| -- |
| -- Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project |
| -- |
| -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| -- You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| -- |
| -- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| -- |
| -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| -- limitations under the License. |
| -- |
| |
| -- Create the base tables and views containing the launch spans. |
| SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/android_startup_launches.sql'); |
| SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/process_metadata.sql'); |
| SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/hsc_startups.sql'); |
| |
| -- Create the base CPU span join table. |
| SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/android_cpu_agg.sql'); |
| |
| -- Create a span join safe launches view; since both views |
| -- being span joined have an "id" column, we need to rename |
| -- the id column for launches to disambiguate the two. |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS launches_span_join_safe; |
| CREATE VIEW launches_span_join_safe AS |
| SELECT ts, dur, id AS launch_id |
| FROM launches; |
| |
| -- Span join the CPU table with the launches table to get the |
| -- breakdown per-cpu. |
| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cpu_freq_sched_per_thread_per_launch; |
| CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE cpu_freq_sched_per_thread_per_launch |
| launches_span_join_safe, |
| cpu_freq_sched_per_thread PARTITIONED cpu |
| ); |
| |
| SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/cpu_info.sql'); |
| |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS mcycles_per_core_type_per_launch; |
| CREATE VIEW mcycles_per_core_type_per_launch AS |
| launch_id, |
| IFNULL(core_type_per_cpu.core_type, 'unknown') AS core_type, |
| CAST(SUM(dur * freq_khz / 1000) / 1e9 AS INT) AS mcycles |
| FROM cpu_freq_sched_per_thread_per_launch |
| LEFT JOIN core_type_per_cpu USING (cpu) |
| WHERE utid != 0 |
| GROUP BY 1, 2; |
| |
| -- Slices for forked processes. Never present in hot starts. |
| -- Prefer this over process start_ts, since the process might have |
| -- been preforked. |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS zygote_fork_slice; |
| CREATE VIEW zygote_fork_slice AS |
| SELECT slice.ts, slice.dur, STR_SPLIT(slice.name, ": ", 1) AS process_name |
| FROM slice WHERE name LIKE 'Start proc: %'; |
| |
| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS zygote_forks_by_id; |
| CREATE TABLE zygote_forks_by_id AS |
| launches.id, |
| zygote_fork_slice.ts, |
| zygote_fork_slice.dur |
| FROM zygote_fork_slice |
| JOIN launches |
| ON (launches.ts < zygote_fork_slice.ts |
| AND zygote_fork_slice.ts + zygote_fork_slice.dur < launches.ts_end |
| AND zygote_fork_slice.process_name = launches.package |
| ); |
| |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS launch_main_threads; |
| CREATE VIEW launch_main_threads AS |
| launches.ts AS ts, |
| launches.dur AS dur, |
| launches.id AS launch_id, |
| thread.utid AS utid |
| FROM launches |
| JOIN launch_processes ON launches.id = launch_processes.launch_id |
| JOIN process USING(upid) |
| JOIN thread ON (process.upid = thread.upid AND process.pid = thread.tid) |
| ORDER BY ts; |
| |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS thread_state_extended; |
| CREATE VIEW thread_state_extended AS |
| ts, |
| IIF(dur = -1, (SELECT end_ts FROM trace_bounds), dur) AS dur, |
| utid, |
| state |
| FROM thread_state; |
| |
| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_thread_state; |
| CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE main_thread_state |
| launch_main_threads PARTITIONED utid, |
| thread_state_extended PARTITIONED utid); |
| |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS launch_by_thread_state; |
| CREATE VIEW launch_by_thread_state AS |
| SELECT launch_id, state, SUM(dur) AS dur |
| FROM main_thread_state |
| GROUP BY 1, 2; |
| |
| -- Tracks all main thread process threads. |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS launch_threads; |
