| // Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use size file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| import m from 'mithril'; |
| |
| import {BigintMath} from '../base/bigint_math'; |
| import {sqliteString} from '../base/string_utils'; |
| import {exists} from '../base/utils'; |
| import {Actions} from '../common/actions'; |
| import {EngineProxy} from '../common/engine'; |
| import {runQuery} from '../common/queries'; |
| import {LONG, LONG_NULL, NUM, STR_NULL} from '../common/query_result'; |
| import { |
| formatDuration, |
| TPDuration, |
| TPTime, |
| } from '../common/time'; |
| import {ArgNode, convertArgsToTree, Key} from '../controller/args_parser'; |
| |
| import {Anchor} from './anchor'; |
| import { |
| addTab, |
| BottomTab, |
| bottomTabRegistry, |
| NewBottomTabArgs, |
| } from './bottom_tab'; |
| import {FlowPoint, globals} from './globals'; |
| import {PanelSize} from './panel'; |
| import {runQueryInNewTab} from './query_result_tab'; |
| import {Icons} from './semantic_icons'; |
| import {Arg} from './sql/args'; |
| import {getSlice, SliceDetails, SliceRef} from './sql/slice'; |
| import {SqlTableTab} from './sql_table/tab'; |
| import {SqlTables} from './sql_table/well_known_tables'; |
| import {asSliceSqlId, asTPTimestamp} from './sql_types'; |
| import {getProcessName, getThreadName} from './thread_and_process_info'; |
| import {Button} from './widgets/button'; |
| import {DetailsShell} from './widgets/details_shell'; |
| import {Duration} from './widgets/duration'; |
| import {GridLayout, GridLayoutColumn} from './widgets/grid_layout'; |
| import {MenuItem, PopupMenu2} from './widgets/menu'; |
| import {Section} from './widgets/section'; |
| import {SqlRef} from './widgets/sql_ref'; |
| import {Timestamp} from './widgets/timestamp'; |
| import {Tree, TreeNode} from './widgets/tree'; |
| |
| interface ContextMenuItem { |
| name: string; |
| shouldDisplay(slice: SliceDetails): boolean; |
| getAction(slice: SliceDetails): void; |
| } |
| |
| const ITEMS: ContextMenuItem[] = [ |
| { |
| name: 'Average duration', |
| shouldDisplay: (slice: SliceDetails) => slice.name !== undefined, |
| getAction: (slice: SliceDetails) => runQueryInNewTab( |
| `SELECT AVG(dur) / 1e9 FROM slice WHERE name = '${slice.name!}'`, |
| `${slice.name} average dur`, |
| ), |
| }, |
| { |
| name: 'Binder by TXN', |
| shouldDisplay: () => true, |
| getAction: () => runQueryInNewTab( |
| `SELECT IMPORT('android.binder'); |
| |
| SELECT * |
| FROM android_sync_binder_metrics_by_txn |
| ORDER BY client_dur DESC`, |
| 'Binder by TXN', |
| ), |
| }, |
| { |
| name: 'Binder call names', |
| shouldDisplay: () => true, |
| getAction: (slice: SliceDetails) => { |
| const engine = getEngine(); |
| if (engine === undefined) return; |
| runQuery(`SELECT IMPORT('android.binder');`, engine) |
| .then( |
| () => runQueryInNewTab( |
| ` |
| SELECT s.ts, s.dur, tx.aidl_name AS name, s.id |
| FROM android_sync_binder_metrics_by_txn tx |
| JOIN slice s ON tx.binder_txn_id = s.id |
| JOIN thread_track ON s.track_id = thread_track.id |
| JOIN thread USING (utid) |
| JOIN process USING (upid) |
| WHERE aidl_name IS NOT NULL |
| AND pid = ${slice.process?.pid} |
| AND tid = ${slice.thread?.tid}`, |
| `Binder names (${slice.process?.name}:${slice.thread?.tid})`, |
| )); |
| }, |
| }, |
| { |
| name: 'Lock graph', |
| shouldDisplay: (slice: SliceDetails) => slice.id !== undefined, |
| getAction: (slice: SliceDetails) => runQueryInNewTab( |
| `SELECT IMPORT('android.monitor_contention'); |
| AS |
| WITH slice_process AS ( |
| SELECT process.name, process.upid FROM slice |
| JOIN thread_track ON thread_track.id = slice.track_id |
| JOIN thread USING(utid) |
| JOIN process USING(upid) |
| WHERE slice.id = ${slice.id} |
| ) |
| SELECT *, |
| IIF(blocked_thread_name LIKE 'binder:%', 'binder', blocked_thread_name) |
| AS blocked_thread_name_norm, |
| IIF(blocking_thread_name LIKE 'binder:%', 'binder', blocking_thread_name) |
| AS blocking_thread_name_norm |
| FROM android_monitor_contention_chain, slice_process |
| WHERE android_monitor_contention_chain.upid = slice_process.upid; |
| |
| WITH |
| R AS ( |
| id, |
| dur, |
| CAT_STACKS(blocked_thread_name_norm || ':' || short_blocked_method, |
| blocking_thread_name_norm || ':' || short_blocking_method) AS stack |
| WHERE parent_id IS NULL |
| c.id, |
| c.dur AS dur, |
| CAT_STACKS(stack, blocking_thread_name_norm || ':' || short_blocking_method) AS stack |
| FROM FAST c, R AS p |
| WHERE p.id = c.parent_id |
| ) |
| SELECT TITLE.process_name, EXPERIMENTAL_PROFILE(stack, 'duration', 'ns', dur) AS pprof |
| FROM R, (SELECT process_name FROM FAST LIMIT 1) TITLE;`, |
| 'Lock graph', |
| ), |
| }, |
| ]; |
| |
| function getSliceContextMenuItems(slice: SliceDetails) { |
| return ITEMS.filter((item) => item.shouldDisplay(slice)); |
| } |
| |
| function getEngine(): EngineProxy|undefined { |
| const engineId = globals.getCurrentEngine()?.id; |
| if (engineId === undefined) { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| const engine = globals.engines.get(engineId)?.getProxy('SlicePanel'); |
| return engine; |
| } |
| |
| function renderArgKey(key: string, value?: Arg): m.Children { |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| return key; |
| } else { |
| const {key: fullKey, displayValue} = value; |
| return m( |
| PopupMenu2, |
| {trigger: m(Anchor, {icon: Icons.ContextMenu}, key)}, |
| m(MenuItem, { |
| label: 'Copy full key', |
| icon: 'content_copy', |
| onclick: () => navigator.clipboard.writeText(fullKey), |
| }), |
| value && m(MenuItem, { |
| label: 'Find slices with same arg value', |
| icon: 'search', |
| onclick: () => { |
| addTab({ |
| kind: SqlTableTab.kind, |
| config: { |
| table: SqlTables.slice, |
| filters: [{ |
| type: 'arg_filter', |
| argSetIdColumn: 'arg_set_id', |
| argName: fullKey, |
| op: `= ${sqliteString(displayValue)}`, |
| }], |
| }, |
| }); |
| }, |
| }), |
| value && m(MenuItem, { |
| label: 'Visualise argument values', |
| icon: 'query_stats', |
| onclick: () => { |
| globals.dispatch(Actions.addVisualisedArg({argName: fullKey})); |
| }, |
| }), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function isWebLink(value: unknown): value is string { |
| return typeof value === 'string' && |
| (value.startsWith('http://') || value.startsWith('https://')); |
| } |
| |
| // Try to render arg value as a special value, otherwise just render the text. |
| function renderArgValue({value}: Arg): m.Children { |
| if (isWebLink(value)) { |
| return renderWebLink(value); |
| } else { |
| return `${value}`; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function renderWebLink(url: string): m.Children { |
| return m(Anchor, {href: url, target: '_blank', icon: 'open_in_new'}, url); |
| } |
| |
| function renderSummary(children: ArgNode<Arg>[]): m.Children { |
| const summary = children.slice(0, 2).map(({key}) => key).join(', '); |
| const remaining = children.length - 2; |
| if (remaining > 0) { |
| return `{${summary}, ... (${remaining} more items)}`; |
| } else { |
| return `{${summary}}`; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Format any number of keys into a composite key with standardized formatting. |
| function stringifyKey(...key: Key[]): string { |
| return key |
| .map((element, index) => { |
| if (typeof element === 'number') { |
| return `[${element}]`; |
| } else { |
| return (index === 0 ? '' : '.') + element; |
| } |
| }) |
| .join(''); |
| } |
| |
| function renderArgTreeNodes( |
| engine: EngineProxy, args: ArgNode<Arg>[]): m.Children { |
| return args.map((arg) => { |
| const {key, value, children} = arg; |
| if (children && children.length === 1) { |
| // If we only have one child, collapse into self and combine keys |
| const child = children[0]; |
| const compositeArg = { |
| ...child, |
| key: stringifyKey(key, child.key), |
| }; |
| return renderArgTreeNodes(engine, [compositeArg]); |
| } else { |
| return m( |
| TreeNode, |
| { |
| left: renderArgKey(stringifyKey(key), value), |
| right: exists(value) && renderArgValue(value), |
| summary: children && renderSummary(children), |
| }, |
| children && renderArgTreeNodes(engine, children), |
| ); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| function computeDuration(ts: TPTime, dur: TPDuration): m.Children { |
| if (dur === -1n) { |
| const minDuration = globals.state.traceTime.end - ts; |
| return `${formatDuration(minDuration)} (Did not end)`; |
| } else { |
| return m(Duration, {dur}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async function getAnnotationSlice( |
| engine: EngineProxy, id: number): Promise<SliceDetails|undefined> { |
| const query = await engine.query(` |
| id, |
| name, |
| ts, |
| dur, |
| track_id as trackId, |
| thread_dur as threadDur, |
| cat, |
| ABS_TIME_STR(ts) as absTime |
| FROM annotation_slice |
| where id = ${id}`); |
| |
| const it = query.firstRow({ |
| id: NUM, |
| name: STR_NULL, |
| ts: LONG, |
| dur: LONG, |
| trackId: NUM, |
| threadDur: LONG_NULL, |
| cat: STR_NULL, |
| absTime: STR_NULL, |
| }); |
| |
| return { |
| id: asSliceSqlId(it.id), |
| name: it.name ?? 'null', |
| ts: asTPTimestamp(it.ts), |
| dur: it.dur, |
| sqlTrackId: it.trackId, |
| threadDur: it.threadDur ?? undefined, |
| category: it.cat ?? undefined, |
| absTime: it.absTime ?? undefined, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| async function getSliceDetails(engine: EngineProxy, id: number, table: string): |
| Promise<SliceDetails|undefined> { |
| if (table === 'annotation') { |
| return getAnnotationSlice(engine, id); |
| } else { |
| return getSlice(engine, asSliceSqlId(id)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| interface ChromeSliceDetailsTabConfig { |
| id: number; |
| table: string; |
| } |
| |
| export class ChromeSliceDetailsTab extends |
| BottomTab<ChromeSliceDetailsTabConfig> { |
| static readonly kind = 'dev.perfetto.ChromeSliceDetailsTab'; |
| |
| private sliceDetails?: SliceDetails; |
| |
| static create(args: NewBottomTabArgs): ChromeSliceDetailsTab { |
| return new ChromeSliceDetailsTab(args); |
| } |
| |
| constructor(args: NewBottomTabArgs) { |
| super(args); |
| |
| // Start loading the slice details |
| const {id, table} = this.config; |
| getSliceDetails(this.engine, id, table) |
| .then((sliceDetails) => this.sliceDetails = sliceDetails); |
| } |
| |
| renderTabCanvas(_ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, _size: PanelSize): void { |
| // No-op |
| } |
| |
| getTitle(): string { |
| return `Current Selection`; |
| } |
| |
| viewTab() { |
| if (exists(this.sliceDetails)) { |
| const slice = this.sliceDetails; |
| return m( |
| DetailsShell, |
| { |
| title: 'Slice', |
| description: slice.name, |
| buttons: this.renderContextButton(slice), |
| }, |
| m( |
| GridLayout, |
| this.renderDetails(slice), |
| this.renderRhs(this.engine, slice), |
| ), |
| ); |
| } else { |
| return m(DetailsShell, {title: 'Slice', description: 'Loading...'}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| isLoading() { |
| return !exists(this.sliceDetails); |
| } |
| |
| private renderRhs(engine: EngineProxy, slice: SliceDetails): m.Children { |
| const precFlows = this.renderPrecedingFlows(slice); |
| const followingFlows = this.renderFollowingFlows(slice); |
| const args = this.renderArguments(engine, slice); |
| if (precFlows ?? followingFlows ?? args) { |
| return m( |
| GridLayoutColumn, |
| precFlows, |
| followingFlows, |
| args, |
| ); |
| } else { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private renderDetails(slice: SliceDetails) { |
| return m( |
| Section, |
| {title: 'Details'}, |
| m( |
| Tree, |
| m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'Name', |
| right: m( |
| PopupMenu2, |
| { |
| trigger: m(Anchor, slice.name), |
| }, |
| m(MenuItem, { |
| label: 'Slices with the same name', |
| onclick: () => { |
| addTab({ |
| kind: SqlTableTab.kind, |
| config: { |
| table: SqlTables.slice, |
| displayName: 'slice', |
| filters: [`name = ${sqliteString(slice.name)}`], |
| }, |
| }); |
| }, |
| }), |
| ), |
| }), |
| m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'Category', |
| right: !slice.category || slice.category === '[NULL]' ? |
| 'N/A' : |
| slice.category, |
| }), |
| m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'Start time', |
| right: m(Timestamp, {ts: asTPTimestamp(slice.ts)}), |
| }), |
| exists(slice.absTime) && |
| m(TreeNode, {left: 'Absolute Time', right: slice.absTime}), |
| m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'Duration', |
| right: computeDuration(slice.ts, slice.dur), |
| }), |
| this.renderThreadDuration(slice), |
| slice.thread && m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'Thread', |
| right: getThreadName(slice.thread), |
| }), |
| slice.process && m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'Process', |
| right: getProcessName(slice.process), |
| }), |
| slice.process && exists(slice.process.uid) && m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'User ID', |
| right: slice.process.uid, |
| }), |
| slice.process && slice.process.packageName && m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'Package name', |
| right: slice.process.packageName, |
| }), |
| slice.process && exists(slice.process.versionCode) && m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'Version code', |
| right: slice.process.versionCode, |
| }), |
| m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'SQL ID', |
| right: m(SqlRef, {table: 'slice', id: slice.id}), |
| }), |
| )); |
| } |
| |
| private renderThreadDuration(sliceInfo: SliceDetails) { |
| if (exists(sliceInfo.threadTs) && exists(sliceInfo.threadDur)) { |
| // If we have valid thread duration, also display a percentage of |
| // |threadDur| compared to |dur|. |
| const ratio = BigintMath.ratio(sliceInfo.threadDur, sliceInfo.dur); |
| const threadDurFractionSuffix = |
| sliceInfo.threadDur === -1n ? '' : ` (${(ratio * 100).toFixed(2)}%)`; |
| return m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'Thread duration', |
| right: [ |
| computeDuration(sliceInfo.threadTs, sliceInfo.threadDur), |
| threadDurFractionSuffix, |
| ], |
| }); |
| } else { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private renderPrecedingFlows(slice: SliceDetails): m.Children { |
| const flows = globals.connectedFlows; |
| const inFlows = flows.filter(({end}) => end.sliceId === slice.id); |
| |
| if (inFlows.length > 0) { |
| const isRunTask = slice.name === 'ThreadControllerImpl::RunTask' || |
| slice.name === 'ThreadPool_RunTask'; |
| |
| return m( |
| Section, |
| {title: 'Preceding Flows'}, |
| m( |
| Tree, |
| inFlows.map( |
| ({begin, dur}) => this.renderFlow(begin, dur, !isRunTask)), |
| )); |
| } else { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private renderFollowingFlows(slice: SliceDetails): m.Children { |
| const flows = globals.connectedFlows; |
| const outFlows = flows.filter(({begin}) => begin.sliceId === slice.id); |
| |
| if (outFlows.length > 0) { |
| const isPostTask = slice.name === 'ThreadPool_PostTask' || |
| slice.name === 'SequenceManager PostTask'; |
| |
| return m( |
| Section, |
| {title: 'Following Flows'}, |
| m( |
| Tree, |
| outFlows.map( |
| ({end, dur}) => this.renderFlow(end, dur, !isPostTask)), |
| )); |
| } else { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private renderFlow( |
| flow: FlowPoint, dur: TPDuration, |
| includeProcessName: boolean): m.Children { |
| const description = flow.sliceChromeCustomName === undefined ? |
| flow.sliceName : |
| flow.sliceChromeCustomName; |
| const threadName = includeProcessName ? |
| `${flow.threadName} (${flow.processName})` : |
| flow.threadName; |
| |
| return m( |
| TreeNode, |
| {left: 'Flow'}, |
| m(TreeNode, { |
| left: 'Slice', |
| right: m(SliceRef, { |
| id: asSliceSqlId(flow.sliceId), |
| name: description, |
| ts: flow.sliceStartTs, |
| dur: flow.sliceEndTs - flow.sliceStartTs, |
| sqlTrackId: flow.trackId, |
| }), |
| }), |
| m(TreeNode, {left: 'Delay', right: m(Duration, {dur})}), |
| m(TreeNode, {left: 'Thread', right: threadName}), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| private renderArguments(engine: EngineProxy, slice: SliceDetails): |
| m.Children { |
| if (slice.args && slice.args.length > 0) { |
| const tree = convertArgsToTree(slice.args); |
| return m( |
| Section, |
| {title: 'Arguments'}, |
| m(Tree, renderArgTreeNodes(engine, tree))); |
| } else { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private renderContextButton(sliceInfo: SliceDetails): m.Children { |
| const contextMenuItems = getSliceContextMenuItems(sliceInfo); |
| if (contextMenuItems.length > 0) { |
| const trigger = m(Button, { |
| minimal: true, |
| compact: true, |
| label: 'Contextual Options', |
| rightIcon: Icons.ContextMenu, |
| }); |
| return m( |
| PopupMenu2, |
| {trigger}, |
| contextMenuItems.map( |
| ({name, getAction}) => |
| m(MenuItem, {label: name, onclick: getAction})), |
| ); |
| } else { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bottomTabRegistry.register(ChromeSliceDetailsTab); |