blob: 599ed5ba0651ac5728df63afdec31ef7ace174e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use size file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import m from 'mithril';
import {time, Time} from '../base/time';
import {timestampFormat} from '../core/timestamp_format';
import {
} from './css_constants';
import {getMaxMajorTicks, generateTicks, TickType} from './gridline_helper';
import {Size2D} from '../base/geom';
import {Panel} from './panel_container';
import {canvasClip} from '../base/canvas_utils';
import {TimeScale} from '../base/time_scale';
import {TraceImpl} from '../core/trace_impl';
import {formatDuration} from '../public/lib/time_utils';
import {TimestampFormat} from '../public/timeline';
import {assertUnreachable} from '../base/logging';
export interface BBox {
x: number;
y: number;
width: number;
height: number;
// Draws a vertical line with two horizontal tails at the left and right and
// a label in the middle. It looks a bit like a stretched H:
// |--- Label ---|
// The |target| bounding box determines where to draw the H.
// The |bounds| bounding box gives the visible region, this is used to adjust
// the positioning of the label to ensure it is on screen.
function drawHBar(
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
target: BBox,
bounds: BBox,
label: string,
) {
ctx.fillStyle = FOREGROUND_COLOR;
const xLeft = Math.floor(target.x);
const xRight = Math.floor(target.x + target.width);
const yMid = Math.floor(target.height / 2 + target.y);
const xWidth = xRight - xLeft;
// Don't draw in the track shell.
ctx.rect(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
// Draw horizontal bar of the H.
ctx.fillRect(xLeft, yMid, xWidth, 1);
// Draw left vertical bar of the H.
ctx.fillRect(xLeft, target.y, 1, target.height);
// Draw right vertical bar of the H.
ctx.fillRect(xRight, target.y, 1, target.height);
const labelWidth = ctx.measureText(label).width;
// Find a good position for the label:
// By default put the label in the middle of the H:
let labelXLeft = Math.floor(xWidth / 2 - labelWidth / 2 + xLeft);
if (
labelWidth > target.width ||
labelXLeft < bounds.x ||
labelXLeft + labelWidth > bounds.x + bounds.width
) {
// It won't fit in the middle or would be at least partly out of bounds
// so put it either to the left or right:
if (xRight > bounds.x + bounds.width) {
// If the H extends off the right side of the screen the label
// goes on the left of the H.
labelXLeft = xLeft - labelWidth - 3;
} else {
// Otherwise the label goes on the right of the H.
labelXLeft = xRight + 3;
ctx.fillStyle = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
ctx.fillRect(labelXLeft - 1, 0, labelWidth + 1, target.height);
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.fillStyle = FOREGROUND_COLOR;
ctx.font = '10px Roboto Condensed';
ctx.fillText(label, labelXLeft, yMid);
function drawIBar(
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
xPos: number,
bounds: BBox,
label: string,
) {
if (xPos < bounds.x) return;
ctx.fillStyle = FOREGROUND_COLOR;
ctx.fillRect(xPos, 0, 1, bounds.width);
const yMid = Math.floor(bounds.height / 2 + bounds.y);
const labelWidth = ctx.measureText(label).width;
const padding = 3;
let xPosLabel;
if (xPos + padding + labelWidth > bounds.width) {
xPosLabel = xPos - padding;
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
} else {
xPosLabel = xPos + padding;
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.fillStyle = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
ctx.fillRect(xPosLabel - 1, 0, labelWidth + 2, bounds.height);
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.fillStyle = FOREGROUND_COLOR;
ctx.font = '10px Roboto Condensed';
ctx.fillText(label, xPosLabel, yMid);
export class TimeSelectionPanel implements Panel {
readonly kind = 'panel';
readonly selectable = false;
constructor(private readonly trace: TraceImpl) {}
render(): m.Children {
return m('.time-selection-panel');
renderCanvas(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, size: Size2D) {
ctx.fillStyle = '#999';
ctx.fillRect(TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH - 2, 0, 2, size.height);
const trackSize = {...size, width: size.width - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH};;
ctx.translate(TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH, 0);
canvasClip(ctx, 0, 0, trackSize.width, trackSize.height);
this.renderPanel(ctx, trackSize);
private renderPanel(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, size: Size2D): void {
const visibleWindow = this.trace.timeline.visibleWindow;
const timescale = new TimeScale(visibleWindow, {
left: 0,
right: size.width,
const timespan = visibleWindow.toTimeSpan();
if (size.width > 0 && timespan.duration > 0n) {
const maxMajorTicks = getMaxMajorTicks(size.width);
const offset = this.trace.timeline.timestampOffset();
const tickGen = generateTicks(timespan, maxMajorTicks, offset);
for (const {type, time} of tickGen) {
const px = Math.floor(timescale.timeToPx(time));
if (type === TickType.MAJOR) {
ctx.fillRect(px, 0, 1, size.height);
const localArea = this.trace.timeline.selectedArea;
const selection = this.trace.selection.selection;
if (localArea !== undefined) {
const start = Time.min(localArea.start, localArea.end);
const end = Time.max(localArea.start, localArea.end);
this.renderSpan(ctx, timescale, size, start, end);
} else {
if (selection.kind === 'area') {
const start = Time.min(selection.start, selection.end);
const end = Time.max(selection.start, selection.end);
this.renderSpan(ctx, timescale, size, start, end);
} else if (selection.kind === 'track_event') {
const start = selection.ts;
const end = Time.add(selection.ts, selection.dur);
if (end > start) {
this.renderSpan(ctx, timescale, size, start, end);
if (this.trace.timeline.hoverCursorTimestamp !== undefined) {
for (const note of this.trace.notes.notes.values()) {
const noteIsSelected =
selection.kind === 'note' && ===;
if (note.noteType === 'SPAN' && noteIsSelected) {
this.renderSpan(ctx, timescale, size, note.start, note.end);
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
timescale: TimeScale,
size: Size2D,
ts: time,
) {
const xPos = Math.floor(timescale.timeToPx(ts));
const domainTime = this.trace.timeline.toDomainTime(ts);
const label = stringifyTimestamp(domainTime);
drawIBar(ctx, xPos, this.getBBoxFromSize(size), label);
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
timescale: TimeScale,
trackSize: Size2D,
start: time,
end: time,
) {
const xLeft = timescale.timeToPx(start);
const xRight = timescale.timeToPx(end);
const label = formatDuration(this.trace, end - start);
x: xLeft,
y: 0,
width: xRight - xLeft,
height: trackSize.height,
private getBBoxFromSize(size: Size2D): BBox {
return {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: size.width,
height: size.height,
function stringifyTimestamp(time: time): string {
const fmt = timestampFormat();
switch (fmt) {
case TimestampFormat.UTC:
case TimestampFormat.TraceTz:
case TimestampFormat.Timecode:
const THIN_SPACE = '\u2009';
return Time.toTimecode(time).toString(THIN_SPACE);
case TimestampFormat.TraceNs:
return time.toString();
case TimestampFormat.TraceNsLocale:
return time.toLocaleString();
case TimestampFormat.Seconds:
return Time.formatSeconds(time);
case TimestampFormat.Milliseconds:
return Time.formatMilliseconds(time);
case TimestampFormat.Microseconds:
return Time.formatMicroseconds(time);