blob: 1183a962e973186c381d6fdfa65d0e4fc65061c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {BigintMath} from '../base/bigint_math';
import {duration, Time, time} from '../base/time';
import {RecordConfig} from '../controller/record_config_types';
import {
} from '../frontend/generic_slice_details_tab';
import {
} from '../frontend/pivot_table_types';
import {PrimaryTrackSortKey} from '../public/index';
import {Direction} from './event_set';
* A plain js object, holding objects of type |Class| keyed by string id.
* We use this instead of using |Map| object since it is simpler and faster to
* serialize for use in postMessage.
export interface ObjectById<Class extends{id: string}> { [id: string]: Class; }
// Same as ObjectById but the key parameter is called `key` rather than `id`.
export interface ObjectByKey<Class extends {key: string}> {
[key: string]: Class;
export interface Timestamped {
lastUpdate: number;
export type OmniboxMode = 'SEARCH'|'COMMAND';
export interface OmniboxState {
omnibox: string;
mode: OmniboxMode;
force?: boolean;
// This is simply an arbitrarily large number to default to.
export const RESOLUTION_DEFAULT = BigintMath.bitFloor(1_000_000_000_000n);
export interface VisibleState extends Timestamped {
start: time;
end: time;
resolution: duration;
export interface AreaSelection {
kind: 'AREA';
areaId: string;
// When an area is marked it will be assigned a unique note id and saved as
// an AreaNote for the user to return to later. id = 0 is the special id that
// is overwritten when a new area is marked. Any other id is a persistent
// marking that will not be overwritten.
// When not set, the area selection will be replaced with any
// new area selection (i.e. not saved anywhere).
noteId?: string;
export type AreaById = Area&{id: string};
export interface Area {
start: time;
end: time;
tracks: string[];
export const MAX_TIME = 180;
// 3: TrackKindPriority and related sorting changes.
// 5: Move a large number of items off frontendLocalState and onto state.
// 6: Common PivotTableConfig and pivot table specific PivotTableState.
// 7: Split Chrome categories in two and add 'symbolize ksyms' flag.
// 8: Rename several variables
// "[...]HeapProfileFlamegraph[...]" -> "[...]Flamegraph[...]".
// 9: Add a field to track last loaded recording profile name
// 10: Change last loaded profile tracking type to accommodate auto-save.
// 11: Rename updateChromeCategories to fetchChromeCategories.
// 12: Add a field to cache mapping from UI track ID to trace track ID in order
// to speed up flow arrows rendering.
// 13: FlamegraphState changed to support area selection.
// 14: Changed the type of uiTrackIdByTraceTrackId from `Map` to an object with
// typed key/value because a `Map` does not preserve type during
// serialisation+deserialisation.
// 15: Added state for Pivot Table V2
// 16: Added boolean tracking if the flamegraph modal was dismissed
// 17:
// - add currentEngineId to track the id of the current engine
// - remove nextNoteId, nextAreaId and use nextId as a unique counter for all
// indexing except the indexing of the engines
// 18: areaSelection change see b/235869542
// 19: Added visualisedArgs state.
// 20: Refactored thread sorting order.
// 21: Updated perf sample selection to include a ts range instead of single ts
// 22: Add log selection kind.
// 23: Add log filtering criteria for Android log entries.
// 24: Store only a single Engine.
// 25: Move omnibox state off VisibleState.
// 26: Add tags for filtering Android log entries.
// 27. Add a text entry for filtering Android log entries.
// 28. Add a boolean indicating if non matching log entries are hidden.
// 29. Add ftrace state. <-- Borked, state contains a non-serializable object.
// 30. Convert ftraceFilter.excludedNames from Set<string> to string[].
// 31. Convert all timestamps to bigints.
// 32. Add pendingDeeplink.
// 33. Add plugins state.
// 34. Add additional pendingDeeplink fields (query, pid).
// 35. Add force to OmniboxState
// 36. Remove metrics
// 37. Add additional pendingDeeplink fields (visStart, visEnd).
// 38. Add track tags.
// 39. Ported cpu_slice, ftrace, and android_log tracks to plugin tracks. Track
// state entries now require a URI and old track implementations are no
// longer registered.
// 40. Ported counter, process summary/sched, & cpu_freq to plugin tracks.
// 41. Ported all remaining tracks.
// 42. Rename trackId -> trackKey.
// 43. Remove visibleTracks.
export const STATE_VERSION = 43;
export const SCROLLING_TRACK_GROUP = 'ScrollingTracks';
export type EngineMode = 'WASM'|'HTTP_RPC';
// Key that is used to sort tracks within a block of tracks associated with a
// given thread.
export enum InThreadTrackSortKey {
// Sort key used for sorting tracks associated with a thread.
export type ThreadTrackSortKey = {
utid: number,
priority: InThreadTrackSortKey,
// Sort key for all tracks: both thread-associated and non-thread associated.
export type TrackSortKey = PrimaryTrackSortKey|ThreadTrackSortKey;
// Mapping which defines order for threads within a given process.
export type UtidToTrackSortKey = {
[utid: number]: {
tid?: number, sortKey: PrimaryTrackSortKey,
export enum ProfileType {
HEAP_PROFILE = 'heap_profile',
MIXED_HEAP_PROFILE = ',libc.malloc',
NATIVE_HEAP_PROFILE = 'heap_profile:libc.malloc',
JAVA_HEAP_GRAPH = 'graph',
PERF_SAMPLE = 'perf',
export enum FlamegraphStateViewingOption {
export interface CallsiteInfo {
id: number;
parentId: number;
depth: number;
name?: string;
totalSize: number;
selfSize: number;
mapping: string;
merged: boolean;
highlighted: boolean;
location?: string;
export interface TraceFileSource {
type: 'FILE';
file: File;
export interface TraceArrayBufferSource {
buffer: ArrayBuffer;
title: string;
url?: string;
fileName?: string;
// |uuid| is set only when loading via ?local_cache_key=1234. When set,
// this matches global.state.traceUuid, with the exception of the following
// time window: When a trace T1 is loaded and the user loads another trace T2,
// this |uuid| will be == T2, but the globals.state.traceUuid will be
// temporarily == T1 until T2 has been loaded (consistently to what happens
// with all other state fields).
uuid?: string;
// if |localOnly| is true then the trace should not be shared or downloaded.
localOnly?: boolean;
export interface TraceUrlSource {
type: 'URL';
url: string;
export interface TraceHttpRpcSource {
type: 'HTTP_RPC';
export type TraceSource =
export interface TrackState {
uri: string;
key: string;
name: string;
labels?: string[];
trackSortKey: TrackSortKey;
trackGroup?: string;
params?: unknown;
state?: unknown;
export interface TrackGroupState {
id: string;
name: string;
collapsed: boolean;
tracks: string[]; // Child track ids.
state?: unknown;
fixedOrdering?: boolean; // Render tracks without sorting.
export interface EngineConfig {
id: string;
mode?: EngineMode; // Is undefined until |ready| is true.
ready: boolean;
failed?: string; // If defined the engine has crashed with the given message.
source: TraceSource;
export interface QueryConfig {
id: string;
engineId?: string;
query: string;
export interface PermalinkConfig {
requestId?: string; // Set by the frontend to request a new permalink.
hash?: string; // Set by the controller when the link has been created.
boolean; // this permalink request is for a recording config only
export interface TraceTime {
start: time;
end: time;
export interface FrontendLocalState {
visibleState: VisibleState;
export interface Status {
msg: string;
timestamp: number; // Epoch in seconds ( / 1000).
export interface Note {
noteType: 'DEFAULT';
id: string;
timestamp: time;
color: string;
text: string;
export interface AreaNote {
noteType: 'AREA';
id: string;
areaId: string;
color: string;
text: string;
export interface NoteSelection {
kind: 'NOTE';
id: string;
export interface SliceSelection {
kind: 'SLICE';
id: number;
export interface CounterSelection {
kind: 'COUNTER';
leftTs: time;
rightTs: time;
id: number;
export interface HeapProfileSelection {
id: number;
upid: number;
ts: time;
type: ProfileType;
export interface PerfSamplesSelection {
id: number;
upid: number;
leftTs: time;
rightTs: time;
type: ProfileType;
export interface FlamegraphState {
upids: number[];
start: time;
end: time;
type: ProfileType;
viewingOption: FlamegraphStateViewingOption;
focusRegex: string;
expandedCallsite?: CallsiteInfo;
export interface CpuProfileSampleSelection {
id: number;
utid: number;
ts: time;
export interface ChromeSliceSelection {
id: number;
table?: string;
export interface ThreadStateSelection {
id: number;
export interface LogSelection {
kind: 'LOG';
id: number;
trackKey: string;
export interface GenericSliceSelection {
id: number;
sqlTableName: string;
start: time;
duration: duration;
// NOTE: this config can be expanded for multiple details panel types.
