blob: 58f1b03cf501ecbaa83ccfa889b1be9ccadc608e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "src/kernel_utils/syscall_table.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/compact_sched.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/ftrace_config_utils.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/ftrace_controller.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/ftrace_procfs.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/proto_translation_table.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
enum FtraceClock : int32_t;
} // namespace pbzero
} // namespace protos
struct FtraceSetupErrors;
// State held by the muxer per data source, used to parse ftrace according to
// that data source's config.
struct FtraceDataSourceConfig {
FtraceDataSourceConfig(EventFilter _event_filter,
EventFilter _syscall_filter,
CompactSchedConfig _compact_sched,
std::vector<std::string> _atrace_apps,
std::vector<std::string> _atrace_categories,
bool _symbolize_ksyms)
: event_filter(std::move(_event_filter)),
symbolize_ksyms(_symbolize_ksyms) {}
// The event filter allows to quickly check if a certain ftrace event with id
// x is enabled for this data source.
EventFilter event_filter;
// Specifies the syscalls (by id) that are enabled for this data source. An
// empty filter implies all events are enabled.
EventFilter syscall_filter;
// Configuration of the optional compact encoding of scheduling events.
const CompactSchedConfig compact_sched;
// Used only in Android for ATRACE_EVENT/os.Trace() userspace annotations.
std::vector<std::string> atrace_apps;
std::vector<std::string> atrace_categories;
// When enabled will turn on the kallsyms symbolizer in CpuReader.
const bool symbolize_ksyms;
// Ftrace is a bunch of globally modifiable persistent state.
// Given a number of FtraceConfig's we need to find the best union of all
// the settings to make everyone happy while also watching out for anybody
// messing with the ftrace settings at the same time as us.
// Specifically FtraceConfigMuxer takes in a *requested* FtraceConfig
// (|SetupConfig|), makes a best effort attempt to modify the ftrace
// debugfs files to honor those settings without interrupting other perfetto
// traces already in progress or other users of ftrace, then returns an
// FtraceConfigId representing that config or zero on failure.
// When you are finished with a config you can signal that with |RemoveConfig|.
class FtraceConfigMuxer {
// The FtraceProcfs and ProtoTranslationTable
// should outlive this instance.
FtraceProcfs* ftrace,
ProtoTranslationTable* table,
SyscallTable syscalls,
std::map<std::string, std::vector<GroupAndName>> vendor_events);
virtual ~FtraceConfigMuxer();
// Ask FtraceConfigMuxer to adjust ftrace procfs settings to
// match the requested config. Returns an id to manage this
// config or zero on failure.
// This is best effort. FtraceConfigMuxer may not be able to adjust the
// buffer size right now. Events may be missing or there may be extra events
// (if you enable an atrace category we try to give you the matching events).
// If someone else is tracing we won't touch atrace (since it resets the
// buffer).
FtraceConfigId SetupConfig(const FtraceConfig& request,
FtraceSetupErrors* = nullptr);
// Activate ftrace for the given config (if not already active).
bool ActivateConfig(FtraceConfigId);
// Undo changes for the given config. Returns false iff the id is 0
// or already removed.
bool RemoveConfig(FtraceConfigId);
const FtraceDataSourceConfig* GetDataSourceConfig(FtraceConfigId id);
// Resets the current tracer to "nop" (the default). This cannot be handled
// by |RemoveConfig| because it requires all ftrace readers to be released
// beforehand, which is the reponsibility of ftrace_controller.
bool ResetCurrentTracer();
// Returns the current per-cpu buffer size, as configured by this muxer
// (without consulting debugfs). Constant for a given tracing session.
// Note that if there are multiple concurrent tracing sessions, the first
// session's buffer size is used for all of them.
size_t GetPerCpuBufferSizePages();
protos::pbzero::FtraceClock ftrace_clock() const {
return current_state_.ftrace_clock;
void SetupClockForTesting(const FtraceConfig& request) {
std::set<GroupAndName> GetFtraceEventsForTesting(
const FtraceConfig& request,
const ProtoTranslationTable* table) {
return GetFtraceEvents(request, table);
const EventFilter* GetCentralEventFilterForTesting() const {
return &current_state_.ftrace_events;
const std::set<size_t>& GetSyscallFilterForTesting() const {
return current_state_.syscall_filter;
static bool StartAtrace(const std::vector<std::string>& apps,
const std::vector<std::string>& categories,
std::string* atrace_errors);
struct FtraceState {
EventFilter ftrace_events;
std::set<size_t> syscall_filter; // syscall ids or kAllSyscallsId
bool funcgraph_on = false; // current_tracer == "function_graph"
size_t cpu_buffer_size_pages = 0;
protos::pbzero::FtraceClock ftrace_clock{};
// Used only in Android for ATRACE_EVENT/os.Trace() userspace:
bool atrace_on = false;
std::vector<std::string> atrace_apps;
std::vector<std::string> atrace_categories;
FtraceConfigMuxer(const FtraceConfigMuxer&) = delete;
FtraceConfigMuxer& operator=(const FtraceConfigMuxer&) = delete;
void SetupClock(const FtraceConfig& request);
void SetupBufferSize(const FtraceConfig& request);
void UpdateAtrace(const FtraceConfig& request, std::string* atrace_errors);
void DisableAtrace();
// This processes the config to get the exact events.
// group/* -> Will read the fs and add all events in group.
// event -> Will look up the event to find the group.
// atrace category -> Will add events in that category.
std::set<GroupAndName> GetFtraceEvents(const FtraceConfig& request,
const ProtoTranslationTable*);
// Returns true if the event filter has at least one event from group.
bool FilterHasGroup(const EventFilter& filter, const std::string& group);
// Configs have three states:
// 1. The config does not include raw_syscall ftrace events (empty filter).
// 2. The config has at least one raw_syscall ftrace events, then either:
// a. The syscall_events is left empty (match all events).
// b. The syscall_events is non-empty (match only those events).
EventFilter BuildSyscallFilter(const EventFilter& ftrace_filter,
const FtraceConfig& request);
// Updates the ftrace syscall filters such that they satisfy all ds_configs_
// and the extra_syscalls provided here. The filter is set to be the union of
// all configs meaning no config will lose events, but concurrent configs can
// see additional events. You may provide a syscall filter during SetUpConfig
// so the filter can be updated before ds_configs_.
bool SetSyscallEventFilter(const EventFilter& extra_syscalls);
FtraceConfigId GetNextId();
FtraceConfigId last_id_ = 1;
FtraceProcfs* ftrace_;
ProtoTranslationTable* table_;
SyscallTable syscalls_;
FtraceState current_state_;
// Set of all requested tracing configurations, with the associated derived
// data used during parsing. Note that not all of these configurations might
// be active. When a config is present but not active, we do setup buffer
// sizes and events, but don't enable ftrace (i.e. tracing_on).
std::map<FtraceConfigId, FtraceDataSourceConfig> ds_configs_;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<GroupAndName>> vendor_events_;
// Subset of |ds_configs_| that are currently active. At any time ftrace is
// enabled iff |active_configs_| is not empty.
std::set<FtraceConfigId> active_configs_;
size_t ComputeCpuBufferSizeInPages(size_t requested_buffer_size_kb);
} // namespace perfetto