blob: 66b9b1b43104477a10fdd6f523834325f2351bcb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/cpu_reader.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/metatrace.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/utils.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/trace_writer.h"
#include "src/kallsyms/kernel_symbol_map.h"
#include "src/kallsyms/lazy_kernel_symbolizer.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/ftrace_config_muxer.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/ftrace_controller.h" // FtraceClockSnapshot
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/ftrace_data_source.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/ftrace_print_filter.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/proto_translation_table.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event.pbzero.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event_bundle.pbzero.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_stats.pbzero.h" // FtraceParseStatus
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/generic.pbzero.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/interned_data/interned_data.pbzero.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/profile_common.pbzero.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet.pbzero.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace {
using FtraceParseStatus = protos::pbzero::FtraceParseStatus;
// If the compact_sched buffer accumulates more unique strings, the reader will
// flush it to reset the interning state (and make it cheap again).
// This is not an exact cap, since we check only at tracing page boundaries.
constexpr size_t kCompactSchedInternerThreshold = 64;
// For further documentation of these constants see the kernel source:
// linux/include/linux/ring_buffer.h
// Some of this is also available to userspace at runtime via:
// /sys/kernel/tracing/events/header_event
constexpr uint32_t kTypePadding = 29;
constexpr uint32_t kTypeTimeExtend = 30;
constexpr uint32_t kTypeTimeStamp = 31;
struct EventHeader {
// bottom 5 bits
uint32_t type_or_length : 5;
// top 27 bits
uint32_t time_delta : 27;
// Reads a string from `start` until the first '\0' byte or until fixed_len
// characters have been read. Appends it to `*out` as field `field_id`.
void ReadIntoString(const uint8_t* start,
size_t fixed_len,
uint32_t field_id,
protozero::Message* out) {
size_t len = strnlen(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(start), fixed_len);
out->AppendBytes(field_id, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(start), len);
bool ReadDataLoc(const uint8_t* start,
const uint8_t* field_start,
const uint8_t* end,
const Field& field,
protozero::Message* message) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(field.ftrace_size == 4);
// See kernel header include/trace/trace_events.h
uint32_t data = 0;
const uint8_t* ptr = field_start;
if (!CpuReader::ReadAndAdvance(&ptr, end, &data)) {
PERFETTO_DFATAL("couldn't read __data_loc value");
return false;
const uint16_t offset = data & 0xffff;
const uint16_t len = (data >> 16) & 0xffff;
const uint8_t* const string_start = start + offset;
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(len == 0))
return true;
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(string_start < start || string_start + len > end)) {
PERFETTO_DFATAL("__data_loc points at invalid location");
return false;
ReadIntoString(string_start, len, field.proto_field_id, message);
return true;
template <typename T>
T ReadValue(const uint8_t* ptr) {
T t;
memcpy(&t, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(ptr), sizeof(T));
return t;
// Reads a signed ftrace value as an int64_t, sign extending if necessary.
int64_t ReadSignedFtraceValue(const uint8_t* ptr, FtraceFieldType ftrace_type) {
if (ftrace_type == kFtraceInt32) {
int32_t value;
memcpy(&value, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(ptr), sizeof(value));
return int64_t(value);
if (ftrace_type == kFtraceInt64) {
int64_t value;
memcpy(&value, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(ptr), sizeof(value));
return value;
PERFETTO_FATAL("unexpected ftrace type");
bool SetBlocking(int fd, bool is_blocking) {
int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
flags = (is_blocking) ? (flags & ~O_NONBLOCK) : (flags | O_NONBLOCK);
return fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) == 0;
void SetParseError(const std::set<FtraceDataSource*>& started_data_sources,
size_t cpu,
FtraceParseStatus status) {
PERFETTO_DPLOG("[cpu%zu]: unexpected ftrace read error: %s", cpu,
for (FtraceDataSource* data_source : started_data_sources) {
void WriteAndSetParseError(CpuReader::Bundler* bundler,
base::FlatSet<FtraceParseStatus>* stat,
uint64_t timestamp,
FtraceParseStatus status) {
PERFETTO_DLOG("Error parsing ftrace page: %s",
auto* proto = bundler->GetOrCreateBundle()->add_error();
if (timestamp)
} // namespace
using protos::pbzero::GenericFtraceEvent;
CpuReader::CpuReader(size_t cpu,
base::ScopedFile trace_fd,
const ProtoTranslationTable* table,
LazyKernelSymbolizer* symbolizer,
protos::pbzero::FtraceClock ftrace_clock,
const FtraceClockSnapshot* ftrace_clock_snapshot)
: cpu_(cpu),
ftrace_clock_snapshot_(ftrace_clock_snapshot) {
PERFETTO_CHECK(SetBlocking(*trace_fd_, false));
CpuReader::~CpuReader() = default;
size_t CpuReader::ReadCycle(
ParsingBuffers* parsing_bufs,
size_t max_pages,
const std::set<FtraceDataSource*>& started_data_sources) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(max_pages > 0 && parsing_bufs->ftrace_data_buf_pages() > 0);
metatrace::ScopedEvent evt(metatrace::TAG_FTRACE,
// Work in batches to keep cache locality, and limit memory usage.
size_t total_pages_read = 0;
for (bool is_first_batch = true;; is_first_batch = false) {
size_t batch_pages = std::min(parsing_bufs->ftrace_data_buf_pages(),
max_pages - total_pages_read);
size_t pages_read = ReadAndProcessBatch(
parsing_bufs->ftrace_data_buf(), batch_pages, is_first_batch,
parsing_bufs->compact_sched_buf(), started_data_sources);
PERFETTO_DCHECK(pages_read <= batch_pages);
total_pages_read += pages_read;
// Check whether we've caught up to the writer, or possibly giving up on
// this attempt due to some error.
if (pages_read != batch_pages)
// Check if we've hit the limit of work for this cycle.
if (total_pages_read >= max_pages)
return total_pages_read;
// metatrace note: mark the reading phase as FTRACE_CPU_READ_BATCH, but let the
// parsing time be implied (by the difference between the caller's span, and
// this reading span). Makes it easier to estimate the read/parse ratio when
// looking at the trace in the UI.
size_t CpuReader::ReadAndProcessBatch(
uint8_t* parsing_buf,
size_t max_pages,
bool first_batch_in_cycle,
CompactSchedBuffer* compact_sched_buf,
const std::set<FtraceDataSource*>& started_data_sources) {
const uint32_t sys_page_size = base::GetSysPageSize();
size_t pages_read = 0;
metatrace::ScopedEvent evt(metatrace::TAG_FTRACE,
for (; pages_read < max_pages;) {
uint8_t* curr_page = parsing_buf + (pages_read * sys_page_size);
ssize_t res = PERFETTO_EINTR(read(*trace_fd_, curr_page, sys_page_size));
if (res < 0) {
// Expected errors:
// EAGAIN: no data (since we're in non-blocking mode).
// ENOMEM, EBUSY: temporary ftrace failures (they happen).
// ENODEV: the cpu is offline (b/145583318).
if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != ENOMEM && errno != EBUSY &&
errno != ENODEV) {
SetParseError(started_data_sources, cpu_,
break; // stop reading regardless of errno
// As long as all of our reads are for a single page, the kernel should
// return exactly a well-formed raw ftrace page (if not in the steady
// state of reading out fully-written pages, the kernel will construct
// pages as necessary, copying over events and zero-filling at the end).
// A sub-page read() is therefore not expected in practice. Kernel source
// pointer: see usage of |info->read| within |tracing_buffers_read|.
if (res == 0) {
// Very rare, but possible. Stop for now, should recover.
PERFETTO_DLOG("[cpu%zu]: 0-sized read from ftrace pipe.", cpu_);
if (res != static_cast<ssize_t>(sys_page_size)) {
SetParseError(started_data_sources, cpu_,
pages_read += 1;
// Compare the amount of ftrace data read against an empirical threshold
// to make an educated guess on whether we should read more. To figure
// out the amount of ftrace data, we need to parse the page header (since
// the read always returns a page, zero-filled at the end). If we read
// fewer bytes than the threshold, it means that we caught up with the
// write pointer and we started consuming ftrace events in real-time.
// This cannot be just 4096 because it needs to account for
// fragmentation, i.e. for the fact that the last trace event didn't fit
// in the current page and hence the current page was terminated
// prematurely.
static const size_t kRoughlyAPage = sys_page_size - 512;
const uint8_t* scratch_ptr = curr_page;
std::optional<PageHeader> hdr =
ParsePageHeader(&scratch_ptr, table_->page_header_size_len());
PERFETTO_DCHECK(hdr && hdr->size > 0 && hdr->size <= sys_page_size);
if (!hdr.has_value()) {
// The header error will be logged by ProcessPagesForDataSource.
// Note that the first read after starting the read cycle being small is
// normal. It means that we're given the remainder of events from a
// page that we've partially consumed during the last read of the previous
// cycle (having caught up to the writer).
if (hdr->size < kRoughlyAPage &&
!(first_batch_in_cycle && pages_read == 1)) {
} // end of metatrace::FTRACE_CPU_READ_BATCH
// Parse the pages and write to the trace for all relevant data
// sources.
if (pages_read == 0)
return pages_read;
uint64_t last_read_ts = last_read_event_ts_;
for (FtraceDataSource* data_source : started_data_sources) {
last_read_ts = last_read_event_ts_;
data_source->trace_writer(), data_source->mutable_metadata(), cpu_,
data_source->parsing_config(), data_source->mutable_parse_errors(),
&last_read_ts, parsing_buf, pages_read, compact_sched_buf, table_,
symbolizer_, ftrace_clock_snapshot_, ftrace_clock_);
last_read_event_ts_ = last_read_ts;
return pages_read;
void CpuReader::Bundler::StartNewPacket(bool lost_events,
uint64_t last_read_event_timestamp) {
packet_ = trace_writer_->NewTracePacket();
bundle_ = packet_->set_ftrace_events();
if (lost_events) {
// note: set-to-zero is valid and expected for the first bundle per cpu
// (outside of concurrent tracing), with the effective meaning of "all data is
// valid since the data source was started".
if (ftrace_clock_) {
if (ftrace_clock_snapshot_ && ftrace_clock_snapshot_->ftrace_clock_ts) {
void CpuReader::Bundler::FinalizeAndRunSymbolizer() {
if (!packet_) {
if (compact_sched_enabled_) {
bundle_ = nullptr;
// Write the kernel symbol index (mangled address) -> name table.
// |metadata| is shared across all cpus, is distinct per |data_source| (i.e.
// tracing session) and is cleared after each FtraceController::ReadTick().
if (symbolizer_) {
// Symbol indexes are assigned mononically as |kernel_addrs.size()|,
// starting from index 1 (no symbol has index 0). Here we remember the
// size() (which is also == the highest value in |kernel_addrs|) at the
// beginning and only write newer indexes bigger than that.
uint32_t max_index_at_start = metadata_->last_kernel_addr_index_written;
PERFETTO_DCHECK(max_index_at_start <= metadata_->kernel_addrs.size());
protos::pbzero::InternedData* interned_data = nullptr;
auto* ksyms_map = symbolizer_->GetOrCreateKernelSymbolMap();
bool wrote_at_least_one_symbol = false;
for (const FtraceMetadata::KernelAddr& kaddr : metadata_->kernel_addrs) {
if (kaddr.index <= max_index_at_start)
std::string sym_name = ksyms_map->Lookup(kaddr.addr);
if (sym_name.empty()) {
// Lookup failed. This can genuinely happen in many occasions. E.g.,
// workqueue_execute_start has two pointers: one is a pointer to a
// function (which we expect to be symbolized), the other (|work|) is
// a pointer to a heap struct, which is unsymbolizable, even when
// using the textual ftrace endpoint.
if (!interned_data) {
// If this is the very first write, clear the start of the sequence
// so the trace processor knows that all previous indexes can be
// discarded and that the mapping is restarting.
// In most cases this occurs with cpu==0. But if cpu0 is idle, this
// will happen with the first CPU that has any ftrace data.
if (max_index_at_start == 0) {
interned_data = packet_->set_interned_data();
auto* interned_sym = interned_data->add_kernel_symbols();
wrote_at_least_one_symbol = true;
auto max_it_at_end = static_cast<uint32_t>(metadata_->kernel_addrs.size());
// Rationale for the if (wrote_at_least_one_symbol) check: in rare cases,
// all symbols seen in a ProcessPagesForDataSource() call can fail the
// ksyms_map->Lookup(). If that happens we don't want to bump the
// last_kernel_addr_index_written watermark, as that would cause the next
if (wrote_at_least_one_symbol) {
metadata_->last_kernel_addr_index_written = max_it_at_end;
packet_ = TraceWriter::TracePacketHandle(nullptr);
// Error handling: will attempt parsing all pages even if there are errors in
// parsing the binary layout of the data. The error will be recorded in the
// event bundle proto with a timestamp, letting the trace processor decide
// whether to discard or keep the post-error data. Previously, we crashed as
// soon as we encountered such an error.
