blob: b258a115a39ae198d3adec2242a2053766b20a2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {createPopper, Instance, OptionsGeneric} from '@popperjs/core';
import type {StrictModifiers} from '@popperjs/core';
import m from 'mithril';
import {globals} from '../globals';
import {MountOptions, Portal, PortalAttrs} from './portal';
import {classNames} from '../classnames';
import {findRef, isOrContains, toHTMLElement} from './utils';
import {assertExists} from '../../base/logging';
// Note: We could just use the Placement type from popper.js instead, which is a
// union of string literals corresponding to the values in this enum, but having
// the emun makes it possible to enumerate the possible options, which is a
// feature used in the widgets page.
export enum PopupPosition {
Auto = 'auto',
AutoStart = 'auto-start',
AutoEnd = 'auto-end',
Top = 'top',
TopStart = 'top-start',
TopEnd = 'top-end',
Bottom = 'bottom',
BottomStart = 'bottom-start',
BottomEnd = 'bottom-end',
Right = 'right',
RightStart = 'right-start',
RightEnd = 'right-end',
Left = 'left',
LeftStart = 'left-start',
LeftEnd = 'left-end',
type OnChangeCallback = (shouldOpen: boolean) => void;
export interface PopupAttrs {
// Which side of the trigger to place to popup.
// Defaults to "Auto"
position?: PopupPosition;
// The element used to open and close the popup, and the target which the near
// which the popup should hover.
// Beware this element will have its `onclick`, `ref`, and `active` attributes
// overwritten.
trigger: m.Vnode<any, any>;
// Close when the escape key is pressed
// Defaults to true.
closeOnEscape?: boolean;
// Close on mouse down somewhere other than the popup or trigger.
// Defaults to true.
closeOnOutsideClick?: boolean;
// Controls whether the popup is open or not.
// If omitted, the popup operates in uncontrolled mode.
isOpen?: boolean;
// Called when the popup isOpen state should be changed in controlled mode.
onChange?: OnChangeCallback;
// Space delimited class names applied to the popup div.
className?: string;
// Whether to show a little arrow pointing to our trigger element.
// Defaults to true.
showArrow?: boolean;
// Whether this popup should form a new popup group.
// When nesting popups, grouping controls how popups are closed.
// When closing popups via the Escape key, each group is closed one by one,
// starting at the topmost group in the stack.
// When using a magic button to close groups (see DISMISS_POPUP_GROUP_CLASS),
// only the group in which the button lives and it's children will be closed.
// Defaults to true.
createNewGroup?: boolean;
// A popup is a portal whose position is dynamically updated so that it floats
// next to a trigger element. It is also styled with a nice backdrop, and
// a little arrow pointing at the trigger element.
// Useful for displaying things like popup menus.
export class Popup implements m.ClassComponent<PopupAttrs> {
private isOpen: boolean = false;
private triggerElement?: Element;
private popupElement?: HTMLElement;
private popper?: Instance;
private onChange: OnChangeCallback = () => {};
private closeOnEscape?: boolean;
private closeOnOutsideClick?: boolean;
private static readonly TRIGGER_REF = 'trigger';
private static readonly POPUP_REF = 'popup';
static readonly POPUP_GROUP_CLASS = 'pf-popup-group';
// Any element with this class will close its containing popup group on click
static readonly DISMISS_POPUP_GROUP_CLASS = 'pf-dismiss-popup-group';
view({attrs, children}: m.CVnode<PopupAttrs>): m.Children {
const {
isOpen = this.isOpen,
onChange = () => {},
closeOnEscape = true,
closeOnOutsideClick = true,
} = attrs;
this.isOpen = isOpen;
this.onChange = onChange;
this.closeOnEscape = closeOnEscape;
this.closeOnOutsideClick = closeOnOutsideClick;
return [
isOpen && this.renderPopup(attrs, children),
private renderTrigger(trigger: m.Vnode<any, any>): m.Children {
trigger.attrs = {
ref: Popup.TRIGGER_REF,
onclick: () => {
active: this.isOpen,
return trigger;
private renderPopup(attrs: PopupAttrs, children: any): m.Children {
const {
showArrow = true,
createNewGroup = true,
} = attrs;
const portalAttrs: PortalAttrs = {
className: 'pf-popup-portal',
onBeforeContentMount: (dom: Element): MountOptions => {
// Check to see if dom is a descendant of a popup
// If so, get the popup's "container" and put it in there instead
// This handles the case where popups are placed inside the other popups
// we nest outselves in their containers instead of document body which
// means we become part of their hitbox for mouse events.
const closestPopup = dom.closest(`[ref=${Popup.POPUP_REF}]`);
return {container: closestPopup ?? undefined};
onContentMount: (dom: HTMLElement) => {
this.popupElement =
toHTMLElement(assertExists(findRef(dom, Popup.POPUP_REF)));
document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleDocMouseDown);
document.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleDocKeyPress);
dom.addEventListener('click', this.handleContentClick);
onContentUpdate: () => {
// The content inside the portal has updated, so we call popper to
// recompute the popup's position, in case it has changed size.
this.popper && this.popper.update();
onContentUnmount: (dom: HTMLElement) => {
dom.removeEventListener('click', this.handleContentClick);
document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleDocKeyPress);
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.handleDocMouseDown);
this.popper && this.popper.destroy();
this.popper = undefined;
this.popupElement = undefined;
return m(
class: classNames(
className, createNewGroup && Popup.POPUP_GROUP_CLASS),
ref: Popup.POPUP_REF,
showArrow && m('.pf-popup-arrow[data-popper-arrow]'),
m('.pf-popup-content', children)),
oncreate({dom}: m.VnodeDOM<PopupAttrs, this>) {
this.triggerElement = assertExists(findRef(dom, Popup.TRIGGER_REF));
onupdate({attrs}: m.VnodeDOM<PopupAttrs, this>) {
// We might have some new popper options, or the trigger might have changed
// size, so we call popper to recompute the popup's position.
onremove(_: m.VnodeDOM<PopupAttrs, this>) {
this.triggerElement = undefined;
private createOrUpdatePopper(attrs: PopupAttrs) {
const {
position = PopupPosition.Auto,
showArrow = true,
} = attrs;
const options: Partial<OptionsGeneric<StrictModifiers>> = {
placement: position,
modifiers: [
// Move the popup away from the target allowing room for the arrow
name: 'offset',
options: {offset: [0, showArrow ? 8 : 0]},
// Don't let the popup touch the edge of the viewport
{name: 'preventOverflow', options: {padding: 8}},
// Don't let the arrow reach the end of the popup, which looks odd when
// the popup has rounded corners
{name: 'arrow', options: {padding: 8}},
if (this.popper) {
} else {
if (this.popupElement && this.triggerElement) {
this.popper = createPopper<StrictModifiers>(
this.triggerElement, this.popupElement, options);
private eventInPopupOrTrigger(e: Event): boolean {
const target = as HTMLElement;
const onTrigger = isOrContains(assertExists(this.triggerElement), target);
const onPopup = isOrContains(assertExists(this.popupElement), target);
return onTrigger || onPopup;
private handleDocMouseDown = (e: Event) => {
if (this.closeOnOutsideClick && !this.eventInPopupOrTrigger(e)) {
private handleDocKeyPress = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
// Close on escape keypress if we are in the toplevel group
const nextGroupElement =
if (!nextGroupElement) {
if (this.closeOnEscape && e.key === 'Escape') {
private handleContentClick = (e: Event) => {
// Close the popup if the clicked element:
// - Is in the same group as this class
// - Has the magic class
const target = as HTMLElement;
const childPopup =
if (childPopup) {
if (childPopup.contains(target)) {
if (target.closest(`.${Popup.DISMISS_POPUP_GROUP_CLASS}`)) {
private closePopup() {
if (this.isOpen) {
this.isOpen = false;
private togglePopup() {
this.isOpen = !this.isOpen;