detailsPanelConfig: {kind: string; config: GenericSliceDetailsTabConfigBase;};
export type Selection =
{trackKey?: string};
export type SelectionKind = Selection['kind']; // 'THREAD_STATE' | 'SLICE' ...
export interface Pagination {
offset: number;
count: number;
export type StringListPatch = ['add' | 'remove', string];
export interface FtraceFilterPatch {
excludedNames: StringListPatch[];
export interface RecordingTarget {
name: string;
os: TargetOs;
export interface AdbRecordingTarget extends RecordingTarget {
serial: string;
export interface Sorting {
column: string;
direction: 'DESC'|'ASC';
export interface AggregationState {
id: string;
sorting?: Sorting;
// Auxiliary metadata needed to parse the query result, as well as to render it
// correctly. Generated together with the text of query and passed without the
// change to the query response.
export interface PivotTableQueryMetadata {
pivotColumns: TableColumn[];
aggregationColumns: Aggregation[];
countIndex: number;
// Everything that's necessary to run the query for pivot table
export interface PivotTableQuery {
text: string;
metadata: PivotTableQueryMetadata;
// Pivot table query result
export interface PivotTableResult {
// Hierarchical pivot structure on top of rows
tree: PivotTree;
// Copy of the query metadata from the request, bundled up with the query
// result to ensure the correct rendering.
metadata: PivotTableQueryMetadata;
// Input parameters to check whether the pivot table needs to be re-queried.
export interface PivotTableAreaState {
areaId: string;
tracks: string[];
export type SortDirection = keyof typeof Direction;
export interface PivotTableState {
// Currently selected area, if null, pivot table is not going to be visible.
selectionArea?: PivotTableAreaState;
// Query response
queryResult: PivotTableResult|null;
// Selected pivots for tables other than slice.
// Because of the query generation, pivoting happens first on non-slice
// pivots; therefore, those can't be put after slice pivots. In order to
// maintain the separation more clearly, slice and non-slice pivots are
// located in separate arrays.
selectedPivots: TableColumn[];
// Selected aggregation columns. Stored same way as pivots.
selectedAggregations: Aggregation[];
// Whether the pivot table results should be constrained to the selected area.
constrainToArea: boolean;
// Set to true by frontend to request controller to perform the query to
// acquire the necessary data from the engine.
queryRequested: boolean;
// Argument names in the current trace, used for autocompletion purposes.
argumentNames: string[];
export interface LoadedConfigNone {
type: 'NONE';
export interface LoadedConfigAutomatic {
type: 'AUTOMATIC';
export interface LoadedConfigNamed {
type: 'NAMED';
name: string;
export type LoadedConfig =
export interface NonSerializableState {
pivotTable: PivotTableState;
export interface LogFilteringCriteria {
minimumLevel: number;
tags: string[];
textEntry: string;
hideNonMatching: boolean;
export interface FtraceFilterState {
// We use an exclude list rather than include list for filtering events, as we
// want to include all events by default but we won't know what names are
// present initially.
excludedNames: string[];
export interface PendingDeeplinkState {
ts?: string;
dur?: string;
tid?: string;
pid?: string;
query?: string;
visStart?: string;
visEnd?: string;
export interface State {
version: number;
nextId: string;
* State of the ConfigEditor.
recordConfig: RecordConfig;
displayConfigAsPbtxt: boolean;
lastLoadedConfig: LoadedConfig;
* Open traces.
newEngineMode: NewEngineMode;
engine?: EngineConfig;
traceTime: TraceTime;
traceUuid?: string;
trackGroups: ObjectById<TrackGroupState>;
tracks: ObjectByKey<TrackState>;
trackKeyByTrackId: {[key: number]: string;};
utidToThreadSortKey: UtidToTrackSortKey;
areas: ObjectById<AreaById>;
aggregatePreferences: ObjectById<AggregationState>;
scrollingTracks: string[];
pinnedTracks: string[];
debugTrackId?: string;
lastTrackReloadRequest?: number;
queries: ObjectById<QueryConfig>;
permalink: PermalinkConfig;
notes: ObjectById<Note|AreaNote>;
status: Status;
currentSelection: Selection|null;
currentFlamegraphState: FlamegraphState|null;
logsPagination: Pagination;
ftracePagination: Pagination;
ftraceFilter: FtraceFilterState;
traceConversionInProgress: boolean;
* This state is updated on the frontend at 60Hz and eventually syncronised to
* the controller at 10Hz. When the controller sends state updates to the
* frontend the frontend has special logic to pick whichever version of this
* key is most up to date.
frontendLocalState: FrontendLocalState;
// Show track perf debugging overlay
perfDebug: boolean;
// Show the sidebar extended
sidebarVisible: boolean;
// Hovered and focused events
hoveredUtid: number;
hoveredPid: number;
hoverCursorTimestamp: time;
hoveredNoteTimestamp: time;
highlightedSliceId: number;
focusedFlowIdLeft: number;
focusedFlowIdRight: number;
pendingScrollId?: number;
searchIndex: number;
currentTab?: string;
* Trace recording
recordingInProgress: boolean;
recordingCancelled: boolean;
extensionInstalled: boolean;
flamegraphModalDismissed: boolean;
recordingTarget: RecordingTarget;
availableAdbDevices: AdbRecordingTarget[];
lastRecordingError?: string;
recordingStatus?: string;
fetchChromeCategories: boolean;
chromeCategories: string[]|undefined;
// Special key: this part of the state is not going to be serialized when
// using permalink. Can be used to store those parts of the state that can't
// be serialized at the moment, such as ES6 Set and Map.
nonSerializableState: NonSerializableState;
// Android logs filtering state.
logFilteringCriteria: LogFilteringCriteria;
// Omnibox info.
omniboxState: OmniboxState;
// Pending deeplink which will happen when we first finish opening a
// trace.
pendingDeeplink?: PendingDeeplinkState;
// Individual plugin states
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
plugins: {[key: string]: any};
export const defaultTraceTime = {
start: Time.ZERO,
end: Time.fromSeconds(10),
export declare type RecordMode =
// 'Q','P','O' for Android, 'L' for Linux, 'C' for Chrome.
export declare type TargetOs = 'S' | 'R' | 'Q' | 'P' | 'O' | 'C' | 'L' | 'CrOS';
export function isAndroidP(target: RecordingTarget) {
return target.os === 'P';
export function isAndroidTarget(target: RecordingTarget) {
return ['Q', 'P', 'O'].includes(target.os);
export function isChromeTarget(target: RecordingTarget) {
return ['C', 'CrOS'].includes(target.os);
export function isCrOSTarget(target: RecordingTarget) {
return target.os === 'CrOS';
export function isLinuxTarget(target: RecordingTarget) {
return target.os === 'L';
export function isAdbTarget(target: RecordingTarget):
target is AdbRecordingTarget {
return !!(target as AdbRecordingTarget).serial;
export function hasActiveProbes(config: RecordConfig) {
const fieldsWithEmptyResult = new Set<string>(
['hpBlockClient', 'allAtraceApps', 'chromePrivacyFiltering']);
let key: keyof RecordConfig;
for (key in config) {
if (typeof (config[key]) === 'boolean' && config[key] === true &&
!fieldsWithEmptyResult.has(key)) {
return true;
if (config.chromeCategoriesSelected.length > 0) {
return true;
return config.chromeHighOverheadCategoriesSelected.length > 0;
export function getDefaultRecordingTargets(): RecordingTarget[] {
return [
{os: 'Q', name: 'Android Q+ / 10+'},
{os: 'P', name: 'Android P / 9'},
{os: 'O', name: 'Android O- / 8-'},
{os: 'C', name: 'Chrome'},
{os: 'CrOS', name: 'Chrome OS (system trace)'},
{os: 'L', name: 'Linux desktop'},
export function getBuiltinChromeCategoryList(): string[] {
// List of static Chrome categories, last updated at 2023-05-30 from HEAD of
// Chromium's //base/trace_event/builtin_categories.h.
return [
export function getContainingTrackId(state: State, trackKey: string): null|
string {
const track = state.tracks[trackKey];
if (!track) {
return null;
const parentId = track.trackGroup;
if (!parentId) {
return null;
return parentId;