blob: 506bb6e615252182db086c3b35cf1a288b187761 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
#include "perfetto/base/export.h"
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
// Represents either the success or the failure message of a function.
// This can used as the return type of functions which would usually return an
// bool for success or int for errno but also wants to add some string context
// (ususally for logging).
// Similar to absl::Status, an optional "payload" can also be included with more
// context about the error. This allows passing additional metadata about the
// error (e.g. location of errors, potential mitigations etc).
Status() : ok_(true) {}
explicit Status(std::string msg) : ok_(false), message_(std::move(msg)) {
// Copy operations.
Status(const Status&) = default;
Status& operator=(const Status&) = default;
// Move operations. The moved-from state is valid but unspecified.
Status(Status&&) noexcept = default;
Status& operator=(Status&&) = default;
bool ok() const { return ok_; }
// When ok() is false this returns the error message. Returns the empty string
// otherwise.
const std::string& message() const { return message_; }
const char* c_message() const { return message_.c_str(); }
// Payload Management APIs
// Payloads can be attached to error statuses to provide additional context.
// Payloads are (key, value) pairs, where the key is a string acting as a
// unique "type URL" and the value is an opaque string. The "type URL" should
// be unique, follow the format of a URL and, ideally, documentation on how to
// interpret its associated data should be available.
// To attach a payload to a status object, call `Status::SetPayload()`.
// Similarly, to extract the payload from a status, call
// `Status::GetPayload()`.
// Note: the payload APIs are only meaningful to call when the status is an
// error. Otherwise, all methods are noops.
// Gets the payload for the given |type_url| if one exists.
// Will always return std::nullopt if |ok()|.
std::optional<std::string_view> GetPayload(std::string_view type_url) const;
// Sets the payload for the given key. The key should
// Will always do nothing if |ok()|.
void SetPayload(std::string_view type_url, std::string value);
// Erases the payload for the given string and returns true if the payload
// existed and was erased.
// Will always do nothing if |ok()|.
bool ErasePayload(std::string_view type_url);
struct Payload {
std::string type_url;
std::string payload;
bool ok_ = false;
std::string message_;
std::vector<Payload> payloads_;
// Returns a status object which represents the Ok status.
inline Status OkStatus() {
return Status();
PERFETTO_PRINTF_FORMAT(1, 2) Status ErrStatus(const char* format, ...);
} // namespace base
} // namespace perfetto