blob: 8fc392d9ecf8aab96e4cf8d7749fa1e38ba32fcd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {BigintMath} from '../base/bigint_math';
import {assertExists} from '../base/logging';
import {createStore, Store} from '../base/store';
import {duration, Span, Time, time, TimeSpan} from '../base/time';
import {Actions, DeferredAction} from '../common/actions';
import {AggregateData} from '../common/aggregation_data';
import {Args} from '../common/arg_types';
import {CommandManager} from '../common/commands';
import {
} from '../common/conversion_jobs';
import {createEmptyState} from '../common/empty_state';
import {
} from '../common/high_precision_time';
import {MetricResult} from '../common/metric_data';
import {CurrentSearchResults, SearchSummary} from '../common/search_data';
import {
} from '../common/state';
import {TabManager} from '../common/tab_registry';
import {TimestampFormat, timestampFormat} from '../core/timestamp_format';
import {TrackManager} from '../common/track_cache';
import {setPerfHooks} from '../core/perf';
import {raf} from '../core/raf_scheduler';
import {Engine} from '../trace_processor/engine';
import {HttpRpcState} from '../trace_processor/http_rpc_engine';
import {Analytics, initAnalytics} from './analytics';
import {Timeline} from './frontend_local_state';
import {Router} from './router';
import {horizontalScrollToTs} from './scroll_helper';
import {ServiceWorkerController} from './service_worker_controller';
import {SliceSqlId} from './sql_types';
import {PxSpan, TimeScale} from './time_scale';
import {SelectionManager, LegacySelection} from '../core/selection_manager';
type Dispatch = (action: DeferredAction) => void;
type TrackDataStore = Map<string, {}>;
type QueryResultsStore = Map<string, {} | undefined>;
type AggregateDataStore = Map<string, AggregateData>;
type Description = Map<string, string>;
export interface SliceDetails {
ts?: time;
absTime?: string;
dur?: duration;
threadTs?: time;
threadDur?: duration;
priority?: number;
endState?: string | null;
cpu?: number;
id?: number;
threadStateId?: number;
utid?: number;
wakeupTs?: time;
wakerUtid?: number;
wakerCpu?: number;
category?: string;
name?: string;
tid?: number;
threadName?: string;
pid?: number;
processName?: string;
uid?: number;
packageName?: string;
versionCode?: number;
args?: Args;
description?: Description;
export interface FlowPoint {
trackId: number;
sliceName: string;
sliceCategory: string;
sliceId: SliceSqlId;
sliceStartTs: time;
sliceEndTs: time;
// Thread and process info. Only set in sliceSelected not in areaSelected as
// the latter doesn't display per-flow info and it'd be a waste to join
// additional tables for undisplayed info in that case. Nothing precludes
// adding this in a future iteration however.
threadName: string;
processName: string;
depth: number;
// TODO(altimin): Ideally we should have a generic mechanism for allowing to
// customise the name here, but for now we are hardcording a few
// Chrome-specific bits in the query here.
sliceChromeCustomName?: string;
export interface Flow {
id: number;
begin: FlowPoint;
end: FlowPoint;
dur: duration;
// Whether this flow connects a slice with its descendant.
flowToDescendant: boolean;
category?: string;
name?: string;
export interface CounterDetails {
startTime?: time;
value?: number;
delta?: number;
duration?: duration;
name?: string;
export interface ThreadStateDetails {
ts?: time;
dur?: duration;
export interface FlamegraphDetails {
type?: ProfileType;
id?: number;
start?: time;
dur?: duration;
pids?: number[];
upids?: number[];
flamegraph?: CallsiteInfo[];
expandedCallsite?: CallsiteInfo;
viewingOption?: string;
expandedId?: number;
// isInAreaSelection is true if a flamegraph is part of the current area
// selection.
isInAreaSelection?: boolean;
// When heap_graph_non_finalized_graph has a count >0, we mark the graph
// as incomplete.
graphIncomplete?: boolean;
// About to show a new graph whose data is not ready yet.
graphLoading?: boolean;
export interface CpuProfileDetails {
id?: number;
ts?: time;
utid?: number;
stack?: CallsiteInfo[];
export interface QuantizedLoad {
start: time;
end: time;
load: number;
type OverviewStore = Map<string, QuantizedLoad[]>;
export interface ThreadDesc {
utid: number;
tid: number;
threadName: string;
pid?: number;
procName?: string;
cmdline?: string;
type ThreadMap = Map<number, ThreadDesc>;
function getRoot() {
// Works out the root directory where the content should be served from
// e.g. `http://origin/v1.2.3/`.
const script = document.currentScript as HTMLScriptElement;
// Needed for DOM tests, that do not have script element.
if (script === null) {
return '';
let root = script.src;
root = root.substr(0, root.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
return root;
// Options for globals.makeSelection().
export interface MakeSelectionOpts {
// Whether to switch to the current selection tab or not. Default = true.
switchToCurrentSelectionTab?: boolean;
// Whether to cancel the current search selection. Default = true.
clearSearch?: boolean;
// All of these control additional things we can do when doing a
// selection.
export interface LegacySelectionArgs {
clearSearch: boolean;
switchToCurrentSelectionTab: boolean;
pendingScrollId: number | undefined;
* Global accessors for state/dispatch in the frontend.
class Globals {
readonly root = getRoot();
private _testing = false;
private _dispatch?: Dispatch = undefined;
private _store = createStore<State>(createEmptyState());
private _timeline?: Timeline = undefined;
private _serviceWorkerController?: ServiceWorkerController = undefined;
private _logging?: Analytics = undefined;
private _isInternalUser: boolean | undefined = undefined;
// TODO(hjd): Unify trackDataStore, queryResults, overviewStore, threads.
private _trackDataStore?: TrackDataStore = undefined;
private _queryResults?: QueryResultsStore = undefined;
private _overviewStore?: OverviewStore = undefined;
private _aggregateDataStore?: AggregateDataStore = undefined;
private _threadMap?: ThreadMap = undefined;
private _sliceDetails?: SliceDetails = undefined;
private _threadStateDetails?: ThreadStateDetails = undefined;
private _connectedFlows?: Flow[] = undefined;
private _selectedFlows?: Flow[] = undefined;
private _visibleFlowCategories?: Map<string, boolean> = undefined;
private _counterDetails?: CounterDetails = undefined;
private _flamegraphDetails?: FlamegraphDetails = undefined;
private _cpuProfileDetails?: CpuProfileDetails = undefined;
private _numQueriesQueued = 0;
private _bufferUsage?: number = undefined;
private _recordingLog?: string = undefined;
private _traceErrors?: number = undefined;
private _metricError?: string = undefined;
private _metricResult?: MetricResult = undefined;
private _jobStatus?: Map<ConversionJobName, ConversionJobStatus> = undefined;
private _router?: Router = undefined;
private _embeddedMode?: boolean = undefined;
private _hideSidebar?: boolean = undefined;
private _cmdManager = new CommandManager();
private _realtimeOffset = Time.ZERO;
private _utcOffset = Time.ZERO;
private _traceTzOffset = Time.ZERO;
private _tabManager = new TabManager();
private _trackManager = new TrackManager(this._store);
private _selectionManager = new SelectionManager(this._store);
private _hasFtrace: boolean = false;
scrollToTrackKey?: string | number;
httpRpcState: HttpRpcState = {connected: false};
newVersionAvailable = false;
showPanningHint = false;
// TODO(hjd): Remove once we no longer need to update UUID on redraw.
private _publishRedraw?: () => void = undefined;
private _currentSearchResults: CurrentSearchResults = {
sliceIds: new Float64Array(0),
tsStarts: new BigInt64Array(0),
utids: new Float64Array(0),
trackKeys: [],
sources: [],
totalResults: 0,
searchSummary: SearchSummary = {
tsStarts: new BigInt64Array(0),
tsEnds: new BigInt64Array(0),
count: new Uint8Array(0),
engines = new Map<string, Engine>();
initialize(dispatch: Dispatch, router: Router) {
this._dispatch = dispatch;
this._router = router;
this._timeline = new Timeline();
() => this.state.perfDebug,
() => this.dispatch(Actions.togglePerfDebug({})),
this._serviceWorkerController = new ServiceWorkerController();
this._testing =
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions */
self.location &&'testing=1') >= 0;
/* eslint-enable */
this._logging = initAnalytics();
// TODO(hjd): Unify trackDataStore, queryResults, overviewStore, threads.
this._trackDataStore = new Map<string, {}>();
this._queryResults = new Map<string, {}>();
this._overviewStore = new Map<string, QuantizedLoad[]>();
this._aggregateDataStore = new Map<string, AggregateData>();
this._threadMap = new Map<number, ThreadDesc>();
this._sliceDetails = {};
this._connectedFlows = [];
this._selectedFlows = [];
this._visibleFlowCategories = new Map<string, boolean>();
this._counterDetails = {};
this._threadStateDetails = {};
this._flamegraphDetails = {};
this._cpuProfileDetails = {};
// Only initialises the store - useful for testing.
initStore(initialState: State) {
this._store = createStore(initialState);
get router(): Router {
return assertExists(this._router);
get publishRedraw(): () => void {
return this._publishRedraw || (() => {});
set publishRedraw(f: () => void) {
this._publishRedraw = f;
get state(): State {
return assertExists(this._store).state;
get store(): Store<State> {
return assertExists(this._store);
get dispatch(): Dispatch {
return assertExists(this._dispatch);
dispatchMultiple(actions: DeferredAction[]): void {
const dispatch = this.dispatch;
for (const action of actions) {
get timeline() {
return assertExists(this._timeline);
get logging() {
return assertExists(this._logging);
get serviceWorkerController() {
return assertExists(this._serviceWorkerController);
// TODO(hjd): Unify trackDataStore, queryResults, overviewStore, threads.
get overviewStore(): OverviewStore {
return assertExists(this._overviewStore);
get trackDataStore(): TrackDataStore {
return assertExists(this._trackDataStore);
get queryResults(): QueryResultsStore {
return assertExists(this._queryResults);
get threads() {
return assertExists(this._threadMap);
get sliceDetails() {
return assertExists(this._sliceDetails);
set sliceDetails(click: SliceDetails) {
this._sliceDetails = assertExists(click);
get threadStateDetails() {
return assertExists(this._threadStateDetails);
set threadStateDetails(click: ThreadStateDetails) {
this._threadStateDetails = assertExists(click);
get connectedFlows() {
return assertExists(this._connectedFlows);
set connectedFlows(connectedFlows: Flow[]) {
this._connectedFlows = assertExists(connectedFlows);
get selectedFlows() {
return assertExists(this._selectedFlows);
set selectedFlows(selectedFlows: Flow[]) {
this._selectedFlows = assertExists(selectedFlows);
get visibleFlowCategories() {
return assertExists(this._visibleFlowCategories);
set visibleFlowCategories(visibleFlowCategories: Map<string, boolean>) {
this._visibleFlowCategories = assertExists(visibleFlowCategories);
get counterDetails() {
return assertExists(this._counterDetails);
set counterDetails(click: CounterDetails) {
this._counterDetails = assertExists(click);
get aggregateDataStore(): AggregateDataStore {
return assertExists(this._aggregateDataStore);
get flamegraphDetails() {
return assertExists(this._flamegraphDetails);
set flamegraphDetails(click: FlamegraphDetails) {
this._flamegraphDetails = assertExists(click);
get traceErrors() {
return this._traceErrors;
setTraceErrors(arg: number) {
this._traceErrors = arg;
get metricError() {
return this._metricError;
setMetricError(arg: string) {
this._metricError = arg;
get metricResult() {
return this._metricResult;
setMetricResult(result: MetricResult) {
this._metricResult = result;
get cpuProfileDetails() {
return assertExists(this._cpuProfileDetails);
set cpuProfileDetails(click: CpuProfileDetails) {
this._cpuProfileDetails = assertExists(click);
set numQueuedQueries(value: number) {
this._numQueriesQueued = value;
get numQueuedQueries() {
return this._numQueriesQueued;
get bufferUsage() {
return this._bufferUsage;
get recordingLog() {
return this._recordingLog;
get currentSearchResults() {
return this._currentSearchResults;
set currentSearchResults(results: CurrentSearchResults) {
this._currentSearchResults = results;
set hasFtrace(value: boolean) {
this._hasFtrace = value;
get hasFtrace(): boolean {
return this._hasFtrace;
getConversionJobStatus(name: ConversionJobName): ConversionJobStatus {
return this.getJobStatusMap().get(name) || ConversionJobStatus.NotRunning;
setConversionJobStatus(name: ConversionJobName, status: ConversionJobStatus) {
const map = this.getJobStatusMap();
if (status === ConversionJobStatus.NotRunning) {
} else {
map.set(name, status);
private getJobStatusMap(): Map<ConversionJobName, ConversionJobStatus> {
if (!this._jobStatus) {
this._jobStatus = new Map();
return this._jobStatus;
get embeddedMode(): boolean {
return !!this._embeddedMode;
set embeddedMode(value: boolean) {
this._embeddedMode = value;
get hideSidebar(): boolean {
return !!this._hideSidebar;
set hideSidebar(value: boolean) {
this._hideSidebar = value;
setBufferUsage(bufferUsage: number) {
this._bufferUsage = bufferUsage;
setTrackData(id: string, data: {}) {
this.trackDataStore.set(id, data);
setRecordingLog(recordingLog: string) {
this._recordingLog = recordingLog;
setAggregateData(kind: string, data: AggregateData) {
this.aggregateDataStore.set(kind, data);
getCurResolution(): duration {
// Truncate the resolution to the closest power of 2 (in nanosecond space).
// We choose to work in ns space because resolution is consumed be track
// controllers for quantization and they rely on resolution to be a power
// of 2 in nanosecond form. This is property does not hold if we work in
// second space.
// This effectively means the resolution changes approximately every 6 zoom
// levels. Logic: each zoom level represents a delta of 0.1 * (visible
// window span). Therefore, zooming out by six levels is 1.1^6 ~= 2.
// Similarily, zooming in six levels is 0.9^6 ~= 0.5.
const timeScale = this.timeline.visibleTimeScale;
// TODO(b/186265930): Remove once fixed:
if ( === 0) {
console.error(`b/186265930: Bad pxToSec suppressed`);
const timePerPx = timeScale.pxDeltaToDuration(this.quantPx);
return BigintMath.bitFloor(timePerPx.toTime('floor'));
getCurrentEngine(): EngineConfig | undefined {
return this.state.engine;
makeSelection(action: DeferredAction<{}>, opts: MakeSelectionOpts = {}) {
const {switchToCurrentSelectionTab = true, clearSearch = true} = opts;
const currentSelectionTabUri = 'current_selection';
// A new selection should cancel the current search selection.
clearSearch && globals.dispatch(Actions.setSearchIndex({index: -1}));
if (switchToCurrentSelectionTab) {
globals.dispatch(Actions.showTab({uri: currentSelectionTabUri}));
legacySelection: LegacySelection,
args: LegacySelectionArgs,
): void {
if (args.clearSearch) {
globals.dispatch(Actions.setSearchIndex({index: -1}));
if (args.pendingScrollId !== undefined) {
pendingScrollId: args.pendingScrollId,
if (args.switchToCurrentSelectionTab) {
globals.dispatch(Actions.showTab({uri: 'current_selection'}));
clearSelection(): void {
globals.dispatch(Actions.setSearchIndex({index: -1}));
resetForTesting() {
this._dispatch = undefined;
this._timeline = undefined;
this._serviceWorkerController = undefined;
// TODO(hjd): Unify trackDataStore, queryResults, overviewStore, threads.
this._trackDataStore = undefined;
this._queryResults = undefined;
this._overviewStore = undefined;
this._threadMap = undefined;
this._sliceDetails = undefined;
this._threadStateDetails = undefined;
this._aggregateDataStore = undefined;
this._numQueriesQueued = 0;
this._metricResult = undefined;
this._currentSearchResults = {
sliceIds: new Float64Array(0),
tsStarts: new BigInt64Array(0),
utids: new Float64Array(0),
trackKeys: [],
sources: [],
totalResults: 0,
// This variable is set by the is_internal_user.js script if the user is a
// googler. This is used to avoid exposing features that are not ready yet
// for public consumption. The gated features themselves are not secret.
// If a user has been detected as a Googler once, make that sticky in
// localStorage, so that we keep treating them as such when they connect over
// public networks.
get isInternalUser() {
if (this._isInternalUser === undefined) {
this._isInternalUser = localStorage.getItem('isInternalUser') === '1';
return this._isInternalUser;
set isInternalUser(value: boolean) {
localStorage.setItem('isInternalUser', value ? '1' : '0');
this._isInternalUser = value;
get testing() {
return this._testing;
// Used when switching to the legacy TraceViewer UI.
// Most resources are cleaned up by replacing the current |window| object,
// however pending RAFs and workers seem to outlive the |window| and need to
// be cleaned up explicitly.
shutdown() {
// Get a timescale that covers the entire trace
getTraceTimeScale(pxSpan: PxSpan): TimeScale {
const {start, end} = this.state.traceTime;
const traceTime = HighPrecisionTimeSpan.fromTime(start, end);
return TimeScale.fromHPTimeSpan(traceTime, pxSpan);
// Get the trace time bounds
stateTraceTime(): Span<HighPrecisionTime> {
const {start, end} = this.state.traceTime;
return HighPrecisionTimeSpan.fromTime(start, end);
stateTraceTimeTP(): Span<time, duration> {
const {start, end} = this.state.traceTime;
return new TimeSpan(start, end);
// Get the state version of the visible time bounds
stateVisibleTime(): Span<time, duration> {
const {start, end} = this.state.frontendLocalState.visibleState;
return new TimeSpan(start, end);
// How many pixels to use for one quanta of horizontal resolution
get quantPx(): number {
const quantPx = (self as {} as {quantPx: number | undefined}).quantPx;
return quantPx ?? 1;
get commandManager(): CommandManager {
return assertExists(this._cmdManager);
// This is the ts value at the time of the Unix epoch.
// Normally some large negative value, because the unix epoch is normally in
// the past compared to ts=0.
get realtimeOffset(): time {
return this._realtimeOffset;
set realtimeOffset(time: time) {
this._realtimeOffset = time;
// This is the timestamp that we should use for our offset when in UTC mode.
// Usually the most recent UTC midnight compared to the trace start time.
get utcOffset(): time {
return this._utcOffset;
set utcOffset(offset: time) {
this._utcOffset = offset;
// Trace TZ is like UTC but keeps into account also the timezone_off_mins
// recorded into the trace, to show timestamps in the device local time.
get traceTzOffset(): time {
return this._traceTzOffset;
set traceTzOffset(offset: time) {
this._traceTzOffset = offset;
get tabManager() {
return this._tabManager;
get trackManager() {
return this._trackManager;
// Offset between t=0 and the configured time domain.
timestampOffset(): time {
const fmt = timestampFormat();
switch (fmt) {
case TimestampFormat.Timecode:
case TimestampFormat.Seconds:
return this.state.traceTime.start;
case TimestampFormat.Raw:
case TimestampFormat.RawLocale:
return Time.ZERO;
case TimestampFormat.UTC:
return this.utcOffset;
case TimestampFormat.TraceTz:
return this.traceTzOffset;
const x: never = fmt;
throw new Error(`Unsupported format ${x}`);
// Convert absolute time to domain time.
toDomainTime(ts: time): time {
return Time.sub(ts, this.timestampOffset());
findTimeRangeOfSelection(): {start: time; end: time} {
const selection = getLegacySelection(this.state);
let start = Time.INVALID;
let end = Time.INVALID;
if (selection === null) {
return {start, end};
} else if (
selection.kind === 'SLICE' ||
selection.kind === 'CHROME_SLICE'
) {
const slice = this.sliceDetails;
if (slice.ts && slice.dur !== undefined && slice.dur > 0) {
start = slice.ts;
end = Time.add(start, slice.dur);
} else if (slice.ts) {
start = slice.ts;
// This will handle either:
// a)slice.dur === -1 -> unfinished slice
// b)slice.dur === 0 -> instant event
end =
slice.dur === -1n
: Time.add(start, INSTANT_FOCUS_DURATION);
} else if (selection.kind === 'THREAD_STATE') {
const threadState = this.threadStateDetails;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
if (threadState.ts && threadState.dur) {
start = threadState.ts;
end = Time.add(start, threadState.dur);
} else if (selection.kind === 'COUNTER') {
start = selection.leftTs;
end = selection.rightTs;
} else if (selection.kind === 'AREA') {
const selectedArea = this.state.areas[selection.areaId];
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
if (selectedArea) {
start = selectedArea.start;
end = selectedArea.end;
} else if (selection.kind === 'NOTE') {
const selectedNote = this.state.notes[];
// Notes can either be default or area notes. Area notes are handled
// above in the AREA case.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
if (selectedNote && selectedNote.noteType === 'DEFAULT') {
start = selectedNote.timestamp;
end = Time.add(selectedNote.timestamp, INSTANT_FOCUS_DURATION);
} else if (selection.kind === 'LOG') {
// TODO(hjd): Make focus selection work for logs.
} else if (selection.kind === 'GENERIC_SLICE') {
start = selection.start;
if (selection.duration > 0) {
end = Time.add(start, selection.duration);
} else {
end = Time.add(start, INSTANT_FOCUS_DURATION);
return {start, end};
panToTimestamp(ts: time): void {
export const globals = new Globals();