blob: 1ebdf38b2f332a01f7496d7c0e382212e8262ba6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/flat_set.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/scoped_file.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/weak_ptr.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/basic_types.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/trace_writer.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/probes_data_source.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ProcessTree;
class ProcessStats;
class ProcessStats_Process;
} // namespace pbzero
} // namespace protos
class ProcessStatsDataSource : public ProbesDataSource {
static const ProbesDataSource::Descriptor descriptor;
std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> writer,
const DataSourceConfig&);
~ProcessStatsDataSource() override;
base::WeakPtr<ProcessStatsDataSource> GetWeakPtr() const;
void WriteAllProcesses();
void OnPids(const base::FlatSet<int32_t>& pids);
void OnRenamePids(const base::FlatSet<int32_t>& pids);
void OnFds(const base::FlatSet<std::pair<pid_t, uint64_t>>& fds);
// ProbesDataSource implementation.
void Start() override;
void Flush(FlushRequestID, std::function<void()> callback) override;
void ClearIncrementalState() override;
bool on_demand_dumps_enabled() const { return enable_on_demand_dumps_; }
// Virtual for testing.
virtual const char* GetProcMountpoint();
virtual base::ScopedDir OpenProcDir();
virtual std::string ReadProcPidFile(int32_t pid, const std::string& file);
struct CachedProcessStats {
uint32_t vm_size_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t vm_rss_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t rss_anon_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t rss_file_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t rss_shmem_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t vm_swap_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t vm_locked_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t vm_hvm_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
int32_t oom_score_adj = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
uint32_t smr_rss_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t smr_pss_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t smr_pss_anon_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t smr_pss_file_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t smr_pss_shmem_kb = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
// file descriptors
base::FlatSet<uint64_t> seen_fds;
// Common functions.
ProcessStatsDataSource(const ProcessStatsDataSource&) = delete;
ProcessStatsDataSource& operator=(const ProcessStatsDataSource&) = delete;
void StartNewPacketIfNeeded();
void FinalizeCurPacket();
protos::pbzero::ProcessTree* GetOrCreatePsTree();
protos::pbzero::ProcessStats* GetOrCreateStats();
protos::pbzero::ProcessStats_Process* GetOrCreateStatsProcess(int32_t pid);
// Functions for snapshotting process/thread long-term info and relationships.
bool WriteProcess(int32_t pid, const std::string& proc_status);
void WriteThread(int32_t tid, int32_t tgid);
void WriteDetailedThread(int32_t tid,
int32_t tgid,
const std::string& proc_status);
void WriteProcessOrThread(int32_t pid);
// Functions for periodically sampling process stats/counters.
static void Tick(base::WeakPtr<ProcessStatsDataSource>);
void WriteAllProcessStats();
bool WriteMemCounters(int32_t pid, const std::string& proc_status);
void WriteFds(int32_t pid);
void WriteSingleFd(int32_t pid, uint64_t fd);
bool ShouldWriteThreadStats(int32_t pid);
void WriteThreadStats(int32_t pid, int32_t tid);
// Scans /proc/pid/status and writes the ProcessTree packet for input pids.
void WriteProcessTree(const base::FlatSet<int32_t>&);
// Read and "latch" the current procfs scan-start timestamp, which
// we reset only in FinalizeCurPacket.
uint64_t CacheProcFsScanStartTimestamp();
// Common fields used for both process/tree relationships and stats/counters.
base::TaskRunner* const task_runner_;
std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> writer_;
TraceWriter::TracePacketHandle cur_packet_;
// Cached before-scan timestamp; zero means cached time is absent.
// By the time we create the trace packet into which we dump procfs
// scan results, we've already read at least one bit of data from
// procfs, and by that point, it's too late to snap a timestamp from
// before we started looking at procfs at all, which is what trace
// analysis wants. To solve this problem, we record the scan-start
// timestamp here when we first open something in procfs and use
// that time when we create the packet.
// We reset this field after each FinalizeCurPacket().
uint64_t cur_procfs_scan_start_timestamp_ = 0;
// Fields for keeping track of the state of process/tree relationships.
protos::pbzero::ProcessTree* cur_ps_tree_ = nullptr;
bool record_thread_names_ = false;
bool enable_on_demand_dumps_ = true;
bool dump_all_procs_on_start_ = false;
bool resolve_process_fds_ = false;
bool scan_smaps_rollup_ = false;
// This set contains PIDs as per the Linux kernel notion of a PID (which is
// really a TID). In practice this set will contain all TIDs for all processes
// seen, not just the main thread id (aka thread group ID).
struct SeenPid {
int32_t pid;
int32_t tgid;
inline SeenPid(int32_t _pid, int32_t _tgid = 0) : pid(_pid), tgid(_tgid) {}
// TODO(rsavitski): add comparator support to FlatSet
inline bool operator==(const SeenPid& other) const {
return pid ==;
inline bool operator<(const SeenPid& other) const {
return pid <;
base::FlatSet<SeenPid> seen_pids_;
// Fields for keeping track of the periodic stats/counters.
uint32_t poll_period_ms_ = 0;
uint64_t cache_ticks_ = 0;
protos::pbzero::ProcessStats* cur_ps_stats_ = nullptr;
protos::pbzero::ProcessStats_Process* cur_ps_stats_process_ = nullptr;
std::vector<bool> skip_stats_for_pids_;
// Cached process stats per process. Cleared every |cache_ttl_ticks_| *
// |poll_period_ms_| ms.
uint32_t process_stats_cache_ttl_ticks_ = 0;
std::unordered_map<int32_t, CachedProcessStats> process_stats_cache_;
// If true, the next trace packet will have the |incremental_state_cleared|
// flag set. Set initially and when handling a ClearIncrementalState call.
bool did_clear_incremental_state_ = true;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProcessStatsDataSource> weak_factory_; // Keep last.
} // namespace perfetto