blob: 500d23c06d9b595bd0056ccdf2dc11a0843c1c85 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <limits>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "src/trace_processor/args_tracker.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/process_tracker.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/slice_tracker.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/trace_processor_context.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/trace_storage.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/track_tracker.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
namespace {
// Slices which have been opened but haven't been closed yet will be marked
// with this duration placeholder.
constexpr int64_t kPendingDuration = -1;
} // namespace
SliceTracker::SliceTracker(TraceProcessorContext* context)
: context_(context) {}
SliceTracker::~SliceTracker() = default;
base::Optional<uint32_t> SliceTracker::BeginAndroid(int64_t timestamp,
uint32_t ftrace_tid,
uint32_t atrace_tgid,
StringId category,
StringId name) {
UniqueTid utid =
context_->process_tracker->UpdateThread(ftrace_tid, atrace_tgid);
ftrace_to_atrace_tgid_[ftrace_tid] = atrace_tgid;
// TODO(lalitm): make use of this track id.
TrackId track_id = context_->track_tracker->InternThreadTrack(utid);
return Begin(timestamp, utid, RefType::kRefUtid, category, name);
base::Optional<uint32_t> SliceTracker::Begin(int64_t timestamp,
int64_t ref,
RefType ref_type,
StringId category,
StringId name,
SetArgsCallback args_callback) {
// At this stage all events should be globally timestamp ordered.
if (timestamp < prev_timestamp_) {
return base::nullopt;
prev_timestamp_ = timestamp;
MaybeCloseStack(timestamp, &stacks_[{ref, ref_type}]);
return StartSlice(timestamp, kPendingDuration, ref, ref_type, category, name,
base::Optional<uint32_t> SliceTracker::Scoped(int64_t timestamp,
int64_t ref,
RefType ref_type,
StringId category,
StringId name,
int64_t duration,
SetArgsCallback args_callback) {
// At this stage all events should be globally timestamp ordered.
if (timestamp < prev_timestamp_) {
return base::nullopt;
prev_timestamp_ = timestamp;
PERFETTO_DCHECK(duration >= 0);
MaybeCloseStack(timestamp, &stacks_[{ref, ref_type}]);
return StartSlice(timestamp, duration, ref, ref_type, category, name,
base::Optional<uint32_t> SliceTracker::StartSlice(
int64_t timestamp,
int64_t duration,
int64_t ref,
RefType ref_type,
StringId category,
StringId name,
SetArgsCallback args_callback) {
auto* stack = &stacks_[{ref, ref_type}];
auto* slices = context_->storage->mutable_nestable_slices();
const uint8_t depth = static_cast<uint8_t>(stack->size());
if (depth >= std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) {
PERFETTO_DFATAL("Slices with too large depth found.");
return base::nullopt;
int64_t parent_stack_id =
depth == 0 ? 0 : slices->stack_ids()[stack->back().first];
uint32_t slice_idx =
slices->AddSlice(timestamp, duration, ref, ref_type, category, name,
depth, 0, parent_stack_id);
stack->emplace_back(std::make_pair(slice_idx, ArgsTracker(context_)));
if (args_callback) {
TraceStorage::CreateRowId(TableId::kNestableSlices, slice_idx));
slices->set_stack_id(slice_idx, GetStackHash(*stack));
return slice_idx;
base::Optional<uint32_t> SliceTracker::EndAndroid(int64_t timestamp,
uint32_t ftrace_tid,
uint32_t atrace_tgid) {
auto actual_tgid_it = ftrace_to_atrace_tgid_.find(ftrace_tid);
if (actual_tgid_it == ftrace_to_atrace_tgid_.end()) {
// This is possible if we start tracing after a begin slice.
PERFETTO_DLOG("Unknown tgid for ftrace tid %u", ftrace_tid);
return base::nullopt;
uint32_t actual_tgid = actual_tgid_it->second;
// atrace_tgid can be 0 in older android versions where the end event would
// not contain the value.
if (atrace_tgid != 0 && atrace_tgid != actual_tgid) {
PERFETTO_DLOG("Mismatched atrace pid %u and looked up pid %u", atrace_tgid,
UniqueTid utid =
context_->process_tracker->UpdateThread(ftrace_tid, actual_tgid);
// TODO(lalitm): make use of this track id.
