blob: b03c1c9dc975b1d719a29c21f0d8297394e12ab6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {assertTrue} from '../base/logging';
// This class is the TypeScript equivalent of the identically-named C++ class in
// //protozero/proto_ring_buffer.h. See comments in that header for a detailed
// description. The architecture is identical.
const kGrowBytes = 128 * 1024;
const kMaxMsgSize = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
export class ProtoRingBuffer {
private buf = new Uint8Array(kGrowBytes);
private fastpath?: Uint8Array;
private rd = 0;
private wr = 0;
// The caller must call ReadMessage() after each append() call.
// The |data| might be either copied in the internal ring buffer or returned
// (% subarray()) to the next ReadMessage() call.
append(data: Uint8Array) {
assertTrue(this.wr <= this.buf.length);
assertTrue(this.rd <= this.wr);
// If the last call to ReadMessage() consumed all the data in the buffer and
// there are no incomplete messages pending, restart from the beginning
// rather than keep ringing. This is the most common case.
if (this.rd === this.wr) {
this.rd = this.wr = 0;
// The caller is expected to issue a ReadMessage() after each append().
const dataLen = data.length;
if (dataLen === 0) return;
assertTrue(this.fastpath === undefined);
if (this.rd === this.wr) {
const msg = ProtoRingBuffer.tryReadMessage(data, 0, dataLen);
if (msg !== undefined &&
((msg.byteOffset + msg.length) === (data.byteOffset + dataLen))) {
// Fastpath: in many cases, the underlying stream will effectively
// preserve the atomicity of messages for most small messages.
// In this case we can avoid the extra buffer roundtrip and return the
// original array (actually a subarray that skips the proto header).
// The next call to ReadMessage() will return this.
this.fastpath = msg;
let avail = this.buf.length - this.wr;
if (dataLen > avail) {
// This whole section should be hit extremely rarely.
// Try first just recompacting the buffer by moving everything to the
// left. This can happen if we received "a message and a bit" on each
// append() call.
this.buf.copyWithin(0, this.rd, this.wr);
avail += this.rd;
this.wr -= this.rd;
this.rd = 0;
if (dataLen > avail) {
// Still not enough, expand the buffer.
let newSize = this.buf.length;
while (dataLen > newSize - this.wr) {
newSize += kGrowBytes;
assertTrue(newSize <= kMaxMsgSize * 2);
const newBuf = new Uint8Array(newSize);
this.buf = newBuf;
// No need to touch rd / wr.
// Append the received data at the end of the ring buffer.
this.buf.set(data, this.wr);
this.wr += dataLen;
// Tries to extract a message from the ring buffer. If there is no message,
// or if the current message is still incomplete, returns undefined.
// The caller is expected to call this in a loop until it returns undefined.
// Note that a single write to Append() can yield more than one message
// (see ProtoRingBufferTest.CoalescingStream in the unittest).
readMessage(): Uint8Array|undefined {
if (this.fastpath !== undefined) {
assertTrue(this.rd === this.wr);
const msg = this.fastpath;
this.fastpath = undefined;
return msg;
assertTrue(this.rd <= this.wr);
if (this.rd >= this.wr) {
return undefined; // Completely empty.
const msg = ProtoRingBuffer.tryReadMessage(this.buf, this.rd, this.wr);
if (msg === undefined) return undefined;
assertTrue(msg.buffer === this.buf.buffer);
assertTrue(this.buf.byteOffset === 0);
this.rd = msg.byteOffset + msg.length;
// Deliberately returning a copy of the data with slice(). In various cases
// (streaming query response) the caller will hold onto the returned buffer.
// If we get to this point, |msg| is a view of the circular buffer that we
// will overwrite on the next calls to append().
return msg.slice();
private static tryReadMessage(
data: Uint8Array, dataStart: number, dataEnd: number): Uint8Array
|undefined {
assertTrue(dataEnd <= data.length);
let pos = dataStart;
if (pos >= dataEnd) return undefined;
const tag = data[pos++]; // Assume one-byte tag.
if (tag >= 0x80 || (tag & 0x07) !== 2 /* len delimited */) {
throw new Error(
`RPC framing error, unexpected tag ${tag} @ offset ${pos - 1}`);
let len = 0;
for (let shift = 0;; shift += 7) {
if (pos >= dataEnd) {
return undefined; // Not enough data to read varint.
const val = data[pos++];
len |= ((val & 0x7f) << shift) >>> 0;
if (val < 0x80) break;
if (len >= kMaxMsgSize) {
throw new Error(
`RPC framing error, message too large (${len} > ${kMaxMsgSize}`);
const end = pos + len;
if (end > dataEnd) return undefined;
// This is a subarray() and not a slice() because in the |fastpath| case
// we want to just return the original buffer pushed by append().
// In the slow-path (ring-buffer) case, the readMessage() above will create
// a copy via slice() before returning it.
return data.subarray(pos, end);