blob: 789ed16fb03c7ed2a13a32ac09840afd6113f210 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/ext/base/unix_socket.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/tracing_service.h"
#include "src/traced_relay/socket_relay_handler.h"
#include "src/tracing/ipc/producer/relay_ipc_client.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
} // namespace base.
// RelayClient provides a service that is independent of the relayed producers
// and is global in the machine. This class implements time synchronization with
// the host machine:
// 1. Connects to the host machine using the client socket name (e.g.
// vsock://2:10001) to port 10001 of VMADDR_CID_HOST.
// 2. After the socket is connected, send the SetPeerIdentity message to let the
// tracing service know the identity (machine ID) of this RelayClient.
// 3. Then hand over the socket to RelayIPCClient, which is the client
// implementation of the RelayPort RPC service.
// 4. On any socket error, the RelayClient notifies its user using
// OnErrorCallback so the user (class RelayService) may retry the connection.
class RelayClient : private base::UnixSocket::EventListener,
private RelayIPCClient::EventListener {
using OnErrorCallback = std::function<void()>;
RelayClient(const std::string& client_sock_name,
const std::string& machine_id_hint,
base::TaskRunner* task_runner,
OnErrorCallback on_destroy_callback);
~RelayClient() override;
bool ipc_client_connected() const { return phase_ != Phase::CONNECTING; }
bool clock_synced_with_service_for_testing() const {
return clock_synced_with_service_for_testing_;
// UnixSocket::EventListener implementation for connecting to the client
// socket.
void OnNewIncomingConnection(base::UnixSocket*,
std::unique_ptr<base::UnixSocket>) override {
// This class doesn't open a socket in listening mode.
PERFETTO_DFATAL("Should be unreachable.");
void OnConnect(base::UnixSocket* self, bool connected) override;
void OnDisconnect(base::UnixSocket*) override { NotifyError(); }
void OnDataAvailable(base::UnixSocket*) override {
// Should be handled in the IPC client.
PERFETTO_DFATAL("Should be unreachable.");
void NotifyError();
void Connect();
void SendSyncClockRequest();
// RelayIPCClient::EventListener implementation.
void OnServiceConnected() override;
void OnServiceDisconnected() override;
void OnSyncClockResponse(const protos::gen::SyncClockResponse& resp) override;
enum class Phase : uint32_t { CONNECTING = 1, PING, UPDATE };
Phase phase_ = Phase::CONNECTING;
bool clock_synced_with_service_for_testing_ = false;
base::TaskRunner* task_runner_;
OnErrorCallback on_error_callback_;
std::string client_sock_name_;
// A hint to the host traced for inferring the identifier of this machine.
std::string machine_id_hint_;
std::unique_ptr<base::UnixSocket> client_sock_;
std::unique_ptr<RelayIPCClient> relay_ipc_client_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RelayClient> weak_factory_{this};
// A class for relaying the producer data between the local producers and the
// remote tracing service.
class RelayService : public base::UnixSocket::EventListener {
explicit RelayService(base::TaskRunner* task_runner);
~RelayService() override = default;
// Starts the service relay that forwards messages between the
// |server_socket_name| and |client_socket_name| ports.
void Start(const char* server_socket_name, const char* client_socket_name);
// Starts the service relay that forwards messages between the
// |server_socket_handle| and |client_socket_name| ports. Called when the
// service is started by Android init.
void Start(base::ScopedSocketHandle server_socket_handle,
const char* client_socket_name);
static std::string GetMachineIdHint(
bool use_pseudo_boot_id_for_testing = false);
void SetRelayClientDisabledForTesting(bool disabled) {
relay_client_disabled_for_testing_ = disabled;
void SetMachineIdHintForTesting(std::string machine_id_hint) {
machine_id_hint_ = machine_id_hint;
RelayClient* relay_client_for_testing() { return relay_client_.get(); }
struct PendingConnection {
// This keeps a connected UnixSocketRaw server socket in its first element.
std::unique_ptr<SocketPair> socket_pair;
// This keeps the connecting client connection.
std::unique_ptr<base::UnixSocket> connecting_client_conn;
RelayService(const RelayService&) = delete;
RelayService& operator=(const RelayService&) = delete;
// UnixSocket::EventListener implementation.
void OnNewIncomingConnection(base::UnixSocket*,
std::unique_ptr<base::UnixSocket>) override;
void OnConnect(base::UnixSocket* self, bool connected) override;
void OnDisconnect(base::UnixSocket* self) override;
void OnDataAvailable(base::UnixSocket* self) override;
void ReconnectRelayClient();
void ConnectRelayClient();
base::TaskRunner* const task_runner_ = nullptr;
// A hint to the host traced for inferring the identifier of this machine.
std::string machine_id_hint_;
std::unique_ptr<base::UnixSocket> listening_socket_;
std::string client_socket_name_;
// Keeps the socket pairs while waiting for relay connections to be
// established.
std::vector<PendingConnection> pending_connections_;
SocketRelayHandler socket_relay_handler_;
std::unique_ptr<RelayClient> relay_client_;
// On RelayClient connection error, how long should we wait before retrying.
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultRelayClientRetryDelayMs = 1000;
uint32_t relay_client_retry_delay_ms_ = kDefaultRelayClientRetryDelayMs;
bool relay_client_disabled_for_testing_ = false;
} // namespace perfetto