// TODO(rsavitski, b/192586066): consider moving last_read_event_ts tracking to
// be per-datasource. The current implementation can be pessimistic if there are
// multiple concurrent data sources, one of which is only interested in sparse
// events (imagine a print filter and one matching event every minute, while the
// buffers are read - advancing the last read timestamp - multiple times per
// second). Tracking the timestamp of the last event *written into the
// datasource* can be more accurate.
// static
bool CpuReader::ProcessPagesForDataSource(
TraceWriter* trace_writer,
FtraceMetadata* metadata,
size_t cpu,
const FtraceDataSourceConfig* ds_config,
base::FlatSet<protos::pbzero::FtraceParseStatus>* parse_errors,
uint64_t* last_read_event_ts,
const uint8_t* parsing_buf,
const size_t pages_read,
CompactSchedBuffer* compact_sched_buf,
const ProtoTranslationTable* table,
LazyKernelSymbolizer* symbolizer,
const FtraceClockSnapshot* ftrace_clock_snapshot,
protos::pbzero::FtraceClock ftrace_clock) {
const uint32_t sys_page_size = base::GetSysPageSize();
Bundler bundler(trace_writer, metadata,
ds_config->symbolize_ksyms ? symbolizer : nullptr, cpu,
ftrace_clock_snapshot, ftrace_clock, compact_sched_buf,
ds_config->compact_sched.enabled, *last_read_event_ts);
bool success = true;
size_t pages_parsed = 0;
bool compact_sched_enabled = ds_config->compact_sched.enabled;
for (; pages_parsed < pages_read; pages_parsed++) {
const uint8_t* curr_page = parsing_buf + (pages_parsed * sys_page_size);
const uint8_t* curr_page_end = curr_page + sys_page_size;
const uint8_t* parse_pos = curr_page;
std::optional<PageHeader> page_header =
ParsePageHeader(&parse_pos, table->page_header_size_len());
if (!page_header.has_value() || page_header->size == 0 ||
parse_pos >= curr_page_end ||
parse_pos + page_header->size > curr_page_end) {
&bundler, parse_errors,
page_header.has_value() ? page_header->timestamp : 0,
success = false;
// Start a new bundle if either:
// * The page we're about to read indicates that there was a kernel ring
// buffer overrun since our last read from that per-cpu buffer. We have
// a single |lost_events| field per bundle, so start a new packet.
// * The compact_sched buffer is holding more unique interned strings than
// a threshold. We need to flush the compact buffer to make the
// interning lookups cheap again.
bool interner_past_threshold =
compact_sched_enabled &&
bundler.compact_sched_buf()->interner().interned_comms_size() >
if (page_header->lost_events || interner_past_threshold) {
// pass in an updated last_read_event_ts since we're starting a new
// bundle, which needs to reference the last timestamp from the prior one.
bundler.StartNewPacket(page_header->lost_events, *last_read_event_ts);
FtraceParseStatus status =
ParsePagePayload(parse_pos, &page_header.value(), table, ds_config,
&bundler, metadata, last_read_event_ts);
if (status != FtraceParseStatus::FTRACE_STATUS_OK) {
WriteAndSetParseError(&bundler, parse_errors, page_header->timestamp,
success = false;
// bundler->FinalizeAndRunSymbolizer() will run as part of the destructor.
return success;
// A page header consists of:
// * timestamp: 8 bytes
// * commit: 8 bytes on 64 bit, 4 bytes on 32 bit kernels
// The kernel reports this at /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/header_page.
// |commit|'s bottom bits represent the length of the payload following this
// header. The top bits have been repurposed as a bitset of flags pertaining to
// data loss. We look only at the "there has been some data lost" flag
// (RB_MISSED_EVENTS), and ignore the relatively tricky "appended the precise
// lost events count past the end of the valid data, as there was room to do so"
// static
std::optional<CpuReader::PageHeader> CpuReader::ParsePageHeader(
const uint8_t** ptr,
uint16_t page_header_size_len) {
// Mask for the data length portion of the |commit| field. Note that the
// kernel implementation never explicitly defines the boundary (beyond using
// bits 30 and 31 as flags), but 27 bits are mentioned as sufficient in the
// original commit message, and is the constant used by trace-cmd.
constexpr static uint64_t kDataSizeMask = (1ull << 27) - 1;
// If set, indicates that the relevant cpu has lost events since the last read
// (clearing the bit internally).
constexpr static uint64_t kMissedEventsFlag = (1ull << 31);
const uint8_t* end_of_page = *ptr + base::GetSysPageSize();
PageHeader page_header;
if (!CpuReader::ReadAndAdvance<uint64_t>(ptr, end_of_page,
return std::nullopt;
uint32_t size_and_flags;
// On little endian, we can just read a uint32_t and reject the rest of the
// number later.
if (!CpuReader::ReadAndAdvance<uint32_t>(
ptr, end_of_page, base::AssumeLittleEndian(&size_and_flags)))
return std::nullopt;
page_header.size = size_and_flags & kDataSizeMask;
page_header.lost_events = bool(size_and_flags & kMissedEventsFlag);
PERFETTO_DCHECK(page_header.size <= base::GetSysPageSize());
// Reject rest of the number, if applicable. On 32-bit, size_bytes - 4 will
// evaluate to 0 and this will be a no-op. On 64-bit, this will advance by 4
// bytes.
PERFETTO_DCHECK(page_header_size_len >= 4);
*ptr += page_header_size_len - 4;
return std::make_optional(page_header);
// A raw ftrace buffer page consists of a header followed by a sequence of
// binary ftrace events. See |ParsePageHeader| for the format of the earlier.
// Error handling: if the binary data disagrees with our understanding of the
// ring buffer layout, returns an error and skips the rest of the page (but some
// events may have already been parsed and serialised).
// This method is deliberately static so it can be tested independently.
protos::pbzero::FtraceParseStatus CpuReader::ParsePagePayload(
const uint8_t* start_of_payload,
const PageHeader* page_header,
const ProtoTranslationTable* table,
const FtraceDataSourceConfig* ds_config,
Bundler* bundler,
FtraceMetadata* metadata,
uint64_t* last_read_event_ts) {
const uint8_t* ptr = start_of_payload;
const uint8_t* const end = ptr + page_header->size;
uint64_t timestamp = page_header->timestamp;
uint64_t last_data_record_ts = 0;
while (ptr < end) {
EventHeader event_header;
if (!ReadAndAdvance(&ptr, end, &event_header))
timestamp += event_header.time_delta;
switch (event_header.type_or_length) {
case kTypePadding: {
// Left over page padding or discarded event.
if (event_header.time_delta == 0) {
// Should never happen: null padding event with unspecified size.
// Only written beyond page_header->size.
uint32_t length = 0;
if (!ReadAndAdvance<uint32_t>(&ptr, end, &length))
// Length includes itself (4 bytes).
if (length < 4)
ptr += length - 4;
case kTypeTimeExtend: {
// Extend the time delta.
uint32_t time_delta_ext = 0;
if (!ReadAndAdvance<uint32_t>(&ptr, end, &time_delta_ext))
timestamp += (static_cast<uint64_t>(time_delta_ext)) << 27;
case kTypeTimeStamp: {
// Absolute timestamp. This was historically partially implemented, but
// not written. Kernels 4.17+ reimplemented this record, changing its
// size in the process. We assume the newer layout. Parsed the same as
// kTypeTimeExtend, except that the timestamp is interpreted as an
// absolute, instead of a delta on top of the previous state.
uint32_t time_delta_ext = 0;
if (!ReadAndAdvance<uint32_t>(&ptr, end, &time_delta_ext))
timestamp = event_header.time_delta +
(static_cast<uint64_t>(time_delta_ext) << 27);
// Data record:
default: {
// If type_or_length <=28, the record length is 4x that value.
// If type_or_length == 0, the length of the record is stored in the
// first uint32_t word of the payload.
uint32_t event_size = 0;
if (event_header.type_or_length == 0) {
if (!ReadAndAdvance<uint32_t>(&ptr, end, &event_size))
// Size includes itself (4 bytes). However we've seen rare
// contradictions on select Android 4.19+ kernels: the page header
// says there's still valid data, but the rest of the page is full of
// zeroes (which would not decode to a valid event). b/204564312.
if (event_size == 0)
else if (event_size < 4)
event_size -= 4;
} else {
event_size = 4 * event_header.type_or_length;
const uint8_t* start = ptr;
const uint8_t* next = ptr + event_size;
if (next > end)
uint16_t ftrace_event_id = 0;
if (!ReadAndAdvance<uint16_t>(&ptr, end, &ftrace_event_id))
if (ds_config->event_filter.IsEventEnabled(ftrace_event_id)) {
// Special-cased handling of some scheduler events when compact format
// is enabled.
bool compact_sched_enabled = ds_config->compact_sched.enabled;
const CompactSchedSwitchFormat& sched_switch_format =
const CompactSchedWakingFormat& sched_waking_format =
bool ftrace_print_filter_enabled =
// compact sched_switch
if (compact_sched_enabled &&
ftrace_event_id == sched_switch_format.event_id) {
if (event_size < sched_switch_format.size)
ParseSchedSwitchCompact(start, timestamp, &sched_switch_format,
bundler->compact_sched_buf(), metadata);
// compact sched_waking
} else if (compact_sched_enabled &&
ftrace_event_id == sched_waking_format.event_id) {
if (event_size < sched_waking_format.size)
ParseSchedWakingCompact(start, timestamp, &sched_waking_format,
bundler->compact_sched_buf(), metadata);
} else if (ftrace_print_filter_enabled &&
ftrace_event_id == ds_config->print_filter->event_id()) {
if (ds_config->print_filter->IsEventInteresting(start, next)) {
protos::pbzero::FtraceEvent* event =
if (!ParseEvent(ftrace_event_id, start, next, table, ds_config,
event, metadata)) {
return FtraceParseStatus::FTRACE_STATUS_INVALID_EVENT;
} else {
// Common case: parse all other types of enabled events.
protos::pbzero::FtraceEvent* event =
if (!ParseEvent(ftrace_event_id, start, next, table, ds_config,
event, metadata)) {
return FtraceParseStatus::FTRACE_STATUS_INVALID_EVENT;
last_data_record_ts = timestamp;
ptr = next; // jump to next event
} // default case
} // switch (event_header.type_or_length)
} // while (ptr < end)
if (last_data_record_ts)
*last_read_event_ts = last_data_record_ts;
return FtraceParseStatus::FTRACE_STATUS_OK;
// |start| is the start of the current event.
// |end| is the end of the buffer.
bool CpuReader::ParseEvent(uint16_t ftrace_event_id,
const uint8_t* start,
const uint8_t* end,
const ProtoTranslationTable* table,
const FtraceDataSourceConfig* ds_config,
protozero::Message* message,
FtraceMetadata* metadata) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(start < end);
// The event must be enabled and known to reach here.
const Event& info = *table->GetEventById(ftrace_event_id);
if (info.size > static_cast<size_t>(end - start)) {
PERFETTO_DLOG("Expected event length is beyond end of buffer.");
return false;
bool success = true;
const Field* common_pid_field = table->common_pid();
if (PERFETTO_LIKELY(common_pid_field))
success &=
ParseField(*common_pid_field, start, end, table, message, metadata);
protozero::Message* nested =
// Parse generic (not known at compile time) event.
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(info.proto_field_id ==
protos::pbzero::FtraceEvent::kGenericFieldNumber)) {
for (const Field& field : info.fields) {
auto* generic_field = nested->BeginNestedMessage<protozero::Message>(
success &= ParseField(field, start, end, table, generic_field, metadata);
info.proto_field_id ==
protos::pbzero::FtraceEvent::kSysEnterFieldNumber)) {
success &= ParseSysEnter(info, start, end, nested, metadata);
info.proto_field_id ==
protos::pbzero::FtraceEvent::kSysExitFieldNumber)) {
success &= ParseSysExit(info, start, end, ds_config, nested, metadata);
} else { // Parse all other events.
for (const Field& field : info.fields) {
success &= ParseField(field, start, end, table, nested, metadata);
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(info.proto_field_id ==
protos::pbzero::FtraceEvent::kTaskRenameFieldNumber)) {
// For task renames, we want to store that the pid was renamed. We use the
// common pid to reduce code complexity as in all the cases we care about,
// the common pid is the same as the renamed pid (the pid inside the event).
// This finalizes |nested| and |proto_field| automatically.
return success;
// Caller must guarantee that the field fits in the range,
// explicitly: start + field.ftrace_offset + field.ftrace_size <= end
// The only exception is fields with strategy = kCStringToString
// where the total size isn't known up front. In this case ParseField
// will check the string terminates in the bounds and won't read past |end|.
bool CpuReader::ParseField(const Field& field,
const uint8_t* start,
const uint8_t* end,
const ProtoTranslationTable* table,
protozero::Message* message,
FtraceMetadata* metadata) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(start + field.ftrace_offset + field.ftrace_size <= end);
const uint8_t* field_start = start + field.ftrace_offset;
uint32_t field_id = field.proto_field_id;
switch (field.strategy) {
case kUint8ToUint32:
case kUint8ToUint64:
ReadIntoVarInt<uint8_t>(field_start, field_id, message);
return true;
case kUint16ToUint32:
case kUint16ToUint64:
ReadIntoVarInt<uint16_t>(field_start, field_id, message);
return true;
case kUint32ToUint32:
case kUint32ToUint64:
ReadIntoVarInt<uint32_t>(field_start, field_id, message);
return true;
case kUint64ToUint64:
ReadIntoVarInt<uint64_t>(field_start, field_id, message);
return true;
case kInt8ToInt32:
case kInt8ToInt64:
ReadIntoVarInt<int8_t>(field_start, field_id, message);
return true;
case kInt16ToInt32:
case kInt16ToInt64:
ReadIntoVarInt<int16_t>(field_start, field_id, message);
return true;
case kInt32ToInt32:
case kInt32ToInt64:
ReadIntoVarInt<int32_t>(field_start, field_id, message);
return true;
case kInt64ToInt64:
ReadIntoVarInt<int64_t>(field_start, field_id, message);
return true;
case kFixedCStringToString:
// TODO(hjd): Kernel-dive to check this how size:0 char fields work.
ReadIntoString(field_start, field.ftrace_size, field_id, message);
return true;
case kCStringToString:
// TODO(hjd): Kernel-dive to check this how size:0 char fields work.
ReadIntoString(field_start, static_cast<size_t>(end - field_start),
field_id, message);
return true;
case kStringPtrToString: {
uint64_t n = 0;
// The ftrace field may be 8 or 4 bytes and we need to copy it into the
// bottom of n. In the unlikely case where the field is >8 bytes we
// should avoid making things worse by corrupting the stack but we
// don't need to handle it correctly.
size_t size = std::min<size_t>(field.ftrace_size, sizeof(n));
reinterpret_cast<const void*>(field_start), size);
// Look up the adddress in the printk format map and write it into the
// proto.
base::StringView name = table->LookupTraceString(n);
message->AppendBytes(field_id, name.begin(), name.size());
return true;
case kDataLocToString:
return ReadDataLoc(start, field_start, end, field, message);
case kBoolToUint32:
case kBoolToUint64:
ReadIntoVarInt<uint8_t>(field_start, field_id, message);
return true;
case kInode32ToUint64:
ReadInode<uint32_t>(field_start, field_id, message, metadata);
return true;
case kInode64ToUint64:
ReadInode<uint64_t>(field_start, field_id, message, metadata);
return true;
case kPid32ToInt32:
case kPid32ToInt64:
ReadPid(field_start, field_id, message, metadata);
return true;
case kCommonPid32ToInt32:
case kCommonPid32ToInt64:
ReadCommonPid(field_start, field_id, message, metadata);
return true;
case kDevId32ToUint64:
ReadDevId<uint32_t>(field_start, field_id, message, metadata);
return true;
case kDevId64ToUint64:
ReadDevId<uint64_t>(field_start, field_id, message, metadata);
return true;
case kFtraceSymAddr64ToUint64:
ReadSymbolAddr<uint64_t>(field_start, field_id, message, metadata);
return true;
case kInvalidTranslationStrategy:
// Shouldn't reach this since we only attempt to parse fields that were
// validated by the proto translation table earlier.
return false;
bool CpuReader::ParseSysEnter(const Event& info,
const uint8_t* start,
const uint8_t* end,
protozero::Message* message,
FtraceMetadata* /* metadata */) {
if (info.fields.size() != 2) {
PERFETTO_DLOG("Unexpected number of fields for sys_enter");
return false;
const auto& id_field = info.fields[0];
const auto& args_field = info.fields[1];
if (start + id_field.ftrace_size + args_field.ftrace_size > end) {
return false;
// field:long id;
if (id_field.ftrace_type != kFtraceInt32 &&
id_field.ftrace_type != kFtraceInt64) {
return false;
const int64_t syscall_id = ReadSignedFtraceValue(
start + id_field.ftrace_offset, id_field.ftrace_type);
message->AppendVarInt(id_field.proto_field_id, syscall_id);
// field:unsigned long args[6];
// proto_translation_table will only allow exactly 6-element array, so we can
// make the same hard assumption here.
constexpr uint16_t arg_count = 6;
size_t element_size = 0;
if (args_field.ftrace_type == kFtraceUint32) {
element_size = 4u;
} else if (args_field.ftrace_type == kFtraceUint64) {
element_size = 8u;
} else {
return false;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < arg_count; ++i) {
const uint8_t* element_ptr =
start + args_field.ftrace_offset + i * element_size;
uint64_t arg_value = 0;
if (element_size == 8) {
arg_value = ReadValue<uint64_t>(element_ptr);
} else {
arg_value = ReadValue<uint32_t>(element_ptr);
message->AppendVarInt(args_field.proto_field_id, arg_value);
return true;
bool CpuReader::ParseSysExit(const Event& info,
const uint8_t* start,
const uint8_t* end,
const FtraceDataSourceConfig* ds_config,
protozero::Message* message,
FtraceMetadata* metadata) {
if (info.fields.size() != 2) {
PERFETTO_DLOG("Unexpected number of fields for sys_exit");
return false;
const auto& id_field = info.fields[0];
const auto& ret_field = info.fields[1];
if (start + id_field.ftrace_size + ret_field.ftrace_size > end) {
return false;
// field:long id;
if (id_field.ftrace_type != kFtraceInt32 &&
id_field.ftrace_type != kFtraceInt64) {
return false;
const int64_t syscall_id = ReadSignedFtraceValue(
start + id_field.ftrace_offset, id_field.ftrace_type);
message->AppendVarInt(id_field.proto_field_id, syscall_id);
// field:long ret;
if (ret_field.ftrace_type != kFtraceInt32 &&
ret_field.ftrace_type != kFtraceInt64) {
return false;
const int64_t syscall_ret = ReadSignedFtraceValue(
start + ret_field.ftrace_offset, ret_field.ftrace_type);
message->AppendVarInt(ret_field.proto_field_id, syscall_ret);
// for any syscalls which return a new filedescriptor
// we mark the fd as potential candidate for scraping
// if the call succeeded and is within fd bounds
if (ds_config->syscalls_returning_fd.count(syscall_id) && syscall_ret >= 0 &&
syscall_ret <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
const auto pid = metadata->last_seen_common_pid;
const auto syscall_ret_u = static_cast<uint64_t>(syscall_ret);
metadata->fds.insert(std::make_pair(pid, syscall_ret_u));
return true;
// Parse a sched_switch event according to pre-validated format, and buffer the
// individual fields in the current compact batch. See the code populating
// |CompactSchedSwitchFormat| for the assumptions made around the format, which
// this code is closely tied to.
// static
void CpuReader::ParseSchedSwitchCompact(const uint8_t* start,
uint64_t timestamp,
const CompactSchedSwitchFormat* format,
CompactSchedBuffer* compact_buf,
FtraceMetadata* metadata) {
int32_t next_pid = ReadValue<int32_t>(start + format->next_pid_offset);
int32_t next_prio = ReadValue<int32_t>(start + format->next_prio_offset);
// Varint encoding of int32 and int64 is the same, so treat the value as
// int64 after reading.
int64_t prev_state = ReadSignedFtraceValue(start + format->prev_state_offset,
// next_comm
const char* comm_ptr =
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(start + format->next_comm_offset);
size_t iid = compact_buf->interner().InternComm(comm_ptr);
// static
void CpuReader::ParseSchedWakingCompact(const uint8_t* start,
uint64_t timestamp,
const CompactSchedWakingFormat* format,
CompactSchedBuffer* compact_buf,
FtraceMetadata* metadata) {
int32_t pid = ReadValue<int32_t>(start + format->pid_offset);
int32_t target_cpu = ReadValue<int32_t>(start + format->target_cpu_offset);
int32_t prio = ReadValue<int32_t>(start + format->prio_offset);
// comm
const char* comm_ptr =
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(start + format->comm_offset);
size_t iid = compact_buf->interner().InternComm(comm_ptr);
uint32_t common_flags =
ReadValue<uint8_t>(start + format->common_flags_offset);
} // namespace perfetto