blob: 1fb18ec59d0bb8270f509921cfbdca587eaa4c2e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "perfetto/ext/base/optional.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/string_view.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/scattered_heap_buffer.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace_processor/stack.pbzero.h"
#include "protos/third_party/pprof/profile.pbzero.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/containers/string_pool.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/storage/trace_storage.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/tables/profiler_tables_py.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/util/annotated_callsites.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
class TraceProcessorContext;
// Builds a |perftools.profiles.Profile| proto.
class GProfileBuilder {
struct ValueType {
std::string type;
std::string unit;
// |sample_types| A description of the values stored with each sample.
// |annotated| Whether to annotate callstack frames.
// Important: Annotations might interfere with certain aggregations, as we
// will could have a frame that is annotated with different annotations. That
// will lead to multiple functions being generated (sane name, line etc, but
// different annotation). Since there is no field in a Profile proto to track
// these annotations we extend the function name (my_func [annotation]), so
// from pprof perspective we now have different functions. So in flame graphs
// for example you will have one separate slice for each of these same
// functions with different annotations.
GProfileBuilder(const TraceProcessorContext* context,
const std::vector<ValueType>& sample_types);
// Returns false if the operation fails (e.g callsite_id was not found)
bool AddSample(const protos::pbzero::Stack_Decoder& stack,
const protozero::PackedVarInt& values);
// Finalizes the profile and returns the serialized proto. Can be called
// multiple times but after the first invocation `AddSample` calls will have
// no effect.
std::string Build();
static constexpr int64_t kEmptyStringIndex = 0;
// Strings are stored in the `Profile` in a table and referenced by their
// index. This helper class takes care of all the book keeping.
// `TraceProcessor` uses its own `StringPool` for strings. This helper
// provides convenient ways of dealing with `StringPool::Id` values instead of
// actual string. This class ensures that two equal strings will have the same
// index, so you can compare them instead of the actual strings.
class StringTable {
// |result| This is the `Profile` proto we are building. Strings will be
// added to it as necessary. |string_pool| `StringPool` to quey for strings
// passed as `StringPool:Id`
third_party::perftools::profiles::pbzero::Profile>* result,
const StringPool* string_pool);
// Adds the given string to the table, if not currently present, and returns
// the index to it. Might write data to the infligt `Profile` so it should
// not be called while in the middle of writing a message to the proto.
int64_t InternString(base::StringView str);
// Adds a string stored in the `TraceProcessor` `StringPool` to the table,
// if not currently present, and returns the index to it. Might write data
// to the inflight `Profile` so it should not be called while in the middle
// of writing a message to the proto.
int64_t InternString(StringPool::Id id);
int64_t GetAnnotatedString(StringPool::Id str,
CallsiteAnnotation annotation);
int64_t GetAnnotatedString(base::StringView str,
CallsiteAnnotation annotation);
// Unconditionally writes the given string to the table and returns its
// index.
int64_t WriteString(base::StringView str);
const StringPool& string_pool_;
std::unordered_map<StringPool::Id, int64_t> seen_string_pool_ids_;
// Maps strings (hashes thereof) to indexes in the table.
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, int64_t> seen_strings_;
// Index where the next string will be written to
int64_t next_index_{0};
struct AnnotatedFrameId {
struct Hash {
size_t operator()(const AnnotatedFrameId& id) const {
return static_cast<size_t>(perfetto::base::Hasher::Combine(
id.frame_id.value, static_cast<int>(id.annotation)));
FrameId frame_id;
CallsiteAnnotation annotation;
bool operator==(const AnnotatedFrameId& other) const {
return frame_id == other.frame_id && annotation == other.annotation;
struct Line {
uint64_t function_id;
int64_t line;
bool operator==(const Line& other) const {
return function_id == other.function_id && line == other.line;
// Location, MappingKey, Mapping, Function, and Line are helper structs to
// deduplicate entities. We do not write these directly to the proto Profile
// but instead stage them and write them out during `Finalize`. Samples on the
// other hand are directly written to the proto.
struct Location {
struct Hash {
size_t operator()(const Location& loc) const {
perfetto::base::Hasher hasher;
hasher.UpdateAll(loc.mapping_id, loc.rel_pc, loc.lines.size());
for (const auto& line : loc.lines) {
hasher.UpdateAll(line.function_id, line.line);
return static_cast<size_t>(hasher.digest());
uint64_t mapping_id;
uint64_t rel_pc;
std::vector<Line> lines;
bool operator==(const Location& other) const {
return mapping_id == other.mapping_id && rel_pc == other.rel_pc &&
lines == other.lines;
// Mappings are tricky. We could have samples for different processes and
// given address space layout randomization the same mapping could be located
// at different addresses. MappingKey has the set of properties that uniquely
// identify mapping in order to deduplicate rows in the stack_profile_mapping
// table.
struct MappingKey {
struct Hash {
size_t operator()(const MappingKey& mapping) const {
perfetto::base::Hasher hasher;
hasher.UpdateAll(mapping.size, mapping.file_offset,
return static_cast<size_t>(hasher.digest());
explicit MappingKey(
const tables::StackProfileMappingTable::ConstRowReference& mapping,
StringTable& string_table);
bool operator==(const MappingKey& other) const {
return size == other.size && file_offset == other.file_offset &&
build_id_or_filename == other.build_id_or_filename;
uint64_t size;
uint64_t file_offset;
int64_t build_id_or_filename;
// Keeps track of what debug information is available for a mapping.
// TODO(carlscab): We could be a bit more "clever" here. Currently if there is
// debug info for at least one frame we flag the mapping as having debug info.
// We could use some heuristic instead, e.g. if x% for frames have the info
// etc.
struct DebugInfo {
bool has_functions{false};
bool has_filenames{false};
bool has_line_numbers{false};
bool has_inline_frames{false};
struct Mapping {
explicit Mapping(
const tables::StackProfileMappingTable::ConstRowReference& mapping,
const StringPool& string_pool,
StringTable& string_table);
// Heuristic to determine if this maps to the main binary. Bigger scores
// mean higher likelihood.
int64_t ComputeMainBinaryScore() const;
const uint64_t memory_start;
const uint64_t memory_limit;
const uint64_t file_offset;
const int64_t filename;
const int64_t build_id;
const std::string filename_str;
DebugInfo debug_info;
struct Function {
struct Hash {
size_t operator()(const Function& func) const {
return static_cast<size_t>(perfetto::base::Hasher::Combine(, func.system_name, func.filename));
int64_t name;
int64_t system_name;
int64_t filename;
bool operator==(const Function& other) const {
return name == && system_name == other.system_name &&
filename == other.filename;
const protozero::PackedVarInt& GetLocationIdsForCallsite(
const CallsiteId& callsite_id,
bool annotated);
std::vector<Line> GetLinesForSymbolSetId(
base::Optional<uint32_t> symbol_set_id,
CallsiteAnnotation annotation,
uint64_t mapping_id);
std::vector<Line> GetLines(
const tables::StackProfileFrameTable::ConstRowReference& frame,
CallsiteAnnotation annotation,
uint64_t mapping_id);
int64_t GetNameForFrame(
const tables::StackProfileFrameTable::ConstRowReference& frame,
CallsiteAnnotation annotation);
uint64_t WriteLocationIfNeeded(FrameId frame_id,
CallsiteAnnotation annotation);
uint64_t WriteFakeLocationIfNeeded(const std::string& name);
uint64_t WriteFunctionIfNeeded(
const tables::SymbolTable::ConstRowReference& symbol,
CallsiteAnnotation annotation,
uint64_t mapping_id);
uint64_t WriteFunctionIfNeeded(
const tables::StackProfileFrameTable::ConstRowReference& frame,
CallsiteAnnotation annotation,
uint64_t mapping_id);
uint64_t WriteFakeFunctionIfNeeded(int64_t name_id);
uint64_t WriteMappingIfNeeded(
const tables::StackProfileMappingTable::ConstRowReference& mapping);
void WriteMappings();
void WriteMapping(uint64_t mapping_id);
void WriteFunctions();
void WriteLocations();
void WriteSampleTypes(const std::vector<ValueType>& sample_types);
void Finalize();
Mapping& GetMapping(uint64_t mapping_id) {
return mappings_[static_cast<size_t>(mapping_id - 1)];
// Goes over the list of staged mappings and tries to determine which is the
// most likely main binary.
base::Optional<uint64_t> GuessMainBinary() const;
bool AddSample(const protozero::PackedVarInt& location_ids,
const protozero::PackedVarInt& values);
// Profile proto being serialized.
const TraceProcessorContext& context_;
StringTable string_table_;
bool finalized_{false};
AnnotatedCallsites annotations_;
// Caches a (possibly annotated) CallsiteId (callstack) to the list of
// locations emitted to the profile.
struct MaybeAnnotatedCallsiteId {
struct Hash {
size_t operator()(const MaybeAnnotatedCallsiteId& id) const {
return static_cast<size_t>(
perfetto::base::Hasher::Combine(id.callsite_id.value, id.annotate));
CallsiteId callsite_id;
bool annotate;
bool operator==(const MaybeAnnotatedCallsiteId& other) const {
return callsite_id == other.callsite_id && annotate == other.annotate;
// Helpers to map TraceProcessor rows to already written Profile entities
// (their ids).
std::unordered_map<AnnotatedFrameId, uint64_t, AnnotatedFrameId::Hash>
std::unordered_map<AnnotatedFrameId, uint64_t, AnnotatedFrameId::Hash>
std::unordered_map<MappingId, uint64_t> seen_mappings_;
std::unordered_map<int64_t, uint64_t> seen_fake_locations_;
// Helpers to deduplicate entries. Map entity to its id. These also serve as a
// staging area until written out to the profile proto during `Finalize`. Ids
// are consecutive integers starting at 1. (Ids with value 0 are not allowed).
// Ids are not unique across entities (i.e. there can be a mapping_id = 1 and
// a function_id = 1)
std::unordered_map<Location, uint64_t, Location::Hash> locations_;
std::unordered_map<MappingKey, uint64_t, MappingKey::Hash> mapping_keys_;
std::unordered_map<Function, uint64_t, Function::Hash> functions_;
// Staging area for Mappings. mapping_id - 1 = index in the vector.
std::vector<Mapping> mappings_;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto