blob: 9f90ba5555b7fe0372460e05e6931d0121141962 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
// This metric computes how much time processes spend in UNINTERRUPTIBLE_SLEEP
// state
message ProcessStateDurations {
optional int64 total_dur = 2;
optional int64 uninterruptible_sleep_dur = 3;
message AndroidBootMetric {
optional ProcessStateDurations system_server_durations = 1;
optional ProcessStateDurations systemui_durations = 2;
optional ProcessStateDurations launcher_durations = 3;
optional ProcessStateDurations gms_durations = 4;
// Launcher related boot metrics
message LauncherBreakdown {
// reports cold start time of NexusLauncher
optional int64 cold_start_dur = 1;
optional LauncherBreakdown launcher_breakdown = 5;
message ProcessStartAggregation {
optional int64 total_start_sum = 1;
optional int64 num_of_processes = 2;
optional double average_start_time = 3;
message GarbageCollectionAggregation {
optional int64 total_gc_count = 1;
optional int64 num_of_processes_with_gc = 2;
optional int64 num_of_threads_with_gc = 3;
optional double avg_gc_duration = 4;
optional double avg_running_gc_duration = 5;
optional int64 full_gc_count = 6;
optional int64 collector_transition_gc_count = 7;
optional int64 young_gc_count = 8;
optional int64 native_alloc_gc_count = 9;
optional int64 explicit_gc_count = 10;
optional int64 alloc_gc_count = 11;
optional double mb_per_ms_of_gc = 12;
message OomAdjusterTransitionCounts {
// name of the item aggregated by. example: process_name, oom_adjuster_reason.
optional string name = 1;
// name of previous oom bucket.
optional string src_bucket = 2;
// name of oom bucket.
optional string dest_bucket = 3;
// count of transitions
optional int64 count = 4;
message OomAdjBucketDurationAggregation {
// name of the item aggregated by. example: process_name, oom_adjuster_reason
optional string name = 1;
// name of oom bucket.
optional string bucket = 2;
// Duration of the time in the bucket
optional int64 total_dur = 3;
message OomAdjDurationAggregation {
optional int64 min_oom_adj_dur = 1;
optional int64 max_oom_adj_dur = 2;
optional double avg_oom_adj_dur = 3;
optional int64 oom_adj_event_count = 4;
optional string oom_adj_reason = 5;
optional ProcessStartAggregation full_trace_process_start_aggregation = 6;
optional ProcessStartAggregation post_boot_process_start_aggregation = 7;
optional GarbageCollectionAggregation full_trace_gc_aggregation = 8;
optional GarbageCollectionAggregation post_boot_gc_aggregation = 9;
repeated OomAdjusterTransitionCounts post_boot_oom_adjuster_transition_counts_global = 10;
repeated OomAdjusterTransitionCounts post_boot_oom_adjuster_transition_counts_by_process = 11;
repeated OomAdjusterTransitionCounts post_boot_oom_adjuster_transition_counts_by_oom_adj_reason = 12;
repeated OomAdjBucketDurationAggregation post_boot_oom_adj_bucket_duration_agg_global = 13;
repeated OomAdjBucketDurationAggregation post_boot_oom_adj_bucket_duration_agg_by_process = 14;
repeated OomAdjDurationAggregation post_boot_oom_adj_duration_agg = 15;