blob: 50d1e9844994642902166ca86b74ba326090318a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/trace_processor/util/glob.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/string_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
namespace util {
GlobMatcher::GlobMatcher(base::StringView pattern_str)
: pattern_(pattern_str.size() + 1) {
base::StringCopy(,, pattern_.size());
base::StringView pattern(;
// Note: see the class header for how this algorithm works.
uint32_t segment_start = 0;
uint32_t segment_potential_matched_chars = 0;
auto create_segment = [this, &segment_start, &segment_potential_matched_chars,
&pattern](size_t i) {
base::StringView segment = pattern.substr(segment_start, i - segment_start);
PERFETTO_DCHECK(segment_potential_matched_chars <= segment.size());
if (!segment.empty()) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(segment_potential_matched_chars > 0);
segments_.emplace_back(Segment{segment, segment_potential_matched_chars});
return segment.empty();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pattern.size(); ++i) {
char c =;
// If we don't have a star, we are only matching a single character (but
// potentially with a character class which contains >1 character).
if (c != '*') {
if (c == '[') {
base::StringView cclass = ExtractCharacterClass(pattern.substr(i + 1));
contains_char_class_or_question_ |= !cclass.empty();
// Skip the current '[' character.
// Skip the whole character class. This will leave i pointing at the
// terminating character (i.e. ']'). With the ++i in the loop, this will
// correctly lead us going past the whole class.
i += cclass.size();
contains_char_class_or_question_ |= c == '?';
// Add the characters collected so far as a segment.
segment_start = i + 1;
segment_potential_matched_chars = 0;
// Ensure we add any remaining characters as a segment.
bool empty_segment = create_segment(pattern.size());
leading_star_ = !pattern.empty() && == '*';
trailing_star_ = !pattern.empty() && empty_segment;
bool GlobMatcher::Matches(base::StringView in) {
// If there are no segments, that means the pattern is either '' or '*'
// (or '**', '***' etc which is really the same as '*'). This means
// we are match if either a) there is a leading star (== trailing star) or
// b) the input string is empty.
if (segments_.empty()) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(leading_star_ == trailing_star_);
return leading_star_ || in.empty();
// If there is only one segment and no stars we need an equality match.
// As we still need to handle '[..]' and '?', we cannot just use string
// equality. We *can* however use StartsWith and check the matched
// characters is equal to the length of the input: this is basically the
// same as checking equality.
if (segments_.size() == 1 && !leading_star_ && !trailing_star_) {
return StartsWith(in, segments_.front()) &&
segments_.front().matched_chars == in.size();
// If there's no leading star, the first segment needs to be handled
// separately because it *needs* to be anchored to the left of the
// string rather than appearing at some point later.
if (!leading_star_ && !StartsWith(in, segments_.front())) {
return false;
// Similarily, if there's no trailing star, the last segment needs to be
// "anchored" to the right of the string.
if (!trailing_star_ && !EndsWith(in, segments_.back())) {
return false;
// For any segment we haven't checked, they needs to appear in the string
// sequentially with possibly some characters separating them. To handle
// this, we just need to iteratively find each segment, starting from the
// previous segment.
Segment* segment_start = segments_.begin() + (leading_star_ ? 0 : 1);
Segment* segment_end = segments_.end() - (trailing_star_ ? 0 : 1);
size_t find_idx = leading_star_ ? 0 : segments_.front().matched_chars;
for (Segment* segment = segment_start; segment < segment_end; ++segment) {
size_t pos = Find(in, *segment, find_idx);
if (pos == base::StringView::npos) {
return false;
find_idx = pos + segment->matched_chars;
// Every segment has been found to match so far including the leading and
// trailing one so the entire string matches!
return true;
bool GlobMatcher::StartsWithSlow(base::StringView in, const Segment& segment) {
base::StringView pattern = segment.pattern;
for (uint32_t i = 0, p = 0; i < in.size() && p < pattern.size(); ++i, ++p) {
char in_c =;
char pattern_c =;
// '?' matches any character.
if (pattern_c == '?') {
// '[' signifies the start of a character class.
if (pattern_c == '[') {
base::StringView cclass = ExtractCharacterClass(pattern.substr(p + 1));
if (!MatchesCharacterClass(in_c, cclass)) {
return false;
// Skip the current '[' character.
// Skip the whole character class. This will leave i pointing at the
// terminating character (i.e. ']'). With the ++i in the loop, this will
// correctly lead us going past the whole class.
p += cclass.size();
// Anything else is just an ordinary character.
if (in_c != pattern_c) {
return false;
return true;
base::StringView GlobMatcher::ExtractCharacterClass(base::StringView in) {
if (in.empty())
return base::StringView();
// We should always skip the first real character: it could be ']' but if
// so, it is treated as a normal character because empty classes are not
// valid.
bool invert = == '^';
size_t end_idx = in.find(']', invert ? 2 : 1);
return end_idx == base::StringView::npos ? base::StringView()
: in.substr(0, end_idx);
bool GlobMatcher::MatchesCharacterClass(char in, base::StringView char_class) {
const char* start =;
const char* end = start + char_class.size();
bool invert = *start == '^';
start += invert;
PERFETTO_DCHECK(start != end);
for (auto* ptr = start; ptr != end; ++ptr) {
char cur = *ptr;
// If we see a '-' at any point except at the start or end of the string,
// it represents a matching range (e.g. a-z represents matching any
// character between a and z).
if (cur == '-' && ptr != start && ptr != end - 1) {
// Look at the previous and next characters in the class and check if the
// character falls in the range.
char range_start = ptr[-1];
char range_end = ptr[1];
if (range_start <= in && in <= range_end) {
return !invert;
// We match a character in the class.
if (in == cur) {
return !invert;
// If we're here, nothing in the class matched: return whether the class was
// inverted as this would actually be a match.
return invert;
} // namespace util
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto