blob: 24727ede6783b0e80cd48e6f3fa77db0983dcd5c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
// Next id: 23.
message FtraceConfig {
repeated string ftrace_events = 1;
repeated string atrace_categories = 2;
repeated string atrace_apps = 3;
// *Per-CPU* buffer size.
optional uint32 buffer_size_kb = 10;
optional uint32 drain_period_ms = 11;
// Configuration for compact encoding of scheduler events. When enabled (and
// recording the relevant ftrace events), specific high-volume events are
// encoded in a denser format than normal.
message CompactSchedConfig {
// If true, and sched_switch or sched_waking ftrace events are enabled,
// record those events in the compact format.
optional bool enabled = 1;
optional CompactSchedConfig compact_sched = 12;
// Optional filter for "ftrace/print" events.
// The filter consists of multiple rules. A rule matches if its prefix matches
// exactly with the beginning of the "ftrace/print" "buf" field. As soon as a
// rule matches (the rules are processed in order), its `allow` field will be
// used as the outcome: if `allow` is true, the event will be included in the
// trace, otherwise it will be discarded. If an event does not match any rule,
// it will be allowed by default (a rule with an empty prefix and allow=false,
// disallows everything by default).
message PrintFilter {
message Rule {
optional string prefix = 1;
optional bool allow = 2;
repeated Rule rules = 1;
optional PrintFilter print_filter = 22;
// Enables symbol name resolution against /proc/kallsyms.
// It requires that either traced_probes is running as root or that
// kptr_restrict has been manually lowered.
// It does not disclose KASLR, symbol addresses are mangled.
optional bool symbolize_ksyms = 13;
// When symbolize_ksyms=true, tetermines whether the traced_probes daemon
// should keep the symbol map in memory (and reuse it for future tracing
// sessions) or clear it (saving memory) and re-create it on each tracing
// session (wasting cpu and wall time).
// The tradeoff is roughly:
// KSYMS_RETAIN: pay a fixed ~1.2 MB cost after the first trace.
// KSYMS_CLEANUP_ON_STOP: pay a ~300-500ms cost when starting each trace.
// Default behavior: KSYMS_CLEANUP_ON_STOP.
enum KsymsMemPolicy {
optional KsymsMemPolicy ksyms_mem_policy = 17;
// By default the kernel symbolizer is lazily initialized on a deferred task
// to reduce ftrace's time-to-start-recording. Unfortunately that makes
// ksyms integration tests hard. This flag forces the kernel symbolizer to be
// initialized synchronously on the data source start and hence avoiding
// timing races in tests.
// DEPRECATED in v28 / Android U. This is now the default behavior, setting it
// to true is a no-op.
optional bool initialize_ksyms_synchronously_for_testing = 14
[deprecated = true];
// When this boolean is true AND the ftrace_events contains "kmem/rss_stat",
// this option causes traced_probes to enable the "kmem/rss_stat_throttled"
// event instead if present, and fall back to "kmem/rss_stat" if not present.
// The historical context for this is the following:
// - Up to Android S (12), the rss_stat was internally throttled in its
// kernel implementation.
// - A change introduced in the kernels after S has introduced a new
// "rss_stat_throttled" making the original "rss_stat" event unthrottled
// (hence very spammy).
// - Not all Android T/13 devices will receive a new kernel though, hence we
// need to deal with both cases.
// For more context: go/rss-stat-throttled.
optional bool throttle_rss_stat = 15;
// If true, avoid enabling events that aren't statically known by
// traced_probes. Otherwise, the default is to emit such events as
// GenericFtraceEvent protos.
// Prefer to keep this flag at its default. This was added for Android
// tracing, where atrace categories and/or atrace HAL requested events can
// expand to events that aren't of interest to the tracing user.
// Introduced in: Android T.
optional bool disable_generic_events = 16;
// The list of syscalls that should be recorded by sys_{enter,exit} ftrace
// events. When empty, all syscalls are recorded. If neither sys_{enter,exit}
// are enabled, this setting has no effect. Example: ["sys_read", "sys_open"].
// Introduced in: Android U.
repeated string syscall_events = 18;
// If true, enable the "function_graph" kernel tracer that emits events
// whenever a kernel function is entered and exited
// (funcgraph_entry/funcgraph_exit).
// Notes on use:
// * Requires |symbolize_ksyms| for function name resolution.
// * Use |function_filters| or |function_graph_roots| to constrain the traced
// set of functions, otherwise the event bandwidth will be too high for
// practical use.
// * The data source might be rejected if there is already a concurrent
// ftrace data source that does not use function graph itself, as we do not
// support switching kernel tracers mid-trace.
// * Requires a kernel compiled with CONFIG_FUNCTION_GRAPH_TRACER. This is
// enabled if "cat /sys/kernel/tracing/available_tracers" includes
// "function_graph".
// Android:
// * Available only on debuggable builds.
// * Introduced in: Android U.
optional bool enable_function_graph = 19;
// Constrains the set of functions traced when |enable_function_graph| is
// true. Supports globs, e.g. "sched*". You can specify multiple filters,
// in which case all matching functions will be traced. See kernel
// documentation on ftrace "set_ftrace_filter" file for more details.
// Android:
// * Available only on debuggable builds.
// * Introduced in: Android U.
repeated string function_filters = 20;
// If |enable_function_graph| is true, trace this set of functions *and* all
// of its callees. Supports globs. Can be set together with
// |function_filters|, in which case only callees matching the filter will be
// traced. If setting both, you most likely want all roots to also be
// included in |function_filters|.
// Android:
// * Available only on debuggable builds.
// * Introduced in: Android U.
repeated string function_graph_roots = 21;