blob: fb6a04e0120344207ee41b7afe0331e8f0b76fdc [file] [log] [blame]
# Chrome histogram hashes translation rules
packet {
translation_table {
chrome_histogram {
hash_to_name { key: 10 value: "histogram_name1" }
hash_to_name { key: 20 value: "histogram_name2" }
# Known histogram hash, should be translated to a name
packet {
trusted_packet_sequence_id: 1
timestamp: 0
incremental_state_cleared: true
track_event {
categories: "cat1"
type: 3
name_iid: 1
chrome_histogram_sample {
name_hash: 10
sample: 100
# Another known hash, should be translated to a name
packet {
trusted_packet_sequence_id: 1
timestamp: 0
incremental_state_cleared: true
track_event {
categories: "cat2"
type: 3
name_iid: 2
chrome_histogram_sample {
name_hash: 20
# Unknown hash, should not be translated to any name
packet {
trusted_packet_sequence_id: 1
timestamp: 0
incremental_state_cleared: true
track_event {
categories: "cat3"
type: 3
name_iid: 3
chrome_histogram_sample {
name_hash: 30