blob: b0e3d4c482d8a9cc8a1d92a6ca3f4ea890c06b0b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/profiling/memory/client.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <thread>
#include "perfetto/base/thread_utils.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/unix_socket.h"
#include "src/profiling/memory/wire_protocol.h"
#include "test/gtest_and_gmock.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace profiling {
namespace {
TEST(ClientTest, GetThreadStackRangeBase) {
std::thread th([] {
StackRange stackrange = GetThreadStackRange();
ASSERT_NE(stackrange.begin, nullptr);
ASSERT_NE(stackrange.end, nullptr);
// The implementation assumes the stack grows from higher addresses to
// lower. We will need to rework once we encounter architectures where the
// stack grows the other way.
EXPECT_LT(stackrange.begin, __builtin_frame_address(0));
EXPECT_GT(stackrange.end, __builtin_frame_address(0));
TEST(ClientTest, GetSigaltStackRange) {
char stack[4096];
stack_t altstack{};
stack_t old_altstack{};
altstack.ss_sp = stack;
altstack.ss_size = sizeof(stack);
ASSERT_NE(sigaltstack(&altstack, &old_altstack), -1);
struct sigaction oldact;
struct sigaction newact {};
static StackRange stackrange;
static const char* stackptr;
newact.sa_handler = [](int) {
stackrange = GetSigAltStackRange();
stackptr = static_cast<char*>(__builtin_frame_address(0));
newact.sa_flags = SA_ONSTACK;
int res = sigaction(SIGUSR1, &newact, &oldact);
ASSERT_NE(res, -1);
PERFETTO_CHECK(sigaction(SIGUSR1, &oldact, nullptr) != -1);
PERFETTO_CHECK(sigaltstack(&old_altstack, nullptr) != -1);
ASSERT_EQ(stackrange.begin, stack);
ASSERT_EQ(stackrange.end, &stack[4096]);
ASSERT_LT(stackrange.begin, stackptr);
ASSERT_GT(stackrange.end, stackptr);
TEST(ClientTest, GetMainThreadStackRange) {
if (getpid() != base::GetThreadId())
GTEST_SKIP() << "This test has to run on the main thread.";
StackRange stackrange = GetMainThreadStackRange();
ASSERT_NE(stackrange.begin, nullptr);
ASSERT_NE(stackrange.end, nullptr);
// The implementation assumes the stack grows from higher addresses to
// lower. We will need to rework once we encounter architectures where the
// stack grows the other way.
EXPECT_LT(stackrange.begin, __builtin_frame_address(0));
EXPECT_GT(stackrange.end, __builtin_frame_address(0));
TEST(ClientTest, IsMainThread) {
// Our code relies on the fact that getpid() == GetThreadId() if this
// process/thread is the main thread of the process. This test ensures that is
// true.
auto pid = getpid();
auto main_thread_id = base::GetThreadId();
EXPECT_EQ(pid, main_thread_id);
std::thread th(
[main_thread_id] { EXPECT_NE(main_thread_id, base::GetThreadId()); });
TEST(ClientTest, GetMaxTriesBlock) {
ClientConfiguration cfg = {};
cfg.block_client = true;
cfg.block_client_timeout_us = 200;
EXPECT_EQ(GetMaxTries(cfg), 2u);
TEST(ClientTest, GetMaxTriesBlockSmall) {
ClientConfiguration cfg = {};
cfg.block_client = true;
cfg.block_client_timeout_us = 99;
EXPECT_EQ(GetMaxTries(cfg), 1u);
TEST(ClientTest, GetMaxTriesBlockVerySmall) {
ClientConfiguration cfg = {};
cfg.block_client = true;
cfg.block_client_timeout_us = 1;
EXPECT_EQ(GetMaxTries(cfg), 1u);
TEST(ClientTest, GetMaxTriesBlockInfinite) {
ClientConfiguration cfg = {};
cfg.block_client = true;
cfg.block_client_timeout_us = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(GetMaxTries(cfg), kInfiniteTries);
TEST(ClientTest, GetMaxTriesNoBlock) {
ClientConfiguration cfg = {};
cfg.block_client = false;
cfg.block_client_timeout_us = 200;
EXPECT_EQ(GetMaxTries(cfg), 1u);
} // namespace
} // namespace profiling
} // namespace perfetto