blob: ab0b42a97501ded90439ba38e3e9a5530eaf9143 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/trace_processor/containers/string_pool.h"
#include <limits>
#include <tuple>
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
// static
constexpr size_t StringPool::kNumBlockIndexBits;
// static
constexpr size_t StringPool::kNumBlockOffsetBits;
// static
constexpr size_t StringPool::kLargeStringFlagBitMask;
// static
constexpr size_t StringPool::kBlockOffsetBitMask;
// static
constexpr size_t StringPool::kBlockIndexBitMask;
// static
constexpr size_t StringPool::kBlockSizeBytes;
// static
constexpr size_t StringPool::kMinLargeStringSizeBytes;
StringPool::StringPool() {
StringPool::kMinLargeStringSizeBytes <= StringPool::kBlockSizeBytes + 1,
"minimum size of large strings must be small enough to support any "
"string that doesn't fit in a Block.");
// Reserve a slot for the null string.
StringPool::~StringPool() = default;
StringPool::StringPool(StringPool&&) noexcept = default;
StringPool& StringPool::operator=(StringPool&&) noexcept = default;
StringPool::Id StringPool::InsertString(base::StringView str, uint64_t hash) {
// Try and find enough space in the current block for the string and the
// metadata (varint-encoded size + the string data + the null terminator).
bool success;
uint32_t offset;
std::tie(success, offset) = blocks_.back().TryInsert(str);
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!success)) {
// The block did not have enough space for the string. If the string is
// large, add it into the |large_strings_| vector, to avoid discarding a
// large portion of the current block's memory. This also enables us to
// support strings that wouldn't fit into a single block. Otherwise, add a
// new block to store the string.
if (str.size() + kMaxMetadataSize >= kMinLargeStringSizeBytes) {
return InsertLargeString(str, hash);
// Try and reserve space again - this time we should definitely succeed.
std::tie(success, offset) = blocks_.back().TryInsert(str);
// Compute the id from the block index and offset and add a mapping from the
// hash to the id.
Id string_id = Id::BlockString(blocks_.size() - 1, offset);
// Deliberately not adding |string_id| to |string_index_|. The caller
// (InternString()) must take care of this.
return string_id;
StringPool::Id StringPool::InsertLargeString(base::StringView str,
uint64_t hash) {
large_strings_.emplace_back(new std::string(str.begin(), str.size()));
// Compute id from the index and add a mapping from the hash to the id.
Id string_id = Id::LargeString(large_strings_.size() - 1);
// Deliberately not adding |string_id| to |string_index_|. The caller
// (InternString()) must take care of this.
return string_id;
std::pair<bool /*success*/, uint32_t /*offset*/> StringPool::Block::TryInsert(
base::StringView str) {
auto str_size = str.size();
size_t max_pos = static_cast<size_t>(pos_) + str_size + kMaxMetadataSize;
if (max_pos > size_)
return std::make_pair(false, 0u);
// Ensure that we commit up until the end of the string to memory.
// Get where we should start writing this string.
uint32_t offset = pos_;
uint8_t* begin = Get(offset);
// First write the size of the string using varint encoding.
uint8_t* end = protozero::proto_utils::WriteVarInt(str_size, begin);
// Next the string itself.
if (PERFETTO_LIKELY(str_size > 0)) {
memcpy(end,, str_size);
end += str_size;
// Finally add a null terminator.
*(end++) = '\0';
// Update the end of the block and return the pointer to the string.
pos_ = OffsetOf(end);
return std::make_pair(true, offset);
StringPool::Iterator::Iterator(const StringPool* pool) : pool_(pool) {}
StringPool::Iterator& StringPool::Iterator::operator++() {
if (block_index_ < pool_->blocks_.size()) {
// Try and go to the next string in the current block.
const auto& block = pool_->blocks_[block_index_];
// Find the size of the string at the current offset in the block
// and increment the offset by that size.
uint32_t str_size = 0;
const uint8_t* ptr = block.Get(block_offset_);
ptr = ReadSize(ptr, &str_size);
ptr += str_size + 1;
block_offset_ = block.OffsetOf(ptr);
// If we're out of bounds for this block, go to the start of the next block.
if (block.pos() <= block_offset_) {
block_offset_ = 0;
return *this;
// Advance to the next string from |large_strings_|.
PERFETTO_DCHECK(large_strings_index_ < pool_->large_strings_.size());
return *this;
StringPool::Iterator::operator bool() const {
return block_index_ < pool_->blocks_.size() ||
large_strings_index_ < pool_->large_strings_.size();
NullTermStringView StringPool::Iterator::StringView() {
return pool_->Get(StringId());
StringPool::Id StringPool::Iterator::StringId() {
if (block_index_ < pool_->blocks_.size()) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(block_offset_ < pool_->blocks_[block_index_].pos());
// If we're at (0, 0), we have the null string which has id 0.
if (block_index_ == 0 && block_offset_ == 0)
return Id::Null();
return Id::BlockString(block_index_, block_offset_);
PERFETTO_DCHECK(large_strings_index_ < pool_->large_strings_.size());
return Id::LargeString(large_strings_index_);
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto