blob: 766275501e4ffa52ba589e451f0c1756906a25c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {assertExists, assertTrue} from '../base/logging';
import {App} from '../public/app';
import {TraceContext, TraceImpl} from './trace_impl';
import {CommandManagerImpl} from './command_manager';
import {OmniboxManagerImpl} from './omnibox_manager';
import {raf} from './raf_scheduler';
import {SidebarManagerImpl} from './sidebar_manager';
import {PluginManagerImpl} from './plugin_manager';
import {NewEngineMode} from '../trace_processor/engine';
import {RouteArgs} from '../public/route_schema';
import {SqlPackage} from '../public/extra_sql_packages';
import {SerializedAppState} from './state_serialization_schema';
import {PostedTrace, TraceSource} from './trace_source';
import {loadTrace} from './load_trace';
import {CORE_PLUGIN_ID} from './plugin_manager';
import {Router} from './router';
import {AnalyticsInternal, initAnalytics} from './analytics_impl';
import {createProxy, getOrCreate} from '../base/utils';
import {PageManagerImpl} from './page_manager';
import {PageHandler} from '../public/page';
import {PerfManager} from './perf_manager';
import {ServiceWorkerController} from '../frontend/service_worker_controller';
import {FeatureFlagManager, FlagSettings} from '../public/feature_flag';
import {featureFlags} from './feature_flags';
// The args that frontend/index.ts passes when calling AppImpl.initialize().
// This is to deal with injections that would otherwise cause circular deps.
export interface AppInitArgs {
initialRouteArgs: RouteArgs;
* Handles the global state of the ui, for anything that is not related to a
* specific trace. This is always available even before a trace is loaded (in
* contrast to TraceContext, which is bound to the lifetime of a trace).
* There is only one instance in total of this class (see instance()).
* This class is only exposed to TraceImpl, nobody else should refer to this
* and should use AppImpl instead.
export class AppContext {
// The per-plugin instances of AppImpl (including the CORE_PLUGIN one).
private readonly pluginInstances = new Map<string, AppImpl>();
readonly commandMgr = new CommandManagerImpl();
readonly omniboxMgr = new OmniboxManagerImpl();
readonly pageMgr = new PageManagerImpl();
readonly sidebarMgr: SidebarManagerImpl;
readonly pluginMgr: PluginManagerImpl;
readonly perfMgr = new PerfManager();
readonly analytics: AnalyticsInternal;
readonly serviceWorkerController: ServiceWorkerController;
httpRpc = {
newEngineMode: 'USE_HTTP_RPC_IF_AVAILABLE' as NewEngineMode,
httpRpcAvailable: false,
initialRouteArgs: RouteArgs;
isLoadingTrace = false; // Set when calling openTrace().
readonly initArgs: AppInitArgs;
readonly embeddedMode: boolean;
readonly testingMode: boolean;
// This is normally empty and is injected with extra google-internal packages
// via is_internal_user.js
extraSqlPackages: SqlPackage[] = [];
// The currently open trace.
currentTrace?: TraceContext;
private static _instance: AppContext;
static initialize(initArgs: AppInitArgs): AppContext {
assertTrue(AppContext._instance === undefined);
return (AppContext._instance = new AppContext(initArgs));
static get instance(): AppContext {
return assertExists(AppContext._instance);
// This constructor is invoked only once, when frontend/index.ts invokes
// AppMainImpl.initialize().
private constructor(initArgs: AppInitArgs) {
this.initArgs = initArgs;
this.initialRouteArgs = initArgs.initialRouteArgs;
this.serviceWorkerController = new ServiceWorkerController();
this.embeddedMode = this.initialRouteArgs.mode === 'embedded';
this.testingMode =
self.location !== undefined &&'testing=1') >= 0;
this.sidebarMgr = new SidebarManagerImpl({
disabled: this.embeddedMode,
hidden: this.initialRouteArgs.hideSidebar,
}); = initAnalytics(this.testingMode, this.embeddedMode);
this.pluginMgr = new PluginManagerImpl({
forkForPlugin: (pluginId) => this.forPlugin(pluginId),
get trace() {
return AppImpl.instance.trace;
// Gets or creates an instance of AppImpl backed by the current AppContext
// for the given plugin.
forPlugin(pluginId: string) {
return getOrCreate(this.pluginInstances, pluginId, () => {
return new AppImpl(this, pluginId);
closeCurrentTrace() {
this.omniboxMgr.reset(/* focus= */ false);
if (this.currentTrace !== undefined) {
// This will trigger the unregistration of trace-scoped commands and
// sidebar menuitems (and few similar things).
this.currentTrace = undefined;
// Called by trace_loader.ts soon after it has created a new TraceImpl.
setActiveTrace(traceCtx: TraceContext) {
// In 99% this closeCurrentTrace() call is not needed because the real one
// is performed by openTrace() in this file. However in some rare cases we
// might end up loading a trace while another one is still loading, and this
// covers races in that case.
this.currentTrace = traceCtx;
* Every plugin gets its own instance. This is how we keep track
* what each plugin is doing and how we can blame issues on particular
* plugins.
* The instance exists for the whole duration a plugin is active.
export class AppImpl implements App {
readonly pluginId: string;
private readonly appCtx: AppContext;
private readonly pageMgrProxy: PageManagerImpl;
// Invoked by frontend/index.ts.
static initialize(args: AppInitArgs) {
// Gets access to the one instance that the core can use. Note that this is
// NOT the only instance, as other AppImpl instance will be created for each
// plugin.
static get instance(): AppImpl {
return AppContext.instance.forPlugin(CORE_PLUGIN_ID);
// Only called by AppContext.forPlugin().
constructor(appCtx: AppContext, pluginId: string) {
this.appCtx = appCtx;
this.pluginId = pluginId;
this.pageMgrProxy = createProxy(this.appCtx.pageMgr, {
registerPage(pageHandler: PageHandler): Disposable {
return appCtx.pageMgr.registerPage({
forPlugin(pluginId: string): AppImpl {
return this.appCtx.forPlugin(pluginId);
get commands(): CommandManagerImpl {
return this.appCtx.commandMgr;
get sidebar(): SidebarManagerImpl {
return this.appCtx.sidebarMgr;
get omnibox(): OmniboxManagerImpl {
return this.appCtx.omniboxMgr;
get plugins(): PluginManagerImpl {
return this.appCtx.pluginMgr;
get analytics(): AnalyticsInternal {
get pages(): PageManagerImpl {
return this.pageMgrProxy;
get trace(): TraceImpl | undefined {
return this.appCtx.currentTrace?.forPlugin(this.pluginId);
scheduleFullRedraw(): void {
get httpRpc() {
return this.appCtx.httpRpc;
get initialRouteArgs(): RouteArgs {
return this.appCtx.initialRouteArgs;
get featureFlags(): FeatureFlagManager {
return {
register: (settings: FlagSettings) => featureFlags.register(settings),
openTraceFromFile(file: File): void {
this.openTrace({type: 'FILE', file});
openTraceFromUrl(url: string, serializedAppState?: SerializedAppState) {
this.openTrace({type: 'URL', url, serializedAppState});
openTraceFromBuffer(postMessageArgs: PostedTrace): void {
this.openTrace({type: 'ARRAY_BUFFER', ...postMessageArgs});
openTraceFromHttpRpc(): void {
this.openTrace({type: 'HTTP_RPC'});
private async openTrace(src: TraceSource) {
this.appCtx.isLoadingTrace = true;
try {
// loadTrace() in trace_loader.ts will do the following:
// - Create a new engine.
// - Pump the data from the TraceSource into the engine.
// - Do the initial queries to build the TraceImpl object
// - Call AppImpl.setActiveTrace(TraceImpl)
// - Continue with the trace loading logic (track decider, plugins, etc)
// - Resolve the promise when everything is done.
await loadTrace(this, src);
this.omnibox.reset(/* focus= */ false);
// loadTrace() internally will call setActiveTrace() and change our
// _currentTrace in the middle of its ececution. We cannot wait for
// loadTrace to be finished before setting it because some internal
// implementation details of loadTrace() rely on that trace to be current
// to work properly (mainly the router hash uuid).
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
this.appCtx.isLoadingTrace = false;
// Called by trace_loader.ts soon after it has created a new TraceImpl.
setActiveTrace(traceImpl: TraceImpl) {
get embeddedMode(): boolean {
return this.appCtx.embeddedMode;
get testingMode(): boolean {
return this.appCtx.testingMode;
get isLoadingTrace() {
return this.appCtx.isLoadingTrace;
get extraSqlPackages(): SqlPackage[] {
return this.appCtx.extraSqlPackages;
get perfDebugging(): PerfManager {
return this.appCtx.perfMgr;
get serviceWorkerController(): ServiceWorkerController {
return this.appCtx.serviceWorkerController;
// Nothing other than TraceImpl's constructor should ever refer to this.
// This is necessary to avoid circular dependencies between trace_impl.ts
// and app_impl.ts.
get __appCtxForTrace() {
return this.appCtx;
navigate(newHash: string): void {