blob: 36fca9576b06e3400d486bbccbdd156abcdf20f9 [file] [log] [blame]
Tracing service and probes:
Trace Processor:
* Use process start time hashed with the process id as a unique process
identifier, allowing multiple independent users of the SDK in the same
process to interleave their events on shared tracks.
v12.1 - 2021-02-01:
* Fixed CHANGELOG which was missed in the 12.0 branch cut, causing
mis-labeling of the version code in the v12.x branch as v11.0..N
v12.0 - 2021-02-01:
Tracing service and probes:
* Added more helpful error messages if the client library is used without
having been initialized.
* Added //tools/record_android_trace script to facilitate recording traces
from Android devices, automating start + stop-via-ctrl+c + pull + open.
* Added auto-attachment of traces to Android bugreports if dumpstate is
invoked when a trace with bugreport_score > 0 is running.
* Added ability to customize the timestamp of events via
* Fixed support for category names that contain a space.
Trace Processor:
* Added ingestion and query support for Android end-to-end frame timing
events through the {actual, expected}_frame_timeline_slice tables.
* Added time-to-reportFullyDrawn (Android's API) to startup metrics.
* Fixed excessive memory usage when decoding traces containing callstacks
* Added ability to inspect the full trace config string from the
'Info and stats' page.
* Fixed 'TABLE/VIEW XXX already exists' in the Metrics page when running the
same metric twice.
* Fixed sorting of tracks using numeric sorting instead of lexicographic:
Thread {1, 2, 10, 11, 20} rather than Thread {1, 10, 11, 2, 20}.
* Fixed CSP-related bug that was preventing the UI to work on Firefox.
* Changed max zoom resolution to allow to zoom to sub-us events.
v11.0 - 2021-01-01:
Tracing service and probes:
* Added trace packet interceptor API for rerouting trace data into
non-Perfetto systems.
* Added support for printing track events to the console.
* Added a way to observe track event tracing sessions starting and
Trace Processor:
* Added "ancestor_slice" and "experimental_ancestor_stack_profile_callsite"
table functions to look up ancestors of CPU stack samples in profiler
* Added power metric reporting suspend/resume time periods.
* Fixed CPU time calculation in example queries.
* Added tracks to debug Android SystemUI jank.
v10.0 - 2020-12-01:
Tracing service and probes:
* Fixed crash of tracing service if a client is unresponsive on the IPC
channel. Clients are disconnected if they don't respond to IPCs for 10s.
* Added cmdline arguments for integration within ChromeOS system image
(--{producer,consumer}-socket-{group,mode} for chmod-ing sockets).
* Changed path lookup logic for traced socket. /run/perfetto/ is used if the
directory exists, falling back on /tmp/ otherwise.
* Added support for kernel frame symbolization to the traced_perf callstack
* Added support for resolving ftrace event arguments that require
symbolization against printk_format.
Trace Processor:
* Added .read command to inject a SQL query file, similar to the -q cmdline.
* Added trace-based metrics to root cause jank in Android System UI.
* Added symbolization support for ELF files on Windows for heap and
callstack profilers.
* Added support for symbolizing names of workqueue ftrace events.
* Improved Android startup metric with activity restart time.
* Added support for navigating flows with Ctrl+[ / Ctr+].
* Improved query result panel, moved to the bottom group allowing
simultaneous query result and timeline views.
* Fixed data corruption when recording traces via the WebUSB-based Record
page in the UI.
v9.0 - 2020-11-01:
Tracing service and probes:
* Added support for recording traces from a system service through the
client API.
* The client library now reconnects producers automatically if the
connection to the tracing service is lost. Also fixed crashes in ongoing
tracing sessions when a disconnect occurs.
* Added support for dpu and g2d ftrace events.
* Enabled commit batching and producer side patching of chunks.
* Add support for symbolizing kernel symbols for ftrace events.
Trace Processor:
* Fixed type affinity of string columns.
* Added initial support for running metrics from the UI.
* Added support for displaying all flows when a slice or area is selected.
* Highlight nodes that match the 'focus' string in the flamegraph.
* Added search within slice args.
* Fixed details panel height and moved query panel into details panel.
