
// Use this function with caution. The function is effectively a no-op in JS,
// but using it tells TypeScript that "this value is a time value". It's up to
// the caller to ensure the value is in the correct units and time domain.
// If you're reaching for this function after doing some maths on a |time|
// value and it's decayed to a |bigint| consider using the static math methods
// in |Time| instead, as they will do the appropriate casting for you.
static fromRaw(v: bigint): time;
static fromRaw(v?: bigint): time | undefined;
static fromRaw(v?: bigint): time | undefined {
return v as time | undefined;
// Convert seconds (number) to a time value.
// Note: number -> BigInt conversion is relatively slow.
static fromSeconds(seconds: number): time {
return Time.fromRaw(BigInt(Math.floor(seconds * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC)));
// Convert time value to seconds and return as a number (i.e. float).
// Warning: This function is lossy, i.e. precision is lost when converting
// BigInt -> number.
// Note: BigInt -> number conversion is relatively slow.
static toSeconds(t: time): number {
return Number(t) / TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC;
// Convert milliseconds (number) to a time value.
// Note: number -> BigInt conversion is relatively slow.
static fromMillis(millis: number): time {
return Time.fromRaw(BigInt(Math.floor(millis * TIME_UNITS_PER_MILLISEC)));
// Convert time value to milliseconds and return as a number (i.e. float).
// Warning: This function is lossy, i.e. precision is lost when converting
// BigInt -> number.
// Note: BigInt -> number conversion is relatively slow.
static toMillis(t: time): number {
return Number(t) / TIME_UNITS_PER_MILLISEC;
// Convert microseconds (number) to a time value.
// Note: number -> BigInt conversion is relatively slow.
static fromMicros(millis: number): time {
return Time.fromRaw(BigInt(Math.floor(millis * TIME_UNITS_PER_MICROSEC)));
// Convert time value to microseconds and return as a number (i.e. float).
// Warning: This function is lossy, i.e. precision is lost when converting
// BigInt -> number.
// Note: BigInt -> number conversion is relatively slow.
static toMicros(t: time): number {
return Number(t) / TIME_UNITS_PER_MICROSEC;
// Convert a Date object to a time value, given an offset from the unix epoch.
// Note: number -> BigInt conversion is relatively slow.
static fromDate(d: Date, offset: duration): time {
const millis = d.getTime();
const t = Time.fromMillis(millis);
return Time.add(t, offset);
// Convert time value to a Date object, given an offset from the unix epoch.
// Warning: This function is lossy, i.e. precision is lost when converting
// BigInt -> number.
// Note: BigInt -> number conversion is relatively slow.
static toDate(t: time, offset: duration): Date {
const timeSinceEpoch = Time.sub(t, offset);
const millis = Time.toMillis(timeSinceEpoch);
return new Date(millis);
// Find the closest previous midnight for a given time value.
static getLatestMidnight(time: time, offset: duration): time {
const date = Time.toDate(time, offset);
const floorDay = new Date(
Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate()),
return Time.fromDate(floorDay, offset);
static add(t: time, d: duration): time {
return Time.fromRaw(t + d);
static sub(t: time, d: duration): time {
return Time.fromRaw(t - d);
static diff(a: time, b: time): duration {
return a - b;
static min(a: time, b: time): time {
return Time.fromRaw(BigintMath.min(a, b));
static max(a: time, b: time): time {
return Time.fromRaw(BigintMath.max(a, b));
static quantFloor(a: time, b: duration): time {
return Time.fromRaw(BigintMath.quantFloor(a, b));
static quantCeil(a: time, b: duration): time {
return Time.fromRaw(BigintMath.quantCeil(a, b));
static quant(a: time, b: duration): time {
return Time.fromRaw(BigintMath.quant(a, b));
static formatSeconds(time: time): string {
return Time.toSeconds(time).toString() + ' s';
static formatMilliseconds(time: time): string {
return Time.toMillis(time).toString() + ' ms';
static formatMicroseconds(time: time): string {
return Time.toMicros(time).toString() + ' us';
static toTimecode(time: time): Timecode {
return new Timecode(time);
export class Duration {
// The min and max possible duration values - durations can be negative.
static MIN = BigintMath.INT64_MIN;
static MAX = BigintMath.INT64_MAX;
static ZERO = 0n;
// Cast a bigint to a |duration|. Supports potentially |undefined| values.
// I.e. it performs the following conversions:
// - `bigint` -> `duration`
// - `bigint|undefined` -> `duration|undefined`
// Use this function with caution. The function is effectively a no-op in JS,
// but using it tells TypeScript that "this value is a duration value". It's
// up to the caller to ensure the value is in the correct units.
// If you're reaching for this function after doing some maths on a |duration|
// value and it's decayed to a |bigint| consider using the static math methods
// in |duration| instead, as they will do the appropriate casting for you.
static fromRaw(v: bigint): duration;
static fromRaw(v?: bigint): duration | undefined;
static fromRaw(v?: bigint): duration | undefined {
return v as duration | undefined;
static min(a: duration, b: duration): duration {
return BigintMath.min(a, b);
static max(a: duration, b: duration): duration {
return BigintMath.max(a, b);
static fromMillis(millis: number) {
return BigInt(Math.floor((millis / 1e3) * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC));
// Convert time to seconds as a number.
// Use this function with caution. It loses precision and is slow.
static toSeconds(d: duration) {
return Number(d) / TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC;
// Convert time to seconds as a number.
// Use this function with caution. It loses precision and is slow.
static toMilliseconds(d: duration) {
return Number(d) / TIME_UNITS_PER_MILLISEC;
// Convert time to seconds as a number.
// Use this function with caution. It loses precision and is slow.
static toMicroSeconds(d: duration) {
return Number(d) / TIME_UNITS_PER_MICROSEC;
// Print duration as as human readable string - i.e. to only a handful of
// significant figues.
// Use this when readability is more desireable than precision.
// Examples: 1234 -> 1.23ns
// 123456789 -> 123ms
// 123,123,123,123,123 -> 34h 12m
// 1,000,000,023 -> 1 s
// 1,230,000,023 -> 1.2 s
static humanise(dur: duration): string {
const sec = Duration.toSeconds(dur);
const units = ['s', 'ms', 'us', 'ns'];
const sign = Math.sign(sec);
let n = Math.abs(sec);
let u = 0;
while (n < 1 && n !== 0 && u < units.length - 1) {
n *= 1000;
return `${sign < 0 ? '-' : ''}${Math.round(n * 10) / 10}${units[u]}`;
// Print duration with absolute precision.
static format(duration: duration): string {
let result = '';
if (duration < 1) return '0s';
const unitAndValue: [string, bigint][] = [
['h', 3_600_000_000_000n],
['m', 60_000_000_000n],
['s', 1_000_000_000n],
['ms', 1_000_000n],
['us', 1_000n],
['ns', 1n],
unitAndValue.forEach(([unit, unitSize]) => {
if (duration >= unitSize) {
const unitCount = duration / unitSize;
result += unitCount.toLocaleString() + unit + ' ';
duration = duration % unitSize;
return result.slice(0, -1);
static formatSeconds(dur: duration): string {
return Duration.toSeconds(dur).toString() + ' s';
static formatMilliseconds(dur: duration): string {
return Duration.toMilliseconds(dur).toString() + ' ms';
static formatMicroseconds(dur: duration): string {
return Duration.toMicroSeconds(dur).toString() + ' us';
// This class takes a time and converts it to a set of strings representing a
// time code where each string represents a group of time units formatted with
// an appropriate number of leading zeros.
export class Timecode {
public readonly sign: string;
public readonly days: string;
public readonly hours: string;
public readonly minutes: string;
public readonly seconds: string;
public readonly millis: string;
public readonly micros: string;
public readonly nanos: string;
constructor(time: time) {
this.sign = time < 0 ? '-' : '';
const absTime = BigintMath.abs(time);
const days = absTime / 86_400_000_000_000n;
const hours = (absTime / 3_600_000_000_000n) % 24n;
const minutes = (absTime / 60_000_000_000n) % 60n;
const seconds = (absTime / 1_000_000_000n) % 60n;
const millis = (absTime / 1_000_000n) % 1_000n;
const micros = (absTime / 1_000n) % 1_000n;
const nanos = absTime % 1_000n;
this.days = days.toString();
this.hours = hours.toString().padStart(2, '0');
this.minutes = minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0');
this.seconds = seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0');
this.millis = millis.toString().padStart(3, '0');
this.micros = micros.toString().padStart(3, '0');
this.nanos = nanos.toString().padStart(3, '0');
// Get the upper part of the timecode formatted as: [-]DdHH:MM:SS.
get dhhmmss(): string {
const days = this.days === '0' ? '' : `${this.days}d`;
return `${this.sign}${days}${this.hours}:${this.minutes}:${this.seconds}`;
// Get the subsecond part of the timecode formatted as: mmm uuu nnn.
// The "space" char is configurable but defaults to a normal space.
subsec(spaceChar: string = ' '): string {
return `${this.millis}${spaceChar}${this.micros}${spaceChar}${this.nanos}`;
// Formats the entire timecode to a string.
toString(spaceChar: string = ' '): string {
return `${this.dhhmmss}.${this.subsec(spaceChar)}`;
export function currentDateHourAndMinute(): string {
const date = new Date();
return `${date
.substr(0, 10)}-${date.getHours()}-${date.getMinutes()}`;
export class TimeSpan {
static readonly ZERO = new TimeSpan(Time.ZERO, Time.ZERO);
readonly start: time;
readonly end: time;
constructor(start: time, end: time) {
start <= end,
`Span start [${start}] cannot be greater than end [${end}]`,
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
static fromTimeAndDuration(start: time, duration: duration): TimeSpan {
return new TimeSpan(start, Time.add(start, duration));
get duration(): duration {
return this.end - this.start;
get midpoint(): time {
return Time.fromRaw((this.start + this.end) / 2n);
contains(t: time): boolean {
return this.start <= t && t < this.end;
containsSpan(start: time, end: time): boolean {
return this.start <= start && end <= this.end;
overlaps(start: time, end: time): boolean {
return !(end <= this.start || start >= this.end);
equals(span: TimeSpan): boolean {
return this.start === span.start && this.end === span.end;
translate(x: duration): TimeSpan {
return new TimeSpan(Time.add(this.start, x), Time.add(this.end, x));
pad(padding: duration): TimeSpan {
return new TimeSpan(
Time.sub(this.start, padding),
Time.add(this.end, padding),
// Print the date only for a given date in ISO format.
export function toISODateOnly(date: Date) {
const year = date.getUTCFullYear();
const month = String(date.getUTCMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
const day = String(date.getUTCDate()).padStart(2, '0');
return `${year}-${month}-${day}`;