blob: b587846d1e5f7fe902889467efac3cda1e79e835 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
import "protos/perfetto/common/observable_events.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/common/tracing_service_state.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/common/tracing_service_capabilities.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/common/trace_stats.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/config/trace_config.proto";
package perfetto.protos;
// IPC interface definition for the consumer port of the tracing service.
service ConsumerPort {
// Enables tracing for one or more data sources. At least one buffer must have
// been previously created. The EnableTracingResponse is sent when tracing is
// disabled (either explicitly or because of the |duration_ms| expired).
// If |deferred_start| == true in the passed TraceConfig, all the tracing
// harness is brought up (creating buffers and data sources) without actually
// starting the data sources. Data sources will be started upon an explicit
// StartTracing() call.
// Note that |deferred_start| and StartTracing() have been introduced only
// in Android Q and are not supported in Android P.
rpc EnableTracing(EnableTracingRequest) returns (EnableTracingResponse) {}
// Disables tracing for one or more data sources.
rpc DisableTracing(DisableTracingRequest) returns (DisableTracingResponse) {}
// Streams back the contents of one or more buffers. One call is enough to
// drain all the buffers. The response consists in a sequence of
// ReadBufferResponse messages (hence the "stream" in the return type), each
// carrying one or more TracePacket(s). An EOF flag is attached to the last
// ReadBufferResponse through the |has_more| == false field.
rpc ReadBuffers(ReadBuffersRequest) returns (stream ReadBuffersResponse) {}
// Destroys the buffers previously created. Note: all buffers are destroyed
// implicitly if the Consumer disconnects.
rpc FreeBuffers(FreeBuffersRequest) returns (FreeBuffersResponse) {}
// Asks the service to request to all data sources involved in the tracing
// session to commit their data into the trace buffer. The FlushResponse is
// sent only:
// - After the data has been committed (in which case FlushResponse succeeds)
// or
// - After FlushRequest.timeout_ms milliseconds (in which case the
// FlushResponse is rejected and fails).
rpc Flush(FlushRequest) returns (FlushResponse) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------
// All methods below have been introduced in Android Q.
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Starts tracing. Only valid if EnableTracing() was called setting
// deferred_start = true in the TraceConfig passed to EnableTracing().
rpc StartTracing(StartTracingRequest) returns (StartTracingResponse) {}
// Changes the configuration for a running tracing session; only possible
// for a subset of configuration options.
rpc ChangeTraceConfig(ChangeTraceConfigRequest)
returns (ChangeTraceConfigResponse) {}
// Allows the consumer to detach from the session. The session will keep
// running even if the consumer disconnects and the consumer will not receive
// any further IPC until reattached.
rpc Detach(DetachRequest) returns (DetachResponse) {}
// Allows the consumer to re-attach to a previously detached session. The
// consumer will start receiving IPC notification for that session.
// The session will be terminated if the consumer closes the IPC channel, as
// in the standard non-detached case.
rpc Attach(AttachRequest) returns (AttachResponse) {}
// Allows the consumer to obtain statistics about the current tracing session,
// such as buffer usage stats. Intended for debugging or UI use.
rpc GetTraceStats(GetTraceStatsRequest) returns (GetTraceStatsResponse) {}
// Allows the consumer to observe certain state changes, such as data source
// instances starting to record.
rpc ObserveEvents(ObserveEventsRequest)
returns (stream ObserveEventsResponse) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------
// All methods below have been introduced in Android R.
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Allows to obtain the list of data sources connected and their descriptors.
rpc QueryServiceState(QueryServiceStateRequest)
returns (stream QueryServiceStateResponse) {}
// Obtains a list of features supported by the service. This is to deal with
// backward/forward compatibility and feature detection.
rpc QueryCapabilities(QueryCapabilitiesRequest)
returns (QueryCapabilitiesResponse) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------
// All methods below have been introduced in Android S.
// ----------------------------------------------------
// This method has been deprecated and removed in Android U in favour of
// CloneSession.
rpc SaveTraceForBugreport(SaveTraceForBugreportRequest)
returns (SaveTraceForBugreportResponse) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------
// All methods below have been introduced in Android U.
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Clones an existing tracing session and binds the consumer to it (as if
// the session was created via EnableTracing), copying over all the tracing
// data (including metadata and stats).
// The cloned session is stopped and read-only (as if DisableTracing was
// invoked).
// A consumer can clone a session only if the uid of the consumer matches the
// uid of the source session or if the consumer uid is 0 (root).
rpc CloneSession(CloneSessionRequest) returns (CloneSessionResponse) {}
// Arguments for rpc EnableTracing().
message EnableTracingRequest {
optional protos.TraceConfig trace_config = 1;
// Introduced in Android Q. This is used for re-attaching to the end-of-trace
// EnableTracingResponse notification after a Detach+Attach request.
// When this flag is set the |trace_config| is ignored and no method is called
// on the tracing service.
optional bool attach_notification_only = 2;
message EnableTracingResponse {
oneof state { bool disabled = 1; }
// If present and non-empty tracing was disabled because of an error.
// Introduced in Android S.
optional string error = 3;
// Arguments for rpc StartTracing().
message StartTracingRequest {}
message StartTracingResponse {}
// Arguments for rpc ChangeTraceConfig().
message ChangeTraceConfigRequest {
optional protos.TraceConfig trace_config = 1;
message ChangeTraceConfigResponse {}
// Arguments for rpc DisableTracing().
message DisableTracingRequest {
// TODO: not supported yet, selectively disable only some data sources.
// repeated string data_source_name;
message DisableTracingResponse {}
// Arguments for rpc ReadBuffers().
message ReadBuffersRequest {
// The |id|s of the buffer, as passed to CreateBuffers().
// TODO: repeated uint32 buffer_ids = 1;
message ReadBuffersResponse {
// TODO: uint32 buffer_id = 1;
// Each streaming reply returns one or more slices for one or more trace
// packets, or even just a portion of it (if it's too big to fit within one
// IPC). The returned slices are ordered and contiguous: packets' slices are
// not interleaved and slices are sent only once all slices for a packet are
// available (i.e. the consumer will never see any gap).
message Slice {
optional bytes data = 1;
// When true, this is the last slice for the packet. A ReadBufferResponse
// might have no slices marked as |last_slice_for_packet|==true, in the case
// of a very large packet that gets chunked into several IPCs (in which case
// only the last IPC for the packet will have this flag set).
optional bool last_slice_for_packet = 2;
repeated Slice slices = 2;
// Arguments for rpc FreeBuffers().
message FreeBuffersRequest {
// The |id|s of the buffer, as passed to CreateBuffers().
repeated uint32 buffer_ids = 1;
message FreeBuffersResponse {}
// Arguments for rpc Flush().
message FlushRequest {
optional uint32 timeout_ms = 1;
// More details such as flush reason and originator. Introduced in v38 / V.
// See FlushFlags in include/perfetto/ext/tracing/core/flush_flags.h.
optional uint64 flags = 2;
message FlushResponse {}
// Arguments for rpc Detach
message DetachRequest {
optional string key = 1;
message DetachResponse {}
// Arguments for rpc Attach.
message AttachRequest {
optional string key = 1;
message AttachResponse {
optional protos.TraceConfig trace_config = 1;
// Arguments for rpc GetTraceStats.
message GetTraceStatsRequest {}
message GetTraceStatsResponse {
optional TraceStats trace_stats = 1;
// Arguments for rpc ObserveEvents.
// To stop observing events of a certain type, send a request with the remaining
// types. To stop observing completely, send an empty request.
message ObserveEventsRequest {
repeated ObservableEvents.Type events_to_observe = 1;
message ObserveEventsResponse {
optional ObservableEvents events = 1;
// Arguments for rpc QueryServiceState.
message QueryServiceStateRequest {}
message QueryServiceStateResponse {
// In order to avoid hitting IPC message size limitations, the service will
// return >1 replies for each query, chunking the TracingServiceState. The
// receiver is expected to merge replies together and parse that when the
// last reply is received (i.e. when IPC's |has_more| == false).
optional TracingServiceState service_state = 1;
// Arguments for rpc QueryCapabilities.
message QueryCapabilitiesRequest {}
message QueryCapabilitiesResponse {
optional TracingServiceCapabilities capabilities = 1;
// Arguments for rpc SaveTraceForBugreport.
message SaveTraceForBugreportRequest {}
// This response is sent only after the trace was saved into file (if succeeded)
// or something failed.
message SaveTraceForBugreportResponse {
// If true, an eligible the trace was saved into a known location (on Android
// /data/misc/perfetto-traces, see GetBugreportTracePath()).
// If false no trace with bugreport_score > 0 was found or an error occurred.
// see |msg| in that case for details about the failure.
optional bool success = 1;
optional string msg = 2;
// Arguments for rpc CloneSession.
message CloneSessionRequest {
// The session ID to clone. If session_id == kBugreportSessionId (0xff...ff)
// the session with the highest bugreport score is cloned (if any exists).
optional uint64 session_id = 1;
message CloneSessionResponse {
// If true, the clone was successful. If false it failed and |error| contains
// the details about the failure.
optional bool success = 1;
optional string error = 2;
// The UUID of the cloned session.
optional int64 uuid_msb = 3;
optional int64 uuid_lsb = 4;