TrackId track_id = context_->track_tracker->InternThreadTrack(utid);
return End(timestamp, utid, RefType::kRefUtid);
base::Optional<uint32_t> SliceTracker::End(int64_t timestamp,
int64_t ref,
RefType ref_type,
StringId category,
StringId name,
SetArgsCallback args_callback) {
// At this stage all events should be globally timestamp ordered.
if (timestamp < prev_timestamp_) {
return base::nullopt;
prev_timestamp_ = timestamp;
StackMapKey stack_key = {ref, ref_type};
MaybeCloseStack(timestamp, &stacks_[stack_key]);
auto& stack = stacks_[stack_key];
if (stack.empty())
return base::nullopt;
auto* slices = context_->storage->mutable_nestable_slices();
uint32_t slice_idx = stack.back().first;
// If we are trying to close mismatching slices (e.g., slices that began
// before tracing started), bail out.
if (!category.is_null() && slices->categories()[slice_idx] != category)
return base::nullopt;
if (!name.is_null() && slices->names()[slice_idx] != name)
return base::nullopt;
PERFETTO_DCHECK(slices->durations()[slice_idx] == kPendingDuration);
slices->set_duration(slice_idx, timestamp - slices->start_ns()[slice_idx]);
if (args_callback) {
TraceStorage::CreateRowId(TableId::kNestableSlices, slice_idx));
return CompleteSlice(stack_key);
// TODO(primiano): auto-close B slices left open at the end.
void SliceTracker::FlushPendingSlices() {
// Clear the remaining stack entries. This ensures that any pending args are
// written to the storage. We don't close any slices with kPendingDuration so
// that the UI can still distinguish such "incomplete" slices.
// TODO(eseckler): Reconsider whether we want to close pending slices by
// setting their duration to |trace_end - event_start|. Might still want some
// additional way of flagging these events as "incomplete" to the UI.
base::Optional<uint32_t> SliceTracker::CompleteSlice(StackMapKey stack_key) {
auto& stack = stacks_[stack_key];
uint32_t slice_idx = stack.back().first;
return slice_idx;
void SliceTracker::MaybeCloseStack(int64_t ts, SlicesStack* stack) {
const auto& slices = context_->storage->nestable_slices();
bool pending_dur_descendent = false;
for (int i = static_cast<int>(stack->size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
uint32_t slice_idx = (*stack)[static_cast<size_t>(i)].first;
int64_t start_ts = slices.start_ns()[slice_idx];
int64_t dur = slices.durations()[slice_idx];
int64_t end_ts = start_ts + dur;
if (dur == kPendingDuration) {
pending_dur_descendent = true;
if (pending_dur_descendent) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(ts >= start_ts);
// Some trace producers emit END events in the wrong order (even after
// sorting by timestamp), e.g. BEGIN A, BEGIN B, END A, END B. We discard
// the mismatching END A in End(). Because of this, we can end up in a
// situation where we attempt to close the stack on top of A at a
// timestamp beyond A's parent. To avoid crashing in such a case, we just
// emit a warning instead.
if (dur != kPendingDuration && ts > end_ts) {
"Incorrect ordering of begin/end slice events around timestamp "
"%" PRId64,
if (end_ts <= ts) {
int64_t SliceTracker::GetStackHash(const SlicesStack& stack) {
const auto& slices = context_->storage->nestable_slices();
std::string s;
s.reserve(stack.size() * sizeof(uint64_t) * 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++) {
uint32_t slice_idx = stack[i].first;
s.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&slices.categories()[slice_idx]),
s.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&slices.names()[slice_idx]),
constexpr uint64_t kMask = uint64_t(-1) >> 1;
return static_cast<int64_t>((std::hash<std::string>{}(s)) & kMask);
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto