blob: 20d92cceead2ae9a795c849448b5b729ad46d350 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {Draft} from 'immer';
import {RecordConfig} from '../controller/record_config_types';
import {createEmptyState} from './empty_state';
import {
} from './state';
type StateDraft = Draft<State>;
export const StateActions = {
clearState(state: StateDraft, _args: {}) {
const recordConfig = state.recordConfig;
const recordingTarget = state.recordingTarget;
const fetchChromeCategories = state.fetchChromeCategories;
const extensionInstalled = state.extensionInstalled;
const availableAdbDevices = state.availableAdbDevices;
const chromeCategories = state.chromeCategories;
Object.assign(state, createEmptyState());
state.recordConfig = recordConfig;
state.recordingTarget = recordingTarget;
state.fetchChromeCategories = fetchChromeCategories;
state.extensionInstalled = extensionInstalled;
state.availableAdbDevices = availableAdbDevices;
state.chromeCategories = chromeCategories;
requestTrackReload(state: StateDraft, _: {}) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
if (state.lastTrackReloadRequest) {
} else {
state.lastTrackReloadRequest = 1;
// TODO(hjd): Remove setState - it causes problems due to reuse of ids.
setState(state: StateDraft, args: {newState: State}): void {
for (const key of Object.keys(state)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
delete (state as any)[key];
for (const key of Object.keys(args.newState)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
(state as any)[key] = (args.newState as any)[key];
state: StateDraft,
args: {config: RecordConfig; configType?: LoadedConfig},
): void {
state.recordConfig = args.config;
state.lastLoadedConfig = args.configType || {type: 'NONE'};
startRecording(state: StateDraft, _: {}): void {
state.recordingInProgress = true;
state.lastRecordingError = undefined;
state.recordingCancelled = false;
stopRecording(state: StateDraft, _: {}): void {
state.recordingInProgress = false;
cancelRecording(state: StateDraft, _: {}): void {
state.recordingInProgress = false;
state.recordingCancelled = true;
setExtensionAvailable(state: StateDraft, args: {available: boolean}): void {
state.extensionInstalled = args.available;
setRecordingTarget(state: StateDraft, args: {target: RecordingTarget}): void {
state.recordingTarget =;
setFetchChromeCategories(state: StateDraft, args: {fetch: boolean}): void {
state.fetchChromeCategories = args.fetch;
state: StateDraft,
args: {devices: AdbRecordingTarget[]},
): void {
state.availableAdbDevices = args.devices;
setChromeCategories(state: StateDraft, args: {categories: string[]}): void {
state.chromeCategories = args.categories;
setLastRecordingError(state: StateDraft, args: {error?: string}): void {
state.lastRecordingError = args.error;
state.recordingStatus = undefined;
setRecordingStatus(state: StateDraft, args: {status?: string}): void {
state.recordingStatus = args.status;
state.lastRecordingError = undefined;
togglePerfDebug(state: StateDraft, _: {}): void {
state.perfDebug = !state.perfDebug;
state: StateDraft,
args: {filterTerm: string | undefined},
) {
state.trackFilterTerm = args.filterTerm;
runControllers(state: StateDraft, _args: {}) {
// When we are on the frontend side, we don't really want to execute the
// actions above, we just want to serialize them and marshal their
// arguments, send them over to the controller side and have them being
// executed there. The magic below takes care of turning each action into a
// function that returns the marshaled args.
// A DeferredAction is a bundle of Args and a method name. This is the marshaled
// version of a StateActions method call.
export interface DeferredAction<Args = {}> {
type: string;
args: Args;
// This type magic creates a type function DeferredActions<T> which takes a type
// T and 'maps' its attributes. For each attribute on T matching the signature:
// (state: StateDraft, args: Args) => void
// DeferredActions<T> has an attribute:
// (args: Args) => DeferredAction<Args>
type ActionFunction<Args> = (state: StateDraft, args: Args) => void;
type DeferredActionFunc<T> =
T extends ActionFunction<infer Args>
? (args: Args) => DeferredAction<Args>
: never;
type DeferredActions<C> = {
[P in keyof C]: DeferredActionFunc<C[P]>;
// Actions is an implementation of DeferredActions<typeof StateActions>.
// (since StateActions is a variable not a type we have to do
// 'typeof StateActions' to access the (unnamed) type of StateActions).
// It's a Proxy such that any attribute access returns a function:
// (args) => {return {type: ATTRIBUTE_NAME, args};}
export const Actions =
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
new Proxy<DeferredActions<typeof StateActions>>({} as any, {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
get(_: any, prop: string, _2: any) {
return (args: {}): DeferredAction<{}> => {
return {
type: prop,