| CREATE VIEW launch_threads AS |
| launches.id AS launch_id, |
| launches.ts AS ts, |
| launches.dur AS dur, |
| thread.utid AS utid, |
| thread.name AS thread_name |
| FROM launches |
| JOIN launch_processes ON (launches.id = launch_processes.launch_id) |
| JOIN thread ON (launch_processes.upid = thread.upid); |
| |
| -- Tracks all slices for the main process threads |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS main_process_slice_unaggregated; |
| CREATE VIEW main_process_slice_unaggregated AS |
| launch_threads.launch_id AS launch_id, |
| launch_threads.utid AS utid, |
| launch_threads.thread_name AS thread_name, |
| slice.name AS slice_name, |
| slice.ts AS slice_ts, |
| slice.dur AS slice_dur |
| FROM launch_threads |
| JOIN thread_track USING (utid) |
| JOIN slice ON ( |
| slice.track_id = thread_track.id |
| AND slice.ts BETWEEN launch_threads.ts AND launch_threads.ts + launch_threads.dur) |
| WHERE slice.name IN ( |
| 'PostFork', |
| 'ActivityThreadMain', |
| 'bindApplication', |
| 'activityStart', |
| 'activityRestart', |
| 'activityResume', |
| 'inflate', |
| 'ResourcesManager#getResources') |
| OR slice.name LIKE 'performResume:%' |
| OR slice.name LIKE 'performCreate:%' |
| OR slice.name LIKE 'location=% status=% filter=% reason=%' |
| OR slice.name LIKE 'OpenDexFilesFromOat%' |
| OR slice.name LIKE 'VerifyClass%' |
| OR slice.name LIKE 'Choreographer#doFrame%' |
| OR slice.name LIKE 'JIT compiling%' |
| OR slice.name LIKE '%mark sweep GC' |
| OR slice.name LIKE '%concurrent copying GC' |
| OR slice.name LIKE '%semispace GC'; |
| |
| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_process_slice; |
| CREATE TABLE main_process_slice AS |
| launch_id, |
| CASE |
| WHEN slice_name LIKE 'OpenDexFilesFromOat%' THEN 'OpenDexFilesFromOat' |
| WHEN slice_name LIKE 'VerifyClass%' THEN 'VerifyClass' |
| WHEN slice_name LIKE 'JIT compiling%' THEN 'JIT compiling' |
| WHEN slice_name LIKE '%mark sweep GC' THEN 'GC' |
| WHEN slice_name LIKE '%concurrent copying GC' THEN 'GC' |
| WHEN slice_name LIKE '%semispace GC' THEN 'GC' |
| ELSE slice_name |
| END AS name, |
| AndroidStartupMetric_Slice( |
| 'dur_ns', SUM(slice_dur), |
| 'dur_ms', SUM(slice_dur) / 1e6 |
| ) AS slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice_unaggregated |
| GROUP BY 1, 2; |
| |
| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS report_fully_drawn_per_launch; |
| CREATE TABLE report_fully_drawn_per_launch AS |
| WITH report_fully_drawn_launch_slices AS ( |
| launches.id AS launch_id, |
| launches.ts AS launch_ts, |
| min(slice.ts) as report_fully_drawn_ts |
| FROM launches |
| JOIN launch_processes ON (launches.id = launch_processes.launch_id) |
| JOIN thread ON (launch_processes.upid = thread.upid) |
| JOIN thread_track USING (utid) |
| JOIN slice ON ( |
| slice.track_id = thread_track.id |
| AND slice.ts >= launches.ts) |
| WHERE slice.name LIKE 'reportFullyDrawn%' |
| GROUP BY launches.id |
| ) |
| launch_id, |
| report_fully_drawn_ts - launch_ts as report_fully_drawn_dur |
| FROM report_fully_drawn_launch_slices; |
| |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS to_event_protos; |
| CREATE VIEW to_event_protos AS |
| slice.name as slice_name, |
| launch_id, |
| AndroidStartupMetric_Slice( |
| 'dur_ns', slice.ts - l.ts, |
| 'dur_ms', (slice.ts - l.ts) / 1e6 |
| ) as slice_proto |
| FROM launch_main_threads l |
| JOIN thread_track USING (utid) |
| JOIN slice ON ( |
| slice.track_id = thread_track.id |
| AND slice.ts BETWEEN l.ts AND l.ts + l.dur); |
| |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS gc_slices; |
| CREATE VIEW gc_slices AS |
| slice_ts AS ts, |
| slice_dur AS dur, |
| utid, |
| launch_id |
| FROM main_process_slice_unaggregated |
| WHERE ( |
| slice_name LIKE '%mark sweep GC' |
| OR slice_name LIKE '%concurrent copying GC' |
| OR slice_name LIKE '%semispace GC'); |
| |
| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gc_slices_by_state; |
| CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE gc_slices_by_state |
| USING SPAN_JOIN(gc_slices PARTITIONED utid, thread_state_extended PARTITIONED utid); |
| |
| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS launch_threads_cpu; |
| CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE launch_threads_cpu |
| USING SPAN_JOIN(launch_threads PARTITIONED utid, thread_state_extended PARTITIONED utid); |
| |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS startup_view; |
| CREATE VIEW startup_view AS |
| AndroidStartupMetric_Startup( |
| 'startup_id', launches.id, |
| 'package_name', launches.package, |
| 'process_name', ( |
| SELECT name FROM process |
| WHERE upid IN ( |
| SELECT upid FROM launch_processes p |
| WHERE p.launch_id = launches.id |
| LIMIT 1 |
| ) |
| ), |
| 'process', ( |
| SELECT metadata FROM process_metadata |
| WHERE upid IN ( |
| SELECT upid FROM launch_processes p |
| WHERE p.launch_id = launches.id |
| LIMIT 1 |
| ) |
| ), |
| 'activities', ( |
| SELECT RepeatedField(AndroidStartupMetric_Activity( |
| 'name', (SELECT STR_SPLIT(s.slice_name, ':', 1)), |
| 'method', (SELECT STR_SPLIT(s.slice_name, ':', 0)), |
| 'ts_method_start', s.slice_ts |
| )) |
| FROM main_process_slice_unaggregated s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id |
| AND (slice_name LIKE 'performResume:%' OR slice_name LIKE 'performCreate:%') |
| ), |
| 'zygote_new_process', EXISTS(SELECT TRUE FROM zygote_forks_by_id WHERE id = launches.id), |
| 'activity_hosting_process_count', ( |
| SELECT COUNT(1) FROM launch_processes p |
| WHERE p.launch_id = launches.id |
| ), |
| 'event_timestamps', AndroidStartupMetric_EventTimestamps( |
| 'intent_received', launches.ts, |
| 'first_frame', launches.ts_end |
| ), |
| 'to_first_frame', AndroidStartupMetric_ToFirstFrame( |
| 'dur_ns', launches.dur, |
| 'dur_ms', launches.dur / 1e6, |
| 'main_thread_by_task_state', AndroidStartupMetric_TaskStateBreakdown( |
| 'running_dur_ns', IFNULL( |
| ( |
| SELECT dur FROM launch_by_thread_state l |
| WHERE l.launch_id = launches.id AND state = 'Running' |
| ), 0), |
| 'runnable_dur_ns', IFNULL( |
| ( |
| SELECT dur FROM launch_by_thread_state l |
| WHERE l.launch_id = launches.id AND state = 'R' |
| ), 0), |
| 'uninterruptible_sleep_dur_ns', IFNULL( |
| ( |
| SELECT dur FROM launch_by_thread_state l |
| WHERE l.launch_id = launches.id AND (state = 'D' or state = 'DK') |
| ), 0), |
| 'interruptible_sleep_dur_ns', IFNULL( |
| ( |
| SELECT dur FROM launch_by_thread_state l |
| WHERE l.launch_id = launches.id AND state = 'S' |
| ), 0) |
| ), |
| 'mcycles_by_core_type', AndroidStartupMetric_McyclesByCoreType( |
| 'little', ( |
| SELECT mcycles |
| FROM mcycles_per_core_type_per_launch m |
| WHERE m.launch_id = launches.id AND m.core_type = 'little' |
| ), |
| 'big', ( |
| SELECT mcycles |
| FROM mcycles_per_core_type_per_launch m |
| WHERE m.launch_id = launches.id AND m.core_type = 'big' |
| ), |
| 'bigger', ( |
| SELECT mcycles |
| FROM mcycles_per_core_type_per_launch m |
| WHERE m.launch_id = launches.id AND m.core_type = 'bigger' |
| ), |
| 'unknown', ( |
| SELECT mcycles |
| FROM mcycles_per_core_type_per_launch m |
| WHERE m.launch_id = launches.id AND m.core_type = 'unknown' |
| ) |
| ), |
| 'to_post_fork', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM to_event_protos p |
| WHERE p.launch_id = launches.id AND slice_name = 'PostFork' |
| ), |
| 'to_activity_thread_main', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM to_event_protos p |
| WHERE p.launch_id = launches.id AND slice_name = 'ActivityThreadMain' |
| ), |
| 'to_bind_application', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM to_event_protos p |
| WHERE p.launch_id = launches.id AND slice_name = 'bindApplication' |
| ), |
| 'other_processes_spawned_count', ( |
| SELECT COUNT(1) FROM process |
| WHERE (process.name IS NULL OR process.name != launches.package) |
| AND process.start_ts BETWEEN launches.ts AND launches.ts + launches.dur |
| ), |
| 'time_activity_manager', ( |
| SELECT AndroidStartupMetric_Slice( |
| 'dur_ns', l.ts - launches.ts, |
| 'dur_ms', (l.ts - launches.ts) / 1e6 |
| ) |
| FROM launching_events l |
| WHERE l.ts BETWEEN launches.ts AND launches.ts + launches.dur |
| ), |
| 'time_post_fork', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id AND name = 'PostFork' |
| ), |
| 'time_activity_thread_main', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id AND name = 'ActivityThreadMain' |
| ), |
| 'time_bind_application', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id AND name = 'bindApplication' |
| ), |
| 'time_activity_start', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id AND name = 'activityStart' |
| ), |
| 'time_activity_resume', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id AND name = 'activityResume' |
| ), |
| 'time_activity_restart', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id AND name = 'activityRestart' |
| ), |
| 'time_choreographer', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id AND name LIKE 'Choreographer#doFrame%' |
| ), |
| 'time_before_start_process', ( |
| SELECT AndroidStartupMetric_Slice( |
| 'dur_ns', ts - launches.ts, |
| 'dur_ms', (ts - launches.ts) / 1e6 |
| ) |
| FROM zygote_forks_by_id z |
| WHERE z.id = launches.id |
| ), |
| 'time_during_start_process', ( |
| SELECT AndroidStartupMetric_Slice( |
| 'dur_ns', dur, |
| 'dur_ms', dur / 1e6 |
| ) |
| FROM zygote_forks_by_id z |
| WHERE z.id = launches.id |
| ), |
| 'time_inflate', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id AND name = 'inflate' |
| ), |
| 'time_get_resources', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id |
| AND name = 'ResourcesManager#getResources' |
| ), |
| 'time_dex_open', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id AND name = 'OpenDexFilesFromOat' |
| ), |
| 'time_verify_class', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id AND name = 'VerifyClass' |
| ), |
| 'jit_compiled_methods', ( |
| FROM main_process_slice_unaggregated |
| WHERE slice_name LIKE 'JIT compiling%' |
| AND thread_name = 'Jit thread pool' |
| ), |
| 'time_jit_thread_pool_on_cpu', ( |
| NULL_IF_EMPTY(AndroidStartupMetric_Slice( |
| 'dur_ns', SUM(dur), |
| 'dur_ms', SUM(dur) / 1e6)) |
| FROM launch_threads_cpu |
| launch_id = launches.id |
| AND thread_name = 'Jit thread pool' |
| AND state = 'Running' |
| ), |
| 'time_gc_total', ( |
| SELECT slice_proto |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE s.launch_id = launches.id AND name = 'GC' |
| ), |
| 'time_gc_on_cpu', ( |
| NULL_IF_EMPTY(AndroidStartupMetric_Slice( |
| 'dur_ns', SUM(dur), |
| 'dur_ms', SUM(dur) / 1e6 |
| )) |
| FROM gc_slices_by_state |
| WHERE launch_id = launches.id AND state = 'Running' |
| ) |
| ), |
| 'hsc', ( |
| SELECT NULL_IF_EMPTY(AndroidStartupMetric_HscMetrics( |
| 'full_startup', ( |
| SELECT AndroidStartupMetric_Slice( |
| 'dur_ns', h.ts_total, |
| 'dur_ms', h.ts_total / 1e6 |
| ) |
| FROM hsc_based_startup_times h |
| WHERE h.id = launches.id |
| ) |
| )) |
| ), |
| 'report_fully_drawn', ( |
| SELECT NULL_IF_EMPTY(AndroidStartupMetric_Slice( |
| 'dur_ns', report_fully_drawn_dur, |
| 'dur_ms', report_fully_drawn_dur / 1e6 |
| )) |
| FROM report_fully_drawn_per_launch r |
| WHERE r.launch_id = launches.id |
| ), |
| 'optimization_status',( |
| SELECT RepeatedField(AndroidStartupMetric_OptimizationStatus( |
| 'location', SUBSTR(STR_SPLIT(name, ' status=', 0), LENGTH('location=') + 1), |
| 'odex_status', STR_SPLIT(STR_SPLIT(name, ' status=', 1), ' filter=', 0), |
| 'compilation_filter', STR_SPLIT(STR_SPLIT(name, ' filter=', 1), ' reason=', 0), |
| 'compilation_reason', STR_SPLIT(name, ' reason=', 1) |
| )) |
| FROM main_process_slice s |
| WHERE name LIKE 'location=% status=% filter=% reason=%' |
| ) |
| ) as startup |
| FROM launches; |
| |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS android_startup_event; |
| CREATE VIEW android_startup_event AS |
| 'slice' as track_type, |
| 'Android App Startups' as track_name, |
| l.ts as ts, |
| l.dur as dur, |
| l.package as slice_name |
| FROM launches l; |
| |
| DROP VIEW IF EXISTS android_startup_output; |
| CREATE VIEW android_startup_output AS |
| AndroidStartupMetric( |
| 'startup', ( |
| SELECT RepeatedField(startup) FROM startup_view |
| ) |
| ); |