blob: b02aa07374396f632cf35415db37358c8c824a22 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
import "protos/perfetto/common/perf_events.proto";
package perfetto.protos;
// Configuration for the traced_perf profiler.
// Example config for basic cpu profiling:
// perf_event_config {
// timebase {
// frequency: 80
// }
// callstack_sampling {
// scope {
// target_cmdline: "surfaceflinger"
// target_cmdline: "system_server"
// }
// kernel_frames: true
// }
// }
// Next id: 20
message PerfEventConfig {
// What event to sample on, and how often.
// Defined in common/perf_events.proto.
optional PerfEvents.Timebase timebase = 15;
// Other events associated with the leader described in the timebase.
repeated FollowerEvent followers = 19;
// If set, the profiler will sample userspace processes' callstacks at the
// interval specified by the |timebase|.
// If unset, the profiler will record only the event counts.
optional CallstackSampling callstack_sampling = 16;
// Kernel <-> userspace ring buffer options:
// How often the per-cpu ring buffers are read by the producer.
// If unset, an implementation-defined default is used.
optional uint32 ring_buffer_read_period_ms = 8;
// Size (in 4k pages) of each per-cpu ring buffer that is filled by the
// kernel. If set, must be a power of two.
// If unset, an implementation-defined default is used.
optional uint32 ring_buffer_pages = 3;
// Daemon's resource usage limits:
// Drop samples if the heap memory held by the samples in the unwinder queue
// is above the given limit. This counts the memory across all concurrent data
// sources (not just this one's), and there is no fairness guarantee - the
// whole quota might be used up by a concurrent source.
optional uint64 max_enqueued_footprint_kb = 17;
// Stop the data source if traced_perf's combined {RssAnon + Swap} memory
// footprint exceeds this value.
optional uint32 max_daemon_memory_kb = 13;
// Uncommon options:
// Timeout for the remote /proc/<pid>/{maps,mem} file descriptors for a
// sampled process. This is primarily for Android, where this lookup is
// asynchronous. As long as the producer is waiting, the associated samples
// will be kept enqueued (putting pressure on the capacity of the shared
// unwinding queue). Once a lookup for a process expires, all associated
// samples are discarded. However, if the lookup still succeeds after the
// timeout, future samples will be handled normally.
// If unset, an implementation-defined default is used.
optional uint32 remote_descriptor_timeout_ms = 9;
// Optional period for clearing state cached by the unwinder. This is a heavy
// operation that is only necessary for traces that target a wide set of
// processes, and require the memory footprint to be reset periodically.
// If unset, the cached state will not be cleared.
optional uint32 unwind_state_clear_period_ms = 10;
// If set, only profile target if it was installed by a package with one of
// these names. Special values:
// * "@system": installed on the system partition
// * "@product": installed on the product partition
// * "@null": sideloaded
// Supported on Android 12+.
repeated string target_installed_by = 18;
// Deprecated (superseded by options above):
// Do not set *any* of these fields in new configs.
// Note: legacy configs had to set |all_cpus| to true to pass parsing.
// We rely on this to detect such configs.
optional bool all_cpus = 1;
optional uint32 sampling_frequency = 2;
optional bool kernel_frames = 12;
repeated int32 target_pid = 4;
repeated string target_cmdline = 5;
repeated int32 exclude_pid = 6;
repeated string exclude_cmdline = 7;
optional uint32 additional_cmdline_count = 11;
// previously |tracepoint|
reserved 14;
// Sub-messages (nested for generated code namespacing).
message CallstackSampling {
// Defines a set of processes for which samples are retained/skipped. If
// unset, all samples are kept, but beware that it will be very heavy on the
// stack unwinder, which might start dropping samples due to overload.
optional Scope scope = 1;
// If true, callstacks will include the kernel-space frames. Such frames can
// be identified by a magical "kernel" string as their mapping name.
// Requires traced_perf to be running as root, or kptr_restrict to have been
// manually unrestricted. On Android, the platform should do the right thing
// on debug builds.
// This does *not* disclose KASLR, as only the function names are emitted.
optional bool kernel_frames = 2;
// Whether to record and unwind userspace callstacks. If unset, defaults to
// including userspace (UNWIND_DWARF) both for backwards compatibility and
// as the most common default (this defaulting is only applicable if the
// outer CallstackSampling message is explicitly set).
optional UnwindMode user_frames = 3;
message Scope {
// Process ID (TGID) allowlist. If this list is not empty, only matching
// samples will be retained. If multiple allow/deny-lists are
// specified by the config, then all of them are evaluated for each sampled
// process.
repeated int32 target_pid = 1;
// Command line allowlist, matched against the /proc/<pid>/cmdline (not the
// comm string). The semantics of this field were changed since its original
// introduction.
// On Android T+ (13+), this field can specify a single wildcard (*), and
// the profiler will attempt to match it in two possible ways:
// * if the pattern starts with a '/', then it is matched against the first
// segment of the cmdline (i.e. argv0). For example "/bin/e*" would match
// "/bin/echo".
// * otherwise the pattern is matched against the part of argv0
// corresponding to the binary name (this is unrelated to /proc/pid/exe).
// For example "echo" would match "/bin/echo".
// On Android S (12) and below, both this pattern and /proc/pid/cmdline get
// normalized prior to an exact string comparison. Normalization is as
// follows: (1) trim everything beyond the first null or "@" byte; (2) if
// the string contains forward slashes, trim everything up to and including
// the last one.
// Implementation note: in either case, at most 511 characters of cmdline
// are considered.
repeated string target_cmdline = 2;
// List of excluded pids.
repeated int32 exclude_pid = 3;
// List of excluded cmdlines. See description of |target_cmdline| for how
// this is handled.
repeated string exclude_cmdline = 4;
// Niche features for systemwide callstacks:
// Number of additional command lines to sample. Only those which are
// neither explicitly included nor excluded will be considered. Processes
// are accepted on a first come, first served basis.
optional uint32 additional_cmdline_count = 5;
// If set to N, all encountered processes will be put into one of the N
// possible bins, and only one randomly-chosen bin will be selected for
// unwinding. The binning is simply "pid % N", under the assumption that
// low-order bits of pids are roughly uniformly distributed. Other explicit
// inclusions/exclusions in this |Scope| message are still respected.
// The profiler will report the chosen shard in PerfSampleDefaults, and the
// values will be queryable in trace processor under the "stats" table as
// "perf_process_shard_count" and "perf_chosen_process_shard".
// NB: all data sources in a config that set |process_shard_count| must set
// it to the same value. The profiler will choose one bin for all those data
// sources.
optional uint32 process_shard_count = 6;
// Userspace unwinding mode. A possible future addition is kernel-unwound
// callchains for frame pointer based systems.
enum UnwindMode {
// Do not unwind userspace:
// Use libunwindstack (default):