* Enabled re-sharing of postMessage traces by echoing back the original URL.
* Improved record page error messages.
v8.0 - 2020-10-01:
Tracing service and probes:
* Added API for querying registered data sources and their capabilities.
* Added support for profiling heap allocations on Linux via LD_PRELOAD.
* Fixed possible race when initializing the consumer library.
* Fixed subtle bugs on systems with 16KB system pages.
Trace Processor:
* Added a table which lists available metrics.
* Added Python bindings on PyPi in the 'perfetto' package.
* Added support for running trace_processor_shell on Android.
* Added per-process metrics for GPU memory usage.
* Added support for exporting flow events to JSON.
* Added dynamic tables for navigating between slices of flows.
* Changed time marking: horizontal selection doesn't gray out anymore,
pressing 'm' marks the range.
* Added initial support for displaying flow event arrows.
* Improved ordering of all thread tracks under process grouping.
* Fixed UI crashes due to metric errors
* Fixed selection of thread state slices.
v7.0 - 2020-09-01:
Tracing service and probes:
* Added auto-reconnection to the SDK. Tracing::Initialize() now retries in
the background, instead of failing, if the tracing service is unrechable.
* Added support for recording cpuhp (CPU hotplug) ftrace events.
* Fixed heap profiling unwinding on multi-ABI systems.
* Fixed reporting of live objects in the native heap profiler when using
* Fixed crash when writing trace events with field nesting level > 10.
Trace Processor:
* Added Python bindings, see .
* Added ingestion for Chrome instant events and Chrome flow events.
* Added ingestion for Android GPU memory events and sched_blocked_reason.
* Added WebView power metric.
* Added support for WSL1 where Async I/O is not available.
* Improved detection of Android suspend/resume events.
* Added GPU memory recording controls and ingestion code. Requires a recent
Android 12+ kernel.
* Added details panel for flow events, showed when the user selects a slice
involved in a flow (arrows in the UI are still being worked on).
* Added instant events rendering.
* Added Google Analytics.
* Fixed I/O thread-states in 4.14 kernels to deal with the removal of
wake-kill using sched_blocked_reason.
* Fixed "Perfetto UI started debugging this browser" showing when opening
the UI and the Chrome extension is installed.
* Update language to comply with Android's inclusive language guidance.
v6.0 - 2020-08-01:
Tracing service and probes:
* Added ftrace thermal events.
* Added support for custom allocators to the heap profiler. Allows
developers to report memory allocations that are not done through malloc.
* Added detailed timestamping of key tracing session events.
* Added support for building tracing services on CrOS (system-wide tracing).
* Fixed filtering out of stale ftrace data that predates the beginning of
the tracing session.
Trace Processor:
* Improved profile symbolizer. PERFETTO_SYMBOLIZER_MODE=index discovers
symbol files by build id rather than name.
* Added screen-state Android metrics.
* Added 'Info and stats' page to debug data losses and trace stats.
* Added full cmdline to process detail panel.
* Improved performance of async tracks using quantized queries.
* Improved performance of counter and slice tracks for long traces by
pre-caching quantized track data.
* Improved actionablility of crash dialog when the Wasm module OOMs.
v5.0 - 2020-07-01:
Tracing service and probes:
* Added gpu_mem_total ftrace event.
* Added TrustZone (scm start/end) event.
* Added protos for GPU memory tracking and updated render stages proto.
* Added time_in_state probe for Android (CPU time broken down by frequency).
Trace Processor:
* Added ingestion of IRQ and SoftIRQ events.
* Added ingestion of workqueue events. KAddr symbolization still missing.
* Added ingestion of voltage regulators and board clock change events.
* Added ingestion of new ION ion_buffer_create/destroy events.
* Added ingestion of TrustZone (scm start/end) events.
* Added SurfaceFlinger derived events (tracking of missed frames).
* Changed parsing of scheduler task state on 4.14 kernels.
* Changed importing of Java heap graphs: allow partial dumps.
* Improved performance of the SQL query engine.
* Added dedicated query page for custom SQL queries.
* Added navigation links for Binder slices.
* Removed overview summary mode when zoomed out.
* Fixed recording page when targeting Android P.
* Improved slice pan/zoom performance by quantizing.